import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion'; /** * Telemetry levels, in increasing order of data collected. */ export enum Level { off = 0, limited = 1, full = 2, } /** * A set of contracts that all telemetry events must follow prior to being * logged. * * Currently, this includes meeting minimum telemetry levels for events * and their metadata, and passing in the correct data type for the value of * each metadata property. * * The `minimumTelemetryLevel` defined at the event level will also be applied * to all metadata properties of an event, and can be overridden at the metadata * level. */ export const TelemetryContracts: TelemetryContracts = { apiUsage: { description: 'Triggered when an HTTP request with an API key is made.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { method: { description: 'The HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT).', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, userAgent: { description: 'The User-Agent HTTP request header.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, assistantOpen: { description: 'Triggered when the AI Assistant is first opened.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'short', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, context: { description: 'The type of assistant (e.g. "formula"), table id, and column id.', dataType: 'object', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, assistantSend: { description: 'Triggered when a message is sent to the AI Assistant.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'short', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The id of the site.', dataType: 'number', }, siteType: { description: 'The type of the site.', dataType: 'string', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, context: { description: 'The type of assistant (e.g. "formula"), table id, and column id.', dataType: 'object', }, prompt: { description: 'The role ("user" or "system"), content, and index of the message sent to the AI Assistant.', dataType: 'object', }, }, }, assistantReceive: { description: 'Triggered when a message is received from the AI Assistant is received.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'short', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The id of the site.', dataType: 'number', }, siteType: { description: 'The type of the site.', dataType: 'string', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, context: { description: 'The type of assistant (e.g. "formula"), table id, and column id.', dataType: 'object', }, message: { description: 'The content and index of the message received from the AI Assistant.', dataType: 'object', }, suggestedFormula: { description: 'The formula suggested by the AI Assistant, if present.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, assistantSave: { description: 'Triggered when changes in the expanded formula editor are saved after the AI Assistant ' + 'was opened.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'short', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, context: { description: 'The type of assistant (e.g. "formula"), table id, and column id.', dataType: 'object', }, newFormula: { description: 'The formula that was saved.', dataType: 'string', }, oldFormula: { description: 'The formula that was overwritten.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, assistantCancel: { description: 'Triggered when changes in the expanded formula editor are discarded after the AI Assistant ' + 'was opened.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'short', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, context: { description: 'The type of assistant (e.g. "formula"), table id, and column id.', dataType: 'object', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, assistantClearConversation: { description: 'Triggered when a conversation in the AI Assistant is cleared.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'short', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, context: { description: 'The type of assistant (e.g. "formula"), table id, and column id.', dataType: 'object', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, assistantClose: { description: 'Triggered when a formula is saved or discarded after the AI Assistant was opened.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, conversationId: { description: 'A random identifier for the current conversation with the assistant.', dataType: 'string', }, suggestionApplied: { description: 'True if a suggested formula from one of the received messages was applied.', dataType: 'boolean', }, conversationLength: { description: 'The number of messages sent and received since opening the AI Assistant.', dataType: 'number', }, conversationHistoryLength: { description: "The number of messages in the conversation's history. May be less than conversationLength " + "if the conversation history was cleared in the same session.", dataType: 'number', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, beaconOpen: { description: 'Triggered when HelpScout Beacon is opened.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, beaconArticleViewed: { description: 'Triggered when an article is opened in HelpScout Beacon.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { articleId: { description: 'The id of the article.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, beaconEmailSent: { description: 'Triggered when an email is sent in HelpScout Beacon.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, beaconSearch: { description: 'Triggered when a search is made in HelpScout Beacon.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { searchQuery: { description: 'The search query.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, documentForked: { description: 'Triggered when a document is forked.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The id of the site containing the forked document.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, siteType: { description: 'The type of the site.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, forkIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the fork id.', dataType: 'string', }, forkDocIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the full id of the fork, including the trunk id and fork id.', dataType: 'string', }, trunkIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the trunk id.', dataType: 'string', }, isTemplate: { description: 'Whether the trunk is a template.', dataType: 'boolean', }, lastActivity: { description: 'Timestamp of the last update to the trunk document.', dataType: 'date', }, }, }, documentOpened: { description: 'Triggered when a public document or template is opened.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The site id.