import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {IUndoState} from 'app/client/components/UndoStack'; import {loadGristDoc} from 'app/client/lib/imports'; import {AppModel, getOrgNameOrGuest, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {getDoc} from 'app/client/models/gristConfigCache'; import {docUrl, urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {addNewButton, cssAddNewButton} from 'app/client/ui/AddNewButton'; import {App} from 'app/client/ui/App'; import {cssLeftPanel, cssScrollPane} from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; import {buildPagesDom} from 'app/client/ui/Pages'; import {openPageWidgetPicker} from 'app/client/ui/PageWidgetPicker'; import {tools} from 'app/client/ui/Tools'; import {bigBasicButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {menu, menuDivider, menuIcon, menuItem, menuText} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {confirmModal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {AsyncFlow, CancelledError, FlowRunner} from 'app/common/AsyncFlow'; import {delay} from 'app/common/delay'; import {OpenDocMode, UserOverride} from 'app/common/DocListAPI'; import {FilteredDocUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage'; import {IGristUrlState, parseUrlId, UrlIdParts} from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import {getReconnectTimeout} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {canEdit} from 'app/common/roles'; import {Document, NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE, Organization, UserAPI, Workspace} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {Holder, Observable, subscribe} from 'grainjs'; import {Computed, Disposable, dom, DomArg, DomElementArg} from 'grainjs'; // tslint:disable:no-console export interface DocInfo extends Document { isReadonly: boolean; isPreFork: boolean; isFork: boolean; isRecoveryMode: boolean; userOverride: UserOverride|null; isBareFork: boolean; // a document created without logging in, which is treated as a // fork without an original. idParts: UrlIdParts; openMode: OpenDocMode; } export interface DocPageModel { pageType: "doc"; appModel: AppModel; currentDoc: Observable; currentDocUsage: Observable; // This block is to satisfy previous interface, but usable as this.currentDoc.get().id, etc. currentDocId: Observable; currentWorkspace: Observable; // We may be given information about the org, because of our access to the doc, that // we can't get otherwise. currentOrg: Observable; currentOrgName: Observable; currentDocTitle: Observable; isReadonly: Observable; isPrefork: Observable; isFork: Observable; isRecoveryMode: Observable; userOverride: Observable; isBareFork: Observable; importSources: ImportSource[]; undoState: Observable; // See UndoStack for details. gristDoc: Observable; // Instance of GristDoc once it exists. createLeftPane(leftPanelOpen: Observable): DomArg; renameDoc(value: string): Promise; updateCurrentDoc(urlId: string, openMode: OpenDocMode): Promise; refreshCurrentDoc(doc: DocInfo): Promise; updateCurrentDocUsage(docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary): void; // Offer to open document in recovery mode, if user is owner, and report // the error that prompted the offer. If user is not owner, just flag that // document needs attention of an owner. offerRecovery(err: Error): void; } export interface ImportSource { label: string; action: () => void; } export class DocPageModelImpl extends Disposable implements DocPageModel { public readonly pageType = "doc"; public readonly currentDoc = Observable.create(this, null); public readonly currentDocUsage = Observable.create(this, null); public readonly currentUrlId = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.urlId : undefined); public readonly currentDocId = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? : undefined); public readonly currentWorkspace = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc && doc.workspace); public readonly currentOrg = Computed.create(this, this.currentWorkspace, (use, ws) => ws &&; public readonly currentOrgName = Computed.create(this, this.currentOrg, (use, org) => getOrgNameOrGuest(org, this.appModel.currentUser)); public readonly currentDocTitle = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? : ''); public readonly isReadonly = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.isReadonly : false); public readonly isPrefork = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.isPreFork : false); public readonly isFork = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.isFork : false); public readonly isRecoveryMode = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.isRecoveryMode : false); public readonly userOverride = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.userOverride : null); public readonly isBareFork = Computed.create(this, this.currentDoc, (use, doc) => doc ? doc.isBareFork : false); public readonly importSources: ImportSource[] = []; // Contains observables indicating whether undo/redo are disabled. See UndoStack for details. public readonly undoState: Observable = Observable.create(this, null); // Observable set to the instance of GristDoc once it's created. public readonly gristDoc = Observable.create(this, null); // Combination of arguments needed to open a doc (docOrUrlId + openMod). It's obtained from the // URL, and when it changes, we need to re-open. // If making a comparison, the id of the document we are comparing with is also included // in the openerDocKey. private _openerDocKey: string = ""; // Holds a FlowRunner for _openDoc, which is essentially a cancellable promise. It gets replaced // (with the previous promise cancelled) when _openerDocKey changes. private _openerHolder = Holder.create(this); constructor(private _appObj: App, public readonly appModel: AppModel, private _api: UserAPI = appModel.api) { super(); this.autoDispose(subscribe(urlState().state, (use, state) => { const urlId = state.doc; const urlOpenMode = state.mode; const linkParameters = state.params?.linkParameters; const docKey = this._getDocKey(state); if (docKey !== this._openerDocKey) { this._openerDocKey = docKey; this.gristDoc.set(null); this.currentDoc.set(null); this.undoState.set(null); if (!urlId) { this._openerHolder.clear(); } else { FlowRunner.create(this._openerHolder, (flow: AsyncFlow) => this._openDoc(flow, urlId, urlOpenMode, state.params?.compare, linkParameters) ) .resultPromise.catch(err => this._onOpenError(err)); } } })); } public createLeftPane(leftPanelOpen: Observable) { return cssLeftPanel( dom.maybe(this.gristDoc, (activeDoc) => [ addNewButton(leftPanelOpen, menu(() => addMenu(this.importSources, activeDoc, this.isReadonly.get()), { placement: 'bottom-start', // "Add New" menu should have the same width as the "Add New" button that opens it. stretchToSelector: `.${cssAddNewButton.className}` }), testId('dp-add-new'), dom.cls('tour-add-new'), ), cssScrollPane( dom.create(buildPagesDom, activeDoc, leftPanelOpen), dom.create(tools, activeDoc, leftPanelOpen), ) ]), ); } public async renameDoc(value: string): Promise { // The docId should never be unset when this option is available. const doc = this.currentDoc.get(); if (doc) { if (value.length > 0) { await this._api.renameDoc(, value).catch(reportError); const newDoc = await this.refreshCurrentDoc(doc); // a "slug" component of the URL may change when the document name is changed. await urlState().pushUrl({...urlState().state.get(), ...docUrl(newDoc)}, {replace: true, avoidReload: true}); } else { // This error won't be shown to user (caught by editableLabel). throw new Error(`doc name should not be empty`); } } } public async updateCurrentDoc(urlId: string, openMode: OpenDocMode) { // TODO It would be bad if a new doc gets opened while this getDoc() is pending... const newDoc = await getDoc(this._api, urlId); this.currentDoc.set(buildDocInfo(newDoc, openMode)); return newDoc; } public async refreshCurrentDoc(doc: DocInfo) { return this.updateCurrentDoc(doc.urlId ||, doc.openMode); } public updateCurrentDocUsage(docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary) { this.currentDocUsage.set(docUsage); } // Replace the URL without reloading the doc. public updateUrlNoReload(urlId: string, urlOpenMode: OpenDocMode, options: {replace: boolean}) { const state = urlState().state.get(); const nextState = {...state, doc: urlId, mode: urlOpenMode === 'default' ? undefined : urlOpenMode}; // We preemptively update _openerDocKey so that the URL update doesn't trigger a reload. this._openerDocKey = this._getDocKey(nextState); return urlState().pushUrl(nextState, {avoidReload: true, ...options}); } public offerRecovery(err: Error) { const isDenied = (err as any).code === 'ACL_DENY'; const isOwner = this.currentDoc.get()?.access === 'owners'; confirmModal( "Error accessing document", "Reload", async () => window.location.reload(true), isOwner ? `You can try reloading the document, or using recovery mode. ` + `Recovery mode opens the document to be fully accessible to owners, and ` + `inaccessible to others. It also disables formulas. ` + `[${err.message}]` : isDenied ? `Sorry, access to this document has been denied. [${err.message}]` : `Document owners can attempt to recover the document. [${err.message}]`, { hideCancel: true, extraButtons: (isOwner && !isDenied) ? bigBasicButton('Enter recovery mode', dom.on('click', async () => { await this._api.getDocAPI(this.currentDocId.get()!).recover(true); window.location.reload(true); }), testId('modal-recovery-mode')) : null, }, ); } private _onOpenError(err: Error) { if (err instanceof CancelledError) { // This means that we started loading a new doc before the previous one finished loading. console.log("DocPageModel _openDoc cancelled"); return; } // Expected errors (e.g. Access Denied) produce a separate error page. For unexpected errors, // show a modal, and include a toast for the sake of the "Report error" link. reportError(err); this.offerRecovery(err); } private async _openDoc(flow: AsyncFlow, urlId: string, urlOpenMode: OpenDocMode | undefined, comparisonUrlId: string | undefined, linkParameters: Record | undefined): Promise { console.log(`DocPageModel _openDoc starting for ${urlId} (mode ${urlOpenMode})` + (comparisonUrlId ? ` (compare ${comparisonUrlId})` : '')); const gristDocModulePromise = loadGristDoc(); const docResponse = await retryOnNetworkError(flow, getDoc.bind(null, this._api, urlId)); const doc = buildDocInfo(docResponse, urlOpenMode); flow.checkIfCancelled(); if (doc.urlId && doc.urlId !