const ko = require('knockout'); const dispose = require('../lib/dispose'); const dom = require('../lib/dom'); const kd = require('../lib/koDom'); const kf = require('../lib/koForm'); const koArray = require('../lib/koArray'); const multiselect = require('../lib/multiselect'); const modelUtil = require('../models/modelUtil'); const gutil = require('app/common/gutil'); /** * Maintains the part of side-pane configuration responsible for summary tables. In particular, it * allows the user to see and change group-by columns. * @param {GristDoc} options.gristDoc: the GristDoc instance. * @param {observable} options.section: the observable for the ViewSection RowModel being configured. */ function SummaryConfig(options) { this.gristDoc = options.gristDoc; this.section = options.section; // Whether or not this is a summary section at all. this.isSummarySection = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => Boolean(this.section().table().summarySourceTable()))); // Observable for the RowModel for the source table for this summary table. this._summarySourceTable = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => this.section().table().summarySource() )); // Observable for the array of colRefs for the source group-by columns. It may be saved to sync // to the server, or reverted. this._groupByCols = this.autoDispose(modelUtil.customComputed({ read: () => ( this.section().viewFields().all().map(f => f.column().summarySourceCol()) .concat( // If there are hidden group-by columns, list those as well. this.section().hiddenColumns().map(col => col.summarySourceCol()) ) .filter(scol => scol) ), save: colRefs => this.gristDoc.docData.sendAction( ["UpdateSummaryViewSection", this.section().getRowId(), colRefs] ) })); // Observable for the same set of colRefs as in this._groupByCols, for faster lookups. this._groupBySourceColSet = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => new Set(this._groupByCols()))); // KoArray for the RowModels for the source group-by columns. this._groupByItems = this.autoDispose(koArray.syncedKoArray(this._groupByCols, colRef => this.gristDoc.docModel.columns.getRowModel(colRef))); } dispose.makeDisposable(SummaryConfig); /** * Helper that implements the auto-complete search of columns available for group-by. * Calls response() with a list of {label, value} objects, where 'label' is the colId, and 'value' * is the rowId. */ SummaryConfig.prototype._groupBySearch = function(request, response) { response( this._summarySourceTable().columns().peek().filter(c => { return gutil.startsWith(c.label().toLowerCase(), request.term.toLowerCase()) && !this._groupBySourceColSet().has(c.getRowId()) && !c.isHiddenCol(); }) .map(c => ({label: c.label(), value: c.getRowId()})) ); }; /** * Saves this summary table as an independent table. */ SummaryConfig.prototype._saveAsTable = function() { return this.gristDoc.docData.sendAction( ["DetachSummaryViewSection", this.section().getRowId()]); }; /** * Build the DOM for summary table config. */ SummaryConfig.prototype.buildSummaryConfigDom = function() { return dom('div', dom.testId('SummaryConfig'), dom('div.multiselect-hint', 'Select columns to group by.'), multiselect(this._groupBySearch.bind(this), this._groupByItems, col => { return dom('div.multiselect-label', kd.text(col.label)); }, { // Shows up when no group-by columns are selected hint: "Showing totals.", add: item => this._groupByCols.modifyAssign(colRefs => colRefs.push(item.value)), remove: col => this._groupByCols.modifyAssign(colRefs => gutil.arrayRemove(colRefs, col.getRowId())), reorder: (col, nextCol) => this._groupByCols.modifyAssign(colRefs => { gutil.arrayRemove(colRefs, col.getRowId()); gutil.arrayInsertBefore(colRefs, col.getRowId(), nextCol ? nextCol.getRowId() : null); }), }), kf.row( 2, kf.buttonGroup( kf.button(() => this._groupByCols.revert(), kd.toggleClass('disabled', this._groupByCols.isSaved), 'Cancel' ), kf.button(() =>, kd.toggleClass('disabled', this._groupByCols.isSaved), 'Apply' ) ), 1, kf.buttonGroup( kf.button(() => this._saveAsTable(), { title: 'Save summary as a separate table' }, 'Detach' ) ) ) ); }; module.exports = SummaryConfig;