 * Here are the most relevant formats we want to support.
 *   -1234.56     Plain
 *   -1,234.56    Number (with separators)
 *   12.34%       Percent
 *   1.23E3       Scientific
 *   $(1,234.56)  Accounting
 *   (1,234.56)   Financial
 *   -$1,234.56   Currency
 * We implement a button-based UI, using one selector button to choose mode:
 *    none  = NumMode undefined (plain number, no thousand separators)
 *    `$`   = NumMode 'currency'
 *    `,`   = NumMode 'decimal' (plain number, with thousand separators)
 *    `%`   = NumMode 'percent'
 *    `Exp` = NumMode 'scientific'
 * A second toggle button is `(-)` for Sign, to use parentheses rather than "-" for negative
 * numbers. It is Ignored and disabled when mode is 'scientific'.

import {clamp} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion';
import * as LocaleCurrency from "locale-currency";
import {FormatOptions} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter';
import {DocumentSettings} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings';

// Options for number formatting.
export const NumMode = StringUnion('currency', 'decimal', 'percent', 'scientific');
export type NumMode = typeof NumMode.type;
export type NumSign = 'parens';

export interface NumberFormatOptions extends FormatOptions {
  numMode?: NumMode|null;
  numSign?: NumSign|null;
  decimals?: number|null;      // aka minimum fraction digits
  maxDecimals?: number|null;
  currency?: string|null;

export function getCurrency(options: NumberFormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings): string {
  return options.currency || docSettings.currency || LocaleCurrency.getCurrency(docSettings.locale ?? 'en-US');

export function buildNumberFormat(options: NumberFormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings): Intl.NumberFormat {
  const currency = getCurrency(options, docSettings);
  const nfOptions: Intl.NumberFormatOptions = parseNumMode(options.numMode, currency);
  // numSign is implemented outside of Intl.NumberFormat since the latter's similar 'currencySign'
  // option is not well-supported, and doesn't apply to non-currency formats.

  if (options.decimals !== undefined && options.decimals !== null) {
    // Should be at least 0
    nfOptions.minimumFractionDigits = clamp(Number(options.decimals), 0, 20);

  // maximumFractionDigits must not be less than the minimum, so we need to know the minimum
  // implied by numMode.
  const tmp = new Intl.NumberFormat(docSettings.locale, nfOptions).resolvedOptions();

  if (options.maxDecimals !== undefined && options.maxDecimals !== null) {
    // Should be at least 0 and at least minimumFractionDigits.
    nfOptions.maximumFractionDigits = clamp(Number(options.maxDecimals), tmp.minimumFractionDigits || 0, 20);
  } else if (!options.numMode) {
    // For the default format, keep max digits at 10 as we had before.
    nfOptions.maximumFractionDigits = clamp(10, tmp.minimumFractionDigits || 0, 20);

  return new Intl.NumberFormat(docSettings.locale, nfOptions);

// Safari 13 and some other browsers don't support narrowSymbol option:
// https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data/issues/8985
// https://caniuse.com/?search=currencyDisplay
const currencyDisplay = (function(){
  try {
    new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', currencyDisplay: 'narrowSymbol'});
    return 'narrowSymbol';
  } catch(err) {
    return 'symbol';

export function parseNumMode(numMode?: NumMode|null, currency?: string): Intl.NumberFormatOptions {
  switch (numMode) {
    case 'currency': return {style: 'currency', currency, currencyDisplay};
    case 'decimal': return {useGrouping: true};
    case 'percent': return {style: 'percent'};
    // TODO 'notation' option (and therefore numMode 'scientific') works on recent Firefox and
    // Chrome, not on Safari or Node 10.
    case 'scientific': return {notation: 'scientific'} as Intl.NumberFormatOptions;
    default: return {useGrouping: false};