/** * Replicates functionality of test/nbrowser/gristUtils.ts for new-style tests. * * The helpers are themselves tested in TestGristUtils.ts. */ import * as fse from 'fs-extra'; import escapeRegExp = require('lodash/escapeRegExp'); import noop = require('lodash/noop'); import startCase = require('lodash/startCase'); import { assert, By, driver as driverOrig, error, Key, WebElement, WebElementPromise } from 'mocha-webdriver'; import { stackWrapFunc, stackWrapOwnMethods, WebDriver } from 'mocha-webdriver'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as PluginApi from 'app/plugin/grist-plugin-api'; import {CommandName} from 'app/client/components/commandList'; import {csvDecodeRow} from 'app/common/csvFormat'; import { AccessLevel } from 'app/common/CustomWidget'; import { decodeUrl } from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import { FullUser, UserProfile } from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import { resetOrg } from 'app/common/resetOrg'; import { DocAction, UserAction } from 'app/common/DocActions'; import { TestState } from 'app/common/TestState'; import { Organization as APIOrganization, DocStateComparison, UserAPI, UserAPIImpl, Workspace } from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import { Organization } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Organization'; import { Product } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Product'; import { create } from 'app/server/lib/create'; import { getAppRoot } from 'app/server/lib/places'; import { GristWebDriverUtils, PageWidgetPickerOptions, WindowDimensions as WindowDimensionsBase } from 'test/nbrowser/gristWebDriverUtils'; import { HomeUtil } from 'test/nbrowser/homeUtil'; import { server } from 'test/nbrowser/testServer'; import type { Cleanup } from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; import { fetchScreenshotAndLogs } from 'test/nbrowser/webdriverUtils'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; import type { AssertionError } from 'assert'; import axios from 'axios'; import { lock } from 'proper-lockfile'; // tslint:disable:no-namespace // Wrap in a namespace so that we can apply stackWrapOwnMethods to all the exports together. namespace gristUtils { // Allow overriding the global 'driver' to use in gristUtil. let _driver: WebDriver|undefined; const driver: WebDriver = new Proxy({} as any, { get(_, prop) { if (!_driver) { return (driverOrig as any)[prop]; } return (_driver as any)[prop]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion } }); export function currentDriver() { return driver; } // Substitute a custom driver to use with gristUtils functions. Omit argument to restore to default. export function setDriver(customDriver?: WebDriver) { _driver = customDriver; } const homeUtil = new HomeUtil(testUtils.fixturesRoot, server); const webdriverUtils = new GristWebDriverUtils(driver); export const createNewDoc = homeUtil.createNewDoc.bind(homeUtil); // importFixturesDoc has a custom implementation that supports 'load' flag. export const uploadFixtureDoc = homeUtil.uploadFixtureDoc.bind(homeUtil); export const getWorkspaceId = homeUtil.getWorkspaceId.bind(homeUtil); export const listDocs = homeUtil.listDocs.bind(homeUtil); export const createHomeApi = homeUtil.createHomeApi.bind(homeUtil); export const getApiKey = homeUtil.getApiKey.bind(homeUtil); export const simulateLogin = homeUtil.simulateLogin.bind(homeUtil); export const removeLogin = homeUtil.removeLogin.bind(homeUtil); export const enableTips = homeUtil.enableTips.bind(homeUtil); export const disableTips = homeUtil.disableTips.bind(homeUtil); export const setValue = homeUtil.setValue.bind(homeUtil); export const isOnLoginPage = homeUtil.isOnLoginPage.bind(homeUtil); export const isOnGristLoginPage = homeUtil.isOnLoginPage.bind(homeUtil); export const checkLoginPage = homeUtil.checkLoginPage.bind(homeUtil); export const checkGristLoginPage = homeUtil.checkGristLoginPage.bind(homeUtil); export const copyDoc = homeUtil.copyDoc.bind(homeUtil); export const isSidePanelOpen = webdriverUtils.isSidePanelOpen.bind(webdriverUtils); export const waitForServer = webdriverUtils.waitForServer.bind(webdriverUtils); export const waitForSidePanel = webdriverUtils.waitForSidePanel.bind(webdriverUtils); export const toggleSidePanel = webdriverUtils.toggleSidePanel.bind(webdriverUtils); export const getWindowDimensions = webdriverUtils.getWindowDimensions.bind(webdriverUtils); export const addNewSection = webdriverUtils.addNewSection.bind(webdriverUtils); export const selectWidget = webdriverUtils.selectWidget.bind(webdriverUtils); export const dismissBehavioralPrompts = webdriverUtils.dismissBehavioralPrompts.bind(webdriverUtils); export const toggleSelectable = webdriverUtils.toggleSelectable.bind(webdriverUtils); export const waitToPass = webdriverUtils.waitToPass.bind(webdriverUtils); export const refreshDismiss = webdriverUtils.refreshDismiss.bind(webdriverUtils); export const acceptAlert = webdriverUtils.acceptAlert.bind(webdriverUtils); export const isAlertShown = webdriverUtils.isAlertShown.bind(webdriverUtils); export const waitForDocToLoad = webdriverUtils.waitForDocToLoad.bind(webdriverUtils); export const reloadDoc = webdriverUtils.reloadDoc.bind(webdriverUtils); export const fixturesRoot: string = testUtils.fixturesRoot; // it is sometimes useful in debugging to turn off automatic cleanup of docs and workspaces. export const noCleanup = Boolean(process.env.NO_CLEANUP); export type WindowDimensions = WindowDimensionsBase; // Most test code uses simulateLogin through the server reference. Keep them to reduce unnecessary // code changes. server.simulateLogin = simulateLogin; server.removeLogin = removeLogin; export interface IColSelect<T = WebElement> { col: number|string; rowNums: number[]; section?: string|WebElement; mapper?: (e: WebElement) => Promise<T>; } export interface ICellSelect { col: number|string; rowNum: number; section?: string|WebElement; } export interface IColHeader { col: number|string; section?: string|WebElement; } export interface IColsSelect<T = WebElement> { cols: Array<number|string>; rowNums: number[]; section?: string|WebElement; mapper?: (e: WebElement) => Promise<T>; } /** * Helper for exact string matches using interfaces that expect a RegExp. E.g. * driver.findContent('.selector', exactMatch("Foo")) * * TODO It would be nice if mocha-webdriver allowed exact string match in findContent() (it now * supports a substring match, but we still need a helper for an exact match). */ export function exactMatch(value: string, flags?: string): RegExp { return new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(value)}$`, flags); } /** * Helper function that creates a regular expression to match the beginning of the string. */ export function startsWith(value: string): RegExp { return new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(value)}`); } /** * Helper function that creates a regular expression to match the anywhere in of the string. */ export function contains(value: string): RegExp { return new RegExp(`${escapeRegExp(value)}`); } /** * Helper to scroll an element into view. Returns the passed-in element. */ export function scrollIntoView(elem: WebElement): WebElementPromise { return new WebElementPromise(driver, driver.executeScript((el: any) => el.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'auto'}), elem) .then(() => elem)); } /** * Returns the current user of gristApp in the currently-loaded page. */ export async function getUser(waitMs: number = 1000): Promise<FullUser> { const user = await driver.wait(() => driver.executeScript(` const appObs = window.gristApp && window.gristApp.topAppModel.appObs.get(); return appObs && appObs.currentUser; `), waitMs) as FullUser; if (!user) { throw new Error('could not find user'); } return user; } /** * Returns the current org of gristApp in the currently-loaded page. */ export async function getOrg(waitMs: number = 1000): Promise<APIOrganization> { const org = await driver.wait(() => driver.executeScript(` const appObs = window.gristApp && window.gristApp.topAppModel.appObs.get(); return appObs && appObs.currentOrg; `), waitMs) as APIOrganization; if (!org) { throw new Error('could not find org'); } return org; } /** * Returns the email of the current user of gristApp in the currently-loaded page. */ export async function getEmail(waitMs: number = 1000): Promise<string> { return (await getUser(waitMs)).email; } /** * Returns the name of the current user of gristApp in the currently-loaded page. */ export async function getName(waitMs: number = 1000): Promise<string> { return (await getUser(waitMs)).name; } /** * Returns any comparison information in the currently-loaded page. */ export async function getComparison(waitMs: number = 1000): Promise<DocStateComparison|null> { const result = await driver.wait(() => driver.executeScript(` return window.gristDocPageModel?.gristDoc?.get()?.comparison; `), waitMs) as DocStateComparison; return result || null; } export async function testCurrentUrl(pattern: RegExp|string) { const url = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); return (typeof pattern === 'string') ? url.includes(pattern) : pattern.test(url); } export async function getDocWorkerUrls(): Promise<string[]> { const result = await driver.wait(() => driver.executeScript(` return Array.from(window.gristApp.comm.listConnections().values()); `), 1000) as string[]; return result; } export async function getDocWorkerUrl(): Promise<string> { const urls = await getDocWorkerUrls(); if (urls.length > 1) { throw new Error(`Expected a single docWorker URL, received ${urls}`); } return urls[0] || ''; } export async function waitForUrl(pattern: RegExp|string, waitMs: number = 2000) { await driver.wait(() => testCurrentUrl(pattern), waitMs, `waiting for url ${pattern}`); } export async function dismissWelcomeTourIfNeeded() { const elem = driver.find('.test-onboarding-close'); if (await elem.isPresent()) { await elem.click(); } await waitForServer(); } // Selects all text when a text element is currently active. export async function selectAll() { await driver.executeScript('document.activeElement.select()'); } /** * Returns a WebElementPromise for the .viewsection_content element for the section which contains * the given text (case insensitive) content. */ export function getSection(sectionOrTitle: string|WebElement): WebElement|WebElementPromise { if (typeof sectionOrTitle !== 'string') { return sectionOrTitle; } return driver.findContent(`.test-viewsection-title`, new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExp(sectionOrTitle) + "$", 'i')) .findClosest('.viewsection_content'); } /** * Click into a section without disrupting cursor positions. */ export async function selectSectionByTitle(title: string|RegExp) { try { if (typeof title === 'string') { title = new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExp(title) + "$", 'i'); } // .test-viewsection is a special 1px width element added for tests only. await driver.findContent(`.test-viewsection-title`, title).find(".test-viewsection-blank").click(); } catch (e) { // We might be in mobile view. await driver.findContent(`.test-viewsection-title`, title).findClosest(".view_leaf").click(); } } export async function expandSection(title?: string) { const select = title ? driver.findContent(`.test-viewsection-title`, exactMatch(title)).findClosest(".viewsection_title") : driver.find(".active_section"); await select.find(".test-section-menu-expandSection").click(); await driver.findWait('.test-viewLayout-overlay .test-close-button', 500); } export async function getSectionId() { const classList = await driver.find(".active_section").getAttribute("class"); const match = classList.match(/test-viewlayout-section-(\d+)/); if (!match) { throw new Error("Could not find section id"); } return parseInt(match[1]); } /** * Returns visible cells of the GridView from a single column and one or more rows. Options may be * given as arguments directly, or as an object. * - col: column name, or 0-based column index * - rowNums: array of 1-based row numbers, as visible in the row headers on the left of the grid. * - section: optional name of the section to use; will use active section if omitted. * * If given by an object, then an array of columns is also supported. In this case, the return * value is still a single array, listing all values from the first row, then the second, etc. * * Returns cell text by default. Mapper may be `identity` to return the cell objects. */ export async function getVisibleGridCells(col: number|string, rows: number[], section?: string): Promise<string[]>; export async function getVisibleGridCells<T = string>(options: IColSelect<T>|IColsSelect<T>): Promise<T[]>; export async function getVisibleGridCells<T>( colOrOptions: number|string|IColSelect<T>|IColsSelect<T>, _rowNums?: number[], _section?: string ): Promise<T[]> { if (typeof colOrOptions === 'object' && 'cols' in colOrOptions) { const {rowNums, section, mapper} = colOrOptions; // tslint:disable-line:no-shadowed-variable const columns = await Promise.all(colOrOptions.cols.map((oneCol) => getVisibleGridCells({col: oneCol, rowNums, section, mapper}))); // This zips column-wise data into a flat row-wise array of values. return ([] as T[]).concat(...rowNums.map((r, i) => columns.map((c) => c[i]))); } const {col, rowNums, section, mapper = el => el.getText()}: IColSelect<any> = ( typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ? colOrOptions : { col: colOrOptions, rowNums: _rowNums!, section: _section} ); if (rowNums.includes(0)) { // Row-numbers should be what the users sees: 0 is a mistake, so fail with a helpful message. throw new Error('rowNum must not be 0'); } const sectionElem = section ? await getSection(section) : await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const colIndex = (typeof col === 'number' ? col : await sectionElem.findContent('.column_name', exactMatch(col)).index()); const visibleRowNums: number[] = await sectionElem.findAll('.gridview_data_row_num', async (el) => parseInt(await el.getText(), 10)); const selector = `.gridview_data_scroll .record:not(.column_names) .field:nth-child(${colIndex + 1})`; const fields = mapper ? await sectionElem.findAll(selector, mapper) : await sectionElem.findAll(selector); return rowNums.map((n) => fields[visibleRowNums.indexOf(n)]); } /** * Checks if visible section with a grid contains the given data. * Data is in form of: * [0, "ColA", "ColB"] * [1, "Val", "1"] // cells are strings * [2, "Val2", "2"] */ export async function assertGridData(section: string, data: any[][]) { // Data is in form of // [0, "ColA", "ColB"] // [1, "Val", 1] const rowIndices = data.slice(1).map((row: number[]) => row[0]); const columnNames = data[0].slice(1); for(const col of columnNames) { const colIndex = columnNames.indexOf(col) + 1; const colValues = data.slice(1).map((row: string[]) => row[colIndex]); assert.deepEqual( await getVisibleGridCells(col, rowIndices, section), colValues ); } } /** * Experimental fast version of getVisibleGridCells that reads data directly from browser by * invoking javascript code. */ export async function getVisibleGridCellsFast(col: string, rowNums: number[]): Promise<string[]> export async function getVisibleGridCellsFast(options: {cols: string[], rowNums: number[]}): Promise<string[]> export async function getVisibleGridCellsFast(colOrOptions: any, rowNums?: number[]): Promise<string[]>{ if (rowNums) { return getVisibleGridCellsFast({cols: [colOrOptions], rowNums}); } // Make sure we have active section. await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const cols = colOrOptions.cols; const rows = colOrOptions.rowNums; const result = await driver.executeScript(` const cols = arguments[0]; const rowNums = arguments[1]; // Read all columns and create object { ['ColName'] : index } const columns = Object.fromEntries([...document.querySelectorAll(".g-column-label")] .map((col, index) => [col.innerText, index])) const result = []; // Read all rows and create object { [rowIndex] : RowNumberElement } const rowNumElements = Object.fromEntries([...document.querySelectorAll(".gridview_data_row_num")] .map((row) => [Number(row.innerText), row])) for(const r of rowNums) { // If this is addRow, insert undefined x cols.length. if (rowNumElements[r].parentElement.querySelector('.record-add')) { result.push(...new Array(cols.length)); continue; } // Read all values from a row, and create an object { [cellIndex] : 'cell value' } const values = Object.fromEntries([...rowNumElements[String(r)].parentElement.querySelectorAll('.field_clip')] .map((f, i) => [i, f.innerText])); result.push(...cols.map(c => values[columns[c]])) } return result; `, cols, rows); return result as string[]; } /** * Returns the visible cells of the DetailView in the given