/** * TableData maintains a single table's data. */ import {ActionDispatcher} from 'app/common/ActionDispatcher'; import {BulkColValues, CellValue, ColInfo, ColInfoWithId, ColValues, DocAction, isSchemaAction, ReplaceTableData, RowRecord, TableDataAction} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {getDefaultForType} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {arrayRemove, arraySplice, getDistinctValues} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {SchemaTypes} from "app/common/schema"; import {UIRowId} from 'app/common/UIRowId'; import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual'); import fromPairs = require('lodash/fromPairs'); export interface ColTypeMap { [colId: string]: string; } type UIRowFunc = (rowId: UIRowId) => T; interface ColData { colId: string; type: string; defl: any; values: CellValue[]; } /** * An interface for a table with rows that may be skipped. */ export interface SkippableRows { // If there may be skippable rows, return a function to test rowIds for keeping. getKeepFunc(): undefined | UIRowFunc; // Get a special row id which represents a skipped sequence of rows. getSkipRowId(): number; } /** * TableData class to maintain a single table's data. * * In the browser's memory, table data needs a representation that's reasonably compact. We * represent it as column-wise arrays. (An early hope was to allow use of TypedArrays, but since * types can be mixed, those are not used.) */ export class TableData extends ActionDispatcher implements SkippableRows { private _tableId: string; private _isLoaded: boolean = false; private _fetchPromise?: Promise; // Storage of the underlying data. Each column is an array, all of the same length. Includes // 'id' column, containing a reference to _rowIdCol. private _columns: Map = new Map(); // Array of all ColData objects, omitting 'id'. private _colArray: ColData[] = []; // The `id` column is direct reference to the 'id' column, and contains row ids. private _rowIdCol: number[] = []; // Maps row id to index in the arrays in _columns. I.e. it's the inverse of _rowIdCol. private _rowMap: Map = new Map(); constructor(tableId: string, tableData: TableDataAction|null, colTypes: ColTypeMap) { super(); this._tableId = tableId; // Initialize all columns to empty arrays, while nothing is yet loaded. for (const colId in colTypes) { if (colTypes.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { const type = colTypes[colId]; const defl = getDefaultForType(type); const colData: ColData = { colId, type, defl, values: [] }; this._columns.set(colId, colData); this._colArray.push(colData); } } this._columns.set('id', {colId: 'id', type: 'Id', defl: 0, values: this._rowIdCol}); if (tableData) { this.loadData(tableData); } // TODO: We should probably unload big sets of data when no longer needed. This can be left for // when we support loading only parts of a table. } /** * Fetch data (as long as a fetch is not in progress), and load it in memory when done. * Returns a promise that's resolved when data finishes loading, and isLoaded becomes true. */ public fetchData(fetchFunc: (tableId: string) => Promise): Promise { if (!this._fetchPromise) { this._fetchPromise = fetchFunc(this._tableId).then(data => { this._fetchPromise = undefined; this.loadData(data); }); } return this._fetchPromise; } /** * Populates the data for this table. Returns the array of old rowIds that were loaded before. */ public loadData(tableData: TableDataAction|ReplaceTableData): number[] { const rowIds: number[] = tableData[2]; const colValues: BulkColValues = tableData[3]; const oldRowIds: number[] = this._rowIdCol.slice(0); reassignArray(this._rowIdCol, rowIds); for (const colData of this._colArray) { const values = colValues[colData.colId]; // If colId is missing from tableData, use an array of default values. Note that reusing // default value like this is only OK because all default values we use are primitive. reassignArray(colData.values, values || this._rowIdCol.map(() => colData.defl)); } this._rowMap.clear(); for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) { this._rowMap.set(rowIds[i], i); } this._isLoaded = true; return oldRowIds; } // Used by QuerySet to load new rows for onDemand tables. public loadPartial(data: TableDataAction): void { // Add the new rows, reusing BulkAddData code. const rowIds: number[] = data[2]; this.onBulkAddRecord(data, data[1], rowIds, data[3]); // Mark the table as loaded. this._isLoaded = true; } // Used by QuerySet to remove unused rows for onDemand tables when a QuerySet is disposed. public unloadPartial(rowIds: number[]): void { // Remove the unneeded rows, reusing BulkRemoveRecord code. this.onBulkRemoveRecord(['BulkRemoveRecord', this.tableId, rowIds], this.tableId, rowIds); } /** * Read-only tableId. */ public get tableId(): string { return this._tableId; } /** * Boolean flag for whether the data for this table is already loaded. */ public get isLoaded(): boolean { return this._isLoaded; } /** * The number of records loaded in this table. */ public numRecords(): number { return this._rowIdCol.length; } /** * Returns the specified value from this table. */ public getValue(rowId: UIRowId, colId: string): CellValue|undefined { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); const index = this._rowMap.get(rowId as number); // rowId of 'new' will not be found. return colData && index !