import { Level, TelemetryContracts } from 'app/common/Telemetry'; import { version } from 'app/common/version'; import { synchronizeProducts } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Product'; import { HomeDBManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager'; import { applyPatch } from 'app/gen-server/lib/TypeORMPatches'; import { getMigrations, getOrCreateConnection, getTypeORMSettings, undoLastMigration, updateDb } from 'app/server/lib/dbUtils'; import { getDatabaseUrl } from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils'; import { getTelemetryPrefs } from 'app/server/lib/Telemetry'; import { Gristifier } from 'app/server/utils/gristify'; import { pruneActionHistory } from 'app/server/utils/pruneActionHistory'; import * as commander from 'commander'; import { Connection } from 'typeorm'; /** * Main entrypoint for a cli toolbox for configuring aspects of Grist * and Grist documents. */ async function main() { // Tweak TypeORM support of SQLite a little bit to support transactions. applyPatch(); const program = getProgram(); await program.parseAsync(process.argv); } if (require.main === module) { main().then(() => process.exit(0)).catch(e => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.error(e); process.exit(1); }); } /** * Get the Grist companion client program as a commander object. * To actually run it, call parseAsync(argv), optionally after * adding any other commands that may be available. */ export function getProgram(): commander.Command { const program = commander.program; program .name('grist-toolbox') // haven't really settled on a name yet. // want to reserve "grist" for electron app? .description('a toolbox of handy Grist-related utilities'); addDbCommand(program, {nested: true}); addHistoryCommand(program, {nested: true}); addSettingsCommand(program, {nested: true}); addSiteCommand(program, {nested: true}); addSqliteCommand(program); addVersionCommand(program); return program; } // Add commands related to document history: // history prune <docId> [N] export function addHistoryCommand(program: commander.Command, options: CommandOptions) { const sub = section(program, { sectionName: 'history', sectionDescription: 'fiddle with history of a Grist document', ...options, }); sub('prune <docId>') .description('remove all but last N actions from doc') .argument('[N]', 'number of actions to keep', parseIntForCommander, 1) .action(pruneActionHistory); } // Add commands for general configuration export function addSettingsCommand(program: commander.Command, options: CommandOptions) { const sub = section(program, { sectionName: 'settings', sectionDescription: 'general configuration', ...options }); sub('telemetry') .description('show telemetry settings') .option('--json', 'show telemetry levels as json') .option('--all', 'show all telemetry levels') .action(showTelemetry); } async function showTelemetry(options: { json?: boolean, all?: boolean, }) { const contracts = TelemetryContracts; const db = await getHomeDBManager(); const prefs = await getTelemetryPrefs(db); const levelName = prefs.telemetryLevel.value; const level = Level[levelName]; if (options.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify({ contracts, currentLevel: level, currentLevelName: levelName, }, null, 2)); } else { if (options.all) { console.log("# All telemetry levels"); console.log(""); for (const iLevel of [,, Level.full]) { describeTelemetryLevel(iLevel, '#'); console.log(""); showTelemetryAtLevel(iLevel, '##'); console.log(""); } } else { describeTelemetryLevel(level, ''); console.log(""); showTelemetryAtLevel(level, '#'); } } } function describeTelemetryLevel(level: Level, nesting: ''|'#') { switch (level) { case console.log(nesting + "# Telemetry level: off"); console.log("No telemetry is recorded or transmitted."); break; case console.log(nesting + "# Telemetry level: limited"); console.log("This is a telemetry level appropriate for self-hosting instances of Grist."); console.log("Data is transmitted to Grist Labs."); break; case Level.full: console.log(nesting + "# Telemetry level: full"); console.log("This is a telemetry level appropriate for internal use by a hosted service, with"); console.log("`GRIST_TELEMETRY_URL` set to an endpoint controlled by the operator of the service."); break; } } function showTelemetryAtLevel(level: Level, nesting: ''|'#'|'##') { const contracts = TelemetryContracts; for (const [name, contract] of Object.entries(contracts)) { if (contract.minimumTelemetryLevel > level) { continue; } console.log(nesting + "# " + name); console.log(contract.description); console.log(""); console.log("| Field | Type | Description |"); console.log("| ----- | ---- | ----------- |"); for (const [fieldName, metadata] of Object.entries(contract.metadataContracts || {})) { if ((metadata.minimumTelemetryLevel || 0) > level) { continue; } console.log("| " + fieldName + " | " + metadata.dataType + " | " + metadata.description + " |"); } console.log(""); } } // Add commands related to sites: // site create <domain> <owner-email> export function addSiteCommand(program: commander.Command, options: CommandOptions) { const sub = section(program, { sectionName: 'site', sectionDescription: 'set up sites', ...options }); sub('create <domain> <owner-email>') .description('create a site') .action(async (domain, email) => { console.log("create a site"); const profile = {email, name: email}; const db = await getHomeDBManager(); const user = await db.getUserByLogin(email, {profile}); if (!user) { // This should not happen. throw new Error('failed to create user'); } db.unwrapQueryResult(await db.addOrg(user, { name: domain, domain, }, { setUserAsOwner: false, useNewPlan: true, planType: 'teamFree' })); }); } // Add commands related to home/landing database: // db migrate // db revert // db check // db url export function addDbCommand(program: commander.Command, options: CommandOptions, reuseConnection?: Connection) { function withConnection(op: (connection: Connection) => Promise<number>) { return async () => { if (!process.env.TYPEORM_LOGGING) { process.env.TYPEORM_LOGGING = 'true'; } const connection = reuseConnection || await getOrCreateConnection(); const exitCode = await op(connection); if (exitCode !== 0) { program.error('db command failed', {exitCode}); } }; } const sub = section(program, { sectionName: 'db', sectionDescription: 'maintain the database of users, sites, workspaces, and docs', ...options, }); sub('migrate') .description('run all pending migrations on database') .action(withConnection(async (connection) => { await updateDb(connection); return 0; })); sub('revert') .description('revert last migration on database') .action(withConnection(async (connection) => { await undoLastMigration(connection); return 0; })); sub('check') .description('check that there are no pending migrations on database') .action(withConnection(dbCheck)); sub('url') .description('construct a url for the database (for psql, catsql etc)') .action(withConnection(async () => { console.log(getDatabaseUrl(getTypeORMSettings(), true)); return 0; })); } // Add command related to sqlite: // sqlite gristify <sqlite-file> // sqlite clean <sqlite-file> export function addSqliteCommand(program: commander.Command) { const sub = program.command('sqlite') .description('commands for accessing sqlite files'); sub.command('gristify <sqlite-file>') .description('add grist metadata to an sqlite file') .option('--add-sort', 'add a manualSort column, important for adding/removing rows') .action((filename, options) => new Gristifier(filename).gristify(options)); sub.command('clean <sqlite-file>') .description('remove grist metadata from an sqlite file') .action(filename => new Gristifier(filename).degristify()); } export function addVersionCommand(program: commander.Command) { program.command('version') .description('show Grist version') .action(() => console.log(version)); } // Report the status of the database. Migrations appied, migrations pending, // product information applied, product changes pending. export async function dbCheck(connection: Connection) { const migrations = await getMigrations(connection); const changingProducts = await synchronizeProducts(connection, false); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow const log = process.env.TYPEORM_LOGGING === 'true' ? console.log : (...args: any[]) => null; const options = getTypeORMSettings(); log("database url:", getDatabaseUrl(options, false)); log("migration files:", options.migrations); log("migrations applied to db:", migrations.migrationsInDb); log("migrations listed in code:", migrations.migrationsInCode); let exitCode: number = 0; if (migrations.pendingMigrations.length) { log(`Migration(s) need to be applied: ${migrations.pendingMigrations}`); exitCode = 1; } else { log("No migrations need to be applied"); } log(""); if (changingProducts.length) { log("Products need updating:", changingProducts); log(` (to revert a product change, run an older version of the code)`); log(` (db:revert will not undo product changes)`); exitCode = 1; } else { log(`Products unchanged`); } return exitCode; } // Get an interface to the home db. export async function getHomeDBManager() { const dbManager = new HomeDBManager(); await dbManager.connect(); await dbManager.initializeSpecialIds(); return dbManager; } // Get a function for adding a command to a section of related commands. // There is a "nested" option that uses commander's nested command feature. // Older cli code may use an older unnested style. function section(program: commander.Command, options: { sectionName: string, sectionDescription: string, nested: boolean }) { // If unnested, we'll return a function that adds commands directly to the // program (section description is ignored in this case). If nested, we make // a command to represent the section, and return a function that adds to that. const sub = options.nested ? program.command(options.sectionName).description(options.sectionDescription) : program; return (name: string) => { if (options.nested) { return sub.command(name); } else { return sub.command(`${options.sectionName}:${name}`); } }; } // Options for command style. export interface CommandOptions { nested: boolean, sectionName?: string, } // This is based on the recommended way to parse integers for commander. export function parseIntForCommander(value: string, prev: number) { const pvalue = parseInt(value, 10); if (isNaN(pvalue)) { throw new Error('Not a number.'); } return pvalue; }