import * as _ from 'lodash'; import {addToRepl, assert, driver} from 'mocha-webdriver'; import {enterRulePart, findDefaultRuleSet} from 'test/nbrowser/aclTestUtils'; import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils'; import {server, setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; describe('SelectBySummary', function() { this.timeout(50000); setupTestSuite(); addToRepl('gu2', gu); gu.bigScreen(); before(async function() { await server.simulateLogin("Chimpy", "", 'nasa'); const doc = await gu.importFixturesDoc('chimpy', 'nasa', 'Horizon', 'SelectBySummary.grist', false); await driver.get(`${server.getHost()}/o/nasa/doc/${}`); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); }); it('should filter a source table selected by a summary table', async function() { await checkSelectingRecords( ['onetwo'], [ '1', '16', '2', '20', ], [ [ '1', 'a', '1', '1', 'b', '3', '1', 'a\nb', '5', '1', '', '7', ], [ '2', 'a', '2', '2', 'b', '4', '2', 'a\nb', '6', '2', '', '8', ], ], ); await checkSelectingRecords( ['choices'], [ 'a', '14', 'b', '18', '', '15', ], [ [ '1', 'a', '1', '2', 'a', '2', '1', 'a\nb', '5', '2', 'a\nb', '6', ], [ '1', 'b', '3', '2', 'b', '4', '1', 'a\nb', '5', '2', 'a\nb', '6', ], [ '1', '', '7', '2', '', '8', ], ], ); await checkSelectingRecords( ['onetwo', 'choices'], [ '1', 'a', '6', '2', 'a', '8', '1', 'b', '8', '2', 'b', '10', '1', '', '7', '2', '', '8', ], [ [ '1', 'a', '1', '1', 'a\nb', '5', ], [ '2', 'a', '2', '2', 'a\nb', '6', ], [ '1', 'b', '3', '1', 'a\nb', '5', ], [ '2', 'b', '4', '2', 'a\nb', '6', ], [ '1', '', '7', ], [ '2', '', '8', ], ], ); }); it('should create new rows in the source table (link target) with correct default values', gu.revertChanges(async function() { // Select the record with ['2', 'a'] in the summary table // so those values will be used as defaults in the source table await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1 [by onetwo, choices]', col: 'rownum', rowNum: 2}).click(); // Create a new record with rownum=99 await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', col: 'rownum', rowNum: 3}).click(); await gu.enterCell('99'); assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ section: 'TABLE1', cols: ['onetwo', 'choices', 'rownum'], rowNums: [3], }), ['2', 'a', '99'], ); }) ); it('should filter a summary table selected by a less detailed summary table', async function() { // Delete the Table1 widget so that we can hide the table in ACL without hiding the whole page. const menu = await gu.openSectionMenu('viewLayout', 'TABLE1'); await menu.findContent('.test-cmd-name', 'Delete widget').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Open the ACL UI await driver.find('.test-tools-access-rules').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-rule-set', 2000); // Wait for initialization fetch to complete. // Deny all access to Table1. await driver.findContentWait('button', /Add Table Rules/, 2000).click(); await driver.findContentWait('.grist-floating-menu li', /Table1/, 3000).click(); const ruleSet = findDefaultRuleSet(/Table1/); await enterRulePart(ruleSet, 1, null, 'Deny All'); await driver.find('.test-rules-save').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Go back to the main page. await gu.getPageItem('Table1').click(); // Now check filter linking, but with the detailed summary 'TABLE1 [by onetwo, choices]' as the target, // selecting by the two less detailed summaries. // There was a bug previously that this would not work while the summary source table (Table1) was hidden. await checkSelectingRecords( ['onetwo'], [ '1', '16', '2', '20', ], [ [ '1', 'a', '6', '1', 'b', '8', '1', '', '7', ], [ '2', 'a', '8', '2', 'b', '10', '2', '', '8', ], ], // This argument was not used in the previous test, as TABLE1 is the default. 'TABLE1 [by onetwo, choices]', ); await checkSelectingRecords( ['choices'], [ 'a', '14', 'b', '18', '', '15', ], [ [ '1', 'a', '6', '2', 'a', '8', ], [ '1', 'b', '8', '2', 'b', '10', ], [ '1', '', '7', '2', '', '8', ], ], 'TABLE1 [by onetwo, choices]', ); }); }); /** * Makes `targetSection` select by the existing summary table grouped by groubyColumns. * Asserts that the summary table has the data summaryData under groubyColumns and rownum. * Asserts that clicking each row in the summary table filters the target section * to the corresponding subarray of `targetData`. */ async function checkSelectingRecords( groubyColumns: string[], summaryData: string[], targetData: string[][], targetSection: string = 'TABLE1', ) { const summarySection = `TABLE1 [by ${groubyColumns.join(', ')}]`; await gu.openSelectByForSection(targetSection); await driver.findContent('.test-select-row', summarySection).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ section: summarySection, cols: [...groubyColumns, 'rownum'], rowNums: _.range(1, targetData.length + 1) }), summaryData, ); async function checkTargetGroup(targetGroupIndex: number) { const targetGroup = targetData[targetGroupIndex]; const countCell = await gu.getCell({section: summarySection, col: 'count', rowNum: targetGroupIndex + 1}); const numTargetRows = targetGroup.length / 3; if (targetSection === 'TABLE1') { assert.equal(await countCell.getText(), numTargetRows.toString()); } await; assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ section: targetSection, cols: ['onetwo', 'choices', 'rownum'], rowNums: _.range(1, numTargetRows + 1), }), targetGroup ); } for (let i = 0; i < targetData.length; i++) { await checkTargetGroup(i); } if (targetSection === 'TABLE1') { // Check recursiveMoveToCursorPos for (let rowNum = 1; rowNum <= 8; rowNum++) { // Click an anchor link const anchorCell = gu.getCell({section: "Anchors", rowNum, col: 1}); await anchorCell.find('.test-tb-link').click(); // Check that navigation to the link target worked assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), "TABLE1"); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveCell().getText(), String(rowNum)); // Check that the link target is still filtered correctly by the link source, // which should imply that the link source cursor is in the right place await gu.selectSectionByTitle(summarySection); const summaryRowNum = await gu.getSelectedRowNum(); await checkTargetGroup(summaryRowNum - 1); } } }