import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {ClientColumnGetters} from 'app/client/models/ClientColumnGetters'; import {ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewSectionRec'; import * as rowset from 'app/client/models/rowset'; import {MANUALSORT} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {SortFunc} from 'app/common/SortFunc'; import * as ko from 'knockout'; import range = require('lodash/range'); /** * Adds a column to the given sort spec, replacing its previous occurrence if * it's already in the sort spec. */ export function addToSort(sortSpecObs: ko.Observable, colRef: number) { const spec = sortSpecObs.peek(); const index = spec.findIndex((colRefSpec) => Math.abs(colRefSpec) === Math.abs(colRef)); if (index !== -1) { spec.splice(index, 1, colRef); } else { spec.push(colRef); } sortSpecObs(spec); } // Takes an activeSortSpec and sortRef to flip (negative sortRefs signify descending order) and returns a new // activeSortSpec with that sortRef flipped (or original spec if sortRef not found). export function flipColDirection(spec: number[], sortRef: number): number[] { const idx = spec.findIndex(c => c === sortRef); if (idx !== -1) { const newSpec = Array.from(spec); newSpec[idx] *= -1; return newSpec; } return spec; } // Parses the sortColRefs string, defaulting to an empty array on invalid input. export function parseSortColRefs(sortColRefs: string): number[] { try { return JSON.parse(sortColRefs); } catch (err) { return []; } } // Given the current sort spec, moves sortRef to be immediately before nextSortRef. Moves sortRef // to the end of the sort spec if nextSortRef is null. // If the given sortRef or nextSortRef cannot be found, return sortSpec unchanged. export function reorderSortRefs(spec: number[], sortRef: number, nextSortRef: number|null): number[] { const updatedSpec = spec.slice(); // Remove sortRef from sortSpec. const _idx = updatedSpec.findIndex(c => c === sortRef); if (_idx === -1) { return spec; } updatedSpec.splice(_idx, 1); // Add sortRef to before nextSortRef const _nextIdx = nextSortRef ? updatedSpec.findIndex(c => c === nextSortRef) : updatedSpec.length; if (_nextIdx === -1) { return spec; } updatedSpec.splice(_nextIdx, 0, sortRef); return updatedSpec; } // Updates the manual sort positions to the positions currently displayed in the view, sets the // view's default sort spec to be manual sort and broadcasts these changes. // This is excel/google sheets' sort behavior. export async function updatePositions(gristDoc: GristDoc, section: ViewSectionRec): Promise { const tableId = section.table.peek().tableId.peek(); const tableModel = gristDoc.getTableModel(tableId); // Build a sorted array of rowIds the way a view would, using the active sort spec. We just need // the sorted list, and can dispose the observable array immediately. const sortFunc = new SortFunc(new ClientColumnGetters(tableModel)); sortFunc.updateSpec(section.activeDisplaySortSpec.peek()); const sortedRows = rowset.SortedRowSet.create(null, (a: rowset.RowId, b: rowset.RowId) => as number, b as number)); sortedRows.subscribeTo(tableModel); const sortedRowIds = sortedRows.getKoArray().peek().slice(0); sortedRows.dispose(); // The action just assigns consecutive positions to the sorted rows. const colInfo = {[MANUALSORT]: range(0, sortedRowIds.length)}; await gristDoc.docData.sendActions([ // Update row positions and clear the saved sort spec as a single action bundle. ['BulkUpdateRecord', tableId, sortedRowIds, colInfo], ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section', section.getRowId(), {sortColRefs: '[]'}] ], `Updated table ${tableId} row positions.`); // Finally clear out the local sort spec. section.activeSortJson.revert(); }