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, siteType: { description: 'The site type.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, isPublic: { description: 'Whether the document is public.', dataType: 'boolean', }, isSnapshot: { description: 'Whether a snapshot was opened.', dataType: 'boolean', }, isTemplate: { description: 'Whether the document is a template.', dataType: 'boolean', }, lastUpdated: { description: 'Timestamp of when the document was last updated.', dataType: 'date', }, }, }, documentUsage: { description: 'Triggered on doc open and close, as well as hourly while a document is open.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The site id.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, siteType: { description: 'The site type.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, triggeredBy: { description: 'What caused this event to trigger. May be either "docOpen", "interval", or "docClose".', dataType: 'string', }, isPublic: { description: 'Whether the document is public.', dataType: 'boolean', }, rowCount: { description: 'The number of rows in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, dataSizeBytes: { description: 'The total size of all data in the document, excluding attachments.', dataType: 'number', }, attachmentsSize: { description: 'The total size of all attachments in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numAccessRules: { description: 'The number of access rules in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numUserAttributes: { description: 'The number of user attributes in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numAttachments: { description: 'The number of attachments in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, attachmentTypes: { description: "A list of unique file extensions compiled from all of the document's attachments.", dataType: 'string[]', }, numCharts: { description: 'The number of charts in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, chartTypes: { description: 'A list of chart types of every chart in the document.', dataType: 'string[]', }, numLinkedCharts: { description: 'The number of linked charts in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numLinkedWidgets: { description: 'The number of linked widgets in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numColumns: { description: 'The number of columns in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numColumnsWithConditionalFormatting: { description: 'The number of columns with conditional formatting in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numFormulaColumns: { description: 'The number of formula columns in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numTriggerFormulaColumns: { description: 'The number of trigger formula columns in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numSummaryFormulaColumns: { description: 'The number of summary formula columns in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numFieldsWithConditionalFormatting: { description: 'The number of fields with conditional formatting in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numTables: { description: 'The number of tables in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numOnDemandTables: { description: 'The number of on-demand tables in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numTablesWithConditionalFormatting: { description: 'The number of tables with conditional formatting in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numSummaryTables: { description: 'The number of summary tables in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, numCustomWidgets: { description: 'The number of custom widgets in the document.', dataType: 'number', }, customWidgetIds: { description: 'A list of plugin ids for every custom widget in the document. ' + 'The ids of widgets not created by Grist Labs are replaced with "externalId".', dataType: 'string[]', }, }, }, processMonitor: { description: 'Triggered every 5 seconds.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { heapUsedMB: { description: 'Size of JS heap in use, in MiB.', dataType: 'number', }, heapTotalMB: { description: 'Total heap size, in MiB, allocated for JS by V8. ', dataType: 'number', }, cpuAverage: { description: 'Fraction (typically between 0 and 1) of CPU usage. Includes all threads, so may exceed 1.', dataType: 'number', }, intervalMs: { description: 'Interval (in milliseconds) over which `cpuAverage` is reported.', dataType: 'number', }, }, }, sendingWebhooks: { description: 'Triggered when sending webhooks.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { numEvents: { description: 'The number of events in the batch of webhooks being sent.', dataType: 'number', }, docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The site id.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, siteType: { description: 'The site type.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, }, }, signupFirstVisit: { description: 'Triggered when a new user first opens the Grist app', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { siteId: { description: 'The site id of first visit after signup.', dataType: 'number', }, siteType: { description: 'The site type of first visit after signup.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that signed up.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, signupVerified: { description: 'Triggered after a user successfully verifies their account during sign-up. ' + 'Not triggered in grist-core.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { isAnonymousTemplateSignup: { description: 'Whether the user viewed any templates before signing up.', dataType: 'boolean', }, templateId: { description: 'The doc id of the template the user last viewed before signing up, if any.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, siteMembership: { description: 'Triggered daily.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { siteId: { description: 'The site id.', dataType: 'number', }, siteType: { description: 'The site type.', dataType: 'string', }, numOwners: { description: 'The number of users with an owner role in this site.', dataType: 'number', }, numEditors: { description: 'The number of users with an editor role in this site.', dataType: 'number', }, numViewers: { description: 'The number of users with a viewer role in this site.', dataType: 'number', }, }, }, siteUsage: { description: 'Triggered daily.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { siteId: { description: 'The site id.', dataType: 'number', }, siteType: { description: 'The site type.', dataType: 'string', }, inGoodStanding: { description: "Whether the site's subscription is in good standing.", dataType: 'boolean', }, stripePlanId: { description: 'The Stripe Plan id associated with this site.