import {ACLUsersPopup} from 'app/client/aclui/ACLUsers'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {getUserOrgPrefObs, markAsSeen} from 'app/client/models/UserPrefs'; import {showExampleCard} from 'app/client/ui/ExampleCard'; import {buildExamples} from 'app/client/ui/ExampleInfo'; import {createHelpTools, cssLinkText, cssMenuTrigger, cssPageEntry, cssPageEntryMain, cssPageEntrySmall, cssPageIcon, cssPageLink, cssSectionHeader, cssSpacer, cssSplitPageEntry, cssTools} from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; import {theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {confirmModal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {isOwner} from 'app/common/roles'; import {Disposable, dom, makeTestId, Observable, observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import noop from 'lodash/noop'; const testId = makeTestId('test-tools-'); const t = makeT('Tools'); export function tools(owner: Disposable, gristDoc: GristDoc, leftPanelOpen: Observable<boolean>): Element { const docPageModel = gristDoc.docPageModel; const isDocOwner = isOwner(docPageModel.currentDoc.get()); const isOverridden = Boolean(docPageModel.userOverride.get()); const canViewAccessRules = observable(false); function updateCanViewAccessRules() { canViewAccessRules.set((isDocOwner && !isOverridden) || gristDoc.docModel.rules.getNumRows() > 0); } owner.autoDispose(gristDoc.docModel.rules.tableData.tableActionEmitter.addListener(updateCanViewAccessRules)); updateCanViewAccessRules(); return cssTools( cssTools.cls('-collapsed', (use) => !use(leftPanelOpen)), cssSectionHeader(t("TOOLS")), cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(gristDoc.activeViewId) === 'acl'), cssPageEntry.cls('-disabled', (use) => !use(canViewAccessRules)), dom.domComputedOwned(canViewAccessRules, (computedOwner, _canViewAccessRules) => { const aclUsers = ACLUsersPopup.create(computedOwner, docPageModel); if (_canViewAccessRules) { aclUsers.load() // getUsersForViewAs() could fail for couple good reasons (access deny to anon user, // `document not found` when anon creates a new empty document, ...), users can have more // info by opening acl page, so let's silently fail here. .catch(noop); } return cssPageLink( cssPageIcon('EyeShow'), cssLinkText(t("Access Rules")), _canViewAccessRules ? urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'acl'}) : null, cssMenuTrigger( icon('Dots'),{ placement: 'bottom-start', parentSelectorToMark: '.' + cssPageEntry.className }), // Clicks on the menu trigger shouldn't follow the link that it's contained in. dom.on('click', (ev) => { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); }), testId('access-rules-trigger'), => use(aclUsers.isInitialized) && _canViewAccessRules), ), ); }), testId('access-rules'), ), cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(gristDoc.activeViewId) === 'data'), cssPageLink( cssPageIcon('Database'), cssLinkText(t("Raw Data")), testId('raw'), urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'data'}) ) ), cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Log'), cssLinkText(t("Document History")), testId('log'), dom.on('click', () => gristDoc.showTool('docHistory'))) ), // TODO: polish validation and add it back dom.maybe((use) => use(, () => cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Validation'), cssLinkText(t("Validate Data")), testId('validate'), dom.on('click', () => gristDoc.showTool('validations')))) ), cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(gristDoc.activeViewId) === 'code'), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Code'), cssLinkText(t("Code View")), urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'code'}) ), testId('code'), ), cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(gristDoc.activeViewId) === 'settings'), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Settings'), cssLinkText(t("Settings")), urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'settings'}) ), testId('settings'), ), cssSpacer(), // TODO make this look nice, then make it visible when the console is ready. // For now let's keep it private, so this shouldn't be uncommented. // cssPageEntry( // cssPageLink( // cssPageIcon('Code'), // cssPageIcon('FieldLink'), // cssLinkText(t("API Console")), // {href: window.origin + '/apiconsole', target: '_blank'} // ), // testId('api'), // ), dom.maybe(docPageModel.currentDoc, (doc) => { const ex = buildExamples().find(e => e.urlId === doc.urlId); if (!ex || !ex.tutorialUrl) { return null; } return cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Page'), cssLinkText(t("How-to Tutorial")), testId('tutorial'), {href: ex.tutorialUrl, target: '_blank'}, cssExampleCardOpener( icon('TypeDetails'), testId('welcome-opener'), automaticHelpTool( (info) => showExampleCard(ex, info), gristDoc, "seenExamples", ), ), ), ); }), // Show the 'Tour of this Document' button if a GristDocTour table exists. dom.maybe(use => use(gristDoc.docModel.hasDocTour) && !use(gristDoc.docModel.isTutorial), () => cssSplitPageEntry( cssPageEntryMain( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Page'), cssLinkText(t("Tour of this Document")), urlState().setLinkUrl({docTour: true}), testId('doctour'), ), ), !isDocOwner ? null : cssPageEntrySmall( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Remove'), dom.on('click', () => confirmModal(t("Delete document tour?"), t("Delete"), () => gristDoc.docData.sendAction(['RemoveTable', 'GristDocTour'])) ), testId('remove-doctour') ), ) ), ), createHelpTools(docPageModel.appModel), ); } /** * Helper for showing users some kind of help (example cards or document tours) * automatically if they haven't seen it before, or if they click * on some element to explicitly show it again. Put this in said dom element, * and it will provide the onclick handler and a handler which automatically * shows when the dom element is attached, both by calling showFunc. * * prefKey is a key for a list of identifiers saved in user preferences. * itemId should be a single identifier that fits in that list. * If itemId is already present then the help will not be shown automatically, * otherwise it will be added to the list and saved under prefKey * when info.markAsSeen() is called. */ function automaticHelpTool( showFunc: (info: AutomaticHelpToolInfo) => void, gristDoc: GristDoc, prefKey: 'seenExamples' | 'seenDocTours', itemId: number | string ) { function show(elem: HTMLElement, reopen: boolean) { const prefObs: Observable<typeof itemId[] | undefined> = getUserOrgPrefObs(gristDoc.userOrgPrefs, prefKey); const seenIds = prefObs.get() || []; // If this help was previously dismissed, don't show it again, unless the user is reopening it. if (!reopen && seenIds.includes(itemId)) { return; } showFunc({elem, reopen, markAsSeen: () => markAsSeen(prefObs, itemId)}); } return [ dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => { ev.preventDefault(); show(elem as HTMLElement, true); }), (elem: HTMLElement) => { // Once the trigger element is attached to DOM, show the help setTimeout(() => show(elem, false), 0); } ]; } /** Values which may be useful when showing an automatic help tool */ export interface AutomaticHelpToolInfo { // Element where automaticHelpTool is attached, typically a button, // which shows the help when clicked elem: HTMLElement; // true if the help was shown explicitly by clicking elem, // false if it's being shown automatically to new users reopen: boolean; // Call this when the user explicitly dismisses the help to // remember this in user preferences and not show it automatically on next load markAsSeen: () => void; } const cssExampleCardOpener = styled('div', ` cursor: pointer; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: auto; border-radius: 16px; border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; padding: 4px; line-height: 0px; --icon-color: ${theme.iconButtonFg}; background-color: ${theme.iconButtonPrimaryBg}; &:hover { background-color: ${theme.iconButtonPrimaryHoverBg}; } .${cssTools.className}-collapsed & { display: none; } `);