import {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray'; import * as koArray from 'app/client/lib/koArray'; import * as tableUtil from 'app/client/lib/tableUtil'; import {ColumnRec, DocModel, ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {KoSaveableObservable} from 'app/client/models/modelUtil'; import {cssFieldEntry, cssFieldLabel} from 'app/client/ui/VisibleFieldsConfig'; import {colors, testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {menuText} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {FieldBuilder} from 'app/client/widgets/FieldBuilder'; import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil'; import {Disposable, dom, fromKo, styled} from 'grainjs'; import ko from 'knockout'; import {menu, menuItem} from 'popweasel'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; const t = makeT('RefSelect'); interface Item { label: string; value: string; } /** * Builder for the reference display multiselect. */ export class RefSelect extends Disposable { public isForeignRefCol: ko.Computed<boolean>; private _docModel: DocModel; private _origColumn: ColumnRec; private _colId: KoSaveableObservable<string>; private _fieldObs: ko.Computed<ViewFieldRec | null>; private _validCols: ko.Computed<ColumnRec[]>; private _added: KoArray<Item>; private _addedSet: ko.Computed<Set<string>>; constructor(options: { docModel: DocModel, origColumn: ColumnRec, fieldBuilder: ko.Computed<FieldBuilder | null>, }) { super(); this._docModel = options.docModel; this._origColumn = options.origColumn; this._colId = this._origColumn.colId; // Indicates whether this is a ref col that references a different table. // (That's the only time when RefSelect is offered.) this.isForeignRefCol = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { const table = this._origColumn.refTable(); return Boolean(table && table.getRowId() !== this._origColumn.parentId()); })); // Computed for the current fieldBuilder's field, if it exists. this._fieldObs = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { const builder = options.fieldBuilder(); return builder ? builder.field : null; })); // List of valid cols in the currently referenced table. this._validCols = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { const refTable = this._origColumn.refTable(); if (refTable) { return refTable.columns().all().filter(col => !col.isHiddenCol() && !gutil.startsWith(col.type(), 'Ref:')); } return []; })); // Returns the array of columns added to the multiselect. Used as a helper to create a synced KoArray. const _addedObs = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { return this.isForeignRefCol() && this._fieldObs() ? this._getReferencedCols(this._fieldObs()!).map(c => ({ label: c.label(), value: c.colId() })) : []; })); // KoArray of columns displaying data from the referenced table in the current section. this._added = this.autoDispose(koArray.syncedKoArray(_addedObs)); // Set of added colIds. this._addedSet = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => new Set(this._added.all().map(item => item.value)))); } /** * Builds the multiselect dom to select columns to added to the table to show data from the * referenced table. */ public buildDom() { return cssFieldList( testId('ref-select'), dom.forEach(fromKo(this._added.getObservable()), (col) => cssFieldEntry( cssFieldLabel(dom.text(col.label)), cssRemoveIcon('Remove', dom.on('click', () => this._removeFormulaField(col)), testId('ref-select-remove'), ), testId('ref-select-item'), ) ), cssAddLink(cssAddIcon('Plus'), t("Add Column"), menu(() => [ ...this._validCols.peek() .filter((col) => !this._addedSet.peek().has(col.colId.peek())) .map((col) => menuItem(() => this._addFormulaField({ label: col.label(), value: col.colId() }), col.label.peek()) ), cssEmptyMenuText(t("No columns to add")), testId('ref-select-menu'), ]), testId('ref-select-add'), ), ); } /** * Adds the column item to the multiselect. If the visibleCol is 'id', sets the visibleCol. * Otherwise, adds a field which refers to the column to the table. If a column with the * necessary formula exists, only adds a field to this section, otherwise adds the necessary * column and field. */ private async _addFormulaField(item: Item) { const field = this._fieldObs(); if (!field) { return; } const tableData = this._docModel.dataTables[this._origColumn.table().tableId()].tableData; // Check if column already exists in the table const cols = this._origColumn.table().columns().all(); const colMatch = cols.find(c => c.formula() === `$${this._colId()}.