field (using column name) at the * given row numbers (1-indexed). For example: * * gu.getVisibleDetailCells({col: "Name", rowNums: [1, 2, 3]}); * * Returns cell text by default. Mapper may be `identity` to return the cell objects. * * If rowNums are not shown (for single-card view), use rowNum of 1. */ export async function getVisibleDetailCells(col: number|string, rows: number[], section?: string): Promise<string[]>; export async function getVisibleDetailCells<T = string>(options: IColSelect<T>|IColsSelect<T>): Promise<T[]>; export async function getVisibleDetailCells<T>( colOrOptions: number|string|IColSelect<T>|IColsSelect<T>, _rowNums?: number[], _section?: string ): Promise<T[]> { if (typeof colOrOptions === 'object' && 'cols' in colOrOptions) { const {rowNums, section, mapper} = colOrOptions; // tslint:disable-line:no-shadowed-variable const columns = await Promise.all(colOrOptions.cols.map((oneCol) => getVisibleDetailCells({col: oneCol, rowNums, section, mapper}))); // This zips column-wise data into a flat row-wise array of values. return ([] as T[]).concat(...rowNums.map((r, i) => columns.map((c) => c[i]))); } const {col, rowNums, section, mapper = el => el.getText()}: IColSelect<any> = ( typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ? colOrOptions : { col: colOrOptions, rowNums: _rowNums!, section: _section} ); const sectionElem = section ? await getSection(section) : await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const visibleRowNums: number[] = await sectionElem.findAll('.detail_row_num', async (el) => parseInt((await el.getText()).replace(/^#/, ''), 10) || 1); const colName = (typeof col === 'string') ? col : await (await sectionElem.find(".g_record_detail_inner").findAll('.g_record_detail_label'))[col].getText(); const records = await sectionElem.findAll(".g_record_detail_inner"); const selected = rowNums.map((n) => records[visibleRowNums.indexOf(n)]); return Promise.all(selected.map((el) => mapper( el.findContent('.g_record_detail_label', exactMatch(colName)) .findClosest('.g_record_detail_el').find('.g_record_detail_value') ))); } /** * Returns a visible GridView cell. Options may be given as arguments directly, or as an object. * - col: column name, or 0-based column index * - rowNum: 1-based row numbers, as visible in the row headers on the left of the grid. * - section: optional name of the section to use; will use active section if omitted. */ export function getCell(col: number|string, rowNum: number, section?: string): WebElementPromise; export function getCell(options: ICellSelect): WebElementPromise; export function getCell(colOrOptions: number|string|ICellSelect, rowNum?: number, section?: string): WebElementPromise { const mapper = async (el: WebElement) => el; const options: IColSelect<WebElement> = (typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ? {col: colOrOptions.col, rowNums: [colOrOptions.rowNum], section: colOrOptions.section, mapper} : {col: colOrOptions, rowNums: [rowNum!], section, mapper}); return new WebElementPromise(driver, getVisibleGridCells(options).then((elems) => elems[0])); } /** * Returns a visible DetailView cell, for the given record and field. */ export function getDetailCell(col: string, rowNum: number, section?: string): WebElementPromise; export function getDetailCell(options: ICellSelect): WebElementPromise; export function getDetailCell(colOrOptions: string|ICellSelect, rowNum?: number, section?: string): WebElementPromise { const mapper = async (el: WebElement) => el; const options: IColSelect<WebElement> = (typeof colOrOptions === 'object' ? {col: colOrOptions.col, rowNums: [colOrOptions.rowNum], section: colOrOptions.section, mapper} : {col: colOrOptions, rowNums: [rowNum!], section, mapper}); return new WebElementPromise(driver, getVisibleDetailCells(options).then((elems) => elems[0])); } /** * Gets a cell on a single card page. */ export function getCardCell(col: string, section?: string) { return getDetailCell({col, rowNum: 1, section}); } /** * Returns the cell containing the cursor in the active section, works for both Grid and Detail. */ export function getActiveCell(): WebElementPromise { return driver.find('.active_section .selected_cursor').findClosest('.g_record_detail_value,.field'); } /** * Returns a visible GridView row from the active section. */ export function getRow(rowNum: number): WebElementPromise { return driver.findContent('.active_section .gridview_data_row_num', String(rowNum)); } /** * Get the numeric value from the row header of the first selected row. This would correspond to * the row with the cursor when a single rows is selected. */ export async function getSelectedRowNum(section?: string): Promise<number> { const sectionElem = section ? await getSection(section) : await driver.find('.active_section'); const rowNum = await sectionElem.find('.gridview_data_row_num.selected').getText(); return parseInt(rowNum, 10); } /** * Returns the total row count in the grid that is the active section by scrolling to the bottom * and examining the last row number. The count includes the special "Add Row". */ export async function getGridRowCount(): Promise<number> { await sendKeys(Key.chord(await modKey(), Key.DOWN)); const rowNum = await driver.find('.active_cursor') .findClosest('.gridview_row').find('.gridview_data_row_num').getText(); return parseInt(rowNum, 10); } /** * Returns the total row count in the card list that is the active section by scrolling to the bottom * and examining the last row number. The count includes the special "Add Row". */ export async function getCardListCount(): Promise<number> { await sendKeys(Key.chord(await modKey(), Key.DOWN)); const rowNum = await driver.find('.active.detailview_record_detail .detail_row_num').getText(); return parseInt(rowNum, 10); } /** * Returns the total row count in the card widget that is the active section by looking * at the displayed count in the section header. The count includes the special "Add Row". */ export async function getCardCount(): Promise<number> { const section = await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const counter = await section.findAll(".grist-single-record__menu__count"); if (counter.length) { const cardRow = (await counter[0].getText()).split(' OF ')[1]; return parseInt(cardRow) + 1; } return 1; } /** * Return the .column-name element for the specified column, which may be specified by full name * or index, and may include a section (or will use the active section by default). */ export function getColumnHeader(colOrColOptions: string|IColHeader): WebElementPromise { const colOptions = typeof colOrColOptions === 'string' ? {col: colOrColOptions} : colOrColOptions; const {col, section} = colOptions; const sectionElem = section ? getSection(section) : driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); return new WebElementPromise(driver, typeof col === 'number' ? sectionElem.find(`.column_name:nth-child(${col + 1})`) : sectionElem.findContent('.column_name .kf_elabel_text', exactMatch(col)).findClosest('.column_name')); } export function getSelectedColumn() { return driver.find('.active_section .column_name.selected'); } export async function getColumnNames() { const section = await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); return (await section.findAll('.column_name', el => el.getText())) .filter(name => name !== '+'); } export async function getCardFieldLabels() { const section = await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const firstCard = await section.find(".g_record_detail"); const labels = await firstCard.findAll(".g_record_detail_label", el => el.getText()); return labels; } /** * Resize the given grid column by a given number of pixels. */ export async function resizeColumn(colOptions: IColHeader, deltaPx: number) { await getColumnHeader(colOptions).find('.ui-resizable-handle').mouseMove(); await driver.mouseDown(); await driver.mouseMoveBy({x: deltaPx}); await driver.mouseUp(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Performs dbClick * @param cell Element to click */ export async function dbClick(cell: WebElement) { await driver.withActions(a => a.doubleClick(cell)); } export async function rightClick(cell: WebElement) { await driver.withActions((actions) => actions.contextClick(cell)); } /** * Clicks a Reference List cell, taking care not to click the icon (which can * cause an unexpected Record Card popup to appear). */ export async function clickReferenceListCell(cell: WebElement) { const tokens = await cell.findAll('.test-ref-list-cell-token-label'); if (tokens.length > 0) { await tokens[0].click(); } else { await cell.click(); } } /** * Gets the selector position in the Grid view section (or null if not present). * Selector is the black box around the row number. */ export async function getSelectorPosition(section?: WebElement|string) { if (typeof section === 'string') { section = await getSection(section); } section = section ?? await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const hasSelector = await section.find('.link_selector_row').isPresent(); return hasSelector && Number(await section.find('.link_selector_row .gridview_data_row_num').getText()); } /** * Gets the arrow position in the Grid view section (or null if no arrow is present). */ export async function getArrowPosition(section?: WebElement|string) { if (typeof section === 'string') { section = await getSection(section); } section = section ?? await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const arrow = section.find('.gridview_data_row_info.linked_dst'); const hasArrow = await arrow.isPresent(); return hasArrow ? Number( await arrow.findElement(By.xpath("./..")) //Get its parent .getText() ) : null; } /** * Returns {rowNum, col} object representing the position of the cursor in the active view * section. RowNum is a 1-based number as in the row headers, and col is a 0-based index for * grid view or field name for detail view. */ export async function getCursorPosition(section?: WebElement|string) { return await retryOnStale(async () => { if (typeof section === 'string') { section = await getSection(section); } section = section ?? await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); const cursor = await section.findWait('.selected_cursor', 1000); // Query assuming the cursor is in a GridView and a DetailView, then use whichever query data // works out. const [colIndex, rowIndex, rowNum, colName] = await Promise.all([ catchNoSuchElem(() => cursor.findClosest('.field').index()), catchNoSuchElem(() => cursor.findClosest('.gridview_row').index()), catchNoSuchElem(() => cursor.findClosest('.g_record_detail').find('.detail_row_num').getText()), catchNoSuchElem(() => cursor.findClosest('.g_record_detail_el') .find('.g_record_detail_label').getText()) ]); if (rowNum && colName) { // This must be a detail view, and we just got the info we need. return {rowNum: parseInt(rowNum, 10), col: colName}; } else { // We might be on a single card record const counter = await section.findAll(".grist-single-record__menu__count"); if (counter.length) { const cardRow = (await counter[0].getText()).split(' OF ')[0]; return { rowNum : parseInt(cardRow), col: colName }; } // Otherwise, it's a grid view, and we need to use indices to look up the info. const gridRows = await section.findAll('.gridview_data_row_num'); const gridRowNum = await gridRows[rowIndex].getText(); return { rowNum: parseInt(gridRowNum, 10), col: colIndex }; } }); } /** * Catches any NoSuchElementError in a query callback and returns null as the result instead. */ async function catchNoSuchElem(query: () => any) { try { return await query(); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof error.NoSuchElementError) { return null; } throw err; } } async function retryOnStale<T>(query: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { try { return await query(); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof error.StaleElementReferenceError) { return await query(); } throw err; } } /** * Type keys in the currently active cell, then hit Enter to save, and wait for the server. * If the last key is TAB, DELETE, or ENTER, we assume the cell is already taken out of editing * mode, and don't send another ENTER. */ export async function enterCell(...keys: string[]) { const lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1]; if (![Key.ENTER, Key.TAB, Key.DELETE].includes(lastKey)) { keys.push(Key.ENTER); } await driver.sendKeys(...keys); await waitForServer(); // Wait for the value to be saved await waitAppFocus(); // Wait for the cell editor to be closed (maybe unnecessary) } /** * Enter a formula into the currently selected cell. * * You can insert newlines by embedding `${Key.chord(Key.SHIFT, Key.ENTER)}` into the formula * text. Note that ACE editor adds some indentation automatically. */ export async function enterFormula(formula: string) { await driver.sendKeys('='); await waitAppFocus(false); if (await driver.find('.test-editor-tooltip-convert').isPresent()) { await driver.find('.test-editor-tooltip-convert').click(); } await sendKeys(formula, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } /** * Check that formula editor is shown and returns its value. * By default returns only text that is visible to the user, pass false to get all text. */ export async function getFormulaText(onlyVisible = true): Promise<string> { assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-formula-editor', 500).isDisplayed(), true); if (onlyVisible) { return await driver.find('.code_editor_container').getText(); } else { return await driver.executeScript( () => (document as any).querySelector(".code_editor_container").innerText ); } } /** * Check that formula editor is shown and its value matches the given regexp. */ export async function checkFormulaEditor(value: RegExp|string) { const valueRe = typeof value === 'string' ? exactMatch(value) : value; assert.match(await getFormulaText(), valueRe); } /** * Check that plain text editor is shown and its value matches the given regexp. */ export async function checkTextEditor(value: RegExp|string) { assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-widget-text-editor', 500).isDisplayed(), true); const valueRe = typeof value === 'string' ? exactMatch(value) : value; assert.match(await driver.find('.celleditor_text_editor').value(), valueRe); } /** * Checks that token editor in a cell has a correct value. Converts all tokens to text including the input field * and joins them with newlines. */ export async function checkTokenEditor(value: RegExp|string) { assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-widget-text-editor', 500).isDisplayed(), true); const valueRe = typeof value === 'string' ? exactMatch(value) : value; const allTokens = await driver.findAll( '.test-widget-text-editor .test-tokenfield .test-tokenfield-token', e => e.getText()); const inputToken = await driver.find('.test-widget-text-editor .test-tokenfield .test-tokenfield-input').value(); const combined = [...allTokens, inputToken].join('\n').trim(); assert.match(combined, valueRe); } /** * Enter rows of values into a GridView, starting at the given cell. Values are specified as a * list of rows, for examples `[['foo'], ['bar']]` will enter two rows, with one value in each. */ export async function enterGridRows(cell: ICellSelect, rowsOfValues: string[][]) { for (let i = 0; i < rowsOfValues.length; i++) { // Click the first cell in the row await getCell({...cell, rowNum: cell.rowNum + i}).click(); // Enter all values, advancing with a TAB for (const value of rowsOfValues[i]) { await enterCell(value || Key.DELETE, Key.TAB); } } } /** * Set api key for user. User should exist before this is called. */ export async function setApiKey(username: string, apiKey?: string) { apiKey = apiKey || `api_key_for_${username.toLowerCase()}`; const dbManager = await server.getDatabase(); await dbManager.connection.query(`update users set api_key = $1 where name = $2`, [apiKey, username]); if (!await dbManager.getUserByKey(apiKey)) { throw new Error(`setApiKey failed: user ${username} may not yet be in the database`); } } /** * Reach into the DB to set the given org to use the given billing plan product. */ export async function updateOrgPlan(orgName: string, productName: string = 'team') { const dbManager = await server.getDatabase(); const db = dbManager.connection.manager; const dbOrg = await db.findOne(Organization, {where: {name: orgName}, relations: ['billingAccount', 'billingAccount.product']}); if (!dbOrg) { throw new Error(`cannot find org ${orgName}`); } const product = await db.findOne(Product, {where: {name: productName}}); if (!product) { throw new Error('cannot find product'); } dbOrg.billingAccount.product = product; await dbOrg.billingAccount.save(); } export interface ImportOpts { load?: boolean; // Defaults to true. newName?: string; // Import under an alternative name. email?: string; // Use api key associated with this email. } /** * Import a fixture doc into a workspace. Loads the document afterward unless `load` is false. * * Usage: * > await importFixturesDoc('chimpy', 'nasa', 'Horizon', 'Hello.grist'); */ // TODO New code should use {load: false} to prevent loading. The 'newui' value is now equivalent // to the default ({load: true}), and should no longer be used in new code. export async function importFixturesDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string, filename: string, options: ImportOpts|false|'newui' = {load: true}) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {load: Boolean(options)}; // false becomes {load: false}, 'newui' becomes {load: true} } const doc = await homeUtil.importFixturesDoc(username, org, workspace, filename, options); if (options.load !