import BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView'; import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {Cursor} from 'app/client/components/Cursor'; import * as components from 'app/client/components/Forms/elements'; import {NewBox} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Menu'; import {BoxModel, LayoutModel, parseBox, Place} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model'; import * as style from 'app/client/components/Forms/styles'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {copyToClipboard} from 'app/client/lib/clipboardUtils'; import {Disposable} from 'app/client/lib/dispose'; import {AsyncComputed, makeTestId, stopEvent} from 'app/client/lib/domUtils'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {localStorageBoolObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs'; import DataTableModel from 'app/client/models/DataTableModel'; import {ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {ShareRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ShareRec'; import {InsertColOptions} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewSectionRec'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {SortedRowSet} from 'app/client/models/rowset'; import {showTransientTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips'; import {cssButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {confirmModal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {Box, BoxType, INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT} from "app/common/Forms"; import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone'; import {Computed, dom, Holder, IDomArgs, MultiHolder, Observable} from 'grainjs'; import defaults from 'lodash/defaults'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import {v4 as uuidv4} from 'uuid'; import * as ko from 'knockout'; const t = makeT('FormView'); const testId = makeTestId('test-forms-'); export class FormView extends Disposable { public viewPane: HTMLElement; public gristDoc: GristDoc; public viewSection: ViewSectionRec; public selectedBox: Computed; public selectedColumns: ko.Computed|null; protected sortedRows: SortedRowSet; protected tableModel: DataTableModel; protected cursor: Cursor; protected menuHolder: Holder; protected bundle: (clb: () => Promise) => Promise; private _autoLayout: Computed; private _root: BoxModel; private _savedLayout: any; private _saving: boolean = false; private _url: Computed; private _copyingLink: Observable; private _pageShare: Computed; private _remoteShare: AsyncComputed<{key: string}|null>; private _published: Computed; private _showPublishedMessage: Observable; public create(gristDoc: GristDoc, viewSectionModel: ViewSectionRec) { as any, gristDoc, viewSectionModel, {'addNewRow': false}); this.menuHolder = Holder.create(this); // We will store selected box here. const selectedBox = Observable.create(this, null as BoxModel|null); // But we will guard it with a computed, so that if box is disposed we will clear it. this.selectedBox = Computed.create(this, use => use(selectedBox)); // Prepare scope for the method calls. const holder = Holder.create(this); this.selectedBox.onWrite((box) => { // Create new scope and dispose the previous one (using holder). const scope = MultiHolder.create(holder); if (!box) { selectedBox.set(null); return; } if (box.isDisposed()) { throw new Error('Box is disposed'); } selectedBox.set(box); // Now subscribe to the new box, if it is disposed, remove it from the selected box. // Note that the dispose listener itself is disposed when the box is switched as we don't // care anymore for this event if the box is switched. scope.autoDispose(box.onDispose(() => { if (selectedBox.get() === box) { selectedBox.set(null); } })); }); this.bundle = (clb) => this.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions('Saving form layout', clb, {nestInActiveBundle: true}); this.selectedBox.addListener((v) => { if (!v) { return; } const colRef = Number(v.prop('leaf').get()); if (!colRef || typeof colRef !