== undefined ? colData.values[index] : undefined; } public hasRowId(rowId: number): boolean { return this._rowMap.has(rowId); } /** * Given a column name, returns a function that takes a rowId and returns the value for that * column of that row. The returned function is faster than getValue() calls. */ public getRowPropFunc(colId: string): UIRowFunc { const rowMap = this._rowMap; return (rowId: UIRowId) => { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); if (!colData) { return undefined; } const values = colData.values; return values[rowMap.get(rowId as number)!]; }; } // By default, no rows are skippable, all are kept. public getKeepFunc(): undefined | UIRowFunc { return undefined; } // By default, no special row id for skip rows is needed. public getSkipRowId(): number { throw new Error('no skip row id defined'); } /** * Returns the list of all rowIds in this table, in unspecified and unstable order. Equivalent * to getColValues('id'). */ public getRowIds(): ReadonlyArray { return this._rowIdCol; } /** * Sort and returns the list of all rowIds in this table. */ public getSortedRowIds(): number[] { return this._rowIdCol.slice(0).sort((a, b) => a - b); } /** * Returns true if cells may contain multiple versions (e.g. in diffs). */ public mayHaveVersions() { return false; } /** * Returns the list of colIds in this table, including 'id'. */ public getColIds(): string[] { return Array.from(this._columns.keys()); } /** * Returns an unsorted list of all values in the given column. With no intervening actions, * all arrays returned by getColValues() and getRowIds() are parallel to each other, i.e. the * values at the same index correspond to the same record. */ public getColValues(colId: string): ReadonlyArray|undefined { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); return colData ? colData.values : undefined; } /** * Returns a limited-sized set of distinct values from a column. If count is given, limits how many * distinct values are returned. */ public getDistinctValues(colId: string, count: number = Infinity): Set|undefined { const valColumn = this.getColValues(colId); if (!valColumn) { return undefined; } return getDistinctValues(valColumn, count); } /** * Return data in TableDataAction form ['TableData', tableId, [...rowIds], {...}] */ public getTableDataAction(): TableDataAction { const rowIds = this.getRowIds(); return ['TableData', this.tableId, rowIds as number[], fromPairs( this.getColIds() .filter(colId => colId !== 'id') .map(colId => [colId, this.getColValues(colId)! as CellValue[]]))]; } /** * Returns the given columns type, if the column exists, or undefined otherwise. */ public getColType(colId: string): string|undefined { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); return colData ? colData.type : undefined; } /** * Builds and returns a record object for the given rowId. */ public getRecord(rowId: number): undefined | RowRecord { const index = this._rowMap.get(rowId); if (index === undefined) { return undefined; } const ret: RowRecord = { id: this._rowIdCol[index] }; for (const colData of this._colArray) { ret[colData.colId] = colData.values[index]; } return ret; } /** * Builds and returns the list of all records on this table, in unspecified and unstable order. */ public getRecords(): RowRecord[] { const records: RowRecord[] = this._rowIdCol.map((id) => ({ id })); for (const {colId, values} of this._colArray) { for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { records[i][colId] = values[i]; } } return records; } public filterRowIds(properties: {[key: string]: any}): number[] { return this._filterRowIndices(properties).map(i => this._rowIdCol[i]); } /** * Builds and returns the list of records in this table that match the given properties object. * Properties may include 'id' and any table columns. Returned records are not sorted. */ public filterRecords(properties: {[key: string]: any}): RowRecord[] { const rowIndices: number[] = this._filterRowIndices(properties); // Convert the array of indices to an array of RowRecords. const records: RowRecord[] = rowIndices.map(i => ({id: this._rowIdCol[i]})); for (const {colId, values} of this._colArray) { for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { records[i][colId] = values[rowIndices[i]]; } } return records; } /** * Returns the rowId in the table where colValue is found in the column with the given colId. */ public findRow(colId: string, colValue: any): number { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); if (!colData) { return 0; } const index = colData.values.indexOf(colValue); return index < 0 ? 0 : this._rowIdCol[index]; } /** * Returns the first rowId matching the given filters, or 0 if no match. If there are multiple * matches, it is unspecified which will be returned. */ public findMatchingRowId(properties: {[key: string]: CellValue | undefined}): number { const props = Object.keys(properties).map(p => ({col: this._columns.get(p)!, value: properties[p]})); if (!props.every((p) => p.col)) { return 0; } return this._rowIdCol.find((id, i) => props.every((p) => isEqual(p.col.values[i], p.value)) ) || 0; } /** * Applies a DocAction received from the server; returns true, or false if it was skipped. */ public receiveAction(action: DocAction): boolean { if (this._isLoaded || isSchemaAction(action)) { this.dispatchAction(action); return true; } return false; } // ---- The following methods implement ActionDispatcher interface ---- protected onAddRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowId: number, colValues: ColValues): void { const index: number = this._rowIdCol.length; this._rowMap.set(rowId, index); this._rowIdCol[index] = rowId; for (const {colId, defl, values} of this._colArray) { values[index] = colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId) ? colValues[colId] : defl; } } protected onBulkAddRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowIds: number[], colValues: BulkColValues): void { const index: number = this._rowIdCol.length; for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) { this._rowMap.set(rowIds[i], index + i); this._rowIdCol[index + i] = rowIds[i]; } for (const {colId, defl, values} of this._colArray) { for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) { values[index + i] = colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId) ? colValues[colId][i] : defl; } } } protected onRemoveRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowId: number): void { // Note that in this implementation, delete + undo will reorder the storage and the ordering // of rows returned getRowIds() and similar methods. const index = this._rowMap.get(rowId); if (index !