== false) { await driver.get(server.getUrl(org, `/doc/${doc.id}`)); await waitForDocToLoad(); } return doc; } /** * Load a doc at the given URL relative to server.getHost(), e.g. "/o/ORG/doc/DOC_ID", and wait * for the doc to load (unless wait set to false). */ export async function loadDoc(relPath: string, wait: boolean = true): Promise<void> { await driver.get(`${server.getHost()}${relPath}`); if (wait) { await waitForDocToLoad(); } } /** * Load a DocMenu on a site. * * If loading for a potentially first-time user, you may give 'skipOnboarding' for second * argument to skip the onboarding flow, if it gets shown. */ export async function loadDocMenu(relPath: string, wait: boolean|'skipOnboarding' = true): Promise<void> { await driver.get(`${server.getHost()}${relPath}`); if (wait === 'skipOnboarding') { const first = await Promise.race([ driver.findWait('.test-onboarding-page', 2000), driver.findWait('.test-dm-doclist', 2000), ]); if (await first.matches('.test-onboarding-page')) { await skipOnboarding(); } } if (wait) { await waitForDocMenuToLoad(); } } /** * Wait for the doc list to show, to know that workspaces are fetched, and imports enabled. */ export async function waitForDocMenuToLoad(): Promise<void> { await driver.findWait('.test-dm-doclist', 2000); await driver.wait(() => driver.find('.test-dm-doclist').isDisplayed(), 2000); } // Checks if we are configured to store docs in s3, and returns access to s3 if so. // For this to be useful in tests against deployments, s3-related env variables should // be set to match the deployment. export function getStorage() { return create.ExternalStorage('doc', '') || null; } /** * Add a handler on the browser to prevent default action on the next click of an element * matching the given selector (it doesn't have to exist at the time of the call). * This handler is removed after one call. Used by fileDialogUpload(). */ async function preventDefaultClickAction(selector: string) { function script(_selector: string) { function handler(ev: any) { if (ev.target.matches(_selector)) { document.body.removeEventListener("click", handler); ev.preventDefault(); } } document.body.addEventListener("click", handler); } await driver.executeScript(script, selector); } /** * Upload the given file after running the triggerDialogFunc() which should open the file dialog. * Relies on #file_dialog_input <input type=file> element being used to open the dialog. */ export async function fileDialogUpload(filePath: string, triggerDialogFunc: () => Promise<void>) { // This is a bit of a hack to prevent the file dialog from opening (since the webdriver // seems unable to ever close it). await preventDefaultClickAction('#file_dialog_input'); await triggerDialogFunc(); // Hack to upload multiple files, paths should be separated with '\n'. // It only seems to work with Chrome const paths = filePath.split(',').map(f => path.resolve(fixturesRoot, f)).join("\n"); await driver.find('#file_dialog_input').sendKeys(paths); } /** * From a document page, start import from a file, and wait for the import dialog to open. */ export async function importFileDialog(filePath: string): Promise<void> { await fileDialogUpload(filePath, async () => { await driver.wait(() => driver.find('.test-dp-add-new').isDisplayed(), 3000); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 1000).doClick(); await driver.findContent('.test-dp-import-option', /Import from file/i).doClick(); }); await driver.findWait('.test-importer-dialog', 5000); await waitForServer(10_000); } /** * From a document page, start an import from a URL. */ export async function importUrlDialog(url: string): Promise<void> { await driver.wait(() => driver.find('.test-dp-add-new').isDisplayed(), 3000); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 1000).doClick(); await driver.findContent('.test-dp-import-option', /Import from URL/i).doClick(); await driver.findWait('.test-importer-dialog', 5000); await waitForServer(); const iframe = driver.find('.test-importer-dialog').find('iframe'); await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe); await setValue(await driver.findWait('#url', 5000), url); await driver.find('#ok').doClick(); await driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } /** * Executed passed function in the context of given iframe, and then switching back to original context * */ export async function doInIframe<T>(func: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> export async function doInIframe<T>(iframe: WebElement, func: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> export async function doInIframe<T>(frameOrFunc: WebElement|(() => Promise<T>), func?: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { try { let iframe: WebElement; if (!func) { func = frameOrFunc as () => Promise<T>; iframe = await driver.findWait('iframe', 5000); } else { iframe = frameOrFunc as WebElement; } await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe); return await func(); } finally { await driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } } /** * Starts or resets the collections of UserActions. This should be followed some time later by * a call to userActionsVerify() to check which UserActions were sent to the server. If the * argument is false, then stops the collection. */ export function userActionsCollect(yesNo: boolean = true) { return driver.executeScript("window.gristApp.comm.userActionsCollect(arguments[0])", yesNo); } /** * Verifies the list of UserActions collected since the last call to userActionsCollect() or * userActionsVerify(). ExpectedUserActions should be a list of actions, with each action in the * format of ["AddRecord", args...]. */ export async function userActionsVerify(expectedUserActions: unknown[]): Promise<void> { try { assert.deepEqual( await driver.executeScript("return window.gristApp.comm.userActionsFetchAndReset()"), expectedUserActions); } catch (err) { const assertError = err as AssertionError; if (!Array.isArray(assertError.actual)) { throw new Error('userActionsVerify: no user actions, run userActionsCollect() first'); } if (!Array.isArray(assertError.expected)) { throw new Error('userActionsVerify: no expected user actions'); } assertError.actual = assertError.actual.map((a: any) => JSON.stringify(a) + ",").join("\n"); assertError.expected = assertError.expected.map((a: any) => JSON.stringify(a) + ",").join("\n"); assert.deepEqual(assertError.actual, assertError.expected); throw err; } } /** * Helper to get the cells of the importer Preview section. The cell text is returned from the * requested rows and columns in row-wise order. */ export async function getPreviewContents<T = string>(cols: number[], rowNums: number[], mapper?: (e: WebElement) => Promise<T>): Promise<T[]> { await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview .gridview_row', 1000); const section = await driver.find('.test-importer-preview'); return getVisibleGridCells({cols, rowNums, section, mapper}); } /** * Helper to get a cell from the importer Preview section. */ export async function getPreviewCell(col: string|number, rowNum: number): Promise<WebElementPromise> { await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview .gridview_row', 1000); const section = await driver.find('.test-importer-preview'); return getCell({col, rowNum, section}); } /** * Upload a file with the given path via the 'Add-New > Import' menu. */ export async function docMenuImport(filePath: string) { await fileDialogUpload(filePath, async () => { await driver.findWait('.test-dm-add-new', 1000).doClick(); await driver.find('.test-dm-import').doClick(); }); } /** * Wait for the focus to return to the main application, i.e. the special .copypaste element that * normally has it (as opposed to an open cell editor, or a focus in some input or menu). Specify * `false` to wait for the focus to leave the main application. */ export async function waitAppFocus(yesNo: boolean = true): Promise<void> { await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.find('.copypaste').hasFocus()) === yesNo, 5000); } export async function waitForLabelInput(): Promise<void> { await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.findWait('.test-column-title-label', 100).hasFocus()), 300); } /** * Sends UserActions using client api from the browser. */ export async function sendActions(actions: (DocAction|UserAction)[]) { await driver.manage().setTimeouts({ script: 1000 * 2, /* 2 seconds, default is 0.5s */ }); // Make quick test that we have a list of actions not just a single action, by checking // if the first element is an array. if (actions.length && !Array.isArray(actions[0])) { throw new Error('actions argument should be a list of actions, not a single action'); } const result = await driver.executeAsyncScript(` const done = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; const prom = gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().docModel.docData.sendActions(${JSON.stringify(actions)}); prom.then(() => done(null)); prom.catch((err) => done(String(err?.message || err))); `); if (result) { throw new Error(result as string); } await waitForServer(); } export async function getDocId() { const docId = await driver.wait(() => driver.executeScript(` return window.gristDocPageModel.currentDocId.get() `)) as string; if (!docId) { throw new Error('could not find doc'); } return docId; } /** * Confirms dialog for removing rows. In the future, can be used for other dialogs. */ export async function confirm(save = true, remember = false) { if (await driver.find(".test-confirm-save").isPresent()) { if (remember) { await driver.find(".test-confirm-remember").click(); } if (save) { await driver.find(".test-confirm-save").click(); } else { await driver.find(".test-confirm-cancel").click(); } } } /** Hides all top banners by injecting css style */ export async function hideBanners() { const style = `.test-banner-element { display: none !important; }`; await driver.executeScript(`const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ${JSON.stringify(style)}; document.head.appendChild(style);`); } export async function assertBannerText(text: string | null) { if (text === null) { assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-banner').isPresent()); } else { assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-doc-usage-banner-text', 2000).getText(), text); } } /** * Returns the left-panel item for the given page, given by a full string name, or a RegExp. * You may simply click it to switch to that page. */ export function getPageItem(pageName: string|RegExp): WebElementPromise { // If pageName is a string, search for an exact match. const matchName: RegExp = typeof pageName === 'string' ? exactMatch(pageName) : pageName; return driver.findContent('.test-docpage-label', matchName) .findClosest('.test-treeview-itemHeaderWrapper'); } export async function openPage(name: string|RegExp) { await driver.findContentWait('.test-treeview-itemHeader', name, 500).find(".test-docpage-initial").doClick(); await waitForServer(); // wait for table load } /** * Open the page menu for the specified page (by clicking the dots icon visible on hover). */ export async function openPageMenu(pageName: RegExp|string) { await getPageItem(pageName).mouseMove() .find('.test-docpage-dots').click(); } /** * Returns a promise that resolves with the list of all page names. */ export function getPageNames(): Promise<string[]> { return driver.findAll('.test-docpage-label', (e) => e.getText()); } export interface PageTree { label: string; children?: PageTree[]; } /** * Returns a current page tree as a JSON object. */ export async function getPageTree(): Promise<PageTree[]> { const allPages = await driver.findAll('.test-docpage-label'); const root: PageTree = {label: 'root', children: []}; const stack: PageTree[] = [root]; let current = 0; for(const page of allPages) { const label = await page.getText(); const offset = await page.findClosest('.test-treeview-itemHeader').find('.test-treeview-offset'); const level = parseInt((await offset.getCssValue('width')).replace("px", "")) / 10; if (level === current) { const parent = stack.pop()!; parent.children ??= []; parent.children.push({label}); stack.push(parent); } else if (level > current) { current = level; const child = {label}; const grandFather = stack.pop()!; grandFather.children ??= []; const father = grandFather.children[grandFather.children.length - 1]; father.children ??= []; father.children.push(child); stack.push(grandFather); stack.push(father); } else { while (level < current) { stack.pop(); current--; } const parent = stack.pop()!; parent.children ??= []; parent.children.push({label}); stack.push(parent); } } return root.children!; } /** * Adds a new empty table using the 'Add New' menu. */ export async function addNewTable(name?: string) { await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).click(); await driver.find('.test-dp-empty-table').click(); if (name) { const prompt = await driver.find(".test-modal-prompt"); await prompt.doClear(); await prompt.click(); await driver.sendKeys(name); } await driver.find(".test-modal-confirm").click(); await waitForServer(); } // Add a new page using the 'Add New' menu and wait for the new page to be shown. export async function addNewPage( typeRe: RegExp|'Table'|'Card'|'Card List'|'Chart'|'Custom'|'Form', tableRe: RegExp|string, options?: PageWidgetPickerOptions) { const url = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); // Click the 'Page' entry in the 'Add New' menu await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).doClick(); await driver.find('.test-dp-add-new-page').doClick(); // add widget await selectWidget(typeRe, tableRe, options); // wait new page to be selected await driver.wait(async () => (await driver.getCurrentUrl()) !== url, 2000); } export async function duplicatePage(name: string|RegExp, newName?: string) { await openPageMenu(name); await driver.find('.test-docpage-duplicate').click(); if (newName) { // Input will select text on focus, which can alter the text we enter, // so make sure we type correct value. await waitToPass(async () => { const input = driver.find('.test-modal-dialog input'); await input.click(); await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(newName); assert.equal(await input.value(), newName); }); } await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await driver.findContentWait('.test-docpage-label', newName ?? /copy/, 6000); await waitForServer(); } export async function openAddWidgetToPage() { await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-new', 2000).doClick(); await driver.findWait('.test-dp-add-widget-to-page', 2000).doClick(); } export type WidgetType = 'Table' | 'Card' | 'Card List' | 'Chart' | 'Custom'; export async function changeWidget(type: WidgetType) { await openWidgetPanel(); await driver.findContent('.test-right-panel button', /Change Widget/).click(); await selectWidget(type); await waitForServer(); } /** * Rename the given page to a new name. The oldName can be a full string name or a RegExp. */ export async function renamePage(oldName: string|RegExp, newName?: string) { if (!newName && typeof oldName === 'string') { newName = oldName; oldName = await getCurrentPageName(); } if (newName === undefined) { throw new Error('newName must be specified'); } await openPageMenu(oldName); await driver.find('.test-docpage-rename').click(); await driver.find('.test-docpage-editor').sendKeys(newName, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } /** * Removes a page from the page menu, checks if the page is actually removable. * By default it will remove only page (handling prompt if necessary). */ export async function removePage(name: string|RegExp, options: { expectPrompt?: boolean, // default undefined withData?: boolean // default only page, tables?: string[], cancel?: boolean, } = { }) { await openPageMenu(name); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-docpage-remove').matches('.disabled'), false); await driver.find('.test-docpage-remove').click(); const popups = await driver.findAll(".test-removepage-popup"); if (options.expectPrompt === true) { assert.lengthOf(popups, 1); } else if (options.expectPrompt === false) { assert.lengthOf(popups, 0); } if (popups.length) { const popup = popups.shift()!; if (options.tables) { const popupTables = await driver.findAll(".test-removepage-table", e => e.getText()); assert.deepEqual(popupTables.sort(), options.tables.sort()); } await popup.find(`.test-option-${options.withData ? 