/** * This module exports a UserManager component, consisting of a list of emails, each with an * associated role (See app/common/roles), and a way to change roles, and add or remove new users. * The component is instantiated as a modal with a confirm button to pass changes to the server. * * It can be instantiated by calling showUserManagerModal with the UserAPI and IUserManagerOptions. */ import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import * as roles from 'app/common/roles'; import {tbind} from 'app/common/tbind'; import {PermissionData, UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {computed, Computed, Disposable, observable, Observable} from 'grainjs'; import {dom, DomElementArg, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {cssMenuItem} from 'popweasel'; import {copyToClipboard} from 'app/client/lib/copyToClipboard'; import {setTestState} from 'app/client/lib/testState'; import {DocPageModel} from 'app/client/models/DocPageModel'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {IEditableMember, IMemberSelectOption, IOrgMemberSelectOption} from 'app/client/models/UserManagerModel'; import {UserManagerModel, UserManagerModelImpl} from 'app/client/models/UserManagerModel'; import {getResourceParent, ResourceType} from 'app/client/models/UserManagerModel'; import {shadowScroll} from 'app/client/ui/shadowScroll'; import {showTransientTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips'; import {createUserImage, cssUserImage} from 'app/client/ui/UserImage'; import {cssEmailInput, cssEmailInputContainer, cssMailIcon, cssMemberBtn, cssMemberImage, cssMemberListItem, cssMemberPrimary, cssMemberSecondary, cssMemberText, cssRemoveIcon} from 'app/client/ui/UserItem'; import {basicButton, bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {colors, testId, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {cssLink} from 'app/client/ui2018/links'; import {inputMenu, menu, menuItem, menuText} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {cssModalBody, cssModalButtons, cssModalTitle, IModalControl, modal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; export interface IUserManagerOptions { permissionData: Promise; activeEmail: string|null; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string|number; docPageModel?: DocPageModel; linkToCopy?: string; onSave?: () => Promise; } // Returns an instance of UserManagerModel given IUserManagerOptions. Makes the async call for the // required properties of the options. async function getModel(options: IUserManagerOptions): Promise { const permissionData = await options.permissionData; return new UserManagerModelImpl(permissionData, options.resourceType, options.activeEmail, options.docPageModel); } /** * Public interface for creating the UserManager in the app. Creates a modal that includes * the UserManager menu with save and cancel buttons. */ export function showUserManagerModal(userApi: UserAPI, options: IUserManagerOptions) { const modelObs: Observable = observable(null); async function onConfirm(ctl: IModalControl) { const model = modelObs.get(); if (model) { // Save changes to the server, reporting any errors to the app. try { if (model.isAnythingChanged.get()) { await model.save(userApi, options.resourceId); } await options.onSave?.(); ctl.close(); } catch (err) { reportError(err); } } else { ctl.close(); } } // Get the model and assign it to the observable. Report errors to the app. getModel(options) .then(model => modelObs.set(model)) .catch(reportError); modal(ctl => [ // We set the padding to 0 since the body scroll shadows extend to the edge of the modal. { style: 'padding: 0;' }, cssModalTitle( { style: 'margin: 40px 64px 0 64px;' }, `Invite people to ${renderType(options.resourceType)}`, (options.resourceType === 'document' ? makeCopyBtn(options.linkToCopy, cssCopyBtn.cls('-header')) : null), testId('um-header') ), cssModalBody( cssUserManagerBody( // TODO: Show a loading indicator before the model is loaded. dom.maybe(modelObs, model => new UserManager(model, options.linkToCopy).buildDom()), ), ), cssModalButtons( { style: 'margin: 32px 64px; display: flex;' }, bigPrimaryButton('Confirm', dom.boolAttr('disabled', (use) => !use(modelObs) || !use(use(modelObs)!.isAnythingChanged)), dom.on('click', () => onConfirm(ctl)), testId('um-confirm') ), bigBasicButton('Cancel', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()), testId('um-cancel') ), cssAccessLink({href: urlState().makeUrl({docPage: 'acl'})}, dom.text(use => (use(modelObs) && use(use(modelObs)!.isAnythingChanged)) ? 