import mapValues = require('lodash/mapValues'); import { assert, driver, Key } from 'mocha-webdriver'; import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils'; import { server, setupTestSuite } from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; describe("SelectBy", function() { this.timeout(20000); setupTestSuite(); let doc: any; function formatOption(main: string, srcColumn?: string, tgtColumn?: string) { let ret = main; ret += srcColumn ? ' \u2022 ' + srcColumn : ''; ret += tgtColumn ? ' \u2192 ' + tgtColumn : ''; return ret; } it("should offer correct options", async () => { await server.simulateLogin("Chimpy", "", "nasa"); doc = await gu.importFixturesDoc('chimpy', 'nasa', 'Horizon', 'selectBy.grist', false); // check tables const api = gu.createHomeApi('Chimpy', 'nasa'); assert.deepInclude(await api.getTable(, '_grist_Tables'), { id: [1, 2, 3, 4], tableId: ['Table1', 'Table2', 'Table3', 'Table3_summary_A'], summarySourceTable: [0, 0, 0, 3], }); // check visible columns (no manualSort columns) const allColumns = await api.getTable(, '_grist_Tables_column'); const visibleColumns = mapValues(allColumns, (vals) => vals.filter((v, i) => allColumns.colId[i] !== 'manualSort')); assert.deepInclude(visibleColumns, { id: [2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], colId: ['table2_ref', 'table3_ref', 'table3_ref', 'A', 'A', 'table3_ref_2', 'A', 'group', 'count'], parentId: [1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4], type: ['Ref:Table2', 'Ref:Table3', 'Ref:Table3', 'Numeric', 'Text', 'Ref:Table3', 'Numeric', 'RefList:Table3', 'Int'], label: ['table2_ref', 'table3_ref', 'table3_ref', 'A', 'A', 'table3_ref_2', 'A', 'group', 'count'], }); // open document await driver.get(`${server.getHost()}/o/nasa/doc/${}`); // create a new page with table1 and table2 as 2 tables await gu.addNewPage(/Table/, /Table1/); await gu.addNewSection(/Table/, /Table2/); // beginning adding a new widget to page await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).doClick(); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-widget-to-page', 2000).doClick(); // select /Table/ /Table1/ and check options of `SELECT BY` drop down await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table1/).doClick(); await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-type', /Table/).doClick(); await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').doClick(); assert.deepEqual( // let's ignore the first option which is an internal added by grainjs await driver.findAll('.test-wselect-selectby option:not(:first-of-type)', (e) => e.getText()), [ // note: this is a very contrived example to test various possible links. Real world use // cases are expected to be simpler, resulting in simpler list of options that are easier to // navigate for the user than this one (in particular the `->` separator might rarely show // up). formatOption('Select Widget'), formatOption("TABLE1"), formatOption("TABLE1", 'table2_ref'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table3_ref', 'table3_ref'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table3_ref', 'table3_ref_2'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table3_ref_2', 'table3_ref'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table3_ref_2', 'table3_ref_2'), formatOption('TABLE2'), formatOption('TABLE2', 'table3_ref', 'table3_ref'), formatOption('TABLE2', 'table3_ref', 'table3_ref_2'), ] ); // select Table2 and check options of `SELECT BY` drop down await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table2/).doClick(); await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').doClick(); assert.deepEqual( await driver.findAll('.test-wselect-selectby option:not(:first-of-type)', (e) => e.getText()), [ formatOption('Select Widget'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table2_ref'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table3_ref'), formatOption('TABLE1', 'table3_ref_2'), formatOption('TABLE2'), formatOption('TABLE2', 'table3_ref') ] ); // Selecting "New Table" should show no options. await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /New Table/).doClick(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').isPresent(), false); assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-wselect-selectby option'), 0); // Selecting a regular table should show options again. await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table2/).doClick(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').isPresent(), true); assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-wselect-selectby option'), 7); // Create a page with with charts and custom widget and then check that no linking is offered await gu.addNewPage(/Chart/, /Table1/); await gu.addNewSection(/Custom/, /Table2/, {customWidget: /Custom URL/}); // open add widget to page await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).doClick(); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-widget-to-page', 2000).doClick(); // select /Table/ /Table1/ and check no options are available await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table1/).doClick(); await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-type', /Table/).doClick(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').isPresent(), false); // select Table2 and check no options are available await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table2/).doClick(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').isPresent(), false); }); it('should handle summary table correctly', async () => { // Notice that table of view 4 is a summary of Table3 const api = gu.createHomeApi('Chimpy', 'nasa'); assert.deepInclude((await api.getTable(, '_grist_Tables')), { id: [1, 2, 3, 4], tableId: ['Table1', 'Table2', 'Table3', 'Table3_summary_A'], summarySourceTable: [0, 0, 0, 3], }); // open Summary page await driver.get(`${server.getHost()}/o/nasa/doc/${}/p/4`); // add new widget to page await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).doClick(); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-widget-to-page', 2000).doClick(); // select Table3 and summarize await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table3/).find('.test-wselect-pivot').doClick(); // check selectBy options assert.deepEqual( await driver.findAll('.test-wselect-selectby option:not(:first-of-type)', (e) => e.getText()), [], ); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it('should show nav buttons for card view linked to its summary', async function() { // Still on the page with summary of Table3, add a new Card widget linked to the summary await gu.addNewSection(/Card$/, /Table3/, {selectBy: /TABLE3.*by A/}); // Check that we have a card view. await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE3 [by A]', rowNum: 1, col: 'A'}).click(); const section = await gu.getSection('TABLE3 Card'); assert.equal(await gu.getDetailCell({section, rowNum: 1, col: 'A'}).getText(), '1'); // Check there are nav buttons in the card view. assert.equal(await section.find('.detail-button.detail-left').isPresent(), true); assert.equal(await section.find('.detail-button.detail-right').isPresent(), true); assert.equal(await section.find('.grist-single-record__menu__count').getText(), '1 OF 1'); // Now add a record to the source table using the card view. await section.find('.detail-button.detail-add-btn').click(); assert.equal(await gu.getDetailCell({section, rowNum: 1, col: 'A'}).getText(), ''); await gu.getDetailCell({section, rowNum: 1, col: 'A'}).click(); await gu.sendKeys('1', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that this group now has 2 records. assert.equal(await section.find('.grist-single-record__menu__count').getText(), '2 OF 2'); // There is another group that still has one record. await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE3 [by A]', rowNum: 2, col: 'A'}).click(); assert.equal(await section.find('.grist-single-record__menu__count').getText(), '1 OF 1'); }); it('should save link correctly', async () => { // create new page with table2 as a table await gu.addNewPage(/Table/, /Table2/); // begin adding table1 as a table to page await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).doClick(); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-widget-to-page', 2000).doClick(); await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-table', /Table1/).doClick(); // select link await driver.find('.test-wselect-selectby').doClick(); await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-selectby option', /Table2/i).doClick(); // click `add to page` btn await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').doClick(); await gu.waitForServer(); // check new section added and check content assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells(1, [1, 2]), ['a', 'b']); // select other row in selector section await gu.getSection('Table2').doClick(); await gu.getCell({col: 0, rowNum: 2}).doClick(); // check that linked section was filterd await gu.getSection('Table1').doClick(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells(1, [1, 2]), ['c', 'd']); // check that an single undo remove the section await gu.undo(); assert.equal(await gu.getSection('Table1').isPresent(), false); // check that a single redo add and link the section await gu.redo(); await gu.getSection('Table1').doClick(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells(1, [1, 2]), ['a', 'b']); }); });