'data': 'page'}`).click(); if (options.cancel) { await driver.find(".test-modal-cancel").click(); } else { await driver.find(".test-modal-confirm").click(); } } await waitForServer(); } /** * Checks if a page can be removed. */ export async function canRemovePage(name: string|RegExp) { await openPageMenu(name); const isDisabled = await driver.find('.test-docpage-remove').matches('.disabled'); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); return !isDisabled; } /** * Renames a table using exposed method from gristDoc. Use renameActiveTable to use the UI. */ export async function renameTable(tableId: string, newName: string) { await driver.executeScript(` return window.gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get().renameTable(arguments[0], arguments[1]); `, tableId, newName); await waitForServer(); } /** * Rename the given column. */ export async function renameColumn(col: IColHeader|string, newName: string) { const header = await getColumnHeader(col); await header.click(); await header.click(); // Second click opens the label for editing. await driver.findWait('.test-column-title-label', 100).sendKeys(newName, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } /** * Removes a table using RAW data view. */ export async function removeTable(tableId: string, options: {dismissTips?: boolean} = {}) { await driver.find(".test-tools-raw").click(); if (options.dismissTips) { await dismissBehavioralPrompts(); } const tableIdList = await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-id', e => e.getText()); const tableIndex = tableIdList.indexOf(tableId); assert.isTrue(tableIndex >= 0, `No raw table with id ${tableId}`); const menus = await driver.findAll(".test-raw-data-table .test-raw-data-table-menu"); assert.equal(menus.length, tableIdList.length); await menus[tableIndex].click(); await driver.find(".test-raw-data-menu-remove-table").click(); await driver.find(".test-modal-confirm").click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Click the Undo button and wait for server. If optCount is given, click Undo that many times. */ export async function undo(optCount: number = 1, optTimeout?: number) { for (let i = 0; i < optCount; ++i) { await driver.find('.test-undo').doClick(); } await waitForServer(optTimeout); } /** * Returns a function to undo all user actions from a particular point in time. * Optionally accepts a function which should return the same result before and after the test. */ export async function begin(invariant: () => any = () => true) { const undoStackPointer = () => driver.executeScript<number>(` return window.gristDocPageModel.gristDoc.get()._undoStack._pointer; `); const start = await undoStackPointer(); const previous = await invariant(); return async () => { // We will be careful here and await every time for the server and check js errors. const count = await undoStackPointer() - start; for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { await undo(); await checkForErrors(); } assert.deepEqual(await invariant(), previous); }; } /** * A hook that can be used to clear a state after suite is finished and current test passed. * If under debugging session and NO_CLEANUP env variable is set it will skip this cleanup and allow you * to examine the state of the database or browser. */ export function afterCleanup(test: () => void | Promise<void>) { after(function() { if (process.env.NO_CLEANUP) { function anyTestFailed(suite: Mocha.Suite): boolean { return suite.tests.some(t => t.state === 'failed') || suite.suites.some(anyTestFailed); } if (this.currentTest?.parent && anyTestFailed(this.currentTest?.parent)) { return; } } return test(); }); } /** * A hook that can be used to clear state after each test that has passed. * If under debugging session and NO_CLEANUP env variable is set it will skip this cleanup and allow you * to examine the state of the database or browser. */ export function afterEachCleanup(test: () => void | Promise<void>) { afterEach(function() { if (this.currentTest?.state !== 'passed' && !this.currentTest?.pending && process.env.NO_CLEANUP) { return; } return test(); }); } /** * Simulates a transaction on the GristDoc. Use with cautions, as there is no guarantee it will undo correctly * in a case of failure. * Optionally accepts a function which should return the same result before and after the test. * Example: * * it('should ...', revertChanges(async function() { * ... * })); */ export function revertChanges(test: () => Promise<void>, invariant: () => any = () => false) { return async function() { const revert = await begin(invariant); let wasError = false; try { await test(); } catch(e) { wasError = true; throw e; } finally { if (!(noCleanup && wasError)) { await revert(); } } }; } /** * Click the Redo button and wait for server. If optCount is given, click Redo that many times. */ export async function redo(optCount: number = 1, optTimeout?: number) { for (let i = 0; i < optCount; ++i) { await driver.find('.test-redo').doClick(); } await waitForServer(optTimeout); } export async function redoAll() { const isActive = () => driver.find('.test-redo').matches('[class*="disabled"]').then((v) => !v); while (await isActive()) { await redo(); } } /** * Asserts the absence of javascript errors. */ export async function checkForErrors() { const errors = await driver.executeScript<string[]>(() => (window as any).getAppErrors()); assert.deepEqual(errors, []); } /** * Opens a Creator Panel on Widget/Table settings tab. */ export async function openWidgetPanel(tab: 'widget'|'sortAndFilter'|'data' = 'widget') { await toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').click(); await driver.find(`.test-config-${tab}`).click(); } /** * Opens a Creator Panel on Widget/Table settings tab. */ export async function openColumnPanel(col?: string|number) { if (col !== undefined) { await getColumnHeader({col}).click(); } await toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-field').click(); } /** * Moves a column from a hidden to visible section. * Needs a visible Creator panel. */ export async function moveToVisible(col: string) { const row = await driver.findContent(".test-vfc-hidden-fields .kf_draggable_content", exactMatch(col)); await row.mouseMove(); await row.find('.test-vfc-hide').click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Moves a column from a visible to hidden section. * Needs a visible Creator panel. */ export async function moveToHidden(col: string) { const row = await driver.findContent(".test-vfc-visible-fields .kf_draggable_content", exactMatch(col)); await row.mouseMove(); await row.find('.test-vfc-hide').click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Clicks `Select All` in visible columns section. */ export async function selectAllVisibleColumns() { await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-fields-select-all').click(); } /** * Toggle checkbox for a column in visible columns section. */ export async function toggleVisibleColumn(col: string) { const row = await driver.findContent(".test-vfc-visible-fields .kf_draggable_content", exactMatch(col)); await row.find('input').click(); } /** * Clicks `Hide Columns` button in visible columns section. */ export async function hideVisibleColumns() { await driver.find('.test-vfc-visible-hide').click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function search(what: string) { await driver.find('.test-tb-search-icon').click(); await driver.sleep(500); await driver.find('.test-tb-search-input input').click(); await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(what); // Sleep for search debounce time await driver.sleep(120); } export async function toggleSearchAll() { await closeTooltip(); await driver.find('.test-tb-search-option-all-pages').click(); } export async function closeSearch() { await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); await driver.sleep(500); } export async function closeTooltip() { if (!await driver.find('.test-tooltip').isPresent()) { return; } await driver.find('.test-tooltip').mouseMove(); await driver.mouseMoveBy({x : 100, y: 100}); await waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-tooltip').isPresent(), false); }); } export async function searchNext() { await closeTooltip(); await driver.find('.test-tb-search-next').click(); } export async function searchPrev() { await closeTooltip(); await driver.find('.test-tb-search-prev').click(); } export function getCurrentPageName() { return driver.find('.test-treeview-itemHeader.selected').find('.test-docpage-label').getText(); } export async function getActiveRawTableName() { return await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay .test-viewsection-title', 100).getText(); } export function getSearchInput() { return driver.find('.test-tb-search-input'); } export async function hasNoResult() { await waitToPass(async () => { assert.match(await driver.find('.test-tb-search-input').getText(), /No results/); }); } export async function hasSomeResult() { await waitToPass(async () => { assert.notMatch(await driver.find('.test-tb-search-input').getText(), /No results/); }); } export async function searchIsOpened() { await waitToPass(async () => { assert.isAbove((await getSearchInput().rect()).width, 50); }, 500); } export async function searchIsClosed() { await waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal((await getSearchInput().rect()).width, 0); }, 500); } export async function openRawTable(tableId: string) { await driver.find(`.test-raw-data-table .test-raw-data-table-id-${tableId}`).click(); } export async function renameRawTable(tableId: string, newName?: string, newDescription?: string) { await driver.find(`.test-raw-data-table .test-raw-data-table-id-${tableId}`) .findClosest('.test-raw-data-table') .find('.test-raw-data-table-menu') .click(); await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-rename-table').click(); if (newName !== undefined) { const input = await driver.find(".test-widget-title-table-name-input"); await input.doClear(); await input.click(); await driver.sendKeys(newName); } if (newDescription !== undefined) { const input = await driver.find(".test-widget-title-section-description-input"); await input.doClear(); await input.click(); await driver.sendKeys(newDescription); } await driver.find(".test-widget-title-save").click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function isRawTableOpened() { return await driver.find('.test-raw-data-close-button').isPresent(); } export async function closeRawTable() { await driver.find('.test-raw-data-close-button').click(); } /** * Opens the section menu for a section, or the active section if no section is given. */ export async function openSectionMenu(which: 'sortAndFilter'|'viewLayout', section?: string|WebElement) { const sectionElem = section ? await getSection(section) : await driver.findWait('.active_section', 4000); await sectionElem.find(`.test-section-menu-${which}`).click(); return await driver.findWait('.grist-floating-menu', 100); } /** * Opens Raw data view for current section. */ export async function showRawData(section?: string|WebElement) { await openSectionMenu('viewLayout', section); await driver.find('.test-show-raw-data').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); } // Mapping from column menu option name to dom element selector to wait for, or null if no need to wait. const ColumnMenuOption: { [id: string]: string; } = { Filter: '.test-filter-menu-wrapper' }; async function openColumnMenuHelper(col: IColHeader|string, option?: string): Promise<WebElement> { await getColumnHeader(typeof col === 'string' ? {col} : col).mouseMove().find('.g-column-main-menu').click(); const menu = await driver.findWait('.grist-floating-menu', 100); if (option) { await menu.findContent('li', option).click(); const waitForElem = ColumnMenuOption[option]; if (waitForElem) { return await driver.findWait(ColumnMenuOption[option], 100); } } return menu; } type SortOptions = 'sort-asc'|'sort-dsc'|'add-to-sort-asc'|'add-to-sort-dsc'; /** * Open the given column's dropdown menu. If `option` is provided, finds and clicks it. * If `option` is present in ColumnMenuOption, also waits for the specified element. */ export function openColumnMenu(col: IColHeader|string, option?: 'Filter'): WebElementPromise; export function openColumnMenu(col: IColHeader|string, option: SortOptions|string): Promise<void>; export function openColumnMenu(col: IColHeader|string, option?: string): WebElementPromise|Promise<void> { if (['sort-asc', 'sort-dsc', 'add-to-sort-asc', 'add-to-sort-dsc'].includes(option || '')) { return openColumnMenuHelper(col).then<void>(async (menu) => { await menu.find(`.test-${option}`).click(); await waitForServer(); }); } return new WebElementPromise(driver, openColumnMenuHelper(col, option)); } export async function deleteColumn(col: IColHeader|string) { await openColumnMenu(col, 'Delete column'); await waitForServer(); await wipeToasts(); } export type ColumnType = 'Any' | 'Text' | 'Numeric' | 'Integer' | 'Toggle' | 'Date' | 'DateTime' | 'Choice' | 'Choice List' | 'Reference' | 'Reference List' | 'Attachment'; /** * Sets the type of the currently selected field to value. */ export async function setType( type: RegExp|ColumnType, options: {skipWait?: boolean, apply?: boolean} = {} ) { const {skipWait, apply} = options; await toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-field').click(); await driver.find('.test-fbuilder-type-select').click(); type = typeof type === 'string' ? exactMatch(type) : type; await driver.findContentWait('.test-select-menu .test-select-row', type, 500).click(); if (!skipWait || apply) { await waitForServer(); } if (apply) { await driver.findWait('.test-type-transform-apply', 1000).click(); await waitForServer(); } } /** * Gets the type of the currently selected field. */ export async function getType() { return await driver.find('.test-fbuilder-type-select').getText(); } /** * Get the field's widget type (e.g. "CheckBox" for a Toggle column) in the creator panel. */ export async function getFieldWidgetType(): Promise<string> { return await driver.find(".test-fbuilder-widget-select").getText(); } /** * Set the field's widget type (e.g. "CheckBox" for a Toggle column) in the creator panel. */ export async function setFieldWidgetType(type: string) { await driver.find(".test-fbuilder-widget-select").click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', exactMatch(type)).click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function applyTypeTransform() { await driver.findContent('.type_transform_prompt button', /Apply/).click(); } export async function isMac(): Promise<boolean> { const platform = (await driver.getCapabilities()).getPlatform() ?? ''; return /Darwin|Mac|mac os x|iPod|iPhone|iPad/i.test(platform); } export async function modKey() { return await isMac() ? Key.COMMAND : Key.CONTROL; } export async function selectAllKey() { return await isMac() ? Key.chord(Key.COMMAND, 'a') : Key.chord(Key.CONTROL, 'a'); } /** * Send keys, with support for Key.chord(), similar to driver.sendKeys(). Note that while * elem.sendKeys() supports Key.chord(...), driver.sendKeys() does not. This is a replacement. */ export async function sendKeys(...keys: string[]): Promise<void> /** * Send keys with a pause between each key. */ export async function sendKeys(interval: number, ...keys: string[]): Promise<void> export async function sendKeys(...args: (string|number)[]) { let interval = 0; if (typeof args[0] === 'number') { interval = args.shift() as number; } const keys = args as string[]; // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length // Implementation follows the description of WebElement.sendKeys functionality at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/2f7727c314f943582f9f1b2a7e4d77ebdd64bdd3/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js#L2146 await driver.withActions((a) => { const toRelease: string[] = []; for (const part of keys) { for (const key of part) { if ([Key.ALT, Key.CONTROL, Key.SHIFT, Key.COMMAND, Key.META].includes(key)) { a.keyDown(key); toRelease.push(key); } else if (key === Key.NULL) { toRelease.splice(0).reverse().forEach(k => a.keyUp(k)); } else { a.sendKeys(key); } if (interval) { a.pause(interval); } } } }); } /** * An default ovveride for sendKeys that sends keys slowly, suitable for formula editor. */ export async function sendKeysSlowly(...keys: string[]) { return await sendKeys(10, ...keys); } /** * Clears active input/textarea. */ export async function clearInput() { return sendKeys(await selectAllKey(), Key.DELETE); } /** * Open â‹® dropdown menu for named workspace. */ export async function openWsDropdown(wsName: string): Promise<void> { const wsTab = await driver.findContentWait('.test-dm-workspace', wsName, 3000); await wsTab.mouseMove(); await wsTab.find('.test-dm-workspace-options').mouseMove().click(); } export async function openWorkspace(wsName: string): Promise<void> { const wsTab = await driver.findContentWait('.test-dm-workspace', wsName, 3000); await wsTab.click(); await waitForDocMenuToLoad(); } /** * Open â‹® dropdown menu for named document. */ export async function openDocDropdown(docNameOrRow: string|WebElement): Promise<void> { // "Pinned" docs also get .test-dm-doc testId. const docRow = (typeof docNameOrRow === 'string') ? await driver.findContentWait('.test-dm-doc', docNameOrRow, 3000) : docNameOrRow; await docRow.mouseMove(); await docRow.find('.test-dm-doc-options,.test-dm-pinned-doc-options').mouseMove().click(); } /** * Open â‹® dropdown menu for doc access rules. */ export async function openAccessRulesDropdown(): Promise<void> { await driver.find('.test-tools-access-rules').mouseMove(); await driver.find('.test-tools-access-rules-trigger').mouseMove().click(); await driver.findWait('.grist-floating-menu', 1000); } /** * Open "Select By" area in creator panel. */ export async function openSelectByForSection(section: string) { await toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-config-data').click(); await getSection(section).click(); await driver.find('.test-right-select-by').click(); } export async function editOrgAcls(): Promise<void> { // To prevent a common flakiness problem, wait for a potentially open modal dialog // to close before attempting to open the account menu. await driver.wait(async () => !