import types import logger import useractions import testutil import test_engine from test_engine import Table, Column, View, Section, Field log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO) class TestUserActions(test_engine.EngineTestCase): sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({ "SCHEMA": [ [1, "Address", [ [21, "city", "Text", False, "", "", ""], ]] ], "DATA": { "Address": [ ["id", "city" ], [11, "New York" ], [12, "Colombia" ], [13, "New Haven" ], [14, "West Haven" ]], } }) starting_table = Table(1, "Address", primaryViewId=0, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(21, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0) ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_conversions(self): # Test the sequence of user actions as used for transform-based conversions. This is actually # not exactly what the client emits, but more like what the client should ideally emit. # Our sample has a text column; we'll convert it to Ref:Address. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Add a new table for Schools so that we get the associated views and fields. self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Schools', [{'id': 'city', 'type': 'Text'}]]) self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Schools', [1,2,3,4], { 'city': ['New York', 'Colombia', 'New York', ''] }]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [ [1, "Address"], [2, "Schools"], ]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables_column", ["id", "colId", "parentId", "parentPos", "widgetOptions"], [ [21, "city", 1, 1.0, ""], [22, "manualSort", 2, 2.0, ""], [23, "city", 2, 3.0, ""], ]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Views_section_field", ["id", "colRef", "widgetOptions"], [ [1, 23, ""] ]) self.assertPartialData("Schools", ["id", "city"], [ [1, "New York" ], [2, "Colombia" ], [3, "New York" ], [4, "" ], ]) # Our sample has a text column city. out_actions = self.add_column('Schools', 'grist_Transform', isFormula=True, formula='return $city', type='Text') self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ['AddColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform', { 'type': 'Text', 'isFormula': True, 'formula': 'return $city', }], ['AddRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 24, { 'widgetOptions': '', 'parentPos': 4.0, 'isFormula': True, 'parentId': 2, 'colId': 'grist_Transform', 'formula': 'return $city', 'label': 'grist_Transform', 'type': 'Text' }], ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 2, { "colRef": 24, "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 2.0 }], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 3], {"grist_Transform": ["New York", "Colombia", "New York"]}], ]}) out_actions = self.update_record('_grist_Tables_column', 24, type='Ref:Address', formula='return Address.lookupOne(city=$city).id') self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ['ModifyColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform', { 'formula': 'return Address.lookupOne(city=$city).id', 'type': 'Ref:Address'}], ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 24, { 'formula': 'return Address.lookupOne(city=$city).id', 'type': 'Ref:Address'}], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 3, 4], {"grist_Transform": [11, 12, 11, 0]}], ]}) # It seems best if TypeTransform sets widgetOptions on grist_Transform column, so that they # can be copied in CopyFromColumn; rather than updating them after the copy is done. self.update_record('_grist_Views_section_field', 1, widgetOptions="hello") self.update_record('_grist_Tables_column', 24, widgetOptions="world") out_actions = self.apply_user_action( ['CopyFromColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform', 'city', None]) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ['ModifyColumn', 'Schools', 'city', {'type': 'Ref:Address'}], ['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 4, {'city': 0}], ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field', 1, {'widgetOptions': ''}], ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 23, { 'type': 'Ref:Address', 'widgetOptions': 'world' }], ['BulkUpdateRecord', 'Schools', [1, 2, 3], {'city': [11, 12, 11]}], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 3], {"grist_Transform": [0, 0, 0]}], ]}) out_actions = self.update_record('_grist_Tables_column', 23, widgetOptions='{"widget":"Reference","visibleCol":"city"}') self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 23, { 'widgetOptions': '{"widget":"Reference","visibleCol":"city"}'}], ]}) out_actions = self.remove_column('Schools', 'grist_Transform') self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field', 2], ['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 24], ['RemoveColumn', 'Schools', 'grist_Transform'], ]}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_create_section_existing_view(self): # Test that CreateViewSection works for an existing view. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.assertTables([self.starting_table]) # Create a view + section for the initial table. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, "record", None]) # Verify that we got a new view, with one section, and three fields. self.assertViews([View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=21), ]) ]) ]) # Create a new section for the same view, check that only a section is added. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 1, "record", None]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table]) self.assertViews([View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=21), ]), Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(2, colRef=21), ]) ]) ]) # Create another section for the same view, this time summarized. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 1, "record", [21]]) summary_table = Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Address", 0, summarySourceTable=1, columns=[ Column(22, "city", "Text", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=21), Column(23, "group", "RefList:Address", isFormula=True, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", summarySourceCol=0), Column(24, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, formula="len($group)", summarySourceCol=0), ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table]) # Check that we still have one view, with sections for different tables. view = View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=21), ]), Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(2, colRef=21), ]), Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(3, colRef=22), Field(4, colRef=24), ]), ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table]) self.assertViews([view]) # Try to create a summary table for an invalid column, and check that it fails. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 1, "record", [23]]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, summary_table]) self.assertViews([view]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_creates_section_new_table(self): # Test that CreateViewSection works for adding a new table. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.assertTables([self.starting_table]) self.assertViews([]) # When we create a section/view for new table, we get both a primary view, and the new view we # are creating. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 0, "record", None]) new_table = Table(2, "Table1", primaryViewId=1, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(22, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(23, "A", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(24, "B", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(25, "C", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), ]) primary_view = View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=23), Field(2, colRef=24), Field(3, colRef=25), ]) ]) new_view = View(2, sections=[ Section(2, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(4, colRef=23), Field(5, colRef=24), Field(6, colRef=25), ]) ]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table]) self.assertViews([primary_view, new_view]) # Create another section in an existing view for a new table. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 2, "record", None]) new_table2 = Table(3, "Table2", primaryViewId=3, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(26, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(27, "A", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(28, "B", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(29, "C", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), ]) primary_view2 = View(3, sections=[ Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(7, colRef=27), Field(8, colRef=28), Field(9, colRef=29), ]) ]) new_view.sections.append( Section(4, parentKey="record", tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(10, colRef=27), Field(11, colRef=28), Field(12, colRef=29), ]) ) # Check that we have a new table, only the primary view as new view; and a new section. self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table, new_table2]) self.assertViews([primary_view, new_view, primary_view2]) # Check that we can't create a summary of a table grouped by a column that doesn't exist yet. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 2, "record", [31]]) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table, new_table2]) self.assertViews([primary_view, new_view, primary_view2]) # But creating a new table and showing totals for it is possible though dumb. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 0, 2, "record", []]) # We expect a new table. new_table3 = Table(4, "Table3", primaryViewId=4, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(30, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", isFormula=False, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(31, "A", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(32, "B", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), Column(33, "C", "Any", isFormula=True, formula="", summarySourceCol=0), ]) # A summary of it. summary_table = Table(5, "GristSummary_6_Table3", 0, summarySourceTable=4, columns=[ Column(34, "group", "RefList:Table3", isFormula=True, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", summarySourceCol=0), Column(35, "count", "Int", isFormula=True, formula="len($group)", summarySourceCol=0), ]) # The primary view of the new table. primary_view3 = View(4, sections=[ Section(5, parentKey="record", tableRef=4, fields=[ Field(13, colRef=31), Field(14, colRef=32), Field(15, colRef=33), ]) ]) # And a new view section for the summary. new_view.sections.append(Section(6, parentKey="record", tableRef=5, fields=[ Field(16, colRef=35) ])) self.assertTables([self.starting_table, new_table, new_table2, new_table3, summary_table]) self.assertViews([primary_view, new_view, primary_view2, primary_view3]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_views_sample(self): # Add a new table and a view, to get some