== urlId) { // Replace the URL to reflect the canonical urlId. await this.updateUrlNoReload(doc.urlId, doc.openMode, {replace: true}); } this.currentDoc.set(doc); // Maintain a connection to doc-worker while opening a document. After it's opened, the DocComm // object created by GristDoc will maintain the connection. const comm = this._appObj.comm; comm.useDocConnection(; flow.onDispose(() => comm.releaseDocConnection(; const openDocResponse = await comm.openDoc(, doc.openMode, linkParameters); if (openDocResponse.recoveryMode || openDocResponse.userOverride) { doc.isRecoveryMode = Boolean(openDocResponse.recoveryMode); doc.userOverride = openDocResponse.userOverride || null; this.currentDoc.set({...doc}); } if (openDocResponse.docUsage) { this.updateCurrentDocUsage(openDocResponse.docUsage); } const gdModule = await gristDocModulePromise; const docComm = gdModule.DocComm.create(flow, comm, openDocResponse,, this.appModel.notifier); flow.checkIfCancelled(); docComm.changeUrlIdEmitter.addListener(async (newUrlId: string) => { // The current document has been forked, and should now be referred to using a new docId. const currentDoc = this.currentDoc.get(); if (currentDoc) { await this.updateUrlNoReload(newUrlId, 'default', {replace: false}); await this.updateCurrentDoc(newUrlId, 'default'); } }); // If a document for comparison is given, load the comparison, and provide it to the Gristdoc. const comparison = comparisonUrlId ? await this._api.getDocAPI(urlId).compareDoc(comparisonUrlId, { detail: true }) : undefined; const gristDoc = gdModule.GristDoc.create(flow, this._appObj, docComm, this, openDocResponse, this.appModel.topAppModel.plugins, {comparison}); // Move ownership of docComm to GristDoc. gristDoc.autoDispose(flow.release(docComm)); // Move ownership of GristDoc to its final owner. this.gristDoc.autoDispose(flow.release(gristDoc)); } private _getDocKey(state: IGristUrlState) { const urlId = state.doc; const urlOpenMode = state.mode || 'default'; const compareUrlId = state.params?.compare; const docKey = `${urlOpenMode}:${urlId}:${compareUrlId}`; return docKey; } } function addMenu(importSources: ImportSource[], gristDoc: GristDoc, isReadonly: boolean): DomElementArg[] { const selectBy = gristDoc.selectBy.bind(gristDoc); return [ menuItem( (elem) => openPageWidgetPicker(elem, gristDoc.docModel, (val) => gristDoc.addNewPage(val).catch(reportError), {isNewPage: true, buttonLabel: 'Add Page'}), menuIcon("Page"), "Add Page", testId('dp-add-new-page'), dom.cls('disabled', isReadonly) ), menuItem( (elem) => openPageWidgetPicker(elem, gristDoc.docModel, (val) => gristDoc.addWidgetToPage(val).catch(reportError), {isNewPage: false, selectBy}), menuIcon("Widget"), "Add Widget to Page", testId('dp-add-widget-to-page'), // disable for readonly doc and all special views dom.cls('disabled', (use) => typeof use(gristDoc.activeViewId) !== 'number' || isReadonly), ), menuItem(() => gristDoc.addEmptyTable().catch(reportError), menuIcon("TypeTable"), "Add Empty Table", testId('dp-empty-table'), dom.cls('disabled', isReadonly) ), menuDivider(),, i) => menuItem(importSource.action, menuIcon('Import'), importSource.label, testId(`dp-import-option`), dom.cls('disabled', isReadonly) ) ), isReadonly ? menuText('You do not have edit access to this document') : null, testId('dp-add-new-menu') ]; } function buildDocInfo(doc: Document, mode: OpenDocMode | undefined): DocInfo { const idParts = parseUrlId(doc.urlId ||; const isFork = Boolean(idParts.forkId || idParts.snapshotId); let openMode = mode; if (!openMode) { if (isFork) { // Ignore the document 'openMode' setting if the doc is an unsaved fork. openMode = 'default'; } else { // Try to use the document's 'openMode' if it's set. openMode = doc.options?.openMode ?? 'default'; } } const isPreFork = (openMode === 'fork'); const isBareFork = isFork && idParts.trunkId === NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE; const isEditable = canEdit(doc.access) || isPreFork; return { ...doc, isFork, isRecoveryMode: false, // we don't know yet, will learn when doc is opened. userOverride: null, // ditto. isPreFork, isBareFork, isReadonly: !isEditable, idParts, openMode, }; } const reconnectIntervals = [1000, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000]; async function retryOnNetworkError(flow: AsyncFlow, func: () => Promise): Promise { for (let attempt = 0; ; attempt++) { try { return await func(); } catch (err) { // fetch() promises that network errors are reported as TypeError. We'll accept NetworkError too. if ( !== "TypeError" && !== "NetworkError") { throw err; } const reconnectTimeout = getReconnectTimeout(attempt, reconnectIntervals); console.warn(`Call to ${} failed, will retry in ${reconnectTimeout} ms`, err); await delay(reconnectTimeout); flow.checkIfCancelled(); } } }