== 'number') { return; } const fieldIndex = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().findIndex(f => f.getRowId() === colRef); if (fieldIndex === -1) { return; } this.cursor.setCursorPos({fieldIndex}); }); this.selectedColumns = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => { const result = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().filter((field, index) => { // During column removal or restoring (with undo), some columns fields // might be disposed. if (field.isDisposed() || field.column().isDisposed()) { return false; } return this.cursor.currentPosition().fieldIndex === index; }); return result; })); // Wire up selected fields to the cursor. this.autoDispose(this.selectedColumns.subscribe((columns) => { this.viewSection.selectedFields(columns); })); this.viewSection.selectedFields(this.selectedColumns.peek()); this._autoLayout = Computed.create(this, use => { // If the layout is already there, don't do anything. const existing = use(this.viewSection.layoutSpecObj); if (!existing || ! { const fields = use(use(this.viewSection.viewFields).getObservable()); return this._formTemplate(fields); } return existing; }); this._root = this.autoDispose(new LayoutModel(this._autoLayout.get(), null, async (clb?: () => Promise) => { await this.bundle(async () => { // If the box is autogenerated we need to save it first. if (!this.viewSection.layoutSpecObj.peek()?.id) { await; } if (clb) { await clb(); } await; }); }, this)); this._autoLayout.addListener((v) => { if (this._saving) { console.warn('Layout changed while saving'); return; } // When the layout has changed, we will update the root, but only when it is not the same // as the one we just saved. if (isEqual(v, this._savedLayout)) { return; } if (this._savedLayout) { this._savedLayout = v; } this._root.update(v); }); const keyboardActions = { copy: () => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } // Add this box as a json to clipboard. const json = selected.toJSON(); navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify({ ...json, id: uuidv4(), })).catch(reportError); }, cut: () => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } selected.cutSelf().catch(reportError); }, paste: () => { const doPast = async () => { const boxInClipboard = parseBox(await navigator.clipboard.readText()); if (!boxInClipboard) { return; } if (!this.selectedBox.get()) { this.selectedBox.set(this._root.insert(boxInClipboard, 0)); } else { this.selectedBox.set(this.selectedBox.get()!.insertBefore(boxInClipboard)); } // Remove the original box from the clipboard. const cut = this._root.find(; cut?.removeSelf(); await; await navigator.clipboard.writeText(''); }; doPast().catch(reportError); }, nextField: () => { const current = this.selectedBox.get(); const all = [...this._root.traverse()]; if (!all.length) { return; } if (!current) { this.selectedBox.set(all[0]); } else { const next = all[all.indexOf(current) + 1]; if (next) { this.selectedBox.set(next); } else { this.selectedBox.set(all[0]); } } }, prevField: () => { const current = this.selectedBox.get(); const all = [...this._root.traverse()]; if (!all.length) { return; } if (!current) { this.selectedBox.set(all[all.length - 1]); } else { const next = all[all.indexOf(current) - 1]; if (next) { this.selectedBox.set(next); } else { this.selectedBox.set(all[all.length - 1]); } } }, lastField: () => { const all = [...this._root.traverse()]; if (!all.length) { return; } this.selectedBox.set(all[all.length - 1]); }, firstField: () => { const all = [...this._root.traverse()]; if (!all.length) { return; } this.selectedBox.set(all[0]); }, edit: () => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } (selected as any)?.edit?.set(true); // TODO: hacky way }, clearValues: () => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } keyboardActions.nextField(); this.bundle(async () => { await selected.deleteSelf(); }).catch(reportError); }, hideFields: (colId: [string]) => { // Get the ref from colId. const existing: Array<[number, string]> = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().map(f => [, f.column().colId()]); const ref = existing.filter(([_, c]) => colId.includes(c)).map(([r, _]) => r); if (!ref.length) { return; } const box = Array.from(this._root.filter(b => ref.includes(b.prop('leaf')?.get()))); box.forEach(b => b.removeSelf()); () => { await this.viewSection.removeField(ref); }).catch(reportError); }, insertFieldBefore: (what: NewBox) => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } if ('add' in what || 'show' in