import { TelemetryManager } from 'app/server/lib/TelemetryManager'; const MONITOR_PERIOD_MS = 5_000; // take a look at memory usage this often const MEMORY_DELTA_FRACTION = 0.1; // fraction by which usage should change to get reported const CPU_DELTA_FRACTION = 0.1; // by how much cpu usage should change to get reported const MONITOR_LOG_PERIOD_MS = 600_000; // log usage at least this often let _timer: NodeJS.Timeout|undefined; let _lastTickTime: number =; let _lastReportTime: number = 0; let _lastReportedHeapUsed: number = 0; let _lastCpuUsage: NodeJS.CpuUsage = {system: 0, user: 0}; let _lastReportedCpuAverage: number = 0; /** * Monitor process memory (heap) and CPU usage, reporting as telemetry on an interval, and more * often when usage ticks up or down by a big enough delta. * * There is a single global process monitor, reporting to the telemetryManager passed into the * first call to start(). * * Returns a function that stops the monitor, or null if there was already a process monitor * running, and no new one was started. * * Reports: * - heapUsedMB: Size of JS heap in use, in MiB. * - heapTotalMB: Total heap size, in MiB, allocated for JS by v8. * - cpuAverage: Fraction between 0 and 1, cpu usage over the last MONITOR_PERIOD_MS. Note it * includes usage from all threads, so may exceed 1. * - intervalMs: Interval (in milliseconds) over which cpuAverage is reported. Being much * higher than MONITOR_PERIOD_MS is a sign of being CPU bound for that long. */ export function start(telemetryManager: TelemetryManager): (() => void) | undefined { if (!_timer) { // Initialize variables needed for accurate first-tick measurement. _lastTickTime =; _lastCpuUsage = process.cpuUsage(); _timer = setInterval(() => monitor(telemetryManager), MONITOR_PERIOD_MS); return function stop() { clearInterval(_timer); _timer = undefined; }; } } function monitor(telemetryManager: TelemetryManager) { const memoryUsage = process.memoryUsage(); const heapUsed = memoryUsage.heapUsed; const cpuUsage = process.cpuUsage(); const now =; const intervalMs = now - _lastTickTime; // Note that cpuUsage info is in microseconds, while intervalMs is milliseconds. const cpuAverage = (cpuUsage.system + cpuUsage.user - _lastCpuUsage.system - _lastCpuUsage.user) / 1000 / intervalMs; _lastCpuUsage = cpuUsage; _lastTickTime = now; // Report usage when: // (a) enough time has passed (MONITOR_LOG_PERIOD_MS) // (b) memory usage ticked up or down enough since the last report // (c) average cpu usage ticked up or down enough since the last report if ( now > _lastReportTime + MONITOR_LOG_PERIOD_MS || Math.abs(heapUsed - _lastReportedHeapUsed) > _lastReportedHeapUsed * MEMORY_DELTA_FRACTION || Math.abs(cpuAverage - _lastReportedCpuAverage) > CPU_DELTA_FRACTION ) { telemetryManager.logEvent('processMonitor', { heapUsedMB: Math.round(memoryUsage.heapUsed/1024/1024), heapTotalMB: Math.round(memoryUsage.heapTotal/1024/1024), cpuAverage: Math.round(cpuAverage * 100) / 100, intervalMs, }); _lastReportedHeapUsed = heapUsed; _lastReportedCpuAverage = cpuAverage; _lastReportTime = now; } }