'Save & ' : ''), 'Open Access Rules', dom.on('click', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); return onConfirm(ctl).then(() => urlState().pushUrl({docPage: 'acl'})); }), ), testId('um-buttons'), ) ]); } /** * See module documentation for overview. * * Usage: * const um = new UserManager(model); * um.buildDom(); */ export class UserManager extends Disposable { constructor(private _model: UserManagerModel, private _linkToCopy: string|undefined) { super(); } public buildDom() { const memberEmail = this.autoDispose(new MemberEmail(tbind(this._model.add, this._model))); return [ memberEmail.buildDom(), this._buildOptionsDom(), shadowScroll( testId('um-members'), this._buildPublicAccessMember(), dom.forEach(this._model.membersEdited, (member) => this._buildMemberDom(member)), ), ]; } private _buildOptionsDom(): Element { const publicMember = this._model.publicMember; return cssOptionRow( // TODO: Consider adding a tooltip explaining inheritance. A brief text caption may // be used to fill whitespace in org UserManager. this._model.isOrg ? null : dom('span', { style: `float: left;` }, dom('span', 'Inherit access: '), this._inheritRoleSelector() ), publicMember ? dom('span', { style: `float: right;` }, dom('span', 'Public access: '), cssOptionBtn( menu(() => [ menuItem(() => publicMember.access.set(roles.VIEWER), 'On', testId(`um-public-option`)), menuItem(() => publicMember.access.set(null), 'Off', // Disable null access if anonymous access is inherited. dom.cls('disabled', (use) => use(publicMember.inheritedAccess) !== null), testId(`um-public-option`) ), // If the 'Off' setting is disabled, show an explanation. dom.maybe((use) => use(publicMember.inheritedAccess) !== null, () => menuText( `Public access inherited from ${getResourceParent(this._model.resourceType)}. ` + `To remove, set 'Inherit access' option to 'None'.`)) ]), dom.text((use) => use(publicMember.effectiveAccess) ? 'On' : 'Off'), cssCollapseIcon('Collapse'), testId('um-public-access') ) ) : null ); } // Build a single member row. private _buildMemberDom(member: IEditableMember) { const disableRemove = Computed.create(null, (use) => Boolean(this._model.isActiveUser(member) || use(member.inheritedAccess))); return dom('div', dom.autoDispose(disableRemove), dom.maybe((use) => use(member.effectiveAccess) && use(member.effectiveAccess) !== roles.GUEST, () => cssMemberListItem( cssMemberListItem.cls('-removed', (use) => member.isRemoved), cssMemberImage( createUserImage(getFullUser(member), 'large') ), cssMemberText( cssMemberPrimary(member.name || dom('span', member.email, testId('um-email'))), member.name ? cssMemberSecondary(member.email, testId('um-email')) : null ), member.isRemoved ? null : this._memberRoleSelector(member.effectiveAccess, member.inheritedAccess, this._model.isActiveUser(member)), // Only show delete buttons when editing the org users or when a user is being newly // added to any resource. In workspace/doc UserManager instances we want to see all the // users in the org, whether or not they have access to the resource of interest. They may // be denied access via the role dropdown. // Show the undo icon when an item has been removed but its removal has not been saved to // the server. cssMemberBtn( // Button icon. member.isRemoved ? cssUndoIcon('Undo', testId('um-member-undo')) : cssRemoveIcon('Remove', testId('um-member-delete')), cssMemberBtn.cls('-disabled', disableRemove), // Click handler. dom.on('click', () => disableRemove.get() || (member.isRemoved ? this._model.add(member.email, member.access.get()) : this._model.remove(member))) ), testId('um-member') ) ) ); } private _buildPublicAccessMember() { const publicMember = this._model.publicMember; if (!publicMember) { return null; } return