what) { this.addNewQuestion(selected.placeBeforeMe(), what).catch(reportError); } else { selected.insertBefore(components.defaultElement(what.structure)); } }, insertField: (what: NewBox) => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } const place = selected.placeAfterListChild(); if ('add' in what || 'show' in what) { this.addNewQuestion(place, what).catch(reportError); } else { place(components.defaultElement(what.structure));; } }, insertFieldAfter: (what: NewBox) => { const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (!selected) { return; } if ('add' in what || 'show' in what) { this.addNewQuestion(selected.placeAfterMe(), what).catch(reportError); } else { selected.insertAfter(components.defaultElement(what.structure)); } }, showColumns: (colIds: string[]) => { // Sanity check that type is correct. if (!colIds.every(c => typeof c === 'string')) { throw new Error('Invalid column id'); } () => { const boxes: Box[] = []; for (const colId of colIds) { const fieldRef = await this.viewSection.showColumn(colId); const field = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().find(f => f.getRowId() === fieldRef); if (!field) { continue; } const box = { leaf: fieldRef, type: 'Field' as BoxType, }; boxes.push(box); } // Add to selected or last section, or root. const selected = this.selectedBox.get(); if (selected instanceof components.SectionModel) { boxes.forEach(b => selected.append(b)); } else { const topLevel = => b instanceof components.SectionModel); if (topLevel) { boxes.forEach(b => topLevel.append(b)); } else { boxes.forEach(b => this._root.append(b)); } } }).catch(reportError); }, }; this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup({ ...keyboardActions, cursorDown: keyboardActions.nextField, cursorUp: keyboardActions.prevField, cursorLeft: keyboardActions.prevField, cursorRight: keyboardActions.nextField, shiftDown: keyboardActions.lastField, shiftUp: keyboardActions.firstField, editField: keyboardActions.edit, deleteFields: keyboardActions.clearValues, hideFields: keyboardActions.hideFields, }, this, this.viewSection.hasFocus)); this._url = Computed.create(this, use => { const doc = use(this.gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDoc); if (!doc) { return ''; } const url = urlState().makeUrl({ api: true, doc:, form: { vsId: use(, }, }); return url; }); this._copyingLink = Observable.create(this, false); this._pageShare = Computed.create(this, use => { const page = use(use(this.viewSection.view).page); if (!page) { return null; } return use(page.share); }); this._remoteShare = AsyncComputed.create(this, async (use) => { const share = use(this._pageShare); if (!share) { return null; } try { const remoteShare = await this.gristDoc.docComm.getShare(use(share.linkId)); return remoteShare ?? null; } catch(ex) { // TODO: for now ignore the error, but the UI should be updated to not show editor // for non owners. if (ex.code === 'AUTH_NO_OWNER') { return null; } throw ex; } }); this._published = Computed.create(this, use => { const pageShare = use(this._pageShare); const remoteShare = use(this._remoteShare) || use(this._remoteShare.dirty); const validShare = pageShare && remoteShare; if (!validShare) { return false; } return use(pageShare.optionsObj.prop('publish')) && use(this.viewSection.shareOptionsObj.prop('publish')); }); const userId = || 0; this._showPublishedMessage = this.autoDispose(localStorageBoolObs( `u:${userId};d:${this.gristDoc.docId()};vs:${};formShowPublishedMessage`, true )); // Last line, build the dom. this.viewPane = this.autoDispose(this.buildDom()); } public insertColumn(colId?: string | null, options?: InsertColOptions) { return this.viewSection.insertColumn(colId, {...options, nestInActiveBundle: true}); } public showColumn(colRef: number|string, index?: number) { return this.viewSection.showColumn(colRef, index); } public buildDom() { return style.cssFormView( testId('editor'), style.cssFormEditBody( style.cssFormContainer( dom.forEach(this._root.children, (child) => { if (!child) { return dom('div', 'Empty node'); } const element = child.render(); if (!(element instanceof Node)) { throw new Error('Element is not an HTMLElement'); } return element; }), this._buildPublisher(), ), ), dom.on('click', () => this.selectedBox.set(null)) ); } public buildOverlay(...args: IDomArgs) { return style.cssSelectedOverlay( ...args, ); } public async addNewQuestion(insert: Place, action: {add: string}|{show: string}) { await this.