(await driver.find('.test-modal-dialog').isPresent()), 3000); await driver.findWait('.test-user-icon', 3000).click(); await driver.findWait('.test-dm-org-access', 3000).click(); await driver.findWait('.test-um-members', 3000); } export async function addUser(email: string|string[], role?: 'Owner'|'Viewer'|'Editor'): Promise<void> { await driver.findWait('.test-user-icon', 5000).click(); await driver.find('.test-dm-org-access').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-um-members', 500); const orgInput = await driver.find('.test-um-member-new input'); const emails = Array.isArray(email) ? email : [email]; for(const e of emails) { await orgInput.sendKeys(e, Key.ENTER); if (role && role !== 'Viewer') { await driver.findContentWait('.test-um-member', e, 1000).find('.test-um-member-role').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-um-role-option', role ?? 'Viewer').click(); } } await driver.find('.test-um-confirm').click(); await driver.wait(async () => !await driver.find('.test-um-members').isPresent(), 500); } export async function removeUser(email: string): Promise<void> { await driver.findWait('.test-user-icon', 5000).click(); await driver.find('.test-dm-org-access').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-um-members', 500); const kiwiRow = await driver.findContent('.test-um-member', email); await kiwiRow.find('.test-um-member-delete').click(); await driver.find('.test-um-confirm').click(); await driver.wait(async () => !await driver.find('.test-um-members').isPresent(), 500); } /** * Click confirm on a user manager dialog. If clickRemove is set, then * any extra modal that pops up will be accepted. Returns true unless * clickRemove was set and no modal popped up. */ export async function saveAcls(clickRemove: boolean = false): Promise<boolean> { await driver.findWait('.test-um-confirm', 3000).click(); let clickedRemove: boolean = false; await driver.wait(async () => { if (clickRemove && !clickedRemove && await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').isPresent()) { await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); clickedRemove = true; } return !(await driver.find('.test-um-members').isPresent()); }, 3000); return clickedRemove || !clickRemove; } /** * Opens the row menu for the row with the given row number (1-based, as in row headers). */ export function openRowMenu(rowNum: number) { const row = driver.findContent('.active_section .gridview_data_row_num', String(rowNum)); return driver.withActions((actions) => actions.contextClick(row)) .then(() => driver.findWait('.grist-floating-menu', 1000)); } export async function removeRow(rowNum: number) { await (await openRowMenu(rowNum)).findContent('li', /Delete/).click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function openCardMenu(rowNum: number) { const section = await driver.find('.active_section'); const firstRow = await section.findContent('.detail_row_num', String(rowNum)); await firstRow.find('.test-card-menu-trigger').click(); return await driver.findWait('.grist-floating-menu', 1000); } /** * A helper to complete saving a copy of the document. Namely it is useful to call after clicking * either the `Copy As Template` or `Save Copy` (when on a forked document) button. Accept optional * `destName` and `destWorkspace` to change the default destination. */ export async function completeCopy(options: {destName?: string, destWorkspace?: string, destOrg?: string} = {}) { await driver.findWait('.test-modal-dialog', 1000); if (options.destName !== undefined) { const nameElem = await driver.find('.test-copy-dest-name').doClick(); await setValue(nameElem, ''); await nameElem.sendKeys(options.destName); } if (options.destOrg !== undefined) { await driver.find('.test-copy-dest-org .test-select-open').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', options.destOrg).click(); } if (options.destWorkspace !== undefined) { await driver.findWait('.test-copy-dest-workspace .test-select-open', 1000).click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', options.destWorkspace).click(); } await waitForServer(); // save the urlId const urlId = await getCurrentUrlId(); await driver.wait(async () => ( await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').getAttribute('disabled') == null)); // click the `Copy` button await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); // wait for the doc id to change await driver.wait(async () => (await getCurrentUrlId()) !== urlId); await waitForDocToLoad(); } /** * Removes document by name from the home page. */ export async function removeDoc(docName: string) { await openDocDropdown(docName); await driver.find('.test-dm-delete-doc').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await driver.wait(async () => !(await driver.find('.test-modal-dialog').isPresent()), 3000); } /** * Helper to get the urlId of the current document. Resolves to undefined if called while not * on a document page. */ export async function getCurrentUrlId() { return decodeUrl({}, new URL(await driver.getCurrentUrl())).doc; } export function getToasts(): Promise<string[]> { return driver.findAll('.test-notifier-toast-wrapper', (el) => el.getText()); } export async function wipeToasts(): Promise<void> { await driver.executeScript('window.gristApp.topAppModel.notifier.clearAppErrors()'); return driver.executeScript( "for (const e of document.getElementsByClassName('test-notifier-toast-wrapper')) { e.remove(); }"); } /** * Call this at suite level, to share the "Examples & Templates" workspace in before() and restore * it in after(). * * TODO: Should remove once support workspaces are removed from backend. */ export function shareSupportWorkspaceForSuite() { let api: UserAPIImpl|undefined; let wss: Workspace[]|undefined; before(async function() { // test/gen-server/seed.ts creates a support user with a personal org and an "Examples & // Templates" workspace, but doesn't share it (to avoid impacting the many existing tests). // Share that workspace with @everyone and @anon, and clean up after this suite. await addSupportUserIfPossible(); api = createHomeApi('Support', 'docs'); // this uses an api key, so no need to log in. wss = await api.getOrgWorkspaces('current'); await api.updateWorkspacePermissions(wss[0].id, {users: { 'everyone@getgrist.com': 'viewers', 'anon@getgrist.com': 'viewers', }}); }); after(async function() { if (api && wss) { await api.updateWorkspacePermissions(wss[0].id, {users: { 'everyone@getgrist.com': null, 'anon@getgrist.com': null, }}); } }); } export async function clearTestState() { await driver.executeScript("window.testGrist = {}"); } export async function getTestState(): Promise<TestState> { const state: TestState|undefined = await driver.executeScript("return window.testGrist"); return state || {}; } // Get the full text from an element containing an Ace editor. export async function getAceText(el: WebElement): Promise<string> { return driver.executeScript('return ace.edit(arguments[0]).getValue()', el.find('.ace_editor')); } // All users ('user1', etc.) that can be logged in using Session.user(). export enum TestUserEnum { user1 = 'chimpy', user2 = 'charon', user3 = 'kiwi', user4 = 'ham', userz = 'userz', // a user for old tests, that doesn't overlap with others. owner = 'chimpy', anon = 'anon', support = 'support', } export type TestUser = keyof typeof TestUserEnum; // 'user1' | 'user2' | ... export interface UserData { email: string, name: string } // Get name and email for the given test user. export function translateUser(userName: TestUser): UserData { if (userName === 'anon') { return {email: 'anon@getgrist.com', name: 'Anonymous'}; } if (userName === 'support') { return {email: 'support@getgrist.com', name: 'Support'}; } const translatedUser = TestUserEnum[userName]; const email = `gristoid+${translatedUser}@gmail.com`; const name = startCase(translatedUser); return {email, name}; } /** * A class representing a user on a particular site, with a default * workspaces. Tests written using this class can be more * conveniently adapted to run locally, or against deployed versions * of grist. */ export class Session { // private constructor - access sessions via session() or Session.default private constructor(public settings: { email: string, orgDomain: string, orgName: string, name: string, workspace: string }) { } // Get a session configured for the personal site of a default user. public static get default() { // Start with an empty session, then fill in the personal site (typically docs, or docs-s // in staging), and then fill in a default user (currently gristoid+chimpy@gmail.com). return new Session({name: '', email: '', orgDomain: '', orgName: '', workspace: 'Home'}).personalSite.user(); } // Return a session configured for the personal site of the current session's user. public get personalSite() { const orgName = this.settings.name ? `@${this.settings.name}` : ''; return this.customTeamSite('docs', orgName); } // Return a session configured for a default team site and the current session's user. public get teamSite() { return this.customTeamSite('test-grist', 'Test Grist'); } // Return a session configured for an alternative team site and the current session's user. public get teamSite2() { return this.customTeamSite('test2-grist', 'Test2 Grist'); } // Return a session configured for a particular team site and the current session's user. public customTeamSite(orgDomain: string = 'test-grist', orgName = 'Test Grist') { const deployment = process.env.GRIST_ID_PREFIX; if (deployment) { orgDomain = `${orgDomain}-${deployment}`; } return new Session({...this.settings, orgDomain, orgName}); } // Return a session configured to create and import docs in the given workspace. public forWorkspace(workspace: string) { return new Session({...this.settings, workspace}); } // Wipe the current site. The current user ends up being its only owner and manager. public async resetSite() { return resetOrg(this.createHomeApi(), this.settings.orgDomain); } // Return a session configured for the current session's site but a different user. public user(userName?: TestUser): Session public user(user: UserData): Session public user(arg: TestUser|UserData = 'user1') { const data = typeof arg === 'string' ? translateUser(arg) : arg; return new Session({...this.settings, ...data}); } // Return a session configured for the current session's site and anonymous access. public get anon() { return this.user('anon'); } public async addLogin() { return this.login({retainExistingLogin: true}); } // Make sure we are logged in to the current session's site as the current session's user. public async login(options?: {loginMethod?: UserProfile['loginMethod'], freshAccount?: boolean, isFirstLogin?: boolean, showTips?: boolean, userName?: string, email?: string, retainExistingLogin?: boolean}) { if (options?.userName) { this.settings.name = options.userName; this.settings.email = options.email || ''; } // Optimize testing a little bit, so if we are already logged in as the expected // user on the expected org, and there are no options set, we can just continue. if (!options && await this.isLoggedInCorrectly()) { return this; } if (!options?.retainExistingLogin) { await removeLogin(); if (this.settings.email === 'anon@getgrist.com') { if (options?.showTips) { await enableTips(this.settings.email); } else { await disableTips(this.settings.email); } return this; } } await server.simulateLogin(this.settings.name, this.settings.email, this.settings.orgDomain, {isFirstLogin: false, cacheCredentials: true, ...options}); return this; } // Check whether we are logged in to the current session's site as the current session's user. public async isLoggedInCorrectly() { let currentUser: FullUser|undefined; let currentOrg: APIOrganization|undefined; try { currentOrg = await getOrg(); } catch (err) { // ok, we may not be in a page associated with an org. } try { currentUser = await getUser(); } catch (err) { // ok, we may not be in a page associated with a user. } return currentUser && currentUser.email === this.settings.email && currentOrg && (currentOrg.name === this.settings.orgName || // This is an imprecise check for personal sites, but adequate for tests. (currentOrg.owner && (this.settings.orgDomain.startsWith('docs')))); } // Load a document on a site. public async loadDoc( relPath: string, options: { wait?: boolean, skipAlert?: boolean, } = {} ) { const {wait = true, skipAlert = false} = options; await this.loadRelPath(relPath); if (skipAlert && await isAlertShown()) { await acceptAlert(); } if (wait) { await waitForDocToLoad(); } } // Load a DocMenu on a site. // If loading for a potentially first-time user, you may give 'skipOnboarding' for second // argument to skip the onboarding flow, if it gets shown. public async loadDocMenu(relPath: string, wait: boolean|'skipOnboarding' = true) { await this.loadRelPath(relPath); if (wait === 'skipOnboarding') { const first = await Promise.race([ driver.findWait('.test-onboarding-page', 2000), driver.findWait('.test-dm-doclist', 2000), ]); if (await first.matches('.test-onboarding-page')) { await skipOnboarding(); } } if (wait) { await waitForDocMenuToLoad(); } } public async loadRelPath(relPath: string) { const part = relPath.match(/^\/o\/([^/]*)(\/.*)/); if (part) { if (part[1] !== this.settings.orgDomain) { throw new Error(`org mismatch: ${this.settings.orgDomain} vs ${part[1]}`); } relPath = part[2]; } await driver.get(server.getUrl(this.settings.orgDomain, relPath)); } // Import a file into the current site + workspace. public async importFixturesDoc(fileName: string, options: ImportOpts = {load: true}) { return importFixturesDoc(this.settings.name, this.settings.orgDomain, this.settings.workspace, fileName, {email: this.settings.email, ...options}); } // As for importFixturesDoc, but delete the document at the end of testing. public async tempDoc(cleanup: Cleanup, fileName: string, options: ImportOpts = {load: true}) { const doc = await this.importFixturesDoc(fileName, options); const api = this.createHomeApi(); if (!noCleanup) { cleanup.addAfterAll(async () => { await api.deleteDoc(doc.id).catch(noop); doc.id = ''; }); } return doc; } // As for importFixturesDoc, but delete the document at the end of each test. public async tempShortDoc(cleanup: Cleanup, fileName: string, options: ImportOpts = {load: true}) { const doc = await this.importFixturesDoc(fileName, options); const api = this.createHomeApi(); if (!noCleanup) { cleanup.addAfterEach(async () => { if (doc.id) { await api.deleteDoc(doc.id).catch(noop); } doc.id = ''; }); } return doc; } public async tempNewDoc(cleanup: Cleanup, docName: string = '', {load} = {load: true}) { docName ||= `Test${Date.now()}`; const docId = await createNewDoc(this.settings.name, this.settings.orgDomain, this.settings.workspace, docName, {email: this.settings.email}); if (load) { await this.