import {UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import axios from 'axios'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import * as fse from 'fs-extra'; import {TestServer} from 'test/gen-server/apiUtils'; import {configForUser} from 'test/gen-server/testUtils'; import {createTmpDir} from 'test/server/docTools'; import {openClient} from 'test/server/gristClient'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; const chimpy = configForUser('Chimpy'); describe('DocApi2', function() { this.timeout(40000); let server: TestServer; let serverUrl: string; let owner: UserAPI; let wsId: number; testUtils.setTmpLogLevel('error'); let oldEnv: testUtils.EnvironmentSnapshot; before(async function() { oldEnv = new testUtils.EnvironmentSnapshot(); const tmpDir = await createTmpDir(); process.env.GRIST_DATA_DIR = tmpDir; process.env.STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET = 'TEST_WITHOUT_ENDPOINT_SECRET'; // Use the TEST_REDIS_URL as the global redis url, if supplied. if (process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL && !process.env.REDIS_URL) { process.env.REDIS_URL = process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL; } server = new TestServer(this); serverUrl = await server.start(['home', 'docs']); const api = await server.createHomeApi('chimpy', 'docs', true); await api.newOrg({name: 'testy', domain: 'testy'}); owner = await server.createHomeApi('chimpy', 'testy', true); wsId = await owner.newWorkspace({name: 'ws'}, 'current'); }); after(async function() { const api = await server.createHomeApi('chimpy', 'docs'); await api.deleteOrg('testy'); await server.stop(); oldEnv.restore(); }); describe('DELETE /docs/{did}', async () => { it('permanently deletes a document and all of its forks', async function() { // Create a new document and fork it twice. const docId = await owner.newDoc({name: 'doc'}, wsId); const session = await owner.getSessionActive(); const client = await openClient(server.server,, || 'docs'); await client.openDocOnConnect(docId); const forkDocResponse1 = await client.send('fork', 0); const forkDocResponse2 = await client.send('fork', 0); // Check that files were created for the trunk and forks. const docPath = server.server.getStorageManager().getPath(docId); const forkPath1 = server.server.getStorageManager().getPath(; const forkPath2 = server.server.getStorageManager().getPath(; assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath), true); assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(forkPath1), true); assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(forkPath2), true); // Delete the trunk via API. const deleteDocResponse = await axios.delete(`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}`, chimpy); assert.equal(deleteDocResponse.status, 200); // Check that files for the trunk and forks were deleted. assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(docPath), false); assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(forkPath1), false); assert.equal(await fse.pathExists(forkPath2), false); }); }); });