/* global document */
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const _ = require('underscore');
const dom = require('../lib/dom');
const dispose = require('../lib/dispose');
const kd = require('../lib/koDom');
const DateEditor = require('./DateEditor');
const gutil = require('app/common/gutil');
const { parseDate } = require('app/common/parseDate');
const TextEditor = require('./TextEditor');

 * DateTimeEditor - Editor for DateTime type. Includes a dropdown datepicker.
 *  See reference: http://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
function DateTimeEditor(options) {
  // Get the timezone from the end of the type string.
  options.timezone = gutil.removePrefix(options.field.column().type(), "DateTime:");

  // Adjust the command group.
  var origCommands = options.commands;

  // don't modify navigation for readonly mode
  if (!options.readonly) {
    options.commands = Object.assign({}, origCommands, {
      prevField: () => this._focusIndex() === 1 ? this._setFocus(0) : origCommands.prevField(),
      nextField: () => this._focusIndex() === 0 ? this._setFocus(1) : origCommands.nextField(),

  // Call the superclass.
  DateEditor.call(this, options);

  this._timeFormat = options.field.widgetOptionsJson.peek().timeFormat;

  // To reuse code, this knows all about the DOM that DateEditor builds (using TextEditor), and
  // modifies that to be two side-by-side textareas.
  this._dateSizer = this.contentSizer;    // For consistency with _timeSizer and _timeInput.
  this._dateInput = this.textInput;

  const isValid = _.isNumber(options.cellValue);
  const formatted = this.formatValue(options.cellValue, this._timeFormat, false);
  // Use a placeholder of 12:00am, since that is the autofill time value.
  const placeholder = moment.tz('0', 'H', this.timezone).format(this._timeFormat);

  // for readonly
  if (options.readonly) {
    if (!isValid) {
      // do nothing - DateEditor will show correct error
    } else {
      // append time format or a placeholder
      const time = (formatted || placeholder);
      const sep = time ? ' ' : '';
      this.textInput.value = this.textInput.value + sep + time;
  } else {
    dom(this.dom, kd.toggleClass('celleditor_datetime', true));
    dom(this.dom.firstChild, kd.toggleClass('celleditor_datetime_editor', true));
        this._timeSizer = dom('div.celleditor_content_measure'),
        this._timeInput = dom('textarea.celleditor_text_editor',
          kd.attr('placeholder', placeholder),
          dom.on('input', () => this.onChange())

  // If the edit value is encoded json, use those values as a starting point
  if (typeof options.state == 'string') {
    try {
      const { date, time } = JSON.parse(options.state);
      this._dateInput.value = date;
      this._timeInput.value = time;
    } catch(e) {
      console.error("DateTimeEditor can't restore its previous state")

_.extend(DateTimeEditor.prototype, DateEditor.prototype);

DateTimeEditor.prototype.setSizerLimits = function() {
  var maxSize = this.editorPlacement.calcSize({width: Infinity, height: Infinity}, {calcOnly: true});
  if (this.options.readonly) {
  this._dateSizer.style.maxWidth =
    this._timeSizer.style.maxWidth = Math.ceil(maxSize.width / 2 - 6) + 'px';

 * Returns which element has focus: 0 if date, 1 if time, null if neither.
DateTimeEditor.prototype._focusIndex = function() {
  return document.activeElement === this._dateInput ? 0 :
    (document.activeElement === this._timeInput ? 1 : null);

 * Sets focus to date if index is 0, or time if index is 1.
DateTimeEditor.prototype._setFocus = function(index) {
  var elem = (index === 0 ? this._dateInput : (index === 1 ? this._timeInput : null));
  if (elem) {
    elem.selectionStart = 0;
    elem.selectionEnd = elem.value.length;

 * Occurs when user types something into the editor
DateTimeEditor.prototype.onChange = function() {

  // store editor state as an encoded JSON string
  const date = this._dateInput.value;
  const time = this._timeInput.value;
  this.editorState.set(JSON.stringify({ date, time}));

DateTimeEditor.prototype.getCellValue = function() {
  let date = this._dateInput.value;
  let time = this._timeInput.value;
  let timestamp = parseDate(date, {
    dateFormat: this.safeFormat,
    time: time,
    timeFormat: this._timeFormat,
    timezone: this.timezone
  return timestamp !== null ? timestamp :
    (date && time ? `${date} ${time}` : date || time);

 * Overrides the resizing function in TextEditor.
DateTimeEditor.prototype._resizeInput = function() {

  // for readonly field, we will use logic from a super class
  if (this.options.readonly) {
  // Use the size calculation provided in options.calcSize (that takes into account cell size and
  // screen size), with both date and time parts as the input. The resulting size is applied to
  // the parent (containing date + time), with date and time each expanding or shrinking from the
  // measured sizes using flexbox logic.
  this._dateSizer.textContent = this._dateInput.value;
  this._timeSizer.textContent = this._timeInput.value;
  var dateRect = this._dateSizer.getBoundingClientRect();
  var timeRect = this._timeSizer.getBoundingClientRect();
  // Textboxes get 3px of padding on left/right/top (see TextEditor.css); we specify it manually
  // since editorPlacement can't do a good job figuring it out with the flexbox arrangement.
  var size = this.editorPlacement.calcSize({
    width: dateRect.width + timeRect.width + 12,
    height: Math.max(dateRect.height, timeRect.height) + 3
  this.dom.style.width = size.width + 'px';
  this._dateInput.parentNode.style.flexBasis = (dateRect.width + 6) + 'px';
  this._timeInput.parentNode.style.flexBasis = (timeRect.width + 6) + 'px';
  this._dateInput.style.height = Math.ceil(size.height - 3) + 'px';
  this._timeInput.style.height = Math.ceil(size.height - 3) + 'px';

module.exports = DateTimeEditor;