import { GristDoc } from "app/client/components/GristDoc"; import { KoArray, syncedKoArray } from "app/client/lib/koArray"; import * as kf from 'app/client/lib/koForm'; import { makeT } from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import * as tableUtil from 'app/client/lib/tableUtil'; import { ColumnRec, ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec } from "app/client/models/DocModel"; import { getFieldType } from "app/client/ui/RightPanel"; import { IWidgetType } from "app/client/ui/widgetTypes"; import { basicButton, cssButton, primaryButton } from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import * as checkbox from "app/client/ui2018/checkbox"; import { theme, vars } from "app/client/ui2018/cssVars"; import { cssDragger } from "app/client/ui2018/draggableList"; import { icon } from "app/client/ui2018/icons"; import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil'; import { Computed, Disposable, dom, IDomArgs, makeTestId, Observable, styled, subscribe } from "grainjs"; import difference = require("lodash/difference"); import isEqual = require("lodash/isEqual"); const testId = makeTestId('test-vfc-'); const t = makeT('VisibleFieldsConfig'); export type IField = ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec; interface DraggableFieldsOption { // an object holding options for the draggable list, see koForm.js for more detail on the accepted // options. draggableOptions: any; // Allows to skip first n items. This feature is useful to separate the series from the x-axis and // the group-by-column in the chart type widget. skipFirst?: Observable<number>; // Allows to filter view fields. filterFunc?: (field: ViewFieldRec, index: number) => boolean; // Allows to prevent updates of the list. This option is to be used when skipFirst option is used // and it is useful to prevent the list to update during changes that only affect the skipped // fields. freeze?: Observable<boolean>; // the itemCreateFunc callback passed to kf.draggableList for the visible fields. itemCreateFunc(field: IField): Element|undefined; } /** * VisibleFieldsConfig builds dom for the visible/hidden fields configuration component. Usage is: * * dom.create(VisibleFieldsConfig, gristDoc, section); * * Can also be used to build the two draggable list only: * * const config = VisibleFieldsConfig.create(null, gristDoc, section); * const [visibleFieldsDraggable, hiddenFieldsDraggable] = * config.buildSectionFieldsConfigHelper({visibleFields: {itemCreateFunc: getLabelFunc}, * hiddenFields: {itemCreateFunc: getLabelFunc}}); * * The later for is useful to support old ui, refer to function's doc for more detail on the * available options. */ export class VisibleFieldsConfig extends Disposable { private _hiddenFields: KoArray<ColumnRec> = this.autoDispose(syncedKoArray(this._section.hiddenColumns)); private _fieldLabel = Computed.create(this, (use) => { const widgetType = use(this._section.parentKey) as IWidgetType; return getFieldType(widgetType).pluralLabel; }); private _collapseHiddenFields = Observable.create(this, false); /** * Set if and only if the corresponding selection is empty, ie: respectively * visibleFieldsSelection and hiddenFieldsSelection. */ private _showVisibleBatchButtons = Observable.create(this, false); private _showHiddenBatchButtons = Observable.create(this, false); private _visibleFieldsSelection = new Set<number>(); private _hiddenFieldsSelection = new Set<number>(); constructor(private _gristDoc: GristDoc, private _section: ViewSectionRec) { super(); // Unselects visible fields that are hidden. this.autoDispose(this._section.viewFields.peek().subscribe((ev) => { unselectDeletedFields(this._visibleFieldsSelection, ev); this._showVisibleBatchButtons.set(Boolean(this._visibleFieldsSelection.size)); }, null, 'spliceChange')); // Unselectes hidden fields that are