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, numDocs: { description: 'The number of docs in this site.', dataType: 'number', }, numWorkspaces: { description: 'The number of workspaces in this site.', dataType: 'number', }, numMembers: { description: 'The number of site members.', dataType: 'number', }, lastActivity: { description: 'A timestamp of the most recent update made to a site document.', dataType: 'date', }, earliestDocCreatedAt: { description: 'A timestamp of the earliest non-deleted document creation time.', dataType: 'date', }, }, }, tutorialProgressChanged: { description: 'Triggered on changes to tutorial progress.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { tutorialForkIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the tutorial fork id.', dataType: 'string', }, tutorialTrunkIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the tutorial trunk id.', dataType: 'string', }, lastSlideIndex: { description: 'The 0-based index of the last tutorial slide the user had open.', dataType: 'number', }, numSlides: { description: 'The total number of slides in the tutorial.', dataType: 'number', }, percentComplete: { description: 'Percentage of tutorial completion.', dataType: 'number', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, }, }, tutorialRestarted: { description: 'Triggered when a tutorial is restarted.', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { tutorialForkIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the tutorial fork id.', dataType: 'string', }, tutorialTrunkIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the tutorial trunk id.', dataType: 'string', }, docIdDigest: { description: 'A hash of the doc id.', dataType: 'string', }, siteId: { description: 'The site id.', dataType: 'number', }, siteType: { description: 'The site type.', dataType: 'string', }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, access: { description: 'The document access level of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', }, }, }, watchedVideoTour: { description: 'Triggered when the video tour is closed.', minimumTelemetryLevel:, retentionPeriod: 'indefinitely', metadataContracts: { watchTimeSeconds: { description: 'The number of seconds elapsed in the video player.', dataType: 'number', }, userId: { description: 'The id of the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'number', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, altSessionId: { description: 'A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.', dataType: 'string', minimumTelemetryLevel: Level.full, }, }, }, }; type TelemetryContracts = Record; export const TelemetryEvents = StringUnion( 'apiUsage', 'assistantOpen', 'assistantSend', 'assistantReceive', 'assistantSave', 'assistantCancel', 'assistantClearConversation', 'assistantClose', 'beaconOpen', 'beaconArticleViewed', 'beaconEmailSent', 'beaconSearch', 'documentForked', 'documentOpened', 'documentUsage', 'processMonitor', 'sendingWebhooks', 'signupFirstVisit', 'signupVerified', 'siteMembership', 'siteUsage', 'tutorialProgressChanged', 'tutorialRestarted', 'watchedVideoTour', ); export type TelemetryEvent = typeof TelemetryEvents.type; interface TelemetryEventContract { description: string; minimumTelemetryLevel: Level; retentionPeriod: TelemetryRetentionPeriod; metadataContracts?: Record; } export type TelemetryRetentionPeriod = 'short' | 'indefinitely'; interface MetadataContract { description: string; dataType: 'boolean' | 'number' | 'string' | 'string[]' | 'date' | 'object'; minimumTelemetryLevel?: Level; } export type TelemetryMetadataByLevel = Partial>; export type EnabledTelemetryLevel = Exclude; export const TelemetryLevels = StringUnion('off', 'limited', 'full'); export type TelemetryLevel = typeof TelemetryLevels.type; export type TelemetryMetadata = Record; /** * The name of a cookie that's set whenever a template is opened. * * The cookie remembers the last template that was opened, which is then read during * sign-up to track which templates were viewed before sign-up. */ export const TELEMETRY_TEMPLATE_SIGNUP_COOKIE_NAME = 'gr_template_signup_trk'; /** * Returns a function that accepts a telemetry event and metadata, and performs various * checks on it based on a set of contracts and the `telemetryLevel`. * * The function throws if any checks fail. */ export function buildTelemetryEventChecker(telemetryLevel: TelemetryLevel) { const currentTelemetryLevel = Level[telemetryLevel]; return (event: TelemetryEvent, metadata?: TelemetryMetadata) => { const eventContract = TelemetryContracts[event]; if (!eventContract) { throw new Error(`Unknown telemetry event: ${event}`); } const eventMinimumTelemetryLevel = eventContract.minimumTelemetryLevel; if (currentTelemetryLevel < eventMinimumTelemetryLevel) { throw new Error( `Telemetry event ${event} requires a minimum telemetry level of ${eventMinimumTelemetryLevel} ` + `but the current level is ${currentTelemetryLevel}` ); } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(metadata ?? {})) { const metadataContract = eventContract.metadataContracts?.[key]; if (!metadataContract) { throw new Error(`Unknown metadata for telemetry event ${event}: ${key}`); } const metadataMinimumTelemetryLevel = metadataContract.minimumTelemetryLevel; if (metadataMinimumTelemetryLevel && currentTelemetryLevel < metadataMinimumTelemetryLevel) { throw new Error( `Telemetry metadata ${key} of event ${event} requires a minimum telemetry level of ` + `${metadataMinimumTelemetryLevel} but the current level is ${currentTelemetryLevel}` ); } const {dataType} = metadataContract; if (dataType.endsWith('[]')) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw new Error( `Telemetry metadata ${key} of event ${event} expected a value of type array ` + `but received a value of type ${typeof value}` ); } const elementDataType = dataType.slice(0, -2); if (value.some(element => typeof element !== elementDataType)) { throw new Error( `Telemetry metadata ${key} of event ${event} expected a value of type ${elementDataType}[] ` + `but received a value of type ${typeof value}[]` ); } } else if (dataType === 'date') { if (!(value instanceof Date) && typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Telemetry metadata ${key} of event ${event} expected a value of type Date or string ` + `but received a value of type ${typeof value}` ); } } else if (dataType !== typeof value) { throw new Error( `Telemetry metadata ${key} of event ${event} expected a value of type ${dataType} ` + `but received a value of type ${typeof value}` ); } } }; } export type TelemetryEventChecker = (event: TelemetryEvent, metadata?: TelemetryMetadata) => void;