import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {loadUserManager} from 'app/client/lib/imports'; import {ImportSourceElement} from 'app/client/lib/ImportSourceElement'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {docUrl, urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {HomeModel} from 'app/client/models/HomeModel'; import {getWorkspaceInfo, workspaceName} from 'app/client/models/WorkspaceInfo'; import {getAdminPanelName} from 'app/client/ui/AdminPanel'; import {addNewButton, cssAddNewButton} from 'app/client/ui/AddNewButton'; import {docImport, importFromPlugin} from 'app/client/ui/HomeImports'; import { cssLinkText, cssMenuTrigger, cssPageEntry, cssPageIcon, cssPageLink, cssSpacer } from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; import {createVideoTourToolsButton} from 'app/client/ui/OpenVideoTour'; import {transientInput} from 'app/client/ui/transientInput'; import {testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {menu, menuIcon, menuItem, upgradableMenuItem, upgradeText} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {confirmModal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {commonUrls, isFeatureEnabled} from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import * as roles from 'app/common/roles'; import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils'; import {Workspace} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {computed, dom, domComputed, DomElementArg, observable, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {createHelpTools, cssLeftPanel, cssScrollPane, cssSectionHeader, cssTools} from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; const t = makeT('HomeLeftPane'); export function createHomeLeftPane(leftPanelOpen: Observable, home: HomeModel) { const creating = observable(false); const renaming = observable(null); const isAnonymous = !; const canCreate = !isAnonymous || getGristConfig().enableAnonPlayground; return cssContent( dom.autoDispose(creating), dom.autoDispose(renaming), addNewButton({ isOpen: leftPanelOpen, isDisabled: !canCreate }, canCreate ? menu(() => addMenu(home, creating), { placement: 'bottom-start', // "Add New" menu should have the same width as the "Add New" button that opens it. stretchToSelector: `.${cssAddNewButton.className}` }) : null, dom.cls('behavioral-prompt-add-new'), testId('dm-add-new'), ), cssScrollPane( cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(home.currentPage) === "all"), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Home'), cssLinkText(t("All Documents")), urlState().setLinkUrl({ws: undefined, homePage: undefined}), testId('dm-all-docs'), ), ), dom.maybe(use => !use(home.singleWorkspace), () => cssSectionHeader( t("Workspaces"), // Give it a testId, because it's a good element to simulate "click-away" in tests. testId('dm-ws-label') ), ), dom.forEach(home.workspaces, (ws) => { if (ws.isSupportWorkspace) { return null; } const info = getWorkspaceInfo(, ws); const isTrivial = computed((use) => Boolean(getWorkspaceInfo(, ws).isDefault && use(home.singleWorkspace))); // TODO: Introduce a "SwitchSelector" pattern to avoid the need for N computeds (and N // recalculations) to select one of N items. const isRenaming = computed((use) => use(renaming) === ws); return cssPageEntry( dom.autoDispose(isRenaming), dom.autoDispose(isTrivial), dom.hide(isTrivial), cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(home.currentWSId) ===, cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Folder'), cssLinkText(workspaceName(, ws)), dom.hide(isRenaming), urlState().setLinkUrl({ws:}), // Don't show menu if workspace is personal and shared by another user; we could // be a bit more nuanced here, but as of today the menu isn't particularly useful // as all the menu options are disabled. !info.self && info.owner ? null : cssMenuTrigger(icon('Dots'), menu(() => workspaceMenu(home, ws, renaming), {placement: 'bottom-start', parentSelectorToMark: '.' + cssPageEntry.className}), // Clicks on the menu trigger shouldn't follow the link that it's contained in. dom.on('click', (ev) => { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); }), testId('dm-workspace-options'), ), testId('dm-workspace'), dom.cls('test-dm-workspace-selected', (use) => use(home.currentWSId) ===, ), cssPageEntry.cls('-renaming', isRenaming), dom.maybe(isRenaming, () => cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Folder'), cssEditorInput({ initialValue: || '', save: async (val) => (val !== ? home.renameWorkspace(, val) : undefined, close: () => renaming.set(null), }, testId('dm-ws-name-editor')) ) ), ); }), dom.maybe(creating, () => cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Folder'), cssEditorInput({ initialValue: '', save: async (val) => (val !