Views/Sections/Fields, and TableView/TabBar items. self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Schools', [ {'id': 'city', 'type': 'Text'}, {'id': 'state', 'type': 'Text'}, {'id': 'size', 'type': 'Numeric'}, ]]) self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Schools', [1,2,3,4], { 'city': ['New York', 'Colombia', 'New York', ''], 'state': ['NY', 'NY', 'NY', ''], 'size': [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000], }]) # Add a new view; a second section (summary) to it; and a third view. self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 1, 0, 'detail', None]) self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 1, 2, 'record', [3]]) self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 1, 0, 'chart', None]) self.apply_user_action(['CreateViewSection', 0, 2, 'record', None]) # Verify the new structure of tables and views. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Schools", 1, 0, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(4, "size", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "GristSummary_7_Schools", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(5, "state", "Text", False, "", 3), Column(6, "group", "RefList:Schools", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)", 0), Column(7, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)", 0), Column(8, "size", "Numeric", True, "SUM($group.size)", 0), ]), Table(3, 'Table1', 4, 0, columns=[ Column(9, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(10, "A", "Any", True, "", 0), Column(11, "B", "Any", True, "", 0), Column(12, "C", "Any", True, "", 0), ]), ]) self.assertViews([ View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=2), Field(2, colRef=3), Field(3, colRef=4), ]), ]), View(2, sections=[ Section(2, parentKey="detail", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(4, colRef=2), Field(5, colRef=3), Field(6, colRef=4), ]), Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(7, colRef=5), Field(8, colRef=7), Field(9, colRef=8), ]), Section(6, parentKey='record', tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(15, colRef=10), Field(16, colRef=11), Field(17, colRef=12), ]), ]), View(3, sections=[ Section(4, parentKey="chart", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(10, colRef=2), Field(11, colRef=3), ]), ]), View(4, sections=[ Section(5, parentKey='record', tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(12, colRef=10), Field(13, colRef=11), Field(14, colRef=12), ]), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_TableViews', data=[ ["id", "tableRef", "viewRef"], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 3], ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_TabBar', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "viewRef"], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4], ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "viewRef"], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4] ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_view_remove(self): # Add a couple of tables and views, to trigger creation of some related items. self.init_views_sample() # Remove a view. Ensure related items, sections, fields get removed. self.apply_user_action(["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", [2,3]]) # Verify the new structure of tables and views. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Schools", 1, 0, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(4, "size", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), # Note that the summary table is gone. Table(3, 'Table1', 4, 0, columns=[ Column(9, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(10, "A", "Any", True, "", 0), Column(11, "B", "Any", True, "", 0), Column(12, "C", "Any", True, "", 0), ]), ]) self.assertViews([ View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=2), Field(2, colRef=3), Field(3, colRef=4), ]), ]), View(4, sections=[ Section(5, parentKey='record', tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(12, colRef=10), Field(13, colRef=11), Field(14, colRef=12), ]), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_TableViews', data=[ ["id", "tableRef", "viewRef"], ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_TabBar', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "viewRef"], [1, 1], [4, 4], ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "viewRef"], [1, 1], [4, 4], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_view_rename(self): # Add a couple of tables and views, to trigger creation of some related items. self.init_views_sample() # Verify the new structure of tables and views. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[ [ 'id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId' ], [ 1, 'Schools', 1], [ 2, 'GristSummary_7_Schools', 0], [ 3, 'Table1', 4], ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[ [ 'id', 'name', 'primaryViewTable' ], [ 1, 'Schools', 1], [ 2, 'New page', 0], [ 3, 'New page', 0], [ 4, 'Table1', 3], ]) # Update the names in a few views, and ensure that primary ones cause tables to get renamed. self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', [2,3,4], {'name': ['A', 'B', 'C']}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[ [ 'id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId' ], [ 1, 'Schools', 1], [ 2, 'GristSummary_7_Schools', 0], [ 3, 'C', 4], ]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Views', cols="subset", data=[ [ 'id', 'name', 'primaryViewTable' ], [ 1, 'Schools', 1], [ 2, 'A', 0], [ 3, 