""" Test of Summary tables. This has many test cases, so to keep files smaller, it's split into two files: test_summary.py and test_summary2.py. """ import actions import logger import summary import testutil import test_engine from useractions import allowed_summary_change from test_engine import Table, Column, View, Section, Field log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO) class TestSummary(test_engine.EngineTestCase): sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({ "SCHEMA": [ [1, "Address", [ [11, "city", "Text", False, "", "City", ""], [12, "state", "Text", False, "", "State", "WidgetOptions1"], [13, "amount", "Numeric", False, "", "Amount", "WidgetOptions2"], ]] ], "DATA": { "Address": [ ["id", "city", "state", "amount" ], [ 21, "New York", "NY" , 1. ], [ 22, "Albany", "NY" , 2. ], [ 23, "Seattle", "WA" , 3. ], [ 24, "Chicago", "IL" , 4. ], [ 25, "Bedford", "MA" , 5. ], [ 26, "New York", "NY" , 6. ], [ 27, "Buffalo", "NY" , 7. ], [ 28, "Bedford", "NY" , 8. ], [ 29, "Boston", "MA" , 9. ], [ 30, "Yonkers", "NY" , 10. ], [ 31, "New York", "NY" , 11. ], ] } }) starting_table = Table(1, "Address", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(11, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(12, "state", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(13, "amount", "Numeric", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), ]) starting_table_data = [ ["id", "city", "state", "amount" ], [ 21, "New York", "NY" , 1 ], [ 22, "Albany", "NY" , 2 ], [ 23, "Seattle", "WA" , 3 ], [ 24, "Chicago", "IL" , 4 ], [ 25, "Bedford", "MA" , 5 ], [ 26, "New York", "NY" , 6 ], [ 27, "Buffalo", "NY" , 7 ], [ 28, "Bedford", "NY" , 8 ], [ 29, "Boston", "MA" , 9 ], [ 30, "Yonkers", "NY" , 10 ], [ 31, "New York", "NY" , 11 ], ] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_encode_summary_table_name(self): self.assertEqual(summary.encode_summary_table_name("Foo"), "GristSummary_3_Foo") self.assertEqual(summary.encode_summary_table_name("Foo2"), "GristSummary_4_Foo2") self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_3_Foo"), "Foo") self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_4_Foo2"), "Foo2") self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_3_Foo2"), "Foo") self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_4_Foo2_2"), "Foo2") # Test that underscore in the name is OK. self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_5_Foo_234"), "Foo_2") self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_4_Foo_234"), "Foo_") self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_6__Foo_234"), "_Foo_2") # Test that we return None for invalid values. self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("Foo2"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_3Foo"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_4_Foo"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary_3X_Foo"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("_5_Foo_234"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("_GristSummary_3_Foo"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("gristsummary_3_Foo"), None) self.assertEqual(summary.decode_summary_table_name("GristSummary3_Foo"), None) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_create_view_section(self): self.load_sample(self.sample) # Verify the starting table; there should be no views yet. self.assertTables([self.starting_table]) self.assertViews([]) # Create a view + section for the initial table. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", None, None]) # Verify that we got a new view, with one section, and three fields. self.assertTables([self.starting_table]) basic_view = View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=11), Field(2, colRef=12), Field(3, colRef=13), ]) ]) self.assertViews([basic_view]) self.assertTableData("Address", self.starting_table_data) # Create a "Totals" section, i.e. a summary with no group-by columns. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [], None]) # Verify that a new table gets created, and a new view, with a section for that table, # and some auto-generated summary fields. summary_table1 = Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=1, columns=[ Column(14, "group", "RefList:Address", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(15, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(16, "amount", "Numeric", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]) summary_view1 = View(2, sections=[ Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(4, colRef=15), Field(5, colRef=16), ]) ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table1]) self.assertViews([basic_view, summary_view1]) # Verify the summarized data. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "count", "amount"], [ 1, 11, 66.0 ], ]) # Create a summary section, grouped by the "State" column. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [12], None]) # Verify that a new table gets created again, a new view, and a section for that table. # Note that we also check that summarySourceTable and summarySourceCol fields are correct. summary_table2 = Table(3, "GristSummary_7_Address2", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=1, columns=[ Column(17, "state", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=12), Column(18, "group", "RefList:Address", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(19, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(20, "amount", "Numeric", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]) summary_view2 = View(3, sections=[ Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(6, colRef=17), Field(7, colRef=19), Field(8, colRef=20), ]) ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table1, summary_table2]) self.assertViews([basic_view, summary_view1, summary_view2]) # Verify more fields of the new column objects. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[ ['id', 'colId', 'type', 'formula', 'widgetOptions', 'label'], [17, 'state', 'Text', '', 'WidgetOptions1', 'State'], [20, 'amount', 'Numeric', 'SUM($group.amount)', 'WidgetOptions2', 'Amount'], ]) # Verify the summarized data. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address2', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "NY", 7, 1.+2+6+7+8+10+11 ], [ 2, "WA", 1, 3. ], [ 3, "IL", 1, 4. ], [ 4, "MA", 2, 5.+9 ], ]) # Create a summary section grouped by two columns ("city" and "state"). self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) # Verify the new table and views. summary_table3 = Table(4, "GristSummary_7_Address3", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=1, columns=[ Column(21, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=11), Column(22, "state", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=12), Column(23, "group", "RefList:Address", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(24, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(25, "amount", "Numeric", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]) summary_view3 = View(4, sections=[ Section(4, parentKey="record", tableRef=4, fields=[ Field(9, colRef=21), Field(10, colRef=22), Field(11, colRef=24), Field(12, colRef=25), ]) ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table1, summary_table2, summary_table3]) self.assertViews([basic_view, summary_view1, summary_view2, summary_view3]) # Verify the summarized data. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address3', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "city", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "New York", "NY" , 3, 1.+6+11 ], [ 2, "Albany", "NY" , 1, 2. ], [ 3, "Seattle", "WA" , 1, 3. ], [ 4, "Chicago", "IL" , 1, 4. ], [ 5, "Bedford", "MA" , 1, 5. ], [ 6, "Buffalo", "NY" , 1, 7. ], [ 7, "Bedford", "NY" , 1, 8. ], [ 8, "Boston", "MA" , 1, 9. ], [ 9, "Yonkers", "NY" , 1, 10. ], ]) # The original table's data should not have changed. self.assertTableData("Address", self.starting_table_data) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_summary_gencode(self): self.maxDiff = 1000 # If there is a discrepancy, allow the bigger diff. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) self.assertMultiLineEqual(self.engine.fetch_table_schema(), """import grist from functions import * # global uppercase functions import datetime, math, re # modules commonly needed in formulas @grist.UserTable class Address: city = grist.Text() state = grist.Text() amount = grist.Numeric() class _Summary: @grist.formulaType(grist.ReferenceList('Address')) def group(rec, table): return table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec) @grist.formulaType(grist.Int()) def count(rec, table): return len(rec.group) @grist.formulaType(grist.Numeric()) def amount(rec, table): return SUM(rec.group.amount) """) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_summary_table_reuse(self): # Test that we'll reuse a suitable summary table when already available. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Create a summary section grouped by two columns ("city" and "state"). self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) # Verify the new table and views. summary_table = Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=1, columns=[ Column(14, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=11), Column(15, "state", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=12), Column(16, "group", "RefList:Address", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(17, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(18, "amount", "Numeric", isFormula=True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]) summary_view = View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=14), Field(2, colRef=15), Field(3, colRef=17), Field(4, colRef=18), ]) ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table]) self.assertViews([summary_view]) # Create twoo other views + view sections with the same breakdown (in different order # of group-by fields, which should still reuse the same table). self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [12,11], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) summary_view2 = View(2, sections=[ Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(5, colRef=15), Field(6, colRef=14), Field(7, colRef=17), Field(8, colRef=18), ]) ]) summary_view3 = View(3, sections=[ Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(9, colRef=14), Field(10, colRef=15), Field(11, colRef=17), Field(12, colRef=18), ]) ]) # Verify that we have a new view, but are reusing the table. self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table]) self.assertViews([summary_view, summary_view2, summary_view3]) # Verify the summarized data. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "city", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "New York", "NY" , 3, 1.+6+11 ], [ 2, "Albany", "NY" , 1, 2. ], [ 3, "Seattle", "WA" , 1, 3. ], [ 4, "Chicago", "IL" , 1, 4. ], [ 5, "Bedford", "MA" , 1, 5. ], [ 6, "Buffalo", "NY" , 1, 7. ], [ 7, "Bedford", "NY" , 1, 8. ], [ 8, "Boston", "MA" , 1, 9. ], [ 9, "Yonkers", "NY" , 1, 10. ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_summary_no_invalid_reuse(self): # Verify that if we have some summary tables for one table, they don't mistakenly get used # when we need a summary for another table. # Load table and create a couple summary sections, for totals, and grouped by "state". self.load_sample(self.sample) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [12], None]) self.assertTables([ self.starting_table, Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(14, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(15, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(16, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(3, "GristSummary_7_Address2", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(17, "state", "Text", False, "", 12), Column(18, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(19, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(20, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), ]) # Create another table similar to the first one. self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "Address2", [ { "id": "city", "type": "Text" }, { "id": "state", "type": "Text" }, { "id": "amount", "type": "Numeric" }, ]]) data = self.sample["DATA"]["Address"] self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "Address2", data.row_ids, data.columns]) # Check that we've loaded the right data, and have the new table. self.assertTableData("Address", cols="subset", data=self.starting_table_data) self.assertTableData("Address2", cols="subset", data=self.starting_table_data) self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables", cols="subset", data=[ ['id', 'tableId', 'summarySourceTable'], [ 1, 'Address', 0], [ 2, 'GristSummary_7_Address', 1], [ 3, 'GristSummary_7_Address2', 1], [ 4, 'Address2', 0], ]) # Now create similar summary sections for the new table. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 4, 0, "record", [], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 4, 0, "record", [23], None]) # Make sure this creates new section rather than reuses similar ones for the wrong table. self.assertTables([ self.starting_table, Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(14, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(15, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(16, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(3, "GristSummary_7_Address2", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(17, "state", "Text", False, "", 12), Column(18, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(19, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(20, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(4, "Address2", primaryViewId=3, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(21, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, "", 0), Column(22, "city", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(23, "state", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(24, "amount", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(5, "GristSummary_8_Address2", 0, 4, columns=[ Column(25, "group", "RefList:Address2", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(26, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(27, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(6, "GristSummary_8_Address2_2", 0, 4, columns=[ Column(28, "state", "Text", False, "", 23), Column(29, "group", "RefList:Address2", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(30, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(31, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_summary_updates(self): # Verify that summary tables update automatically when we change a value used in a summary # formula; or a value in a group-by column; or add/remove a record; that records get # auto-added when new group-by combinations appear. # Load sample and create a summary section grouped by two columns ("city" and "state"). self.load_sample(self.sample) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) # Verify that the summary table respects all updates to the source table. self._do_test_updates("Address", "GristSummary_7_Address") def _do_test_updates(self, source_tbl_name, summary_tbl_name): # This is the main part of test_summary_updates(). It's moved to its own method so that # updates can be verified the same way after a table rename. # Verify the summarized data. self.assertTableData(summary_tbl_name, cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "city", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "New York", "NY" , 3, 1.