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions(`Saving form layout`, async () => { // First save the layout, so that we don't have autogenerated layout. await; // Now that the layout is saved, we won't be bothered with autogenerated layout, // and we can safely insert to column. let fieldRef = 0; if ('show' in action) { fieldRef = await this.showColumn(; } else { const result = await this.insertColumn(null, { colInfo: { type: action.add, } }); fieldRef = result.fieldRef; } // And add it into the layout. this.selectedBox.set(insert({ leaf: fieldRef, type: 'Field' })); await; }, {nestInActiveBundle: true}); } public async save() { try { this._saving = true; const newVersion = {...this._root.toJSON()}; // If nothing has changed, don't bother. if (isEqual(newVersion, this._savedLayout)) { return; } this._savedLayout = newVersion; await this.viewSection.layoutSpecObj.setAndSave(newVersion); } finally { this._saving = false; } } private async _handleClickPublish() { if (this.gristDoc.appModel.dismissedPopups.get().includes('publishForm')) { await this._publishForm(); } else { confirmModal(t('Publish your form?'), t('Publish'), async (dontShowAgain) => { await this._publishForm(); if (dontShowAgain) { this.gristDoc.appModel.dismissedPopup('publishForm').set(true); } }, { explanation: ( dom('div', style.cssParagraph( t( 'Publishing your form will generate a share link. Anyone with the link can ' + 'see the empty form and submit a response.' ), ), style.cssParagraph( t( 'Users are limited to submitting ' + 'entries (records in your table) and reading pre-set values in designated ' + 'fields, such as reference and choice columns.' ), ), ) ), hideDontShowAgain: false, }, ); } } private async _publishForm() { const page = this.viewSection.view().page(); if (!page) { throw new Error('Unable to publish form: undefined page'); } let validShare = page.shareRef() !== 0; // If page is shared, make sure home server is aware of it. if (validShare) { try { const pageShare = page.share(); const serverShare = await this.gristDoc.docComm.getShare(pageShare.linkId()); validShare = !!serverShare; } catch(ex) { // TODO: for now ignore the error, but the UI should be updated to not show editor if (ex.code === 'AUTH_NO_OWNER') { return; } throw ex; } } await this.gristDoc.docModel.docData.bundleActions('Publish form', async () => { if (!validShare) { const shareRef = await this.gristDoc.docModel.docData.sendAction([ 'AddRecord', '_grist_Shares', null, { linkId: uuidv4(), options: JSON.stringify({ publish: true, }), } ]); await this.gristDoc.docModel.docData.sendAction(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Pages',, {shareRef}]); } else { const share = page.share(); share.optionsObj.update({publish: true}); await; } await; this.viewSection.shareOptionsObj.update({ form: true, publish: true, }); await; }); } private async _handleClickUnpublish() { if (this.gristDoc.appModel.dismissedPopups.get().includes('unpublishForm')) { await this._unpublishForm(); } else { confirmModal(t('Unpublish your form?'), t('Unpublish'), async (dontShowAgain) => { await this._unpublishForm(); if (dontShowAgain) { this.gristDoc.appModel.dismissedPopup('unpublishForm').set(true); } }, { explanation: ( dom('div', style.cssParagraph( t( 'Unpublishing the form will disable the share link so that users accessing ' + 'your form via that link will see an error.' ), ), ) ), hideDontShowAgain: false, }, ); } } private async _unpublishForm() { await this.gristDoc.docModel.docData.bundleActions('Unpublish form', async () => { this.viewSection.shareOptionsObj.update({ publish: false, }); await; const view = this.viewSection.view(); if (view.viewSections().peek().every(vs => !vs.shareOptionsObj.prop('publish')())) { const share = this._pageShare.get(); if (!share) { return; } share.optionsObj.update({ publish: false, }); await; } }); } private _buildPublisher() { return style.cssSwitcher( this._buildSwitcherMessage(), style.cssButtonGroup( style.cssSmallIconButton( style.cssIconButton.cls('-frameless'), icon('Revert'), testId('reset'), dom('div', 'Reset form'),'margin-right', 'auto'), // move it to the left