var _ = require('underscore'); var ko = require('knockout'); var BackboneEvents = require('backbone').Events; var dispose = require('../lib/dispose'); var dom = require('../lib/dom'); var kd = require('../lib/koDom'); // Rather than require the whole of highlight.js, require just the core with the one language we // need, to keep our bundle smaller and the build faster. var hljs = require('highlight.js/lib/highlight'); hljs.registerLanguage('python', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/python')); function CodeEditorPanel(gristDoc) { this._gristDoc = gristDoc; this._schema = ko.observable(''); this._denied = ko.observable(false); this.listenTo(this._gristDoc, 'schemaUpdateAction', this.onSchemaAction); this.onSchemaAction(); // Fetch the schema to initialize } dispose.makeDisposable(CodeEditorPanel); _.extend(CodeEditorPanel.prototype, BackboneEvents); CodeEditorPanel.prototype.buildDom = function() { // The tabIndex enables the element to gain focus, and the .clipboard class prevents the // Clipboard module from re-grabbing it. This is a quick fix for the issue where clipboard // interferes with text selection. TODO it should be possible for the Clipboard to never // interfere with text selection even for un-focusable elements. return dom('div.g-code-panel.clipboard', {tabIndex: "-1"}, kd.maybe(this._denied, () => dom('div.g-code-panel-denied', dom('h2', kd.text('Access denied')), dom('div', kd.text('Code View is available only when you have full document access.')), )), kd.scope(this._schema, function(schema) { // The reason to scope and rebuild instead of using `kd.text(schema)` is because // hljs.highlightBlock(elem) replaces `elem` with a whole new dom tree. if (!schema) { return null; } return dom( 'code.g-code-viewer.python', schema, dom.hide, dom.defer(function(elem) { hljs.highlightBlock(elem);; }) ); }) ); }; CodeEditorPanel.prototype.onSchemaAction = async function(actions) { try { const schema = await this._gristDoc.docComm.fetchTableSchema(); if (!this.isDisposed()) { this._schema(schema); this._denied(false); } } catch (err) { if (!String(err).match(/Cannot view code/)) { throw err; } if (!this.isDisposed()) { this._schema(''); this._denied(true); } } }; module.exports = CodeEditorPanel;