var _ = require('underscore'); var ko = require('knockout'); var gutil = require('app/common/gutil'); var dispose = require('../lib/dispose'); var dom = require('../lib/dom'); var kd = require('../lib/koDom'); var commands = require('./commands'); /** * Use the browser globals in a way that allows replacing them with mocks in tests. */ var G = require('../lib/browserGlobals').get('window', 'document', '$'); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ViewLinkerNode(section, column, tableId, primaryTableId) { this.section = section; this.sectionRef = section ? section.getRowId() : 0; this.col = column; this.colRef = column ? column.getRowId() : 0; this.tableId = tableId; this.primaryTableId = primaryTableId; this.nodeId = this.sectionRef + ':' + this.colRef; // Uniquely identifies the node. this.linkIconDom = null; } ViewLinkerNode.prototype.isLinked = function() { return this.section && this.section.activeLinkSrcSectionRef() && this.section.activeLinkTargetColRef() === this.colRef; }; ViewLinkerNode.prototype.isValidLinkTo = function(targetNode) { let tablesMatch = (this.tableId === targetNode.tableId || (this.primaryTableId === targetNode.primaryTableId && !this.col && !targetNode.col)); // There are table-to-table links (cursor sync), table-to-column (filter), column-to-table // (cursor), and column-to-column (filter). // The table must match. if (!tablesMatch) { return false; } // The target must not be already linked. if (targetNode.section && targetNode.section.activeLinkSrcSectionRef()) { return false; } if (this.section) { // The link must not create a cycle. for (let sec = this.section; sec.getRowId(); sec = sec.linkSrcSection()) { if (targetNode.sectionRef === sec.getRowId()) { return false; } } } return true; }; ViewLinkerNode.prototype.linkCoord = function() { var rect = this.linkIconDom.getBoundingClientRect(); return { left: rect.left + rect.width / 2, top: + rect.height / 2 }; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * ViewLinker - Builds GUI for linking viewSections in viewModel */ function ViewLinker(viewModel) { this.viewModel = viewModel; this.viewSections = this.viewModel.viewSections().all(); this.clicked = ko.observable(null); // For each section, the pair (section, colRef) represents a linkable node for every reference // column, and for colRef 0 (which corresponds to the special "id" column, or the table itself). this.allNodes = []; for (let section of this.viewSections) { this.allNodes.push(...ViewLinker.createNodes(section, section.table())); } this.nodesBySection = _.groupBy(this.allNodes, 'sectionRef'); this.nodesById = _.indexBy(this.allNodes, 'nodeId'); // A list of coordinate data objects for coordinates in no particular order. this.coordinates = null; this.boundMouseMove = this.handleMouseMove.bind(this); this.boundWindowResize = this.handleWindowResize.bind(this); this.autoDisposeCallback(function() { G.$(G.window).off('mousemove', this.boundMouseMove); G.$(G.window).off('resize', this.boundWindowResize); }); this.canvas = this.autoDispose(dom('canvas.linker_canvas')); this.buttons = this.autoDispose( dom('div.linker_save_btns', dom('div.linker_btn', 'Apply', dom.on('click', () => { this.viewModel.isLinking(false); }) ), dom('div.linker_btn', 'Apply & Save', dom.on('click', () => {; this.viewModel.isLinking(false); }) ), dom('div.linker_btn', 'Cancel', dom.on('click', () => {; this.viewModel.isLinking(false); }) ) ) );'grist-app').appendChild(this.canvas);'view_content').appendChild(this.buttons); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); // Must monitor link values and redraw arrows on changes since undo-ing/redo-ing may // affect them. this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { for (let section of this.viewSections) { section.linkSrcSectionRef(); section.linkSrcColRef(); section.linkTargetColRef(); } setTimeout(this.resetArrows.bind(this), 0); })); G.$(G.window).on('resize', this.boundWindowResize); this.handleWindowResize(); } dispose.makeDisposable(ViewLinker); ViewLinker.createNodes = function(section, table) { const nodes = []; nodes.push(new ViewLinkerNode(section, null, table.tableId(), table.primaryTableId())); for (let column of table.columns().peek()) { let tableId = gutil.removePrefix(column.type(), "Ref:"); if (tableId) { nodes.push(new ViewLinkerNode(section, column, tableId)); } } return nodes; }; // Fills coordinates object with values and re-renders canvas. ViewLinker.prototype.resetArrows = function() { this.resetCoordinates(); this.redrawArrows(); }; ViewLinker.prototype.onClickNode = function(event, node) { if (!this.clicked()) { this.clicked(node); G.$(G.window).on('mousemove', this.boundMouseMove); } else { this.connectLink(node); this.clicked(null); G.$(G.window).off('mousemove', this.boundMouseMove); } }; ViewLinker.prototype.onClickBackground = function(event) { if (this.clicked()) { this.clicked(null); G.$(G.window).off('mousemove', this.boundMouseMove); this.redrawArrows(); } else { this.viewModel.isLinking(false); } }; ViewLinker.prototype.handleMouseMove = function(event) { this.redrawArrows(); let coord = this.clicked().linkCoord(); drawArrow(this.ctx, coord.left,, event.clientX, event.clientY); this.ctx.stroke(); }; ViewLinker.prototype.handleWindowResize = function(event) { // Canvas must be scaled up in a particular way for improved resolution. var w = G.