shown. this.autoDispose(this._hiddenFields.subscribe((ev) => { unselectDeletedFields(this._hiddenFieldsSelection, ev); this._showHiddenBatchButtons.set(Boolean(this._hiddenFieldsSelection.size)); }, null, 'spliceChange')); } /** * Build the draggable list components to show the visible fields of a section. */ public buildVisibleFieldsConfigHelper(options: DraggableFieldsOption) { let fields = this._section.viewFields.peek(); if (options.skipFirst || options.filterFunc) { const skipFirst = options.skipFirst || Observable.create(this, -1); const filterFunc = options.filterFunc || (() => true); const freeze = options.freeze; const allFields = this._section.viewFields.peek(); const newArray = new KoArray<ViewFieldRec>(); function update() { if (freeze && freeze.get()) { return; } const newValues = allFields.peek() .filter((_v, i) => i + 1 > skipFirst.get()) .filter(filterFunc) ; if (isEqual(newArray.all(), newValues)) { return; } newArray.assign(newValues); } update(); this.autoDispose(allFields.subscribe(update)); this.autoDispose(subscribe(skipFirst, update)); if (options.freeze) { this.autoDispose(subscribe(options.freeze, update)); } fields = newArray; } return kf.draggableList( fields, options.itemCreateFunc, { itemClass: cssDragRow.className, reorder: this.changeFieldPosition.bind(this), remove: this.removeField.bind(this), receive: this.addField.bind(this), ...options.draggableOptions, } ); } /** * Build the two draggable list components to show both the visible and the hidden fields of a * section. Each draggable list can be parametrized using both `options.visibleFields` and * `options.hiddenFields` options. * * @param {DraggableFieldsOption} options.hiddenFields options for the list of hidden fields. * @param {DraggableFieldsOption} options.visibleFields options for the list of visible fields. * @return {[Element, Element]} the two draggable elements (ie: koForm.draggableList) showing * respectivelly the list of visible fields and the list of hidden * fields of section. */ public buildSectionFieldsConfigHelper( options: { visibleFields: DraggableFieldsOption, hiddenFields: DraggableFieldsOption, }): [HTMLElement, HTMLElement] { const fieldsDraggable = this.buildVisibleFieldsConfigHelper(options.visibleFields); const hiddenFieldsDraggable = kf.draggableList( this._hiddenFields, options.hiddenFields.itemCreateFunc, { itemClass: cssDragRow.className, reorder() { throw new Error(t("Hidden Fields cannot be reordered")); }, receive() { throw new Error(t("Cannot drop items into Hidden Fields")); }, remove(item: ColumnRec) { // Return the column object. This value is passed to the viewFields // receive function as its respective item parameter return item; }, removeButton: false, ...options.hiddenFields.draggableOptions, } ); kf.connectDraggableOneWay(hiddenFieldsDraggable, fieldsDraggable); return [fieldsDraggable, hiddenFieldsDraggable]; } public buildDom() { const [fieldsDraggable, hiddenFieldsDraggable] = this.buildSectionFieldsConfigHelper({ visibleFields: { itemCreateFunc: (field) => this._buildVisibleFieldItem(field as ViewFieldRec), draggableOptions: { removeButton: false, drag_indicator: cssDragger, } }, hiddenFields: { itemCreateFunc: (field) => this._buildHiddenFieldItem(field as ColumnRec), draggableOptions: { removeButton: false, drag_indicator: cssDragger, }, }, }); return [ cssHeader( cssFieldListHeader(dom.text((use) => `Visible ${use(this._fieldLabel)}`)), dom.maybe( (use) => Boolean(use(use(this._section.viewFields).getObservable()).length), () => ( cssControlLabel( icon('Tick'), t("Select All"), dom.on('click', () => this._setVisibleCheckboxes(fieldsDraggable, true)), testId('visible-fields-select-all'), ) ) ), ), dom.update(fieldsDraggable, testId('visible-fields')), dom.maybe(this._showVisibleBatchButtons, () => cssRow( primaryButton( dom.text((use) => `Hide ${use(this._fieldLabel)}`), dom.on('click', () => this._removeSelectedFields()), ), basicButton( t("Clear"), dom.on('click', () => this._setVisibleCheckboxes(fieldsDraggable, false)), ), testId('visible-batch-buttons') ), ), cssHeader( cssHeaderIcon( 'Dropdown','transform', (use) => use(this._collapseHiddenFields) ? 