import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import * as css from 'app/client/ui/BillingPageCss'; import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {formSelect} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {IBillingAddress, IBillingCard, IBillingOrgSettings} from 'app/common/BillingAPI'; import {checkSubdomainValidity} from 'app/common/orgNameUtils'; import * as roles from 'app/common/roles'; import {Organization} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {Disposable, dom, DomArg, IDisposableOwnerT, makeTestId, Observable} from 'grainjs'; const G = getBrowserGlobals('Stripe', 'window'); const testId = makeTestId('test-bp-'); // TODO: When countries other than the US are supported, the state entry must not be limited // by a dropdown. const states = [ 'AK', 'AL', 'AR', 'AS', 'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'FM', 'GA', 'GU', 'HI', 'IA', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME', 'MH', 'MI', 'MN', 'MO', 'MP', 'MS', 'MT', 'NC', 'ND', 'NE', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NV', 'NY', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'PR', 'PW', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VA', 'VI', 'VT', 'WA', 'WI', 'WV', 'WY' ]; export interface IFormData { address?: IBillingAddress; card?: IBillingCard; token?: string; settings?: IBillingOrgSettings; } // Optional autofill vales to pass in to the BillingForm constructor. interface IAutofill { address?: Partial; settings?: Partial; // Note that the card name is the only value that may be initialized, since the other card // information is sensitive. card?: Partial; } // An object containing a function to check the validity of its observable value. // The get function should return the observable value or throw an error if it is invalid. interface IValidated { value: Observable; checkValidity: (value: T) => void|Promise; // Should throw with message on invalid values. isInvalid: Observable; get: () => T|Promise; } export class BillingForm extends Disposable { private readonly _address: BillingAddressForm|null; private readonly _payment: BillingPaymentForm|null; private readonly _settings: BillingSettingsForm|null; constructor( org: Organization|null, isDomainAvailable: (domain: string) => Promise, options: {payment: boolean, address: boolean, settings: boolean, domain: boolean}, autofill: IAutofill = {} ) { super(); // Get the number of forms - if more than one is present subheaders should be visible. const count = [options.settings, options.address, options.payment] .reduce((acc, x) => acc + (x ? 1 : 0), 0); // Org settings form. this._settings = options.settings ? new BillingSettingsForm(org, isDomainAvailable, { showHeader: count > 1, showDomain: options.domain, autofill: autofill.settings }) : null; // Address form. this._address = options.address ? new BillingAddressForm({ showHeader: count > 1, autofill: autofill.address }) : null; // Payment form. this._payment = options.payment ? new BillingPaymentForm({ showHeader: count > 1, autofill: autofill.card }) : null; } public buildDom() { return [ this._settings ? this._settings.buildDom() : null, this._address ? this._address.buildDom() : null, this._payment ? this._payment.buildDom() : null ]; } // Note that this will throw if any values are invalid. public async getFormData(): Promise { const settings = this._settings ? await this._settings.getSettings() : undefined; const address = this._address ? await this._address.getAddress() : undefined; const cardInfo = this._payment ? await this._payment.getCardAndToken() : undefined; return { settings, address, token: cardInfo ? cardInfo.token : undefined, card: cardInfo ? cardInfo.card : undefined }; } } // Abstract class which includes helper functions for creating a form whose values are verified. abstract class BillingSubForm extends Disposable { protected readonly formError: Observable = Observable.create(this, ''); constructor() { super(); } // Creates an input whose value is validated on blur. Input text turns red and the validation // error is shown on negative validation. protected billingInput(validated: IValidated, ...args: Array>) { return css.billingInput(validated.value, {onInput: true}, css.billingInput.cls('-invalid', validated.isInvalid), dom.on('blur', () => this._onBlur(validated)), ...args ); } protected async _onBlur(validated: IValidated): Promise { // Do not show empty input errors on blur. if (validated.value.get().length === 0) { return; } try { await validated.get(); this.formError.set(''); } catch (e) { this.formError.set(e.message); } } } /** * Creates the payment card entry form using Stripe Elements. */ class BillingPaymentForm extends BillingSubForm { private readonly _stripe: any; private readonly _elements: any; // Stripe Element fields. Set when the elements are mounted to the dom. private readonly _numberElement: Observable = Observable.create(this, null); private readonly _expiryElement: Observable = Observable.create(this, null); private readonly _cvcElement: Observable = Observable.create(this, null); private readonly _name: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'Name'); constructor(private readonly _options: { showHeader: boolean; autofill?: Partial; }) { super(); const autofill = this._options.autofill; const stripeAPIKey = (G.window as any).gristConfig.stripeAPIKey; try { this._stripe = G.Stripe(stripeAPIKey); this._elements = this._stripe.elements(); } catch (err) { reportError(err); } if (autofill) { this._name.value.set( || ''); } } public buildDom() { return this._stripe ? css.paymentBlock( this._options.showHeader ? css.paymentSubHeader('Payment Method') : null, css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('Cardholder Name'), this.billingInput(this._name, testId('card-name')), ) ), css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel({for: 'number-element'}, 'Card Number'), css.stripeInput({id: 'number-element'}), // A Stripe Element will be inserted here. testId('card-number') ) ), css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel({for: 'expiry-element'}, 'Expiry Date'), css.stripeInput({id: 'expiry-element'}), // A Stripe Element will be inserted here. testId('card-expiry') ), css.paymentSpacer(), css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel({for: 'cvc-element'}, 'CVC / CVV Code'), css.stripeInput({id: 'cvc-element'}), // A Stripe Element will be inserted here. testId('card-cvc') ) ), css.inputError( dom.text(this.formError), testId('payment-form-error') ), () => { setTimeout(() => this._mountStripeUI(), 0); } ) : null; } public async getCardAndToken(): Promise<{card: IBillingCard, token: string}> { // Note that we call createToken using only the card number element as the first argument // in accordance with the Stripe API: // // "If applicable, the Element pulls data from other Elements you’ve created on the same // instance of elements to tokenize—you only need to supply one element as the parameter." // // Source: try { const result = await this._stripe.createToken(this._numberElement.get(), {name: await this._name.get()}); if (result.error) { throw new Error(result.error.message); } return { card: result.token.card, token: }; } catch (e) { this.formError.set(e.message); throw e; } } private _mountStripeUI() { // Mount Stripe Element fields. this._mountStripeElement(this._numberElement, 'cardNumber', 'number-element'); this._mountStripeElement(this._expiryElement, 'cardExpiry', 'expiry-element'); this._mountStripeElement(this._cvcElement, 'cardCvc', 'cvc-element'); } private _mountStripeElement(elemObs: Observable, stripeName: string, elementId: string): void { // For details on applying custom styles to Stripe Elements, see: // const classes = {base: css.stripeInput.className}; const style = { base: { '::placeholder': { color: colors.slate.value }, 'fontSize': vars.mediumFontSize.value, 'fontFamily': vars.fontFamily.value } }; if (!elemObs.get()) { const stripeInst = this._elements.create(stripeName, {classes, style}); stripeInst.addEventListener('change', (event: any) => { if (event.error) { this.formError.set(event.error.message); } }); elemObs.set(stripeInst); } elemObs.get().mount(`#${elementId}`); } } /** * Creates the company address entry form. Used by BillingPaymentForm when billing address is needed. */ class BillingAddressForm extends BillingSubForm { private readonly _address1: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'Address'); private readonly _address2: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'Suite/unit', () => undefined); private readonly _city: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'City'); private readonly _state: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'State'); private readonly _postal: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'Zip code'); constructor(private readonly _options: { showHeader: boolean; autofill?: Partial; }) { super(); const autofill = this._options.autofill; if (autofill) { this._address1.value.set(autofill.line1 || ''); this._address2.value.set(autofill.line2 || ''); this._city.value.set( || ''); this._state.value.set(autofill.state || ''); this._postal.value.set(autofill.postal_code || ''); } } public buildDom() { return css.paymentBlock( this._options.showHeader ? css.paymentSubHeader('Company Address') : null, css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('Street Address'), this.billingInput(this._address1, testId('address-street')) ) ), css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('Suite / Unit'), this.billingInput(this._address2, testId('address-suite')) ) ), css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('City'), this.billingInput(this._city, testId('address-city')) ), css.paymentSpacer(), css.paymentField({style: 'flex: 0.5 1 0;'}, css.paymentLabel('State'), formSelect(this._state.value, states), testId('address-state') ) ), css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('Zip Code'), this.billingInput(this._postal, testId('address-zip')) ) ), css.inputError( dom.text(this.formError), testId('address-form-error') ) ); } // Throws if any value is invalid. Returns a customer address as accepted by the customer // object in stripe. // For reference: public async getAddress(): Promise { try { return { line1: await this._address1.get(), line2: await this._address2.get(), city: await this._city.get(), state: await this._state.get(), postal_code: await this._postal.get(), country: 'US' // TODO: Support more countries. }; } catch (e) { this.formError.set(e.message); throw e; } } } /** * Creates the billing settings form, including the org name and the org subdomain values. */ class BillingSettingsForm extends BillingSubForm { private readonly _name: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'Company name'); // Only verify the domain if it is shown. private readonly _domain: IValidated = createValidated(this, 'URL', this._options.showDomain ? d => this._verifyDomain(d) : () => undefined); constructor( private readonly _org: Organization|null, private readonly _isDomainAvailable: (domain: string) => Promise, private readonly _options: { showHeader: boolean; showDomain: boolean; autofill?: Partial; } ) { super(); const autofill = this._options.autofill; if (autofill) { this._name.value.set( || ''); this._domain.value.set(autofill.domain || ''); } } public buildDom() { const noEditAccess = Boolean(this._org && !roles.canEdit(this._org.access)); return css.paymentBlock( this._options.showHeader ? css.paymentSubHeader('Team Site') : null, css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('Company Name'), this.billingInput(this._name, dom.boolAttr('disabled', () => noEditAccess), testId('settings-name') ), noEditAccess ? css.paymentFieldInfo('Organization edit access is required', testId('settings-name-info') ) : null ) ), this._options.showDomain ? css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('URL'), this.billingInput(this._domain, dom.boolAttr('disabled', () => noEditAccess), testId('settings-domain') ), // Note that we already do not allow editing the domain after it is initially set // anyway, this is just here for consistency. noEditAccess ? css.paymentFieldInfo('Organization edit access is required', testId('settings-domain-info') ) : null ), css.paymentField({style: 'flex: 0 1 0;'}, css.inputHintLabel('') ) ) : null, css.inputError( dom.text(this.formError), testId('settings-form-error') ) ); } // Throws if any value is invalid. public async getSettings(): Promise { try { return { name: await this._name.get(), domain: await this._domain.get() }; } catch (e) { this.formError.set(e.message); throw e; } } // Throws if the entered domain contains any invalid characters or is already taken. private async _verifyDomain(domain: string): Promise { checkSubdomainValidity(domain); const isAvailable = await this._isDomainAvailable(domain); if (!isAvailable) { throw new Error('Domain is already taken.'); } } } // Creates a validated object, which includes an observable and a function to check // if the current observable value is valid. function createValidated( owner: IDisposableOwnerT, propertyName: string, validationFn?: (value: string) => void ): IValidated { const checkValidity = validationFn || ((_value: string) => { if (!_value) { throw new Error(`${propertyName} is required.`); } }); const value = Observable.create(owner, ''); const isInvalid = Observable.create(owner, false); owner.autoDispose(value.addListener(() => { isInvalid.set(false); })); return { value, isInvalid, checkValidity, get: async () => { const _value = value.get(); try { await checkValidity(_value); } catch (e) { isInvalid.set(true); throw e; } isInvalid.set(false); return _value; } }; }