import {drive} from '@googleapis/drive'; import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc'; import {RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer'; import {makeXLSX} from 'app/server/lib/ExportXLSX'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {optStringParam} from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils'; import {Request, Response} from 'express'; import {PassThrough} from 'stream'; /** * Endpoint logic for sending grist document to Google Drive. Grist document is first exported as an * excel file and then pushed to Google Drive as a Google Spreadsheet. */ export async function exportToDrive( activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: Request, res: Response ) { // Token should come from auth middleware const access_token = optStringParam(req.query.access_token); if (!access_token) { throw new Error("No access token - Can't send file to Google Drive"); } const mreq = req as RequestWithLogin; const meta = { docId: activeDoc.docName, userId: mreq.userId, altSessionId: mreq.altSessionId, }; // Prepare file for exporting. log.debug(`Export to drive - Preparing file for export`, meta); const { name, data } = await prepareFile(activeDoc, req); try { // Send file to GDrive and get the url for a preview. const url = await sendFileToDrive(name, data, access_token); log.debug(`Export to drive - File exported, redirecting to Google Spreadsheet ${url}`, meta); res.json({ url }); } catch (err) { log.error("Export to drive - Error while sending file to GDrive", meta, err); // Test if google returned a valid error message. if (err.errors && err.errors.length) { throw new Error(err.errors[0].message); } else { throw err; } } } // Creates spreadsheet file in a Google drive, by sending an excel and requesting for conversion. async function sendFileToDrive(fileNameNoExt: string, data: ArrayBuffer, oauth_token: string): Promise<string> { // Here we are asking google drive to convert excel file to a google spreadsheet const requestBody = { // name of the spreadsheet to create name: fileNameNoExt, // mime type of the google spreadsheet mimeType: 'application/' }; // wrap buffer into a stream const stream = new PassThrough(); stream.end(data); // Define what gets send - excel file const media = { mimeType: 'application/', body: stream }; const googleDrive = drive("v3"); const fileRes = await googleDrive.files.create({ requestBody, // what to do with file - convert to spreadsheet oauth_token, // access token media, // file fields: "webViewLink" // return webViewLink after creating file }); const url =; if (!url) { throw new Error("Google Api has not returned valid response"); } return url; } // Makes excel file the same way as export to excel works. async function prepareFile(doc: ActiveDoc, req: Request) { const data = await makeXLSX(doc, req); const name = (optStringParam(req.query.title) || doc.docName); return { name, data }; }