from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import six from six.moves import zip, xrange import column import identifiers import logger log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO) # Prefix for transform columns created during imports. _import_transform_col_prefix = 'gristHelper_Import_' def _gen_colids(transform_rule): """ For a transform_rule with colIds = None, fills in colIds generated from labels and returns the updated transform_rule. """ dest_cols = transform_rule["destCols"] if any(dc["colId"] for dc in dest_cols): raise ValueError("transform_rule already has colIds in _gen_colids") col_labels = [dest_col["label"] for dest_col in dest_cols] col_ids = identifiers.pick_col_ident_list(col_labels, avoid={'id'}) for dest_col, col_id in zip(dest_cols, col_ids): dest_col["colId"] = col_id return transform_rule def _strip_prefixes(transform_rule): "If transform_rule has prefixed _col_ids, strips prefix" dest_cols = transform_rule["destCols"] for dest_col in dest_cols: colId = dest_col["colId"] if colId and colId.startswith(_import_transform_col_prefix): dest_col["colId"] = colId[len(_import_transform_col_prefix):] class ImportActions(object): def __init__(self, useractions, docmodel, engine): self._useractions = useractions self._docmodel = docmodel self._engine = engine ######################## ## NOTES # transform_rule is an object like this: { # destCols: [ { colId, label, type, formula }, ... ], # ..., # other params unused in sandbox # } # # colId is defined if into_new_table, otherwise is None # GenImporterView gets a hidden table with a preview of the import data (~100 rows) # It adds formula cols and viewsections to the hidden table for the user to # preview and edit import options. GenImporterView can start with a default transform_rule # from table columns, or use one that's passed in (for reimporting). # client/components/Importer.ts then puts together transform_rule, which # specifies destination column formulas, types, labels, and colIds. It only contains colIds # if importing into an existing table, and they are sometimes prefixed with # _import_transform_col_prefix (if transform_rule comes from client) def _MakeDefaultTransformRule(self, hidden_table_id, dest_table_id): """ Makes a basic transform_rule.dest_cols copying all the source cols hidden_table_id: table with src data dest_table_id: table data is going to If dst_table is null, copy all src columns If dst_table exists, copy all dst columns, and make copy formulas if any names match returns transform_rule with only destCols filled in """ tables = self._docmodel.tables hidden_table_rec = tables.lookupOne(tableId=hidden_table_id) # will use these to set default formulas (if column names match in src and dest table) src_cols = {c.colId for c in hidden_table_rec.columns} target_table = tables.lookupOne(tableId=dest_table_id) if dest_table_id else hidden_table_rec target_cols = target_table.columns # makes dest_cols for each column in target_cols (defaults to same columns as hidden_table) #loop through visible, non-formula target columns dest_cols = [] for c in target_cols: if column.is_visible_column(c.colId) and (not c.isFormula or c.formula == ""): dest_cols.append( { "label": c.label, "colId": c.colId if dest_table_id else None, #should be None if into new table "type": c.type, "formula": ("$" + c.colId) if (c.colId in src_cols) else '' }) return {"destCols": dest_cols} # doesnt generate other fields of transform_rule, but sandbox only used destCols def FillTransformRuleColIds(self, transform_rule): """ Takes a transform rule with missing dest col ids, and returns it with sanitized and de-duplicated ids generated from the original column labels. NOTE: This work could be done outside the data engine, but the logic for cleaning column identifiers is quite complex and currently only lives in the data engine. In the future, it may be worth porting it to Node to avoid an extra trip to the data engine. """ return _gen_colids(transform_rule) def MakeImportTransformColumns(self, hidden_table_id, transform_rule, gen_all): """ Makes prefixed columns in the grist hidden import table (hidden_table_id) hidden_table_id: id of temporary hidden table in which columns are made transform_rule: defines columns to make (colids must be filled in!) gen_all: If true, all columns will be generated If false, formulas that just copy will be skipped, and blank formulas will be skipped returns list of newly created colrefs (rowids into _grist_Tables_column) """ tables = self._docmodel.tables hidden_table_rec = tables.lookupOne(tableId=hidden_table_id) src_cols = {c.colId for c in hidden_table_rec.columns} log.debug("destCols:" + repr(transform_rule['destCols'])) #wrap dest_cols as namedtuples, to allow access like 'dest_col.param' dest_cols = [namedtuple('col', c.keys())(*c.values()) for c in transform_rule['destCols']] log.debug("MakeImportTransformColumns: {}".format("gen_all" if gen_all else "optimize")) #create prefixed formula column for each of dest_cols #take formula from transform_rule new_cols = [] for c in dest_cols: # skip copy and blank columns (unless gen_all) formula = c.formula.strip() isCopyFormula = (formula.startswith("$") and formula[1:] in src_cols) isBlankFormula = not formula if gen_all or (not isCopyFormula and not isBlankFormula): #if colId specified, use that. Else label is fine new_col_id = _import_transform_col_prefix + (c.colId or c.label) new_col_spec = { "label": c.label, "type": c.type, "isFormula": True, "formula": c.formula} result = self._useractions.doAddColumn(hidden_table_id, new_col_id, new_col_spec) new_cols.append(result["colRef"]) return new_cols def DoGenImporterView(self, source_table_id, dest_table_id, transform_rule = None): """ Generates viewsections/formula columns for importer source_table_id: id of temporary hidden table, data parsed from data source dest_table_id: id of table to import to, or None for new table transform_rule: transform_rule to reuse (if it still applies), if None will generate new one Removes old transform viewSection and columns for source_table_id, and creates new ones that match the destination table. Returns the rowId of the newly added section or 0 if no source table (source_table_id can be None in case of importing empty file). Creates formula columns for transforms (match columns in dest table) """ tables = self._docmodel.tables src_table_rec = tables.lookupOne(tableId=source_table_id) # for new table, dest_table_id is None dst_table_rec = tables.lookupOne(tableId=dest_table_id) if dest_table_id else src_table_rec # ======== Cleanup old sections/columns # Transform sections are created without a parent View, so we delete all such sections here. old_sections = [s for s in src_table_rec.viewSections if not s.parentId] self._docmodel.remove(old_sections) # Transform columns are those that start with a special prefix. old_cols = [c for c in src_table_rec.columns if c.colId.startswith(_import_transform_col_prefix)] self._docmodel.remove(old_cols) #======== Prepare/normalize transform_rule, Create new formula columns # Defaults to duplicating dest_table columns (or src_table columns for a new table) # If transform_rule provided, use that if transform_rule is None: transform_rule = self._MakeDefaultTransformRule(source_table_id, dest_table_id) else: #ensure prefixes, colIds are correct _strip_prefixes(transform_rule) if not dest_table_id: # into new table: 'colId's are undefined _gen_colids(transform_rule) else: if None in (dc["colId"] for dc in transform_rule["destCols"]): errstr = "colIds must be defined in transform_rule for importing into existing table: " raise ValueError(errstr + repr(transform_rule)) new_cols = self.MakeImportTransformColumns(source_table_id, transform_rule, gen_all=True) # we want to generate all columns so user can see them and edit #========= Create new transform view section. new_section = self._docmodel.add(self._docmodel.view_sections,, parentKey='record', borderWidth=1, defaultWidth=100, sortColRefs='[]')[0] self._docmodel.add(new_section.fields, colRef=new_cols) return