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}`); } const api = this.createHomeApi(); if (!noCleanup) { cleanup.addAfterAll(() => api.deleteDoc(docId).catch(noop)); } return docId; } // Create a workspace that will be deleted at the end of testing. public async tempWorkspace(cleanup: Cleanup, workspaceName: string) { const api = this.createHomeApi(); const workspaceId = await api.newWorkspace({name: workspaceName}, 'current'); if (!noCleanup) { cleanup.addAfterAll(async () => { await api.deleteWorkspace(workspaceId).catch(noop); }); } return workspaceId; } // Get an appropriate home api object. public createHomeApi() { if (this.settings.email === 'anon@getgrist.com') { return createHomeApi(null, this.settings.orgDomain); } return createHomeApi(this.settings.name, this.settings.orgDomain, this.settings.email); } public getApiKey(): string|null { if (this.settings.email === 'anon@getgrist.com') { return getApiKey(null); } return getApiKey(this.settings.name, this.settings.email); } // Get the id of this user. public async getUserId(): Promise<number> { await this.login(); await this.loadDocMenu('/'); const user = await getUser(); return user.id; } public get email() { return this.settings.email; } public get name() { return this.settings.name; } public get orgDomain() { return this.settings.orgDomain; } public get orgName() { return this.settings.orgName; } public get workspace() { return this.settings.workspace; } public async downloadDoc(fname: string, urlId?: string) { urlId = urlId || await getCurrentUrlId(); const api = this.createHomeApi(); const doc = await api.getDoc(urlId!); const workerApi = await api.getWorkerAPI(doc.id); const response = await workerApi.downloadDoc(doc.id); await fse.writeFile(fname, Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer())); } } // Wrap the async methods of Session to include the stack of the caller in stack traces. function stackWrapSession(sessionProto: any) { for (const name of [ 'resetSite', 'login', 'isLoggedInCorrectly', 'loadDoc', 'loadDocMenu', 'loadRelPath', 'importFixturesDoc', 'tempDoc', 'tempNewDoc', 'tempWorkspace', 'getUserId', ]) { sessionProto[name] = stackWrapFunc(sessionProto[name]); } } stackWrapSession(Session.prototype); // Configure a session, for the personal site of a default user. export function session(): Session { return Session.default; } /** * Sets font style in opened color picker. */ export async function setFont(type: 'bold'|'underline'|'italic'|'strikethrough', onOff: boolean|number) { const optionToClass = { bold: '.test-font-option-FontBold', italic: '.test-font-option-FontItalic', underline: '.test-font-option-FontUnderline', strikethrough: '.test-font-option-FontStrikethrough', }; async function clickFontOption() { await driver.find(optionToClass[type]).click(); } async function isFontOption() { return (await driver.findAll(`${optionToClass[type]}[class*=-selected]`)).length === 1; } const current = await isFontOption(); if (onOff && !current || !onOff && current) { await clickFontOption(); } } /** * Returns the rgb/hex representation of `color` if it's a name (e.g. red, blue, green, white, black, addRow, or * transparent), or `color` unchanged if it's not a name. */ export function nameToHex(color: string) { switch(color) { case 'red': color = '#FF0000'; break; case 'blue': color = '#0000FF'; break; case 'green': color = '#00FF00'; break; case 'white': color = '#FFFFFF'; break; case 'black': color = '#000000'; break; case 'transparent': color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'; break; case 'addRow': color = 'rgba(246, 246, 255, 1)'; break; } return color; } // Set the value of an `<input type="color">` element to `color` and trigger the `change` // event. Accepts `color` to be of following forms `rgb(120, 10, 3)` or '#780a03' or some predefined // values (red, green, blue, white, black, transparent) export async function setColor(colorInputEl: WebElement, color: string) { color = nameToHex(color); if (color.startsWith('rgb(')) { // the `value` of an `<input type='color'>` element must be a rgb color in hexadecimal // notation. color = rgbToHex(color); } await driver.executeScript(() => { const el = arguments[0]; el.value = arguments[1]; const evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("input", false, true); el.dispatchEvent(evt); }, colorInputEl, color); } export function setTextColor(color: string) { return setColor(driver.find('.test-text-input'), color); } export function setFillColor(color: string) { return setColor(driver.find('.test-fill-input'), color); } export async function applyStyle() { await driver.find('.test-colors-save').click(); await waitForServer(); } export function getStyleRuleAt(nr: number) { return driver.find(`.test-widget-style-conditional-rule-${nr}`); } export async function styleRulesCount() { const rules = await driver.findAll('.test-widget-style-conditional-rule'); return rules.length; } export async function addInitialStyleRule() { await driver.find('.test-widget-style-add-conditional-style').click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function removeStyleRuleAt(nr: number) { await driver.find(`.test-widget-style-remove-rule-${nr}`).click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function addAnotherStyleRule() { await driver.find('.test-widget-style-add-another-rule').click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function openStyleRuleFormula(nr: number) { await driver .findWait(`.test-widget-style-conditional-rule-${nr} .formula_field_sidepane`, 1000) .click(); await waitAppFocus(false); } export async function clickAway() { await driver.find(".test-notifier-menu-btn").click(); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); } /** * Opens the header color picker. */ export function openHeaderColorPicker() { return driver.find('.test-header-color-select .test-color-select').click(); } export async function assertHeaderTextColor(col: string|WebElement, color: string) { const element = typeof col === 'string' ? await getColumnHeader(col) : col; await assertTextColor(element, color); } export async function assertHeaderFillColor(col: string|WebElement, color: string) { const element = typeof col === 'string' ? await getColumnHeader(col) : col; await assertFillColor(element, color); } /** * Opens a cell color picker, either the default one or the one for a specific style rule. */ export function openCellColorPicker(nr?: number) { if (nr !== undefined) { return driver .find(`.test-widget-style-conditional-rule-${nr} .test-color-select`) .click(); } return driver.find('.test-cell-color-select .test-color-select').click(); } export async function assertCellTextColor(col: string, row: number, color: string) { await assertTextColor(await getCell(col, row).find('.field_clip'), color); } export async function assertCellFillColor(col: string, row: number, color: string) { await assertFillColor(await getCell(col, row), color); } export async function assertTextColor(cell: WebElement, color: string) { color = nameToHex(color); color = color.startsWith('#') ? hexToRgb(color) : color; const test = async () => { const actual = await cell.getCssValue('color'); assert.equal(actual, color); }; await waitToPass(test, 500); } export async function assertFillColor(cell: WebElement, color: string) { color = nameToHex(color); color = color.startsWith('#') ? hexToRgb(color) : color; const test = async () => { const actual = await cell.getCssValue('background-color'); assert.equal(actual, color); }; await waitToPass(test, 500); } // the rgbToHex function is from this conversation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5624139/8728791 export function rgbToHex(color: string) { // Next line extracts the 3 rgb components from a 'rgb(r, g, b)' string. const [r, g, b] = color.split(/[,()rgba]/).filter(c => c).map(parseFloat); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1); } // Returns the `rgba( ... )` representation of a color given its hex representation `'#...'` . For // instance `hexToRgb('#FFFFFF')` returns `'rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1)'`. export function hexToRgb(hex: string) { if (hex.length !== 7) { throw new Error('not an hex color #...'); } const aRgbHex = [ hex[1] + hex[2], hex[3] + hex[4], hex[5] + hex[6]]; const [r, g, b] = [ parseInt(aRgbHex[0], 16), parseInt(aRgbHex[1], 16), parseInt(aRgbHex[2], 16) ]; return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, 1)`; } /** * Adds new column to the table. * @param name Name of the column */ export async function addColumn(name: string, type?: string) { await scrollIntoView(await driver.find('.active_section .mod-add-column')); await driver.find('.active_section .mod-add-column').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-new-columns-menu-add-new', 100).click(); // If we are on a summary table, we could be see a menu helper const menu = (await driver.findAll('.grist-floating-menu'))[0]; if (menu) { await menu.findContent("li", "Add Column").click(); } await waitForServer(); await waitAppFocus(false); await driver.sendKeys(name); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); if (type) { await setType(exactMatch(type)); } } export async function showColumn(name: string) { await scrollIntoView(await driver.find('.active_section .mod-add-column')); await driver.find('.active_section .mod-add-column').click(); if (await driver.findContent('.test-new-columns-menu-hidden-column-inlined', `${name}`).isPresent()) { await driver.findContent('.test-new-columns-menu-hidden-column-inlined', `${name}`).click(); } else { await driver.findContent('.test-new-columns-menu-hidden-column-collapsed', `${name}`).click(); } await waitForServer(); } // Select a range of columns, clicking on col1 and dragging to col2. export async function selectColumnRange(col1: string, col2: string) { await getColumnHeader({col: col1}).mouseMove(); await driver.mouseDown(); await getColumnHeader({col: col2}).mouseMove(); await driver.mouseUp(); } export async function selectGrid() { await driver.find(".gridview_data_corner_overlay").click(); } export async function selectColumn(col: string) { await getColumnHeader({col}).click(); } /** * Sets browser window dimensions. */ export function setWindowDimensions(width: number, height: number) { return driver.manage().window().setRect({width, height}); } /** * Changes browser window dimensions for the duration of a test suite. */ export function resizeWindowForSuite(width: number, height: number) { let oldDimensions: WindowDimensions; before(async function () { oldDimensions = await getWindowDimensions(); await setWindowDimensions(width, height); }); after(async function () { await setWindowDimensions(oldDimensions.width, oldDimensions.height); }); } /** * Changes browser window dimensions to FullHd for a test suite. */ export function bigScreen() { resizeWindowForSuite(1920, 1080); } /** * Shrinks browser window dimensions to trigger mobile mode for a test suite. */ export function narrowScreen() { resizeWindowForSuite(400, 750); } export async function addSupportUserIfPossible() { if (!server.isExternalServer() && process.env.TEST_SUPPORT_API_KEY) { // Make sure we have a test support user. const dbManager = await server.getDatabase(); const profile = {email: 'support@getgrist.com', name: 'Support'}; const user = await dbManager.getUserByLoginWithRetry('support@getgrist.com', {profile}); if (!user) { throw new Error('Failed to create test support user'); } if (!user.apiKey) { user.apiKey = process.env.TEST_SUPPORT_API_KEY; await user.save(); } } } /** * Adds samples to the Examples & Templates page. */ async function addSamples(includeTutorial: boolean) { await addSupportUserIfPossible(); const homeApi = createHomeApi('support', 'docs'); // Create the Grist Templates org. await homeApi.newOrg({name: 'Grist Templates', domain: 'templates'}); // Add 2 template workspaces. const templatesApi = createHomeApi('support', 'templates'); await templatesApi.newWorkspace({name: 'CRM'}, 'current'); await templatesApi.newWorkspace({name: 'Other'}, 'current'); // Add a featured template to the CRM workspace. const exampleDocId = (await importFixturesDoc('support', 'templates', 'CRM', 'video/Lightweight CRM.grist', {load: false, newName: 'Lightweight CRM.grist'})).id; await templatesApi.updateDoc( exampleDocId, { type: 'template', isPinned: true, options: { description: 'CRM template and example for linking data, and creating productive layouts.', icon: 'https://grist-static.com/icons/lightweight-crm.png', openMode: 'fork' }, urlId: 'lightweight-crm' } ); // Add additional templates to the Other workspace. const investmentDocId = (await importFixturesDoc('support', 'templates', 'Other', 'Investment Research.grist', {load: false, newName: 'Investment Research.grist'})).id; await templatesApi.updateDoc( investmentDocId, { type: 'template', isPinned: true, options: { description: 'Example for analyzing and visualizing with summary tables and linked charts.', icon: 'https://grist-static.com/icons/data-visualization.png', openMode: 'fork' }, urlId: 'investment-research' }, ); const afterschoolDocId = (await importFixturesDoc('support', 'templates', 'Other', 'video/Afterschool Program.grist', {load: false, newName: 'Afterschool Program.grist'})).id; await templatesApi.updateDoc( afterschoolDocId, { type: 'template', isPinned: true, options: { description: 'Example for how to model business data, use formulas, and manage complexity.', icon: 'https://grist-static.com/icons/business-management.png', openMode: 'fork' }, urlId: 'afterschool-program' }, ); for (const id of [exampleDocId, investmentDocId, afterschoolDocId]) { await homeApi.updateDocPermissions(id, {users: { 'everyone@getgrist.com': 'viewers', 'anon@getgrist.com': 'viewers', }}); } if (includeTutorial) { await templatesApi.newWorkspace({name: 'Tutorials'}, 'current'); const tutorialDocId = (await importFixturesDoc('support', 'templates', 'Tutorials', 'Grist Basics.grist', {load: false, newName: 'Grist Basics.grist'})).id; await templatesApi.updateDoc( tutorialDocId, { type: 'tutorial', options: { description: 'Learn Grist fast with a hands-on tutorial that covers the basics.', icon: 'https://grist-static.com/icons/grist-basics.png', }, urlId: 'grist-basics', }, ); await homeApi.updateDocPermissions(tutorialDocId, {users: { 'everyone@getgrist.com': 'viewers', 'anon@getgrist.com': 'viewers', }}); } } /** * Removes the Grist Templates org. */ function removeTemplatesOrg() { const homeApi = createHomeApi('support', 'docs'); return homeApi.deleteOrg('templates'); } /** * Call this at suite level to add sample documents to the * "Examples & Templates" page in before(), and remove added samples * in after(). */ export function addSamplesForSuite(includeTutorial = false) { before(async function() { await addSamples(includeTutorial); }); after(async function() { await removeTemplatesOrg(); }); } export async function openAccountMenu() { await driver.findWait('.test-dm-account', 1000).click(); // Since the AccountWidget loads orgs and the user data asynchronously, the menu // can expand itself causing the click to land on a wrong button. await waitForServer(); await driver.findWait('.test-site-switcher-org', 1000); await driver.sleep(250); // There's still some jitter (scroll-bar? other user accounts?) } export async function openProfileSettingsPage() { await openAccountMenu(); await driver.find('.grist-floating-menu .test-dm-account-settings').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-account-page-login-method', 5000); } export async function openDocumentSettings() { await openAccountMenu(); await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu a', 'Document Settings').click(); await waitForUrl(/settings/, 5000); } /** * Returns date format for date and datetime editor */ export async function getDateFormat(): Promise<string> { const result = await driver.find('[data-test-id=Widget_dateFormat] .test-select-row').getText(); if (result === "Custom") { return driver.find('[data-test-id=Widget_dateCustomFormat] input').value(); } return result; } /** * Changes date format for date and datetime editor */ export async function setDateFormat(format: string|RegExp) { await driver.find('[data-test-id=Widget_dateFormat]').click(); await driver.findContentWait('.test-select-menu .test-select-row', typeof format === 'string' ? exactMatch(format) : format, 200).click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function setCustomDateFormat(format: string) { await setDateFormat("Custom"); await driver.find('[data-test-id=Widget_dateCustomFormat]').click(); await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(format, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } /** * Returns time format for datetime editor */ export async function getTimeFormat(): Promise<string> { return driver.find('[data-test-id=Widget_timeFormat] .test-select-row').getText(); } /** * Changes time format for datetime editor */ export async function setTimeFormat(format: string) { await driver.find('[data-test-id=Widget_timeFormat]').