import {DataRowModel} from 'app/client/models/DataRowModel'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import {KoSaveableObservable} from 'app/client/models/modelUtil'; import {Style} from 'app/client/models/Styles'; import {cssLabel, cssRow} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanelStyles'; import {testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {ChoiceListEntry} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceListEntry'; import {choiceToken, DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR, DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceToken'; import {NTextBox} from 'app/client/widgets/NTextBox'; import {Computed, dom, styled} from 'grainjs'; export type IChoiceOptions = Style export type ChoiceOptions = Record<string, IChoiceOptions | undefined>; export type ChoiceOptionsByName = Map<string, IChoiceOptions | undefined>; export function getRenderFillColor(choiceOptions?: IChoiceOptions) { return choiceOptions?.fillColor ?? DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR; } export function getRenderTextColor(choiceOptions?: IChoiceOptions) { return choiceOptions?.textColor ?? DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR; } /** * ChoiceTextBox - A textbox for choice values. */ export class ChoiceTextBox extends NTextBox { private _choices: KoSaveableObservable<string[]>; private _choiceValues: Computed<string[]>; private _choiceValuesSet: Computed<Set<string>>; private _choiceOptions: KoSaveableObservable<ChoiceOptions | null | undefined>; private _choiceOptionsByName: Computed<ChoiceOptionsByName>; constructor(field: ViewFieldRec) { super(field); this._choices = this.options.prop('choices'); this._choiceOptions = this.options.prop('choiceOptions'); this._choiceValues = Computed.create(this, (use) => use(this._choices) || []); this._choiceValuesSet = Computed.create(this, this._choiceValues, (_use, values) => new Set(values)); this._choiceOptionsByName = Computed.create(this, (use) => toMap(use(this._choiceOptions))); } public buildDom(row: DataRowModel) { const value = row.cells[this.field.colId()]; return cssChoiceField( cssChoiceTextWrapper('justify-content', (use) => use(this.alignment) === 'right' ? 'flex-end' : use(this.alignment)), dom.domComputed((use) => { if (this.isDisposed() || use(row._isAddRow)) { return null; } const formattedValue = use(this.valueFormatter).formatAny(use(value)); if (formattedValue === '') { return null; } return choiceToken( formattedValue, { ...(use(this._choiceOptionsByName).get(formattedValue) || {}), invalid: !use(this._choiceValuesSet).has(formattedValue), }, dom.cls(cssChoiceText.className), testId('choice-token') ); }), ), ); } public buildConfigDom() { const disabled = Computed.create(null, use => use(this.field.disableModify) || use(use(this.field.column).disableEditData) || use(this.field.config.options.disabled('choices')) ); const mixed = Computed.create(null, use => !use(disabled) && (use(this.field.config.options.mixed('choices')) || use(this.field.config.options.mixed('choiceOptions'))) ); return [ super.buildConfigDom(), cssLabel('CHOICES'), cssRow( dom.autoDispose(disabled), dom.autoDispose(mixed), dom.create( ChoiceListEntry, this._choiceValues, this._choiceOptionsByName,, disabled, mixed ) ) ]; } public buildTransformConfigDom() { return this.buildConfigDom(); } protected getChoiceValuesSet(): Computed<Set<string>> { return this._choiceValuesSet; } protected getChoiceOptions(): Computed<ChoiceOptionsByName> { return this._choiceOptionsByName; } protected save(choices: string[], choiceOptions: ChoiceOptionsByName, renames: Record<string, string>) { const options = { choices, choiceOptions: toObject(choiceOptions) }; return this.field.config.updateChoices(renames, options); } } // Converts a POJO containing choice options to an ES6 Map function toMap(choiceOptions?: ChoiceOptions | null): ChoiceOptionsByName { if (!choiceOptions) { return new Map(); } return new Map(Object.entries(choiceOptions)); } // Converts an ES6 Map containing choice options to a POJO function toObject(choiceOptions: ChoiceOptionsByName): ChoiceOptions { const object: ChoiceOptions = {}; for (const [choice, options] of choiceOptions.entries()) { object[choice] = options; } return object; } const cssChoiceField = styled('div.field_clip', ` padding: 0 3px; `); const cssChoiceTextWrapper = styled('div', ` display: flex; width: 100%; min-width: 0px; overflow: hidden; `); const cssChoiceText = styled('div', ` margin: 2px; height: min-content; line-height: 16px; `);