== undefined) { const last: number = this._rowIdCol.length - 1; // We keep the column-wise arrays dense by moving the last element into the freed-up spot. for (const {values} of this._columns.values()) { // This adjusts _rowIdCol too. values[index] = values[last]; values.pop(); } this._rowMap.set(this._rowIdCol[index], index); this._rowMap.delete(rowId); } } protected onUpdateRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowId: number, colValues: ColValues): void { const index = this._rowMap.get(rowId); if (index !== undefined) { for (const colId in colValues) { if (colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); if (colData) { colData.values[index] = colValues[colId]; } } } } } protected onBulkUpdateRecord(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowIds: number[], colValues: BulkColValues): void { for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) { const index = this._rowMap.get(rowIds[i]); if (index !== undefined) { for (const colId in colValues) { if (colValues.hasOwnProperty(colId)) { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); if (colData) { colData.values[index] = colValues[colId][i]; } } } } } } protected onReplaceTableData(action: DocAction, tableId: string, rowIds: number[], colValues: BulkColValues): void { this.loadData(action as ReplaceTableData); } protected onAddColumn(action: DocAction, tableId: string, colId: string, colInfo: ColInfo): void { if (this._columns.has(colId)) { return; } const type = colInfo.type; const defl = getDefaultForType(type); const colData: ColData = { colId, type, defl, values: this._rowIdCol.map(() => defl) }; this._columns.set(colId, colData); this._colArray.push(colData); } protected onRemoveColumn(action: DocAction, tableId: string, colId: string): void { const colData = this._columns.get(colId); if (!colData) { return; } this._columns.delete(colId); arrayRemove(this._colArray, colData); } protected onRenameColumn(action: DocAction, tableId: string, oldColId: string, newColId: string): void { const colData = this._columns.get(oldColId); if (colData) { colData.colId = newColId; this._columns.set(newColId, colData); this._columns.delete(oldColId); } } protected onModifyColumn(action: DocAction, tableId: string, oldColId: string, colInfo: ColInfo): void { const colData = this._columns.get(oldColId); if (colData && colInfo.hasOwnProperty('type')) { colData.type = colInfo.type; colData.defl = getDefaultForType(colInfo.type); } } protected onRenameTable(action: DocAction, oldTableId: string, newTableId: string): void { this._tableId = newTableId; } protected onAddTable(action: DocAction, tableId: string, columns: ColInfoWithId[]): void { // A table processing its own addition is a noop } protected onRemoveTable(action: DocAction, tableId: string): void { // Stop dispatching actions if we've been deleted. We might also want to clean up in the future. this._isLoaded = false; } private _filterRowIndices(properties: {[key: string]: any}): number[] { const rowIndices: number[] = []; // Array of {col: arrayOfColValues, value: valueToMatch} const props = Object.keys(properties).map(p => ({col: this._columns.get(p)!, value: properties[p]})); this._rowIdCol.forEach((id, i) => { // Collect the indices of the matching rows. if (props.every((p) => isEqual(p.col.values[i], p.value))) { rowIndices.push(i); } }); return rowIndices; } } // A type safe record of a meta table with types as defined in schema.ts // '&' is used because declaring the id field and the index signature in one block gives a syntax error. // The second part is basically equivalent to SchemaTypes[TableId] // but TS sees that as incompatible with RowRecord and doesn't allow simple overrides in MetaTableData. export type MetaRowRecord = { id: number } & { [ColId in keyof SchemaTypes[TableId]]: SchemaTypes[TableId][ColId] & CellValue }; type MetaColId = keyof MetaRowRecord & string; /** * Behaves the same as TableData, but uses SchemaTypes for type safety of its columns. */ export class MetaTableData extends TableData { constructor(tableId: TableId, tableData: TableDataAction | null, colTypes: ColTypeMap) { super(tableId, tableData, colTypes); } public getValue>(rowId: number, colId: ColId): MetaRowRecord[ColId] | undefined { return super.getValue(rowId, colId) as any; } public getRecords(): Array> { return super.getRecords() as any; } public getRecord(rowId: number): MetaRowRecord | undefined { return super.getRecord(rowId) as any; } public filterRecords(properties: Partial>): Array> { return super.filterRecords(properties) as any; } public findMatchingRowId(properties: Partial>): number { return super.findMatchingRowId(properties); } public getRowPropFunc>( colId: ColId ): UIRowFunc[ColId]> { return super.getRowPropFunc(colId as any) as any; } public getColValues>( colId: ColId ): ReadonlyArray[ColId]> { return super.getColValues(colId) as any; } public findRow>( colId: ColId, colValue: MetaRowRecord[ColId] ): number { return super.findRow(colId, colValue); } } function reassignArray(targetArray: T[], sourceArray: T[]): void { targetArray.length = 0; arraySplice(targetArray, 0, sourceArray); }