var _ = require('underscore'); var ko = require('knockout'); var dom = require('app/client/lib/dom'); var kd = require('app/client/lib/koDom'); var koDomScrolly = require('app/client/lib/koDomScrolly'); const {renderAllRows} = require('app/client/components/Printing'); require('app/client/lib/koUtil'); // Needed for subscribeInit. var Base = require('./Base'); var BaseView = require('./BaseView'); var CopySelection = require('./CopySelection'); var RecordLayout = require('./RecordLayout'); var commands = require('./commands'); const {RowContextMenu} = require('../ui/RowContextMenu'); /** * DetailView component implements a list of record layouts. */ function DetailView(gristDoc, viewSectionModel) {, gristDoc, viewSectionModel, { 'addNewRow': true }); this.viewFields = gristDoc.docModel.viewFields; this._isSingle = (this.viewSection.parentKey.peek() === 'single'); //-------------------------------------------------- // Create and attach the DOM for the view. this.recordLayout = this.autoDispose(RecordLayout.create({ viewSection: this.viewSection, buildFieldDom: this.buildFieldDom.bind(this), buildContextMenu : this.buildContextMenu.bind(this), resizeCallback: () => { if (!this._isSingle) { this.scrolly().updateSize(); // Keep the cursor in view if the scrolly height resets. // TODO: Ideally the original position should be kept in scroll view. this.scrolly().scrollRowIntoView(this.cursor.rowIndex.peek()); } } })); this.scrolly = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { if (!this.recordLayout.isEditingLayout() && !this._isSingle) { return koDomScrolly.getInstance(this.viewData); } })); // Reset scrolly heights when record theme changes, since it affects heights. this.autoDispose(this.viewSection.themeDef.subscribe(() => { var scrolly = this.scrolly(); if (scrolly) { setTimeout(function() { scrolly.resetHeights(); }, 0); } })); this.layoutBoxIdx = ko.observable(0); //-------------------------------------------------- if (this._isSingle) { this.detailRecord = this.autoDispose(this.tableModel.createFloatingRowModel()); this._updateFloatingRow(); this.autoDispose(this.cursor.rowIndex.subscribe(this._updateFloatingRow, this)); this.autoDispose(this.viewData.subscribe(this._updateFloatingRow, this)); } else { this.detailRecord = null; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Construct DOM this.viewPane = this.autoDispose(this.buildDom()); //-------------------------------------------------- // Set up DOM event handling. // Clicking on a detail field selects that field. this.onEvent(this.viewPane, 'mousedown', '.g_record_detail_el', function(elem, event) { this.viewSection.hasFocus(true); var rowModel = this.recordLayout.getContainingRow(elem, this.viewPane); var field = this.recordLayout.getContainingField(elem, this.viewPane);, field); }); // Double-clicking on a field also starts editing the field. this.onEvent(this.viewPane, 'dblclick', '.g_record_detail_el', function(elem, event) { this.activateEditorAtCursor(); }); //-------------------------------------------------- // Instantiate CommandGroups for the different modes. this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(DetailView.generalCommands, this, this.viewSection.hasFocus)); this.newFieldCommandGroup = this.autoDispose( commands.createGroup(DetailView.newFieldCommands, this, this.isNewFieldActive)); } Base.setBaseFor(DetailView); _.extend(DetailView.prototype, BaseView.prototype); DetailView.prototype.onTableLoaded = function() {; this._updateFloatingRow(); const scrolly = this.scrolly(); if (scrolly) { scrolly.scrollToSavedPos(this.viewSection.lastScrollPos); } }; DetailView.prototype._updateFloatingRow = function() { if (this.detailRecord) { this.viewData.setFloatingRowModel(this.detailRecord, this.cursor.rowIndex.peek()); } }; /** * DetailView commands. */ DetailView.generalCommands = { cursorUp: function() { this.cursor.fieldIndex(this.cursor.fieldIndex() - 1); }, cursorDown: function() { this.cursor.fieldIndex(this.cursor.fieldIndex() + 1); }, pageUp: function() { this.cursor.rowIndex(this.cursor.rowIndex() - 1); }, pageDown: function() { this.cursor.rowIndex(this.cursor.rowIndex() + 1); }, deleteRecords: function() { // Do not allow deleting the add record row. if (!this._isAddRow()) { this.deleteRow(this.cursor.rowIndex()); } }, copy: function() { return this.copy(this.getSelection()); }, cut: function() { return this.cut(this.getSelection()); }, paste: function(pasteObj, cutCallback) { return this.paste(pasteObj, cutCallback); }, editLayout: function() { if (this.scrolly()) { this.scrolly().scrollRowIntoView(this.cursor.rowIndex()); } this.recordLayout.editLayout(this.cursor.rowIndex()); } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Factor code duplicated with GridView for deleteRow, deleteColumn, // insertDetailField out of the view modules DetailView.prototype.deleteRow = function(index) { if (this.viewSection.disableAddRemoveRows()) { return; } var action = ['RemoveRecord', this.viewData.getRowId(index)]; return this.tableModel.sendTableAction(action) .bind(this).then(function() { this.cursor.rowIndex(index); }); }; /** * Pastes the provided data at the current cursor. * * @param {Array} data - Array of arrays of data to be pasted. Each array represents a row. * i.e. [["1-1", "1-2", "1-3"], * ["2-1", "2-2", "2-3"]] * @param {Function} cutCallback - If provided returns the record removal action needed * for a cut. */ DetailView.prototype.paste = function(data, cutCallback) { let pasteData = data[0][0]; let col = this.currentColumn(); let isCompletePaste = (data.length === 1 && data[0].length === 1); let richData = this._parsePasteForView([[pasteData]], [col]); if (_.isEmpty(richData)) { return; } // Array containing the paste action to which the cut action will be added if it exists. const rowId = this.viewData.getRowId(this.cursor.rowIndex()); const action = (rowId === 'new') ? ['BulkAddRecord', [null], richData] : ['BulkUpdateRecord', [rowId], richData]; const cursorPos = this.cursor.getCursorPos(); return this.sendPasteActions(isCompletePaste ? cutCallback : null, this.prepTableActions([action])) .then(results => { // If a row was added, get its rowId from the action results. const addRowId = (action[0] === 'BulkAddRecord' ? results[0][0] : null); // Restore the cursor to the right rowId, even if it jumped. this.cursor.setCursorPos({rowId: cursorPos.rowId === 'new' ? addRowId : cursorPos.rowId}); this.copySelection(null); }); }; /** * Returns a selection of the selected rows and cols. In the case of DetailView this will just * be one row and one column as multiple cell selection is not supported. * * @returns {Object} CopySelection */ DetailView.prototype.getSelection = function() { return new CopySelection( this.tableModel.tableData, [this.viewData.getRowId(this.cursor.rowIndex())], [this.viewSection.viewFields().at(this.cursor.fieldIndex())], {} ); }; DetailView.prototype.buildContextMenu = function(row, options) { const defaults = { disableInsert: Boolean(this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get() || this.viewSection.disableAddRemoveRows() || this.tableModel.tableMetaRow.onDemand()), disableDelete: Boolean(this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get() || this.viewSection.disableAddRemoveRows() || row._isAddRow()), isViewSorted: this.viewSection.activeSortSpec.peek().length > 0, }; return RowContextMenu(options ? Object.assign(defaults, options) : defaults); } /** * Builds the DOM for the given field of the given row. * @param {MetaRowModel|String} field: Model for the field to render. For a new field being added, * this may instead be an object with {isNewField:true, colRef, label, value}. * @param {DataRowModel} row: The record of data from which to render the given field. */ DetailView.prototype.buildFieldDom = function(field, row) { var self = this; if (field.isNewField) { return dom('div.g_record_detail_el.flexitem', kd.cssClass(function() { return 'detail_theme_field_' + self.viewSection.themeDef(); }), dom('div.g_record_detail_label', field.label), dom('div.g_record_detail_value', field.value) ); } var isCellSelected = ko.pureComputed(function() { return this.cursor.fieldIndex() === (field && field._index()) && this.cursor.rowIndex() === (row && row._index()); }, this); var isCellActive = ko.pureComputed(function() { return this.viewSection.hasFocus() && isCellSelected(); }, this); // Whether the cell is part of an active copy-paste operation. var isCopyActive = ko.computed(function() { return self.copySelection() && self.copySelection().isCellSelected(row.getRowId(), field.colId()); }); this.autoDispose(isCellSelected.subscribe(yesNo => { if (yesNo) { var layoutBox = dom.findAncestor(fieldDom, '.layout_hbox'); this.layoutBoxIdx(_.indexOf(layoutBox.parentElement.childNodes, layoutBox)); } })); var fieldBuilder =; var fieldDom = dom('div.g_record_detail_el.flexitem', dom.autoDispose(isCellSelected), dom.autoDispose(isCellActive), kd.cssClass(function() { return 'detail_theme_field_' + self.viewSection.themeDef(); }), dom('div.g_record_detail_label', kd.text(field.displayLabel)), dom('div.g_record_detail_value', kd.toggleClass('scissors', isCopyActive), kd.toggleClass('record-add', row._isAddRow), dom.autoDispose(isCopyActive), fieldBuilder.buildDomWithCursor(row, isCellActive, isCellSelected) ) ); return fieldDom; }; DetailView.prototype.buildDom = function() { return dom('div.flexvbox.flexitem', // Add .detailview_single when showing a single card or while editing layout. kd.toggleClass('detailview_single', () => this._isSingle || this.recordLayout.isEditingLayout()), // Add a marker class that editor is active - used for hiding context menu