import {AppModel, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {getResetPwdUrl} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {ApiKey} from 'app/client/ui/ApiKey'; import * as billingPageCss from 'app/client/ui/BillingPageCss'; import {transientInput} from 'app/client/ui/transientInput'; import {buildNameWarningsDom, checkName} from 'app/client/ui/WelcomePage'; import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton, bigPrimaryButtonLink} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {cssModalBody, cssModalButtons, cssModalTitle, cssModalWidth} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {IModalControl, modal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import {Computed, dom, domComputed, DomElementArg, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; /** * Renders a modal with profile settings. */ export function showProfileModal(appModel: AppModel): void { return modal((ctl, owner) => showProfileContent(ctl, owner, appModel)); } function showProfileContent(ctl: IModalControl, owner: MultiHolder, appModel: AppModel): DomElementArg { const apiKey = Observable.create<string>(owner, ''); const userObs = Observable.create<FullUser|null>(owner, null); const isEditingName = Observable.create(owner, false); const nameEdit = Observable.create<string>(owner, ''); const isNameValid = Computed.create(owner, nameEdit, (use, val) => checkName(val)); let needsReload = false; async function fetchApiKey() { apiKey.set(await appModel.api.fetchApiKey()); } async function createApiKey() { apiKey.set(await appModel.api.createApiKey()); } async function deleteApiKey() { await appModel.api.deleteApiKey(); apiKey.set(''); } async function fetchUserProfile() { userObs.set(await appModel.api.getUserProfile()); } async function fetchAll() { await Promise.all([ fetchApiKey(), fetchUserProfile() ]); } fetchAll().catch(reportError); async function updateUserName(val: string) { const user = userObs.get(); if (user && val && val !== { await appModel.api.updateUserName(val); await fetchAll(); needsReload = true; } } owner.onDispose(() => { if (needsReload) { appModel.topAppModel.initialize(); } }); return [ cssModalTitle('User Profile'), cssModalWidth('fixed-wide'), domComputed(userObs, (user) => user && ( cssModalBody( cssDataRow(cssSubHeader('Email'),, cssDataRow( cssSubHeader('Name'), domComputed(isEditingName, (isediting) => ( isediting ? [ transientInput( { initialValue:, save: ctl.doWork(async (val) => isNameValid.get() && updateUserName(val)), close: () => { isEditingName.set(false); nameEdit.set(''); }, }, dom.on('input', (ev, el) => nameEdit.set(el.value)), ), cssTextBtn( cssBillingIcon('Settings'), 'Save', // no need to save on 'click', the transient input already does it on close ), ] : [, cssTextBtn( cssBillingIcon('Settings'), 'Edit', dom.on('click', () => isEditingName.set(true)) ), ] )), testId('username') ), // show warning for invalid name but not for the empty string dom.maybe(use => use(nameEdit) && !use(isNameValid), cssWarnings), cssDataRow( cssSubHeader('Login Method'), user.loginMethod, // TODO: should show btn only when logged in with google user.loginMethod === 'Email + Password' ? cssTextBtn( // rename to remove mention of Billing in the css cssBillingIcon('Settings'), 'Reset', dom.on('click', () => confirmPwdResetModal( ) : null, testId('login-method'), ), cssDataRow(cssSubHeader('API Key'), cssContent( dom.create(ApiKey, { apiKey, onCreate: ctl.doWork(createApiKey), onDelete: ctl.doWork(deleteApiKey), anonymous: false, }) )), ) )), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButton('Close', dom.boolAttr('disabled', ctl.workInProgress), dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()), testId('modal-confirm') ), ), ]; } // We cannot use the confirmModal here because of the button link that we need here. function confirmPwdResetModal(userEmail: string) { return modal((ctl, owner) => { return [ cssModalTitle('Reset Password'), cssModalBody(`Click continue to open the password reset form. Submit it for your email address: ${userEmail}`), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButtonLink( { href: getResetPwdUrl(), target: '_blank' }, 'Continue', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()) ), bigBasicButton( 'Cancel', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()) ), ), ]; }); } const cssDataRow = styled('div', ` margin: 8px 0px; display: flex; align-items: baseline; `); const cssSubHeader = styled('div', ` width: 110px; padding: 8px 0; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold; `); const cssContent = styled('div', ` flex: 1 1 300px; `); const cssTextBtn = styled(billingPageCss.billingTextBtn, ` width: 90px; margin-left: auto; `); const cssBillingIcon = billingPageCss.billingIcon; const cssWarnings = styled(buildNameWarningsDom, ` margin: -8px 0 0 110px; `);