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu .test-select-row', format).click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Returns "Show column" setting value of a reference column. */ export async function getRefShowColumn(): Promise<string> { return driver.find('.test-fbuilder-ref-col-select').getText(); } /** * Changes "Show column" setting value of a reference column. */ export async function setRefShowColumn(col: string) { await driver.find('.test-fbuilder-ref-col-select').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu .test-select-row', col).click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Returns "Data from table" setting value of a reference column. */ export async function getRefTable(): Promise<string> { return driver.find('.test-fbuilder-ref-table-select').getText(); } /** * Changes "Data from table" setting value of a reference column. */ export async function setRefTable(table: string) { await driver.find('.test-fbuilder-ref-table-select').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu .test-select-row', table).click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Changes "Select by" of the current section. */ export async function selectBy(table: string|RegExp) { await toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').click(); await driver.find('.test-config-data').click(); await driver.find('.test-right-select-by').click(); table = typeof table === 'string' ? exactMatch(table) : table; await driver.findContentWait('.test-select-menu li', table, 200).click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Returns "Select by" of the current section. */ export async function selectedBy() { await toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').click(); await driver.find('.test-config-data').click(); return await driver.find('.test-right-select-by').getText(); } // Add column to sort. export async function addColumnToSort(colName: RegExp|string) { await driver.find(".test-sort-config-add").click(); await driver.findContent(".test-sd-searchable-list-item", colName).click(); await driver.findContentWait(".test-sort-config-row", colName, 100); } // Remove column from sort. export async function removeColumnFromSort(colName: RegExp|string) { await findSortRow(colName).find(".test-sort-config-remove").click(); } // Toggle column sort order from ascending to descending, or vice-versa. export async function toggleSortOrder(colName: RegExp|string) { await findSortRow(colName).find(".test-sort-config-order").click(); } // Reset the sort to the last saved sort. export async function revertSortConfig() { await driver.find(".test-sort-filter-config-revert").click(); } // Save the sort. export async function saveSortConfig() { await driver.find(".test-sort-filter-config-save").click(); await waitForServer(); } // Update the data positions to the given sort. export async function updateRowsBySort() { await driver.find(".test-sort-config-update").click(); await waitForServer(10000); } // Returns a WebElementPromise for the sort row of the given col name. export function findSortRow(colName: RegExp|string) { return driver.findContent(".test-sort-config-row", colName); } // Opens more sort options menu export async function openMoreSortOptions(colName: RegExp|string) { const row = await findSortRow(colName); return row.find(".test-sort-config-options-icon").click(); } // Selects one of the options in the more options menu. export async function toggleSortOption(option: SortOption) { const label = await driver.find(`.test-sort-config-option-${option} label`); await label.click(); await waitForServer(); } // Closes more sort options menu. export async function closeMoreSortOptionsMenu() { await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); } export type SortOption = "naturalSort" | "emptyLast" | "orderByChoice"; export const SortOptions: ReadonlyArray<SortOption> = ["orderByChoice", "emptyLast", "naturalSort"]; // Returns checked sort options for current column. Assumes the menu is opened. export async function getSortOptions(): Promise<SortOption[]> { const options: SortOption[] = []; for(const option of SortOptions) { const list = await driver.findAll(`.test-sort-config-option-${option} input:checked`); if (list.length) { options.push(option); } } options.sort(); return options; } // Returns enabled entries in sort menu. Assumes the menu is opened. export async function getEnabledOptions(): Promise<SortOption[]> { const options: SortOption[] = []; for(const option of SortOptions) { const list = await driver.findAll(`.test-sort-config-option-${option}:not(.disabled)`); if (list.length) { options.push(option); } } options.sort(); return options; } /** * Runs action in a separate tab, closing the tab after. * In case of an error tab is not closed, consider using cleanupExtraWindows * on whole test suite if needed. * * If {test: this.test} is given in options, we will additionally record a screenshot and driver * logs, named using the test name, before opening the new tab, and before and after closing it. */ export async function onNewTab(action: () => Promise<void>, options?: {test?: Mocha.Runnable}) { const currentTab = await driver.getWindowHandle(); await driver.executeScript("window.open('about:blank', '_blank')"); const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); const newTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; const test = options?.test; if (test) { await fetchScreenshotAndLogs(test); } await driver.switchTo().window(newTab); try { await action(); } catch (e) { console.warn("onNewTab cleaning up tab after error", e); throw e; } finally { if (test) { await fetchScreenshotAndLogs(test); } const newCurrentTab = await driver.getWindowHandle(); if (newCurrentTab === newTab) { await driver.close(); await driver.switchTo().window(currentTab); console.log("onNewTab returned to original tab"); } else { console.log("onNewTab not cleaning up because is not on expected tab"); } if (test) { await fetchScreenshotAndLogs(test); } } } /** * Returns a controller for the current tab. */ export async function myTab() { const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); const myTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; return { open() { return driver.switchTo().window(myTab); } }; } /** * Duplicate current tab and return a controller for it. Assumes the current tab shows document. */ export async function duplicateTab() { const url = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); await driver.executeScript("window.open('about:blank', '_blank')"); const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); const myTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; await driver.switchTo().window(myTab); await driver.get(url); await waitForDocToLoad(); return { close() { return driver.close(); }, open() { return driver.switchTo().window(myTab); } }; } /** * Scrolls active Grid or Card list view. */ export async function scrollActiveView(x: number, y: number) { await driver.executeScript(function(x1: number, y1: number) { const view = document.querySelector(".active_section .grid_view_data") || document.querySelector(".active_section .detailview_scroll_pane") || document.querySelector(".active_section .test-forms-editor"); view!.scrollBy(x1, y1); }, x, y); await driver.sleep(10); // wait a bit for the scroll to happen (this is async operation in Grist). } export async function scrollActiveViewTop() { await driver.executeScript(function() { const view = document.querySelector(".active_section .grid_view_data") || document.querySelector(".active_section .detailview_scroll_pane") || document.querySelector(".active_section .test-forms-editor"); view!.scrollTop = 0; }); await driver.sleep(10); // wait a bit for the scroll to happen (this is async operation in Grist). } /** * Filters a column in a Grid using the filter menu. */ export async function filterBy(col: IColHeader|string, save: boolean, values: (string|RegExp)[]) { const filter = await openColumnFilter(col); await filter.none(); for (const value of values) { await filter.toggleValue(value); } await filter.close(); if (save) { await filter.save(); } } /** * Opens a filter menu for a column and returns a controller for it. */ export async function openColumnFilter(col: IColHeader|string) { await openColumnMenu(col, 'Filter'); return filterController; } /** * Opens a filter menu for a column and returns a controller for it. */ export async function openPinnedFilter(col: string) { const filterBar = driver.find('.active_section .test-filter-bar'); const pinnedFilter = filterBar.findContent('.test-filter-field', col); await pinnedFilter.click(); return filterController; } const filterController = { async toggleValue(value: string|RegExp) { await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-list label', value).click(); return this; }, async none() { await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /None/).click(); return this; }, async all() { await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /All/).click(); return this; }, async close() { await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click(); return this; }, async cancel() { await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-cancel-btn').click(); return this; }, async save() { await driver.find('.test-section-menu-small-btn-save').click(); await waitForServer(); return this; } }; /** * Opens the filter menu in the current section, and removes all filters. Optionally saves it. */ export async function removeFilters(save = false) { const sectionFilter = await sortAndFilter(); for(const filter of await sectionFilter.filters()) { await filter.remove(); } if (save) { await sectionFilter.save(); } else { await sectionFilter.click(); } } /** * Clicks on the filter icon in the current section, and returns a controller for it for interactions. */ export async function sortAndFilter() { const ctrl = { async addColumn() { await driver.find('.test-filter-config-add-filter-btn').click(); return this; }, async clickColumn(col: string) { await driver.findContent(".test-sd-searchable-list-item", col).click(); return this; }, async close() { await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click(); return this; }, async save() { await driver.find('.test-section-menu-btn-save').click(); await waitForServer(); return this; }, /** * Clicks the filter icon in the current section (can be used to close the filter menu or open it) */ async click() { await driver.find('.active_section .test-section-menu-filter-icon').click(); return this; }, async filters() { const items = await driver.findAll('.test-filter-config-filter'); return items.map(item => ({ async remove() { await item.find('.test-filter-config-remove-filter').click(); return this; }, async togglePin() { await item.find('.test-filter-config-pin-filter').click(); return this; } })); } }; await ctrl.click(); return ctrl; } export interface PinnedFilter { name: string; hasUnsavedChanges: boolean; } /** * Returns a list of all pinned filters in the active section. */ export async function getPinnedFilters(): Promise<PinnedFilter[]> { const filterBar = await driver.find('.active_section .test-filter-bar'); const allFilters = await filterBar.findAll('.test-filter-field', async (el) => { const button = await el.find('.test-btn'); const buttonClass = await button.getAttribute('class'); return { name: await el.getText(), isPinned: await el.getCssValue('display') !== 'none', hasUnsavedChanges: !/\b\w+-grayed\b/.test(buttonClass), }; }); const pinnedFilters = allFilters.filter(({isPinned}) => isPinned); return pinnedFilters.map(({name, hasUnsavedChanges}) => ({name, hasUnsavedChanges})); } export interface FilterMenuValue { checked: boolean; value: string; count: number; } /** * Returns a list of all values in the filter menu and their associated state. */ export async function getFilterMenuState(): Promise<FilterMenuValue[]> { const items = await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list > *'); return await Promise.all(items.map(async item => { const checked = (await item.find('input').getAttribute('checked')) === null ? false : true; const value = await item.find('label').getText(); const count = parseInt(await item.find('label + div').getText(), 10); return {checked, value, count}; })); } /** * Dismisses coaching call if needed. */ export async function dismissCoachingCall() { const selector = '.test-coaching-call .test-popup-close-button'; if ((await driver.findAll(selector)).length) { await driver.find(selector).click(); } } /** * Dismisses all card popups that are present. */ export async function dismissCardPopups(waitForServerTimeoutMs: number | null = 2000) { let i = 0; const max = 10; // Keep dismissing popups until there are no more, up to a maximum of 10 times. while (i < max && await driver.find('.test-popup-card').isPresent()) { await driver.find('.test-popup-close-button').click(); if (waitForServerTimeoutMs) { await waitForServer(waitForServerTimeoutMs); } i += 1; } } /** * Confirms that anchor link was used for navigation. */ export async function waitForAnchor() { await waitForDocToLoad(); await driver.wait(async () => (await getTestState()).anchorApplied, 2000); } export async function getAnchor() { await driver.find('body').sendKeys(Key.chord(Key.SHIFT, await modKey(), 'a')); return (await getTestState()).clipboard || ''; } export async function getActiveSectionTitle(timeout?: number) { return await driver.findWait('.active_section .test-viewsection-title', timeout ?? 0).getText(); } export async function getSectionTitle(timeout?: number) { return await driver.findWait('.test-viewsection-title', timeout ?? 0).getText(); } export async function getSectionTitles() { return await driver.findAll('.test-viewsection-title', el => el.getText()); } export async function renameSection(sectionTitle: string, name: string) { const renameWidget = driver.findContent(`.test-viewsection-title`, sectionTitle); await renameWidget.find(".test-widget-title-text").click(); await driver.find(".test-widget-title-section-name-input").click(); await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(name || Key.DELETE, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } export async function renameActiveSection(name: string) { await driver.find(".active_section .test-viewsection-title .test-widget-title-text").click(); await driver.find(".test-widget-title-section-name-input").click(); await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(name || Key.DELETE, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } /** * Renames active data table using widget title popup (from active section). */ export async function renameActiveTable(name: string) { await driver.find(".active_section .test-viewsection-title .test-widget-title-text").click(); await driver.find(".test-widget-title-table-name-input").click(); await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(name, Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } export async function getCustomWidgetName() { await openWidgetPanel(); return await driver.find('.test-config-widget-open-custom-widget-gallery').getText(); } export async function getCustomWidgetInfo(info: 'description'|'developer'|'last-updated') { await openWidgetPanel(); if (await driver.find('.test-config-widget-show-custom-widget-details').isPresent()) { await driver.find('.test-config-widget-show-custom-widget-details').click(); } if (!await driver.find(`.test-config-widget-custom-widget-${info}`).isPresent()) { return ''; } return await driver.find(`.test-config-widget-custom-widget-${info}`).getText(); } export async function openCustomWidgetGallery() { await openWidgetPanel(); await driver.find('.test-config-widget-open-custom-widget-gallery').click(); await waitForServer(); } interface SetWidgetOptions { /** Defaults to `true`. */ openGallery?: boolean; } export async function setCustomWidgetUrl(url: string, options: SetWidgetOptions = {}) { const {openGallery = true} = options; if (openGallery) { await openCustomWidgetGallery(); } await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-gallery-custom-url').click(); await clearInput(); if (url) { await sendKeys(url); } await sendKeys(Key.ENTER); await waitForServer(); } export async function setCustomWidget(content: string|RegExp, options: SetWidgetOptions = {}) { const {openGallery = true} = options; if (openGallery) { await openCustomWidgetGallery(); } await driver.findContent('.test-custom-widget-gallery-widget', content).click(); await driver.find('.test-custom-widget-gallery-save').click(); await waitForServer(); } type BehaviorActions = 'Clear and reset' | 'Convert column to data' | 'Clear and make into formula' | 'Convert columns to data'; /** * Opens a behavior menu and clicks one of the option. */ export async function changeBehavior(option: BehaviorActions|RegExp) { await openColumnPanel(); await driver.find('.test-field-behaviour').click(); await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', option).click(); await waitForServer(); } export async function columnBehavior() { return (await driver.find(".test-field-behaviour").getText()); } /** * Gets all available options in the behavior menu. */ export async function availableBehaviorOptions() { await driver.find('.test-field-behaviour').click(); const list = await driver.findAll('.grist-floating-menu li', el => el.getText()); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); return list; } /** * Restarts the server ensuring that it is run with the given environment variables. * If variables are already set, the server is not restarted. * * Useful for local testing of features that depend on environment variables, as it avoids the need * to restart the server when those variables are already set. */ export function withEnvironmentSnapshot(vars: Record<string, any>) { let oldEnv: testUtils.EnvironmentSnapshot|null = null; before(async () => { // Test if the vars are already set, and if so, skip. if (Object.keys(vars).every(k => process.env[k] === vars[k])) { return; } oldEnv = new testUtils.EnvironmentSnapshot(); for(const key of Object.keys(vars)) { if (vars[key] === undefined || vars[key] === null) { delete process.env[key]; } else { process.env[key] = vars[key]; } } await server.restart(); }); after(async () => { if (!oldEnv) { return; } oldEnv.restore(); await server.restart(); }); } /** * Helper to scroll creator panel top or bottom. By default bottom. */ export function scrollPanel(top = false): WebElementPromise { return new WebElementPromise(driver, driver.executeScript((top: number) => { document.getElementsByClassName('test-config-container')[0].scrollTop = top ? 