'B', 0], [ 4, 'C', 3] ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_section_removes(self): # Add a couple of tables and views, to trigger creation of some related items. self.init_views_sample() # Remove a couple of sections. Ensure their fields get removed. self.apply_user_action(['BulkRemoveRecord', '_grist_Views_section', [3,6]]) self.assertViews([ View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=2), Field(2, colRef=3), Field(3, colRef=4), ]), ]), View(2, sections=[ Section(2, parentKey="detail", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(4, colRef=2), Field(5, colRef=3), Field(6, colRef=4), ]), ]), View(3, sections=[ Section(4, parentKey="chart", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(10, colRef=2), Field(11, colRef=3), ]), ]), View(4, sections=[ Section(5, parentKey='record', tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(12, colRef=10), Field(13, colRef=11), Field(14, colRef=12), ]), ]), ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_schema_consistency_check(self): # Verify that schema consistency check actually runs, but only when schema is affected. self.init_views_sample() # Replace the engine's assert_schema_consistent() method with a mocked version. orig_method = self.engine.assert_schema_consistent count_calls = [0] def override(self): # pylint: disable=unused-argument count_calls[0] += 1 # pylint: disable=not-callable orig_method() self.engine.assert_schema_consistent = types.MethodType(override, self.engine) # Do a non-sschema action to ensure it doesn't get called. self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', 2, {'name': 'A'}]) self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 0) # Do a schema action to ensure it gets called: this causes a table rename. self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', 4, {'name': 'C'}]) self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 1) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[ [ 'id', 'tableId', 'primaryViewId' ], [ 1, 'Schools', 1], [ 2, 'GristSummary_7_Schools', 0], [ 3, 'C', 4], ]) # Do another schema and non-schema action. self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 1, {'city': 'Seattle'}]) self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 1) self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 2, {'colId': 'city2'}]) self.assertEqual(count_calls[0], 2) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_new_column_conversions(self): self.init_views_sample() self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, ""], [2, "city", "Text", False, ""], [3, "state", "Text", False, ""], [4, "size", "Numeric", False, ""], [13, "A", "Any", True, ""], ], rows=lambda r: == 1) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A"], [1, "New York", None], [2, "Colombia", None], [3, "New York", None], [4, "", None], ]) # Check that typing in text into the column produces a text column. out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 3, {"A": "foo"}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [13, "A", "Text", False, ""], ]) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A" ], [1, "New York", "" ], [2, "Colombia", "" ], [3, "New York", "foo" ], [4, "", "" ], ]) # Undo, and check that typing in a number produces a numeric column. self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions.undo) out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', 'Schools', 3, {"A": " -17.6"}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [13, "A", "Numeric", False, ""], ]) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A" ], [1, "New York", 0.0 ], [2, "Colombia", 0.0 ], [3, "New York", -17.6 ], [4, "", 0.0 ], ]) # Undo, and set a formula for the new column instead. self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions.undo) self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 13, {'formula': 'len($city)'}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [13, "A", "Any", True, "len($city)"], ]) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A" ], [1, "New York", 8 ], [2, "Colombia", 8 ], [3, "New York", 8 ], [4, "", 0 ], ]) # Convert the formula column to non-formula. self.apply_user_action(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 13, {'isFormula': False}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [13, "A", "Numeric", False, "len($city)"], ]) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A" ], [1, "New York", 8 ], [2, "Colombia", 8 ], [3, "New York", 8 ], [4, "", 0 ], ]) # Add some more formula columns of type 'Any'. self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "1"}]) self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "'x'"}]) self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "$city == 'New York'"}]) self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Schools', None, {"formula": "$city=='New York' or '-'"}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, ""], [2, "city", "Text", False, ""], [3, "state", "Text", False, ""], [4, "size", "Numeric", False, ""], [13, "A", "Numeric", False, "len($city)"], [14, "B", "Any", True, "1"], [15, "C", "Any", True, "'x'"], [16, "D", "Any", True, "$city == 'New York'"], [17, "E", "Any", True, "$city=='New York' or '-'"], ], rows=lambda r: == 1) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"], [1, "New York", 8, 1, "x", True, True], [2, "Colombia", 8, 1, "x", False, '-' ], [3, "New York", 8, 1, "x", True, True], [4, "", 0, 1, "x", False, '-' ], ]) # Convert all these formulas to non-formulas, and