toggle. kd.toggleClass('detailview_layout_editor', this.recordLayout.isEditingLayout), kd.maybe(this.recordLayout.isEditingLayout, () => { const rowId = this.viewData.getRowId(this.recordLayout.editIndex.peek()); const record = this.getRenderedRowModel(rowId); return dom( this.recordLayout.buildLayoutDom(record, true), kd.cssClass(() => 'detail_theme_record_' + this.viewSection.themeDef()), kd.cssClass('detailview_record_' + this.viewSection.parentKey.peek()), ); }), kd.maybe(() => !this.recordLayout.isEditingLayout(), () => { if (!this._isSingle) { return dom('div.detailview_scroll_pane.flexitem', kd.scrollChildIntoView(this.cursor.rowIndex), dom.onDispose(() => { // Save the previous scroll values to the section. if (this.scrolly()) { this.viewSection.lastScrollPos = this.scrolly().getScrollPos(); } }), koDomScrolly.scrolly(this.viewData, {fitToWidth: true}, row => this.makeRecord(row)), kd.maybe(this._isPrinting, () => renderAllRows(this.tableModel, this.sortedRows.getKoArray().peek(), row => this.makeRecord(row)) ), ); } else { return dom( this.makeRecord(this.detailRecord), kd.domData('itemModel', this.detailRecord), kd.hide(() => this.cursor.rowIndex() === null) ); } }), ); }; /** @inheritdoc */ DetailView.prototype.buildTitleControls = function() { // Hide controls if this is a card list section, or if the section has a scroll cursor link, since // the controls can be confusing in this case. // Note that the controls should still be visible with a filter link. const showControls = ko.computed(() => { if (!this._isSingle || this.recordLayout.layoutEditor()) { return false; } const linkingState = this._linkingState(); return !(linkingState && Boolean(linkingState.cursorPos)); }); return dom('div', dom.autoDispose(showControls), kd.toggleClass('record-layout-editor', this.recordLayout.layoutEditor), kd.maybe(this.recordLayout.layoutEditor, (editor) => editor.buildEditorDom()), kd.maybe(showControls, () => dom('div.grist-single-record__menu.flexhbox.flexnone',, dom('div.grist-single-record__menu__count.flexitem', // Total should not include the add record row kd.text(() => this._isAddRow() ? 'Add record' : `${this.cursor.rowIndex() + 1} of ${this.getLastDataRowIndex() + 1}`) ), dom('div.btn-group.btn-group-xs', dom('div.btn.btn-default.detail-left', dom('span.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-left'), dom.on('click', () => { this.cursor.rowIndex(this.cursor.rowIndex() - 1); }), kd.toggleClass('disabled', () => this.cursor.rowIndex() === 0) ), dom('div.btn.btn-default.detail-right', dom('span.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-right'), dom.on('click', () => { this.cursor.rowIndex(this.cursor.rowIndex() + 1); }), kd.toggleClass('disabled', () => this.cursor.rowIndex() >= this.viewData.all().length - 1) ) ), dom('div.btn-group.btn-group-xs.detail-add-grp', dom('div.btn.btn-default.detail-add-btn', dom('span.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus'), dom.on('click', () => { let addRowIndex = this.viewData.getRowIndex('new'); this.cursor.rowIndex(addRowIndex); }), kd.toggleClass('disabled', () => this.viewData.getRowId(this.cursor.rowIndex()) === 'new') ) ) )) ); }; /** @inheritdoc */ DetailView.prototype.onResize = function() { var scrolly = this.scrolly(); if (scrolly) { scrolly.scheduleUpdateSize(); } }; /** @inheritdoc */ DetailView.prototype.onRowResize = function(rowModels) { var scrolly = this.scrolly(); if (scrolly) { scrolly.resetItemHeights(rowModels); } }; DetailView.prototype.makeRecord = function(record) { return dom( this.recordLayout.buildLayoutDom(record), kd.cssClass(() => 'detail_theme_record_' + this.viewSection.themeDef()), this.comparison ? kd.cssClass(() => { const rowType = this.extraRows.getRowType(; return rowType && `diff-${rowType}` || ''; }) : null, kd.toggleClass('active', () => (this.cursor.rowIndex() === record._index() && this.viewSection.hasFocus())), // 'detailview_record_single' or 'detailview_record_detail' doesn't need to be an observable, // since a change to parentKey would cause a separate call to makeRecord. kd.cssClass('detailview_record_' + this.viewSection.parentKey.peek()) ); }; /** * Extends BaseView getRenderedRowModel. Called to obtain the rowModel for the given rowId. * Returns the rowModel if it is rendered in the current view type, otherwise returns null. */ DetailView.prototype.getRenderedRowModel = function(rowId) { if (this.detailRecord) { return this.detailRecord.getRowId() === rowId ? this.detailRecord : null; } else { return this.viewData.getRowModel(rowId); } }; /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the given index is the index of the add row. * Index defaults to the current index of the cursor. */ DetailView.prototype._isAddRow = function(index = this.cursor.rowIndex()) { return this.viewData.getRowId(index) === 'new'; }; module.exports = DetailView;