${item.value}` && !c.isHiddenCol()); // Get field position, so that the new field is inserted just after the current field. const fields = field.viewSection().viewFields(); const index = fields.all() .sort((a, b) => a.parentPos() > b.parentPos() ? 1 : -1) .findIndex(f => f.getRowId() === field.getRowId()); const pos = tableUtil.fieldInsertPositions(fields, index + 1)[0]; let colAction: Promise<any>|undefined; if (colMatch) { // If column exists, use it. colAction = Promise.resolve({ colRef: colMatch.getRowId(), colId: colMatch.colId() }); } else { // If column doesn't exist, add it (without fields). colAction = tableData.sendTableAction(['AddColumn', `${this._colId()}_${item.value}`, { type: 'Any', isFormula: true, formula: `$${this._colId()}.${item.value}`, _position: pos }])!; } const colInfo = await colAction; // Add field to the current section (if it isn't a raw data section - as this one will have // this field already) if (field.viewSection().isRaw()) { return; } const fieldInfo = { colRef: colInfo.colRef, parentId: field.viewSection().getRowId(), parentPos: pos }; return this._docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(['AddRecord', null, fieldInfo]); } /** * Removes the column item from the multiselect. If the item is the visibleCol, clears to show * row id. Otherwise, removes all fields which refer to the column from the table. */ private _removeFormulaField(item: Item) { const tableData = this._docModel.dataTables[this._origColumn.table().tableId()].tableData; // Iterate through all display fields in the current section. this._getReferrerFields(item.value).forEach(refField => { const sectionId = this._fieldObs()!.viewSection().getRowId(); if (refField.column().viewFields().all() .filter(field => !field.viewSection().isRaw()) .some(field => field.parentId() !== sectionId)) { // The col has fields in other sections, remove only the fields in this section. return this._docModel.viewFields.sendTableAction(['RemoveRecord', refField.getRowId()]); } else { // The col is only displayed in this section, remove the column. return tableData.sendTableAction(['RemoveColumn', refField.column().colId()]); } }); } /** * Returns a list of fields in the current section whose formulas refer to 'colId' in the table this * reference column refers to. */ private _getReferrerFields(colId: string) { const re = new RegExp("^\\$" + this._colId() + "\\." + colId + "$"); return this._fieldObs()!.viewSection().viewFields().all() .filter(field => re.exec(field.column().formula())); } /** * Returns a non-repeating list of columns in the referenced table referred to by fields in * the current section. */ private _getReferencedCols(field: ViewFieldRec) { const matchesSet = this._getFormulaMatchSet(field); return this._validCols().filter(c => matchesSet.has(c.colId())); } /** * Helper function for getReferencedCols. Iterates through fields in * the current section, returning a set of colIds which those fields' formulas refer to. */ private _getFormulaMatchSet(field: ViewFieldRec) { const fields = field.viewSection().viewFields().all(); const re = new RegExp("^\\$" + this._colId() + "\\.(\\w+)$"); return new Set( => { const found = re.exec(f.column().formula()); return found ? found[1] : null; })); } } const cssFieldList = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 100%; & > .${cssFieldEntry.className} { margin: 2px 0; } `); const cssEmptyMenuText = styled(menuText, ` font-size: inherit; &:not(:first-child) { display: none; } `); const cssAddLink = styled('div', ` display: flex; cursor: pointer; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; &:not(:first-child) { margin-top: 8px; } &:hover, &:focus, &:active { color: ${colors.darkGreen}; --icon-color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssAddIcon = styled(icon, ` margin-right: 4px; `); const cssRemoveIcon = styled(icon, ` display: none; cursor: pointer; flex: none; margin-left: 8px; .${cssFieldEntry.className}:hover & { display: block; } `);