== '') ? home.createWorkspace(val) : undefined, close: () => creating.set(false), }, testId('dm-ws-name-editor')) ) )), cssTools( cssPageEntry("templates") && Boolean(getGristConfig().templateOrg)), cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(home.currentPage) === "templates"), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Board'), cssLinkText(t("Examples & Templates")), urlState().setLinkUrl({homePage: "templates"}), testId('dm-templates-page'), ), ), isAnonymous ? null : cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(home.currentPage) === "trash"), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('RemoveBig'), cssLinkText(t("Trash")), urlState().setLinkUrl({homePage: "trash"}), testId('dm-trash'), ), ), cssSpacer(), cssPageEntry('tutorials')), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Bookmark'), cssLinkText(t("Tutorial")), { href: commonUrls.basicTutorial, target: '_blank' }, testId('dm-basic-tutorial'), ), ), createVideoTourToolsButton(), ( ? cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Settings'), cssLinkText(getAdminPanelName()), urlState().setLinkUrl({adminPanel: "admin"}), testId('dm-admin-panel'), ), ) : null ), createHelpTools(, ) ) ); } export async function createDocAndOpen(home: HomeModel) { const destWS = home.newDocWorkspace.get(); if (!destWS) { return; } try { const docId = await home.createDoc("Untitled document", destWS === "unsaved" ? "unsaved" :; // Fetch doc information including urlId. // TODO: consider changing API to return same response as a GET when creating an // object, which is a semi-standard. const doc = await; await urlState().pushUrl(docUrl(doc)); } catch (err) { reportError(err); } } export async function importDocAndOpen(home: HomeModel) { const destWS = home.newDocWorkspace.get(); if (!destWS) { return; } const docId = await docImport(, destWS === "unsaved" ? "unsaved" :; if (docId) { const doc = await; await urlState().pushUrl(docUrl(doc)); } } export async function importFromPluginAndOpen(home: HomeModel, source: ImportSourceElement) { try { const destWS = home.newDocWorkspace.get(); if (!destWS) { return; } const docId = await importFromPlugin(, destWS === "unsaved" ? "unsaved" :, source); if (docId) { const doc = await; await urlState().pushUrl(docUrl(doc)); } } catch (err) { reportError(err); } } function addMenu(home: HomeModel, creating: Observable): DomElementArg[] { const org =; const orgAccess: roles.Role|null = org ? org.access : null; const needUpgrade = === 1; return [ menuItem(() => createDocAndOpen(home), menuIcon('Page'), t("Create Empty Document"), dom.cls('disabled', !home.newDocWorkspace.get()), testId("dm-new-doc") ), menuItem(() => importDocAndOpen(home), menuIcon('Import'), t("Import Document"), dom.cls('disabled', !home.newDocWorkspace.get()), testId("dm-import") ), domComputed(home.importSources, importSources => ([, i) => menuItem(() => importFromPluginAndOpen(home, source), menuIcon('Import'), source.importSource.label, dom.cls('disabled', !home.newDocWorkspace.get()), testId(`dm-import-plugin`) )) ])), // For workspaces: if ACL says we can create them, but product says we can't, // then offer an upgrade link. upgradableMenuItem(needUpgrade, () => creating.set(true), menuIcon('Folder'), t("Create Workspace"), dom.cls('disabled', (use) => !roles.canEdit(orgAccess) || !use(home.available)), testId("dm-new-workspace") ), upgradeText(needUpgrade, () =>, ]; } function workspaceMenu(home: HomeModel, ws: Workspace, renaming: Observable) { function deleteWorkspace() { confirmModal(t("Delete {{workspace}} and all included documents?", {workspace:}), t("Delete"), async () => { let all = home.workspaces.get(); const index = all.findIndex((w) => ===; const selected = home.currentWSId.get() ===; await home.deleteWorkspace(, false); // If workspace was not selected, don't do navigation. if (!selected) { return; } all = home.workspaces.get(); if (!all.length) { // There was only one workspace, navigate to all docs. await urlState().pushUrl({homePage: 'all'}); } else { // Maintain the index. const newIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, all.length - 1)); await urlState().pushUrl({ws: all[newIndex].id}); } }, {explanation: t("Workspace will be moved to Trash.")}); } async function manageWorkspaceUsers() { const api =; const user =; (await loadUserManager()).showUserManagerModal(api, { permissionData: api.getWorkspaceAccess(, activeUser: user, resourceType: 'workspace', resourceId:, resource: ws, }); } const needUpgrade = === 1; return [ upgradableMenuItem(needUpgrade, () => renaming.set(ws), t("Rename"), dom.cls('disabled', !roles.canEdit(ws.access)), testId('dm-rename-workspace')), upgradableMenuItem(needUpgrade, deleteWorkspace, t("Delete"), dom.cls('disabled', user => !roles.canEdit(ws.access)), testId('dm-delete-workspace')), // TODO: Personal plans can't currently share workspaces, but that restriction // should formally be documented and defined in `Features`, with this check updated // to look there instead. ? null : upgradableMenuItem(needUpgrade, manageWorkspaceUsers, roles.canEditAccess(ws.access) ? t("Manage Users") : t("Access Details"), testId('dm-workspace-access')), upgradeText(needUpgrade, () =>, ]; } // Below are all the styled elements. const cssContent = styled(cssLeftPanel, ` --page-icon-margin: 12px; `); export const cssEditorInput = styled(transientInput, ` height: 24px; flex: 1 1 0px; min-width: 0px; background-color: ${theme.inputBg}; margin-right: 16px; font-size: inherit; `);