dom.on('click', () => { this._resetForm().catch(reportError); }) ), style.cssIconLink( testId('preview'), icon('EyeShow'), dom.text('Preview'), dom.prop('href', this._url), dom.prop('target', '_blank'), dom.on('click', async (ev) => { // If this form is not yet saved, we will save it first. if (!this._savedLayout) { stopEvent(ev); await;; } }) ), style.cssIconButton( icon('FieldAttachment'), testId('link'), dom('div', 'Copy Link'), dom.prop('disabled', this._copyingLink), => this.gristDoc.appModel.isOwner() && use(this._published)), dom.on('click', async (_event, element) => { try { this._copyingLink.set(true); const share = this._pageShare.get(); if (!share) { throw new Error('Unable to copy link: form is not published'); } const remoteShare = await this.gristDoc.docComm.getShare(share.linkId()); if (!remoteShare) { throw new Error('Unable to copy link: form is not published'); } const url = urlState().makeUrl({ doc: undefined, form: { shareKey: remoteShare.key, vsId:, }, }); await copyToClipboard(url); showTransientTooltip(element, 'Link copied to clipboard', {key: 'copy-form-link'}); } catch(ex) { if (ex.code === 'AUTH_NO_OWNER') { throw new Error('Publishing form is only available to owners'); } } finally { this._copyingLink.set(false); } }), ), dom.domComputed(this._published, published => { return published ? style.cssIconButton( dom('div', 'Unpublish'),, style.cssIconButton.cls('-warning'), dom.on('click', () => this._handleClickUnpublish()), testId('unpublish'), ) : style.cssIconButton( dom('div', 'Publish'),, cssButton.cls('-primary'), dom.on('click', () => this._handleClickPublish()), testId('publish'), ); }), ), ); } private _buildSwitcherMessage() { return dom.maybe(use => use(this._published) && use(this._showPublishedMessage), () => { return style.cssSwitcherMessage( style.cssSwitcherMessageBody( t( 'Your form is published. Every change is live and visible to users ' + 'with access to the form. If you want to make changes in draft, unpublish the form.' ), ), style.cssSwitcherMessageDismissButton( icon('CrossSmall'), dom.on('click', () => { this._showPublishedMessage.set(false); }), ),, ); }); } /** * Generates a form template based on the fields in the view section. */ private _formTemplate(fields: ViewFieldRec[]) { const boxes: Box[] = => { return { type: 'Field', leaf: } as Box; }); const section = { type: 'Section', children: [ {type: 'Paragraph', text: SECTION_TITLE}, {type: 'Paragraph', text: SECTION_DESC}, ...boxes, ], }; return { type: 'Layout', children: [ {type: 'Paragraph', text: FORM_TITLE, alignment: 'center', }, {type: 'Paragraph', text: FORM_DESC, alignment: 'center', }, section, {type: 'Submit'} ] }; } private async _resetForm() { this.selectedBox.set(null); await this.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions('Reset form', async () => { // First we will remove all fields from this section, and add top 9 back. const toDelete = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().map(f => f.getRowId()); const toAdd = this.viewSection.table().columns().peek().filter(c => { // If hidden than no. if (c.isHiddenCol()) { return false; } // If formula column, no. if (c.isFormula() && c.formula()) { return false; } // Attachments are currently unsupported in forms. if (c.pureType() === 'Attachments') { return false; } return true; }); toAdd.sort((a, b) => a.parentPos() - b.parentPos()); const colRef = toAdd.slice(0, INITIAL_FIELDS_COUNT).map(c =>; const parentId = =>; const parentPos =, i) => i + 1); const ids = => null); await this.gristDoc.docData.sendActions([ ['BulkRemoveRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field', toDelete], ['BulkAddRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field', ids, { colRef, parentId, parentPos, }], ]); const fields = this.viewSection.viewFields().all().slice(0, 9); await this.viewSection.layoutSpecObj.setAndSave(this._formTemplate(fields)); }); } } // Getting an ES6 class to work with old-style multiple base classes takes a little hacking. Credits: ./ChartView.ts defaults(FormView.prototype, BaseView.prototype); Object.assign(FormView.prototype, BackboneEvents); // Default values when form is reset. const FORM_TITLE = "## **Form Title**"; const FORM_DESC = "Your form description goes here."; const SECTION_TITLE = '### **Header**'; const SECTION_DESC = 'Description';