$(G.window); var windowWidth = w.innerWidth(); var windowHeight = w.innerHeight(); = windowWidth + 'px'; = windowHeight + 'px'; this.ctx.canvas.width = windowWidth * 2; this.ctx.canvas.height = windowHeight * 2; this.ctx.scale(2, 2); setTimeout(this.resetArrows.bind(this), 0); }; // To be called by each viewSection when the ViewLinker is active. ViewLinker.prototype.buildLeafDom = function(viewSection) { var sectionRef = viewSection.getRowId(); var mainNode = this.nodesById[sectionRef + ':0']; var sectionNodes = this.nodesBySection[sectionRef]; var getOtherSections = () => this.clicked() && this.clicked().sectionRef !== sectionRef; return dom('div.g_record_layout_linking', dom.on('click', event => { this.onClickBackground(event); }), dom('div.linker_box', dom('div.linker_box_section', dom('div.linker_box_header', 'Scroll', kd.toggleClass('visible', getOtherSections) ), this.buildLinkRowDom(viewSection, mainNode) ), dom('div.linker_box_columns', dom('div.linker_box_header', 'Filter', kd.toggleClass('visible', () => getOtherSections() && sectionNodes.length > 1) ), this.nodesBySection[sectionRef].map(node => { if (!node.col) { return null; } return this.buildLinkRowDom(viewSection, node); }) ) ) ); }; ViewLinker.prototype.buildLinkRowDom = function(viewSection, node) { var sectionRef = viewSection.getRowId(); var tableId = viewSection.table().tableTitle(); var isAvailable = ko.computed(() => (this.clicked() ? this.clicked().isValidLinkTo(node) : // See if there are any nodes this could possibly link to. this.allNodes.some(tgt => node.isValidLinkTo(tgt)) )); return dom('div.section_link.section_link_' + sectionRef, dom.autoDispose(isAvailable), // Prevents closing on link mode when clicking in link boxes. dom.on('click', event => { event.stopPropagation(); }), dom('span.view_link.link_' + sectionRef + (node.col ? '_' + node.col.getRowId() : ''), dom.on('click', event => { if (isAvailable()) { this.onClickNode(event, node); } }), node.linkIconDom = dom('span.glyphicon.glyphicon-link.view_link_icon', // Use 'visibility' rather than 'display', to keep size and position available.'visibility', () => isAvailable() ? 'visible' : 'hidden'), kd.toggleClass('selected_link', () => (node.isLinked() || this.clicked() === node)) ) ), dom('span.link_text', tableId + (node.col ? '.' + node.col.colId() : ''), kd.toggleClass('available_text', isAvailable), kd.toggleClass('selected_text', () => node.isLinked()), dom('span.glyphicon.glyphicon-remove.remove_link_icon','visibility', () => (node.isLinked() && !this.clicked() ? 'visible' : 'hidden')), dom.on('click', () => this.removeNodeLinks(node)) ) ) ); }; // Initializes the coordinates array with linked node coordinates. ViewLinker.prototype.resetCoordinates = function() { this.coordinates = []; for (let vs of this.viewSections) { if (vs.activeLinkSrcSectionRef.peek()) { let sourceNodeId = vs.activeLinkSrcSectionRef.peek() + ':' + vs.activeLinkSrcColRef.peek(); let targetNodeId = vs.getRowId() + ':' + vs.activeLinkTargetColRef.peek(); this.coordinates.push({ 'from': this.nodesById[sourceNodeId].linkCoord(), 'to': this.nodesById[targetNodeId].linkCoord() }); } } }; // Draws all pre-existing arrows on the canvas. ViewLinker.prototype.redrawArrows = function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.ctx.beginPath(); this.coordinates.forEach(conn => drawArrow(this.ctx, conn.from.left,,,; }; // Saves a new link from the clicked node to 'node' to the local list of links. ViewLinker.prototype.connectLink = function(node) { var sourceNode = this.clicked(); var section = node.section; section.activeLinkSrcSectionRef(sourceNode.sectionRef); section.activeLinkSrcColRef(sourceNode.colRef); section.activeLinkTargetColRef(node.colRef); this.resetArrows(); }; // Removes links from the given node. ViewLinker.prototype.removeNodeLinks = function(node) { if (!node.isLinked()) { return; } var section = node.section; section.activeLinkSrcSectionRef(0); section.activeLinkSrcColRef(0); section.activeLinkTargetColRef(0); this.resetArrows(); }; // Draws an orange arrow with a black outline in context ctx from (origX, origY) to (x, y). function drawArrow(ctx, origX, origY, x, y){ ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.lineWidth = 4; ctx.lineCap = 'round'; _drawBasicArrow(ctx, origX, origY, x, y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = '#F5A542'; ctx.lineWidth = 3; _drawBasicArrow(ctx, origX, origY, x, y); ctx.stroke(); } // Draws a single arrow with no outline. function _drawBasicArrow(ctx, origX, origY, x, y) { var l = 10; // length of arrow head var angle = Math.atan2(y - origY, x - origX); ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x - l*Math.cos(angle - Math.PI/5), y - l*Math.sin(angle - Math.PI/5)); ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x - l*Math.cos(angle + Math.PI/5), y - l*Math.sin(angle + Math.PI/5)); ctx.moveTo(origX, origY); ctx.lineTo(x, y); } module.exports = ViewLinker;