+6+11 ], [ 2, "Albany", "NY" , 1, 2. ], [ 3, "Seattle", "WA" , 1, 3. ], [ 4, "Chicago", "IL" , 1, 4. ], [ 5, "Bedford", "MA" , 1, 5. ], [ 6, "Buffalo", "NY" , 1, 7. ], [ 7, "Bedford", "NY" , 1, 8. ], [ 8, "Boston", "MA" , 1, 9. ], [ 9, "Yonkers", "NY" , 1, 10. ], ]) # Change an amount (New York, NY, 6 -> 106), check that the right calc action gets emitted. out_actions = self.update_record(source_tbl_name, 26, amount=106) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ actions.UpdateRecord(source_tbl_name, 26, {'amount': 106}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 1, {'amount': 1.+106+11}), ] }) # Change a groupby value so that a record moves from one summary group to another. # Bedford, NY, 8.0 -> Bedford, MA, 8.0 out_actions = self.update_record(source_tbl_name, 28, state="MA") self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ actions.UpdateRecord(source_tbl_name, 28, {'state': 'MA'}), actions.BulkUpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, [5,7], {'amount': [5.0 + 8.0, 0.0]}), actions.BulkUpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, [5,7], {'count': [2, 0]}), actions.BulkUpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, [5,7], {'group': [[25, 28], []]}), ] }) # Add a record to an existing group (Bedford, MA, 108.0) out_actions = self.add_record(source_tbl_name, city="Bedford", state="MA", amount=108.0) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ actions.AddRecord(source_tbl_name, 32, {'city': 'Bedford', 'state': 'MA', 'amount': 108.0}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 5, {'amount': 5.0 + 8.0 + 108.0}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 5, {'count': 3}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 5, {'group': [25, 28, 32]}), ] }) # Remove a record (rowId=28, Bedford, MA, 8.0) out_actions = self.remove_record(source_tbl_name, 28) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ actions.RemoveRecord(source_tbl_name, 28), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 5, {'amount': 5.0 + 108.0}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 5, {'count': 2}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 5, {'group': [25, 32]}), ] }) # Change groupby value to create a new combination (rowId 25, Bedford, MA, 5.0 -> Salem, MA). # A new summary record should be added. out_actions = self.update_record(source_tbl_name, 25, city="Salem") self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ actions.UpdateRecord(source_tbl_name, 25, {'city': 'Salem'}), actions.AddRecord(summary_tbl_name, 10, {'city': 'Salem', 'state': 'MA'}), actions.BulkUpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, [5,10], {'amount': [108.0, 5.0]}), actions.BulkUpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, [5,10], {'count': [1, 1]}), actions.BulkUpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, [5,10], {'group': [[32], [25]]}), ] }) # Add a record with a new combination (Amherst, MA, 17) out_actions = self.add_record(source_tbl_name, city="Amherst", state="MA", amount=17.0) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ actions.AddRecord(source_tbl_name, 33, {'city': 'Amherst', 'state': 'MA', 'amount': 17.}), actions.AddRecord(summary_tbl_name, 11, {'city': 'Amherst', 'state': 'MA'}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 11, {'amount': 17.0}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 11, {'count': 1}), actions.UpdateRecord(summary_tbl_name, 11, {'group': [33]}), ] }) # Verify the resulting data after all the updates. self.assertTableData(summary_tbl_name, cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "city", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "New York", "NY" , 3, 1.+106+11 ], [ 2, "Albany", "NY" , 1, 2. ], [ 3, "Seattle", "WA" , 1, 3. ], [ 4, "Chicago", "IL" , 1, 4. ], [ 5, "Bedford", "MA" , 1, 108. ], [ 6, "Buffalo", "NY" , 1, 7. ], [ 7, "Bedford", "NY" , 0, 0. ], [ 8, "Boston", "MA" , 1, 9. ], [ 9, "Yonkers", "NY" , 1, 10. ], [ 10, "Salem", "MA" , 1, 5.0 ], [ 11, "Amherst", "MA" , 1, 17.0 ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_table_rename(self): # Verify that summary tables keep working and updating when source table is renamed. # Load sample and create a couple of summary sections. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) # Check what tables we have now. self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId", "summarySourceTable"], [ [1, "Address", 0], [2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 1], ]) # Rename the table: this is what we are really testing in this test case. self.apply_user_action(["RenameTable", "Address", "Location"]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId", "summarySourceTable"], [ [1, "Location", 0], [2, "GristSummary_8_Location", 1], ]) # Verify that the bigger summary table respects all updates to the renamed source table. self._do_test_updates("Location", "GristSummary_8_Location") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_table_rename_multiple(self): # Similar to the above, verify renames, but now with two summary tables. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [], None]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId", "summarySourceTable"], [ [1, "Address", 0], [2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 1], [3, "GristSummary_7_Address2", 1], ]) # Verify the data in the simple totals-only summary table. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address2', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "count", "amount"], [ 1, 11, 66.0 ], ]) # Do a rename. self.apply_user_action(["RenameTable", "Address", "Addresses"]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId", "summarySourceTable"], [ [1, "Addresses", 0], [2, "GristSummary_9_Addresses", 1], [3, "GristSummary_9_Addresses2", 1], ]) self.assertTableData('GristSummary_9_Addresses2', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "count", "amount"], [ 1, 11, 66.0 ], ]) # Remove one of the tables so that we can use _do_test_updates to verify updates still work. self.apply_user_action(["RemoveTable", "GristSummary_9_Addresses2"]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId", "summarySourceTable"], [ [1, "Addresses", 0], [2, "GristSummary_9_Addresses", 1], ]) self._do_test_updates("Addresses", "GristSummary_9_Addresses") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_change_summary_formula(self): # Verify that changing a summary formula affects all group-by variants, and adding a new # summary table gets the changed formula. # # (Recall that all summaries of a single table are *conceptually* variants of a single summary # table, sharing all formulas and differing only in the group-by columns.) self.load_sample(self.sample) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [11,12], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [], None]) # These are the tables and columns we automatically get. self.assertTables([ self.starting_table, Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(14, "city", "Text", False, "", 11), Column(15, "state", "Text", False, "", 12), Column(16, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(17, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(18, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(3, "GristSummary_7_Address2", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(19, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(20, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(21, "amount", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.amount)", 0), ]) ]) # Now change a formula using one of the summary tables. It should trigger an equivalent # change in the other. self.apply_user_action(["ModifyColumn", "GristSummary_7_Address", "amount", {"formula": "10*sum($group.amount)"}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[ ['id', 'colId', 'type', 'formula', 'widgetOptions', 'label'], [18, 'amount', 'Numeric', '10*sum($group.amount)', 'WidgetOptions2', 'Amount'], [21, 'amount', 'Numeric', '10*sum($group.amount)', 'WidgetOptions2', 'Amount'], ]) # Change a formula and a few other fields in the other table, and verify a change to both. self.apply_user_action(["ModifyColumn", "GristSummary_7_Address2", "amount", {"formula": "100*sum($group.amount)", "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": "hello", "label": "AMOUNT", "untieColIdFromLabel": True }]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[ ['id', 'colId', 'type', 'formula', 'widgetOptions', 'label'], [18, 'amount', 'Text', '100*sum($group.amount)', 'hello', 'AMOUNT'], [21, 'amount', 'Text', '100*sum($group.amount)', 'hello', 'AMOUNT'], ]) # Check the values in the summary tables: they should reflect the new formula. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "city", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "New York", "NY" , 3, str(100*(1+6+11))], [ 2, "Albany", "NY" , 1, "200" ], [ 3, "Seattle", "WA" , 1, "300" ], [ 4, "Chicago", "IL" , 1, "400" ], [ 5, "Bedford", "MA" , 1, "500" ], [ 6, "Buffalo", "NY" , 1, "700" ], [ 7, "Bedford", "NY" , 1, "800" ], [ 8, "Boston", "MA" , 1, "900" ], [ 9, "Yonkers", "NY" , 1, "1000" ], ]) self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address2', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "count", "amount"], [ 1, 11, "6600"], ]) # Add a new summary table, and check that it gets the new formula. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [12], None]) self.assertTables([ self.starting_table, Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(14, "city", "Text", False, "", 11), Column(15, "state", "Text", False, "", 12), Column(16, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(17, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(18, "amount", "Text", True, "100*sum($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(3, "GristSummary_7_Address2", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(19, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(20, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(21, "amount", "Text", True, "100*sum($group.amount)", 0), ]), Table(4, "GristSummary_7_Address3", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(22, "state", "Text", False, "", 12), Column(23, "group", "RefList:Address", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(24, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(25, "amount", "Text", True, "100*sum($group.amount)", 0), ]) ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[ ['id', 'colId', 'type', 'formula', 'widgetOptions', 'label'], [18, 'amount', 'Text', '100*sum($group.amount)', 'hello', 'AMOUNT'], [21, 'amount', 'Text', '100*sum($group.amount)', 'hello', 'AMOUNT'], [25, 'amount', 'Text', '100*sum($group.amount)', 'hello', 'AMOUNT'], ]) # Verify the summarized data. self.assertTableData('GristSummary_7_Address3', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "NY", 7, str(int(100*(1.+2+6+7+8+10+11))) ], [ 2, "WA", 1, "300" ], [ 3, "IL", 1, "400" ], [ 4, "MA", 2, str(500+900) ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_convert_source_column(self): # Verify that we can convert the type of a column when there is a summary table using that # column to group by. Since converting generates extra summary records, this may cause bugs. self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None]) self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "Table1", [None]*3, {"A": [10,20,10], "B": [1,2,3]}]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [2], None]) # Verify metadata and actual data initially. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Table1", summarySourceTable=0, primaryViewId=1, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "A", "Numeric", False, "", 0), Column(3, "B", "Numeric", False, "", 0), Column(4, "C", "Any", True, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "GristSummary_6_Table1", summarySourceTable=1, primaryViewId=0, columns=[ Column(5, "A", "Numeric", False, "", 2), Column(6, "group", "RefList:Table1", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(7, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(8, "B", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.B)", 0), ]) ]) self.assertTableData('Table1', data=[ [ "id", "manualSort", "A", "B", "C" ], [ 1, 1.0, 10, 1.0, None ], [ 2, 2.0, 20, 2.0, None ], [ 3, 3.0, 10, 3.0, None ], ]) self.assertTableData('GristSummary_6_Table1', data=[ [ "id", "A", "group", "count", "B" ], [ 1, 10, [1,3], 2, 4 ], [ 2, 20, [2], 1, 2 ], ]) # Do a conversion. self.apply_user_action(["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "Text"}]) # Verify that the conversion's result is as expected. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Table1", summarySourceTable=0, primaryViewId=1, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "A", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "B", "Numeric", False, "", 0), Column(4, "C", "Any", True, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "GristSummary_6_Table1", summarySourceTable=1, primaryViewId=0, columns=[ Column(5, "A", "Text", False, "", 2), Column(6, "group", "RefList:Table1", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(7, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(8, "B", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.B)", 0), ]) ]) self.assertTableData('Table1', data=[ [ "id", "manualSort", "A", "B", "C" ], [ 1, 1.0, "10", 1.0, None ], [ 2, 2.0, "20", 2.0, None ], [ 3, 3.0, "10", 3.0, None ], ]) self.assertTableData('GristSummary_6_Table1', data=[ [ "id", "A", "group", "count", "B" ], [ 1, "10", [1,3], 2, 4 ], [ 2, "20", [2], 1, 2 ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @test_engine.test_undo def test_remove_source_column(self): # Verify that we can remove a column when there is a summary table using that column to group # by. (Bug T188.) self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None]) self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "Table1", [None]*3, {"A": ['a','b','c'], "B": [1,1,2], "C": [4,5,6]}]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", [2,3], None]) # Verify metadata and actual data initially. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Table1", summarySourceTable=0, primaryViewId=1, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "A", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "B", "Numeric", False, "", 0), Column(4, "C", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "GristSummary_6_Table1", summarySourceTable=1, primaryViewId=0, columns=[ Column(5, "A", "Text", False, "", 2), Column(6, "B", "Numeric", False, "", 3), Column(7, "group", "RefList:Table1", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(8, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(9, "C", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.C)", 0), ]) ]) self.assertTableData('Table1', data=[ [ "id", "manualSort", "A", "B", "C" ], [ 1, 1.0, 'a', 1.0, 4 ], [ 2, 2.0, 'b', 1.0, 5 ], [ 3, 3.0, 'c', 2.0, 6 ], ]) self.assertTableData('GristSummary_6_Table1', data=[ [ "id", "A", "B", "group", "count", "C" ], [ 1, 'a', 1.0, [1], 1, 4 ], [ 2, 'b', 1.0, [2], 1, 5 ], [ 3, 'c', 2.0, [3], 1, 6 ], ]) # Remove column A, used for group-by. self.apply_user_action(["RemoveColumn", "Table1", "A"]) # Verify that the conversion's result is as expected. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Table1", summarySourceTable=0, primaryViewId=1, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(3, "B", "Numeric", False, "", 0), Column(4, "C", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(3, "GristSummary_6_Table1_2", summarySourceTable=1, primaryViewId=0, columns=[ Column(10, "B", "Numeric", False, "", 3), Column(12, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(13, "C", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.C)", 0), Column(11, "group", "RefList:Table1", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), ]) ]) self.assertTableData('Table1', data=[ [ "id", "manualSort", "B", "C" ], [ 1, 1.0, 1.0, 4 ], [ 2, 2.0, 1.0, 5 ], [ 3, 3.0, 2.0, 6 ], ]) self.assertTableData('GristSummary_6_Table1_2', data=[ [ "id", "B", "group", "count", "C" ], [ 1, 1.0, [1,2], 2, 9 ], [ 2, 2.0, [3], 1, 6 ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # pylint: disable=R0915 def test_allow_select_by_change(self): def widgetOptions(n, o): return allowed_summary_change('widgetOptions', n, o) # Can make no update on widgetOptions. new = None old = None self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) new = '' old = None self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) new = '' old = '' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) new = None old = '' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can update when key was not present new = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":"center"}' old = '' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) new = '' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":"center"}' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can update when key was present. new = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":"center"}' old = '{"widget":"Spinner","alignment":"center"}' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can update but must leave other options. new = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"center"}' old = '{"widget":"Spinner","cant":"center"}' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't add protected property when old was empty. new = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"new"}' old = None self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't remove when there was a protected property. new = None old = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"old"}' self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't update by omitting. new = '{"widget":"TextBox"}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"old"}' self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't update by changing. new = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"new"}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"old"}' self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't update by adding. new = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":"new"}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox"}' self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can update objects new = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":{"prop":1},"cant":{"prop":1}}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":{"prop":2},"cant":{"prop":1}}' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't update objects new = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":{"prop":1}}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":{"prop":2}}' self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can't update lists new = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":[1, 2]}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","cant":[2, 1]}' self.assertFalse(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can update lists new = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":[1, 2]}' old = '{"widget":"TextBox","alignment":[3, 2]}' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # Can update without changing list. new = '{"widget":"TextBox","dontChange":[1, 2]}' old = '{"widget":"Spinner","dontChange":[1, 2]}' self.assertTrue(widgetOptions(new, old)) # pylint: enable=R0915