see that their types get guessed OK. # TODO: We should also guess Int, Bool, Reference, ReferenceList, Date, and DateTime. # TODO: It is possibly better if B became Int, and D became Bool. self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', [14,15,16,17], {'isFormula': [False, False, False, False]}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos",False, ""], [2, "city", "Text", False, ""], [3, "state", "Text", False, ""], [4, "size", "Numeric", False, ""], [13, "A", "Numeric", False, "len($city)"], [14, "B", "Numeric", False, "1"], [15, "C", "Text", False, "'x'"], [16, "D", "Text", False, "$city == 'New York'"], [17, "E", "Text", False, "$city=='New York' or '-'"], ], rows=lambda r: == 1) self.assertTableData('Schools', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "city", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"], [1, "New York", 8, 1.0, "x", "True", 'True'], [2, "Colombia", 8, 1.0, "x", "False", '-' ], [3, "New York", 8, 1.0, "x", "True", 'True'], [4, "", 0, 1.0, "x", "False", '-' ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_useraction_failures(self): # Verify that when a useraction fails, we revert any changes already applied. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Simple failure: bad action (last argument should be a dict). It shouldn't cause any actions # in the first place, just raise an exception about the argument being an int. with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, r"'int'"): self.apply_user_action(['AddColumn', 'Address', "A", 17]) # Do some successful actions, just to make sure we know what they look like. self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in ( ['AddColumn', 'Address', "B", {"isFormula": True}], ['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 11, {"city": "New York2"}], )]) # More complicated: here some actions should succeed, but get reverted when a later one fails. with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, r"'int'"): self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in ( ['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 11, {"city": "New York3"}], ['AddColumn', 'Address', "C", {"isFormula": True}], ['AddColumn', 'Address', "D", 17] )]) with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, r"non-existent record #77"): self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in ( ['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 11, {"city": "New York4"}], ['UpdateRecord', 'Address', 77, {"city": "Chicago"}], )]) # Make sure that no columns got added except the intentionally successful one. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"], [21, "city", "Text", False, ""], [22, "B", "Any", True, ""], ], rows=lambda r: == 1) # Make sure that no columns got added here either, and the only change to "New York" is the # one in the successful user-action. self.assertTableData('Address', cols="all", data=[ ["id", "city" , "B" ], [11, "New York2" , None ], [12, "Colombia" , None ], [13, "New Haven" , None ], [14, "West Haven", None ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_pages_remove(self): # Test that orphan pages get fixed after removing a page self.init_views_sample() # Moves page 2 to children of page 1. self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_Pages', [2], {'indentation': [1]}]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[ ['id', 'indentation'], [ 1, 0], [ 2, 1], [ 3, 0], [ 4, 0], ]) # Verify that removing page 1 fixes page 2 indentation. self.apply_user_action(['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Pages', 1]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[ ['id', 'indentation'], [ 2, 0], [ 3, 0], [ 4, 0], ]) # Removing last page should not fail # Verify that removing page 1 fixes page 2 indentation. self.apply_user_action(['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Pages', 4]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[ ['id', 'indentation'], [ 2, 0], [ 3, 0], ]) # Removing a page that has no children should do nothing self.apply_user_action(['RemoveRecord', '_grist_Pages', 2]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Pages', cols='subset', data=[ ['id', 'indentation'], [ 3, 0], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_rename_choices(self): sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({ "SCHEMA": [ [1, "ChoiceTable", [ [1, "ChoiceColumn", "Choice", False, "", "ChoiceColumn", ""], ]], [2, "ChoiceListTable", [ [2, "ChoiceListColumn", "ChoiceList", False, "", "ChoiceListColumn", ""], ]], ], "DATA": { "ChoiceTable": [ ["id", "ChoiceColumn"], [1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "c"], [4, "d"], [5, None], ], "ChoiceListTable": [ ["id", "ChoiceListColumn"], [1, ["a"]], [2, ["b"]], [3, ["c"]], [4, ["d"]], [5, None], [7, ["a", "b"]], [8, ["b", "c"]], [9, ["a", "c"]], [10, ["a", "b", "c"]], ], } }) self.load_sample(sample) # Renames go in a loop to make sure that works correctly # a -> b -> c -> a -> b -> ... renames = {"a": "b", "b": "c", "c": "a"} self.apply_user_action( ["RenameChoices", "ChoiceTable", "ChoiceColumn", renames]) self.apply_user_action( ["RenameChoices", "ChoiceListTable", "ChoiceListColumn", renames]) self.assertTableData('ChoiceTable', data=[ ["id", "ChoiceColumn"], [1, "b"], [2, "c"], [3, "a"], [4, "d"], [5, None], ]) self.assertTableData('ChoiceListTable', data=[ ["id", "ChoiceListColumn"], [1, ["b"]], [2, ["c"]], [3, ["a"]], [4, ["d"]], [5, None], [7, ["b", "c"]], [8, ["c", "a"]], [9, ["b", "a"]], [10, ["b", "c", "a"]], ])