0 : 10000; }, top) ); } /** * Helper to revert ACL changes. It first saves the current ACL data, and * then removes everything and adds it back. */ export async function beginAclTran(api: UserAPI, docId: string) { const oldRes = await api.getTable(docId, '_grist_ACLResources'); const oldRules = await api.getTable(docId, '_grist_ACLRules'); return async () => { const newRes = await api.getTable(docId, '_grist_ACLResources'); const newRules = await api.getTable(docId, '_grist_ACLRules'); const restoreRes = {tableId: oldRes.tableId, colIds: oldRes.colIds}; const restoreRules = { resource: oldRules.resource, aclFormula: oldRules.aclFormula, permissionsText: oldRules.permissionsText }; await api.applyUserActions(docId, [ ['BulkRemoveRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', newRules.id], ['BulkRemoveRecord', '_grist_ACLResources', newRes.id], ['BulkAddRecord', '_grist_ACLResources', oldRes.id, restoreRes], ['BulkAddRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', oldRules.id, restoreRules], ]); }; } /** * Helper to set the value of a column range filter bound. Helper also support picking relative date * from options for Date columns, simply pass {relative: '2 days ago'} as value. */ export async function setRangeFilterBound(minMax: 'min'|'max', value: string|{relative: string}|null) { await driver.find(`.test-filter-menu-${minMax}`).click(); if (typeof value === 'string' || value === null) { await selectAll(); await driver.sendKeys(value === null ? Key.DELETE : value); // send TAB to trigger blur event, that will force call on the debounced callback await driver.sendKeys(Key.TAB); } else { await waitToPass(async () => { // makes sure the relative options is opened if (!await driver.find('.grist-floatin-menu').isPresent()) { await driver.find(`.test-filter-menu-${minMax}`).click(); } await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', value.relative).click(); }); } } /** * Skips the onboarding page that's shown to users on their first visit to the * doc menu. */ export async function skipOnboarding() { await driver.findWait('.test-onboarding-page', 2000); await waitForServer(); await driver.navigate().refresh(); } /** * Asserts whether a video of Never Gonna Give You Up is playing in the background. */ export async function assertIsRickRowing(expected: boolean) { assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-gristdoc-stop-rick-rowing').isPresent(), expected); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-gristdoc-background-video').isPresent(), expected); assert.equal(await driver.find('iframe#youtube-player-dQw4w9WgXcQ').isPresent(), expected); } export function produceUncaughtError(message: string) { // Simply throwing an error from driver.executeScript() may produce a sanitized "Script error", // depending on browser/webdriver version. This is a trick to ensure the uncaught error is // considered same-origin by the main window. return driver.executeScript((msg: string) => { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.innerText = 'setTimeout(() => { throw new Error(' + JSON.stringify(msg) + '); }, 0)'; document.head.appendChild(script); }, message); } export async function downloadSectionCsv( section: string, headers: any = {Authorization: 'Bearer api_key_for_chimpy'} ) { await openSectionMenu("viewLayout", section); const href = await driver.findWait('.test-download-section', 1000).getAttribute('href'); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Close section menu const resp = await axios.get(href, { responseType: 'text', headers }); return resp.data as string; } export async function downloadSectionCsvGridCells( section: string, headers: any = {Authorization: 'Bearer api_key_for_chimpy'} ): Promise<string[]> { const csvString = await downloadSectionCsv(section, headers); const csvRows = csvString.split('\n').slice(1).map(csvDecodeRow); return ([] as string[]).concat(...csvRows); } export async function setGristTheme(options: { appearance: 'light' | 'dark', syncWithOS: boolean, skipOpenSettingsPage?: boolean, }) { const {appearance, syncWithOS, skipOpenSettingsPage} = options; if (!skipOpenSettingsPage) { await openProfileSettingsPage(); } await scrollIntoView(driver.find('.test-theme-config-sync-with-os')); const isSyncWithOSChecked = await driver.find('.test-theme-config-sync-with-os').getAttribute('checked') === 'true'; if (syncWithOS !== isSyncWithOSChecked) { await driver.find('.test-theme-config-sync-with-os').click(); await waitForServer(); } if (!syncWithOS) { await scrollIntoView(driver.find('.test-theme-config-appearance .test-select-open')); await driver.find('.test-theme-config-appearance .test-select-open').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', appearance === 'light' ? 'Light' : 'Dark') .click(); await waitForServer(); } } /** * Executes custom code inside active custom widget. */ export async function customCode(fn: (grist: typeof PluginApi) => void) { const section = await driver.findWait('.active_section iframe', 4000); return await doInIframe(section, async () => { return await driver.executeScript(`(${fn})(grist)`); }); } /** * Gets or sets widget access level (doesn't deal with prompts). */ export async function widgetAccess(level?: AccessLevel) { const text = { [AccessLevel.none]: 'No document access', [AccessLevel.read_table]: 'Read selected table', [AccessLevel.full]: 'Full document access', }; if (!level) { const currentAccess = await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access .test-select-open').getText(); return Object.entries(text).find(e => e[1] === currentAccess)![0]; } else { await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access .test-select-open').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', text[level]).click(); await waitForServer(); } } /** * Checks if access prompt is visible. */ export async function hasAccessPrompt() { return await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access-accept').isPresent(); } /** * Accepts new access level. */ export async function acceptAccessRequest() { await driver.findWait('.test-config-widget-access-accept', 1000).click(); } /** * Rejects new access level. */ export async function rejectAccessRequest() { await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access-reject').click(); } /** * Sets widget access level (deals with requests). */ export async function changeWidgetAccess(access: 'read table'|'full'|'none') { await openWidgetPanel(); // if the current access is ok do nothing if ((await widgetAccess()) === access) { // unless we need to confirm it if (await hasAccessPrompt()) { await acceptAccessRequest(); } } else { // else switch access level await widgetAccess(access as AccessLevel); } } /** * Recently, driver.switchTo().window() has become a little flakey, * methods may fail if called immediately after switching to a * window. This method works around the problem by waiting for * driver.getCurrentUrl to succeed. * https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/12277 */ export async function switchToWindow(target: string) { await driver.switchTo().window(target); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { await driver.getCurrentUrl(); break; } catch (e) { console.log("switchToWindow retry after error:", e); await driver.sleep(250); } } } /** * Creates a temporary textarea to the document for pasting the contents of * the clipboard. */ export async function createClipboardTextArea() { function createTextArea() { const textArea = window.document.createElement('textarea'); textArea.style.position = 'absolute'; textArea.style.top = '0'; textArea.style.height = '2rem'; textArea.style.width = '16rem'; textArea.id = 'clipboardText'; window.document.body.appendChild(textArea); } await driver.executeScript(createTextArea); } /** * Removes the temporary textarea added by `createClipboardTextArea`. */ export async function removeClipboardTextArea() { function removeTextArea() { const textArea = window.document.getElementById('clipboardText'); if (textArea) { window.document.body.removeChild(textArea); } } await driver.executeScript(removeTextArea); } /** * Sets up a temporary textarea for pasting the contents of the clipboard, * removing it after all tests have run. */ export function withClipboardTextArea() { before(async function() { await createClipboardTextArea(); }); after(async function() { await removeClipboardTextArea(); }); } /* * Returns an instance of `LockableClipboard`, making sure to unlock it after * each test. * * Recommended for use in contexts where the system clipboard may be accessed by * multiple parallel processes, such as Mocha tests. */ export function getLockableClipboard() { const cb = new LockableClipboard(); afterEach(async () => { await cb.unlock(); }); return cb; } export interface ILockableClipboard { lockAndPerform(callback: (clipboard: IClipboard) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>; unlock(): Promise<void>; } class LockableClipboard implements ILockableClipboard { private _unlock: (() => Promise<void>) | null = null; constructor() { } public async lockAndPerform(callback: (clipboard: IClipboard) => Promise<void>) { this._unlock = await lock(path.resolve(getAppRoot(), 'test'), { lockfilePath: path.join(path.resolve(getAppRoot(), 'test'), '.clipboard.lock'), retries: { /* The clipboard generally isn't locked for long, so retry frequently. */ minTimeout: 200, maxTimeout: 200, retries: 100, }, }); try { await callback(new Clipboard()); } finally { await this.unlock(); } } public async unlock() { await this._unlock?.(); this._unlock = null; } } export type ClipboardAction = 'copy' | 'cut' | 'paste'; export interface ClipboardActionOptions { method?: 'keyboard' | 'menu'; } export interface IClipboard { copy(options?: ClipboardActionOptions): Promise<void>; cut(options?: ClipboardActionOptions): Promise<void>; paste(options?: ClipboardActionOptions): Promise<void>; } class Clipboard implements IClipboard { constructor() { } public async copy(options: ClipboardActionOptions = {}) { await this._performAction('copy', options); } public async cut(options: ClipboardActionOptions = {}) { await this._performAction('cut', options); } public async paste(options: ClipboardActionOptions = {}) { await this._performAction('paste', options); } private async _performAction(action: ClipboardAction, options: ClipboardActionOptions) { const {method = 'keyboard'} = options; switch (method) { case 'keyboard': { await this._performActionWithKeyboard(action); break; } case 'menu': { await this._performActionWithMenu(action); break; } } } private async _performActionWithKeyboard(action: ClipboardAction) { switch (action) { case 'copy': { await sendKeys(Key.chord(await isMac() ? Key.COMMAND : Key.CONTROL, 'c')); break; } case 'cut': { await sendKeys(Key.chord(await isMac() ? Key.COMMAND : Key.CONTROL, 'x')); break; } case 'paste': { await sendKeys(Key.chord(await isMac() ? Key.COMMAND : Key.CONTROL, 'v')); break; } } } private async _performActionWithMenu(action: ClipboardAction) { const field = await driver.find('.active_section .field_clip.has_cursor'); await driver.withActions(actions => { actions.contextClick(field); }); await driver.findWait('.grist-floating-menu', 1000); const menuItemName = action.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + action.slice(1); await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', menuItemName).click(); } } /** * Runs a Grist command in the browser window. */ export async function sendCommand(name: CommandName, argument: any = null) { await driver.executeAsyncScript((name: any, argument: any, done: any) => { const result = (window as any).gristApp.allCommands[name].run(argument); if (result?.finally) { result.finally(done); } else { done(); } }, name, argument); await waitForServer(); } /** * Helper controller for choices list editor. */ export const choicesEditor = { async hasReset() { return (await driver.find(".test-choice-list-entry-edit").getText()) === "Reset"; }, async reset() { await driver.findWait(".test-choice-list-entry-edit", 100).click(); }, async label() { return await driver.find(".test-choice-list-entry-row").getText(); }, async add(label: string) { await driver.find(".test-tokenfield-input").click(); await driver.find(".test-tokenfield-input").clear(); await sendKeys(label, Key.ENTER); }, async rename(label: string, label2: string) { const entry = await driver.findWait(`.test-choice-list-entry .test-token-label[value='${label}']`, 100); await entry.click(); await sendKeys(label2); await sendKeys(Key.ENTER); }, async color(token: string, color: string) { const label = await driver.findWait(`.test-choice-list-entry .test-token-label[value='${token}']`, 100); await label.findClosest(".test-tokenfield-token").find(".test-color-button").click(); await setFillColor(color); await sendKeys(Key.ENTER); }, async read() { return await driver.findAll(".test-choice-list-entry-label", e => e.getText()); }, async edit() { await this.reset(); }, async save() { await driver.find(".test-choice-list-entry-save").click(); await waitForServer(); }, async cancel() { await driver.find(".test-choice-list-entry-cancel").click(); } }; export function findValue(selector: string, value: string|RegExp) { const inner = async () => { const all = await driver.findAll(selector); const tested: string[] = []; for(const el of all) { const elValue = await el.value(); tested.push(elValue); const found = typeof value === 'string' ? elValue === value : value.test(elValue); if (found) { return el; } } throw new Error(`No element found matching ${selector}, tested ${tested.join(', ')}`); }; return new WebElementPromise(driver, inner()); } export async function switchUser(email: string) { await driver.findWait('.test-user-icon', 1000).click(); await driver.findContentWait('.test-usermenu-other-email', exactMatch(email), 1000).click(); await waitForServer(); } /** * Waits for the toast message with the given text to appear. */ export async function waitForAccessDenied() { await waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal( await driver.findWait('.test-notifier-toast-message', 1000).getText(), 'access denied'); }); } /** * Deletes a widget by title. Optionally confirms deletion only for the widget without the data. */ export async function deleteWidget(title: string) { const menu = await openSectionMenu('viewLayout', title); await menu.findContent('.test-cmd-name', 'Delete widget').click(); if (await driver.findWait('.test-option-deleteOnlyWidget', 100).isPresent()) { await driver.find('.test-option-deleteOnlyWidget').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); } await waitForServer(); } } // end of namespace gristUtils stackWrapOwnMethods(gristUtils); export = gristUtils;