// Letter codes for CellValue types encoded as [code, args...] tuples. export const enum GristObjCode { List = 'L', LookUp = 'l', Dict = 'O', DateTime = 'D', Date = 'd', Skip = 'S', Censored = 'C', Reference = 'R', ReferenceList = 'r', Exception = 'E', Pending = 'P', Unmarshallable = 'U', Versions = 'V', } export type CellValue = number|string|boolean|null|[GristObjCode, ...unknown[]]; export interface BulkColValues { [colId: string]: CellValue[]; } /** * Map of column ids to `CellValue`s. * * ### CellValue * * Each `CellValue` may either be a primitive (e.g. `true`, `123`, `"hello"`, `null`) * or a tuple (JavaScript Array) representing a Grist object. The first element of the tuple * is a string character representing the object code. For example, `["L", "foo", "bar"]` * is a `CellValue` of a Choice List column, where `"L"` is the type, and `"foo"` and * `"bar"` are the choices. * * ### Grist Object Types * * | Code | Type | * | ---- | -------------- | * | L | List | * | l | LookUp | * | O | Dict | * | D | DateTime | * | d | Date | * | C | Censored | * | R | Reference | * | r | ReferenceList | * | E | Exception | * | P | Pending | * | U | Unmarshallable | * | V | Version | */ export interface RowRecord { id: number; [colId: string]: CellValue; } /** * Map of column ids to `CellValue` arrays, where array indexes correspond to * rows. * * ### CellValue * * Each `CellValue` may either be a primitive (e.g. `true`, `123`, `"hello"`, `null`) * or a tuple (JavaScript Array) representing a Grist object. The first element of the tuple * is a string character representing the object code. For example, `["L", "foo", "bar"]` * is a `CellValue` of a Choice List column, where `"L"` is the type, and `"foo"` and * `"bar"` are the choices. * * ### Grist Object Types * * | Code | Type | * | ---- | -------------- | * | L | List | * | l | LookUp | * | O | Dict | * | D | DateTime | * | d | Date | * | C | Censored | * | R | Reference | * | r | ReferenceList | * | E | Exception | * | P | Pending | * | U | Unmarshallable | * | V | Version | */ export interface RowRecords { id: number[]; [colId: string]: CellValue[]; } export type GristType = 'Any' | 'Attachments' | 'Blob' | 'Bool' | 'Choice' | 'ChoiceList' | 'Date' | 'DateTime' | 'Id' | 'Int' | 'ManualSortPos' | 'Numeric' | 'PositionNumber' | 'Ref' | 'RefList' | 'Text';