dom('div', dom.maybe((use) => Boolean(use(publicMember.effectiveAccess)), () => cssMemberListItem( cssPublicMemberIcon('PublicFilled'), cssMemberText( cssMemberPrimary('Public Access'), cssMemberSecondary('Anyone with link ', makeCopyBtn(this._linkToCopy)), ), this._memberRoleSelector(publicMember.effectiveAccess, publicMember.inheritedAccess, false, // Only show the Editor and Viewer options for the role of the "Public Access" member. this._model.userSelectOptions.filter(opt => [roles.EDITOR, roles.VIEWER].includes(opt.value!)) ), cssMemberBtn( cssRemoveIcon('Remove', testId('um-member-delete')), dom.on('click', () => publicMember.access.set(null)), ), testId('um-public-member') ) ) ); } // Returns a div containing a button that opens a menu to choose between roles. private _memberRoleSelector( role: Observable, inherited: Observable, isActiveUser: boolean, allRolesOverride?: IOrgMemberSelectOption[], ) { const allRoles = allRolesOverride || (this._model.isOrg ? this._model.orgUserSelectOptions : this._model.userSelectOptions); return cssRoleBtn( menu(() => [ dom.forEach(allRoles, _role => // The active user should be prevented from changing their own role. menuItem(() => isActiveUser || role.set(_role.value), _role.label, // Indicate which option is inherited, if any. dom.text((use) => use(inherited) && (use(inherited) === _role.value) && !isActiveUser ? ' (inherited)' : ''), // Disable everything providing less access than the inherited access dom.cls('disabled', (use) => roles.getStrongestRole(_role.value, use(inherited)) !== _role.value), testId(`um-role-option`) ) ), // If the user's access is inherited, give an explanation on how to change it. isActiveUser ? menuText(`User may not modify their own access.`) : null, // If the user's access is inherited, give an explanation on how to change it. dom.maybe((use) => use(inherited) && !isActiveUser, () => menuText( `User inherits permissions from ${getResourceParent(this._model.resourceType)}. To remove, ` + `set 'Inherit access' option to 'None'.`)), // If the user is a guest, give a description of the guest permission. dom.maybe((use) => !this._model.isOrg && use(role) === roles.GUEST, () => menuText( `User has view access to ${this._model.resourceType} resulting from manually-set access ` + `to resources inside. If removed here, this user will lose access to resources inside.`)), this._model.isOrg ? menuText(`No default access allows access to be ` + `granted to individual documents or workspaces, rather than the full team site.`) : null ]), dom.text((use) => { // Get the label of the active role. Note that the 'Guest' role is assigned when the role // is not found because it is not included as a selection. const activeRole = allRoles.find((_role: IOrgMemberSelectOption) => use(role) === _role.value); return activeRole ? activeRole.label : "Guest"; }), cssCollapseIcon('Collapse'), testId('um-member-role') ); } // Builds the max inherited role selection button and menu. private _inheritRoleSelector() { const role = this._model.maxInheritedRole; const allRoles = this._model.inheritSelectOptions; return cssOptionBtn( menu(() => [ dom.forEach(allRoles, _role => menuItem(() => role.set(_role.value), _role.label, testId(`um-role-option`) ) ) ]), dom.text((use) => { // Get the label of the active role. const activeRole = allRoles.find((_role: IMemberSelectOption) => use(role) === _role.value); return activeRole ? activeRole.label : ""; }), cssCollapseIcon('Collapse'), testId('um-max-inherited-role') ); } } /** * Represents the widget that allows typing in an email and adding it. * The border of the input turns green when the email is considered valid. */ export class MemberEmail extends Disposable { public email = this.autoDispose(observable("")); public isEmpty = this.autoDispose(computed((use) => !use(this.email))); private _isValid = this.autoDispose(observable(false)); private _emailElem: HTMLInputElement; constructor( private _onAdd: (email: string, role: roles.NonGuestRole) => void ) { super(); // Reset custom validity that we sometimes set. this.email.addListener(() => this._emailElem.setCustomValidity("")); } public buildDom(): Element { const enableAdd: Computed = computed((use) => Boolean(use(this.email) && use(this._isValid))); return cssEmailInputContainer( dom.autoDispose(enableAdd), cssMailIcon('Mail'), this._emailElem = cssEmailInput(this.email, {onInput: true, isValid: this._isValid}, {type: "email", placeholder: "Enter email address"}, dom.onKeyPress({Enter: () => this._commit()}), inputMenu(() => [ cssInputMenuItem(() => this._commit(), cssUserImagePlus('+', cssUserImage.cls('-large'), cssUserImagePlus.cls('-invalid', (use) => !use(enableAdd)) ), cssMemberText( cssMemberPrimary('Invite new member'), cssMemberSecondary( dom.text((use) => `We'll email an invite to ${use(this.email)}`) ) ), testId('um-add-email') ) ], { // NOTE: An offset of -40px is used to center the input button across the // input container (including an envelope icon) rather than the input inside. modifiers: { offset: { enabled: true, offset: -40 } }, stretchToSelector: `.${cssEmailInputContainer.className}` }) ), cssEmailInputContainer.cls('-green', enableAdd), testId('um-member-new') ); } // Add the currently entered email if valid, or trigger a validation message if not. private _commit() { this._emailElem.setCustomValidity(""); this._isValid.set(this._emailElem.checkValidity()); if (this.email.get() && this._isValid.get()) { try { this._onAdd(this.email.get(), roles.VIEWER); this._reset(); } catch (e) { this._emailElem.setCustomValidity(e.message); } } this._emailElem.reportValidity(); } // Reset the widget. private _reset() { this.email.set(""); this._emailElem.focus(); } } // Returns a new FullUser object from an IEditableMember. function getFullUser(member: IEditableMember): FullUser { return { id: member.id, name: member.name, email: member.email, picture: member.picture }; } // Create a "Copy Link" button. function makeCopyBtn(linkToCopy: string|undefined, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[]) { return linkToCopy && cssCopyBtn(cssCopyIcon('Copy'), 'Copy Link', dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => copyLink(elem, linkToCopy)), testId('um-copy-link'), ...domArgs, ); } // Copy the current document link to clipboard, and notify the user with a transient popup near // the given element. async function copyLink(elem: HTMLElement, link: string) { await copyToClipboard(link); setTestState({clipboard: link}); showTransientTooltip(elem, 'Link copied to clipboard', {key: 'copy-doc-link'}); } const cssUserManagerBody = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 600px; height: 374px; border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; `); const cssCopyBtn = styled(basicButton, ` border: none; font-weight: normal; padding: 0 8px; &-header { float: right; margin-top: 8px; } `); const cssCopyIcon = styled(icon, ` margin-right: 4px; margin-top: -2px; `); const cssOptionRow = styled('div', ` font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; margin: 0 63px 23px 63px; `); const cssOptionBtn = styled('span', ` display: inline-flex; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; cursor: pointer; `); const cssPublicMemberIcon = styled(icon, ` width: 32px; height: 32px; margin: 4px 8px; --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; `); const cssUndoIcon = styled(icon, ` margin: 12px 0; `); const cssRoleBtn = styled('div', ` display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; margin: 12px 24px; cursor: pointer; &.disabled { cursor: default; } `); const cssCollapseIcon = styled(icon, ` margin-top: 1px; background-color: var(--grist-color-light-green); `); const cssInputMenuItem = styled(menuItem, ` height: 64px; padding: 8px 15px; `); const cssUserImagePlus = styled(cssUserImage, ` background-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; margin: auto 0; &-invalid { background-color: ${colors.mediumGrey}; } .${cssMenuItem.className}-sel & { background-color: white; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; } `); const cssAccessLink = styled(cssLink, ` align-self: center; margin-left: auto; `); // Render the name "organization" as "team site" in UI function renderType(resourceType: ResourceType): string { return resourceType === 'organization' ? 'team site' : resourceType; }