'rotate(-90deg)' : ''),'cursor', 'pointer'), dom.on('click', () => this._collapseHiddenFields.set(!this._collapseHiddenFields.get())), testId('collapse-hidden'), ), // TODO: show `hidden column` only when some fields are hidden cssFieldListHeader(dom.text((use) => `Hidden ${use(this._fieldLabel)}`)), dom.maybe( (use) => Boolean(use(this._hiddenFields.getObservable()).length && !use(this._collapseHiddenFields)), () => ( cssControlLabel( icon('Tick'), t("Select All"), dom.on('click', () => this._setHiddenCheckboxes(hiddenFieldsDraggable, true)), testId('hidden-fields-select-all'), ) ) ), ), dom( 'div', dom.hide(this._collapseHiddenFields), dom.update( hiddenFieldsDraggable, testId('hidden-fields'), ), dom.maybe(this._showHiddenBatchButtons, () => cssRow( primaryButton( dom.text((use) => `Show ${use(this._fieldLabel)}`), dom.on('click', () => this._addSelectedFields()), ), basicButton( t("Clear"), dom.on('click', () => this._setHiddenCheckboxes(hiddenFieldsDraggable, false)), ), testId('hidden-batch-buttons') ) ), ), ]; } public async removeField(field: IField) { const existing = this._section.viewFields.peek().peek() .find((f) => f.column.peek().getRowId() === field.origCol.peek().id.peek()); if (!existing) { return; } const id =; const action = ['RemoveRecord', id]; await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action); } public async addField(column: IField, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null = null) { const exists = this._section.viewFields.peek().peek() .findIndex((f) => f.column.peek().getRowId() ===; if (exists !== -1) { return; } const parentPos = getFieldNewPosition(this._section.viewFields.peek(), column, nextField); const colInfo = { parentId:, colRef:, parentPos, }; const action = ['AddRecord', null, colInfo]; await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action); } public changeFieldPosition(field: ViewFieldRec, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null) { const parentPos = getFieldNewPosition(this._section.viewFields.peek(), field, nextField); const vsfAction = ['UpdateRecord',, {parentPos} ]; return this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(vsfAction); } // Set all checkboxes for the visible fields. private _setVisibleCheckboxes(visibleFieldsDraggable: Element, checked: boolean) { this._setCheckboxesHelper( visibleFieldsDraggable, this._section.viewFields.peek().peek(), this._visibleFieldsSelection, checked ); this._showVisibleBatchButtons.set(checked); } // Set all checkboxes for the hidden fields. private _setHiddenCheckboxes(hiddenFieldsDraggable: Element, checked: boolean) { this._setCheckboxesHelper( hiddenFieldsDraggable, this._hiddenFields.peek(), this._hiddenFieldsSelection, checked ); this._showHiddenBatchButtons.set(checked); } // A helper to set all checkboxes. Takes care of setting all checkboxes in the dom and updating // the selection. private _setCheckboxesHelper(draggable: Element, fields: IField[], selection: Set<number>, checked: boolean) { findCheckboxes(draggable).forEach((el) => el.checked = checked); selection.clear(); if (checked) { // add all ids to the selection fields.forEach((field) => selection.add(; } } private _buildHiddenFieldItem(column: IField) { const id =; const selection = this._hiddenFieldsSelection; return cssFieldEntry( cssFieldLabel(dom.text(column.label)), cssHideIcon('EyeShow', dom.on('click', () => this.addField(column)), testId('hide') ), buildCheckbox( dom.prop('checked', selection.has(id)), dom.on('change', (ev, el) => { el.checked ? selection.add(id) : selection.delete(id); this._showHiddenBatchButtons.set(Boolean(selection.size)); }) ) ); } private _buildVisibleFieldItem(field: IField) { const id =; const selection = this._visibleFieldsSelection; return cssFieldEntry( cssFieldLabel(dom.text(field.label)), // TODO: we need a "cross-out eye" icon here. cssHideIcon('EyeHide', dom.on('click', () => this.removeField(field)), testId('hide') ), buildCheckbox( dom.prop('checked', selection.has(id)), dom.on('change', (ev, el) => { el.checked ? selection.add(id) : selection.delete(id); this._showVisibleBatchButtons.set(Boolean(selection.size)); }) ) ); } private async _removeSelectedFields() { const toRemove = Array.from(this._visibleFieldsSelection).sort(gutil.nativeCompare); const action = ['BulkRemoveRecord', toRemove]; await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action); } private async _addSelectedFields() { const toAdd = Array.from(this._hiddenFieldsSelection); const rowIds = gutil.arrayRepeat(toAdd.length, null); const colInfo = { parentId: gutil.arrayRepeat(toAdd.length,, colRef: toAdd, }; const action = ['BulkAddRecord', rowIds, colInfo]; await this._gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(action); } } function getFieldNewPosition(fields: KoArray<ViewFieldRec>, item: IField, nextField: ViewFieldRec|null): number|null { const index = getItemIndex(fields, nextField); return tableUtil.fieldInsertPositions(fields, index, 1)[0]; } function getItemIndex(collection: KoArray<ViewFieldRec>, item: ViewFieldRec|null): number { if (item !== null) { return collection.peek().indexOf(item); } return collection.peek().length; } function buildCheckbox(...args: IDomArgs<HTMLInputElement>) { return checkbox.cssLabel( {style: 'flex-shrink: 0;'}, checkbox.cssCheckboxSquare( {type: 'checkbox'}, ...args ) ); } // helper to find checkboxes within a draggable list. This assumes that checkboxes are the only // <input> element in draggableElement. function findCheckboxes(draggableElement: Element): NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement> { return draggableElement.querySelectorAll<HTMLInputElement>('input'); } // Removes from selection the ids of the fields that appear as deleted in the splice event. Note // that it can happen that a field appears as deleted and yet belongs to the new array (as a result // of an `assign` call for instance). In which case the field is to be considered as not deleted. function unselectDeletedFields(selection: Set<number>, event: {deleted: IField[], array: IField[]}) { // go though the difference between deleted fields and the new array. const removed: IField[] = difference(event.deleted, event.array); for (const field of removed) { selection.delete(; } } export const cssDragRow = styled('div', ` display: flex !important; align-items: center; margin: 0 16px 0px 0px; & > .kf_draggable_content { margin: 2px 0; flex: 1 1 0px; min-width: 0px; } `); export const cssFieldEntry = styled('div', ` display: flex; background-color: ${theme.hover}; width: 100%; border-radius: 2px; margin: 0 8px 0 0; padding: 4px 8px; cursor: default; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; --icon-color: ${theme.lightText}; `); const cssHideIcon = styled(icon, ` --icon-color: ${theme.lightText}; display: none; cursor: pointer; flex: none; margin-right: 8px; .kf_draggable:hover & { display: block; } `); export const cssFieldLabel = styled('span', ` color: ${theme.text}; flex: 1 1 auto; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; `); const cssFieldListHeader = styled('span', ` color: ${theme.text}; flex: 1 1 0px; font-size: ${vars.xsmallFontSize}; text-transform: uppercase; `); const cssRow = styled('div', ` display: flex; margin: 16px; overflow: hidden; --icon-color: ${theme.lightText}; & > .${cssButton.className} { margin-right: 8px; } `); const cssControlLabel = styled('div', ` --icon-color: ${theme.controlFg}; color: ${theme.controlFg}; cursor: pointer; `); const cssHeader = styled(cssRow, ` align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 12px; `); const cssHeaderIcon = styled(icon, ` --icon-color: ${theme.lightText}; flex: none; margin-right: 4px; `);