import six import actions import schema import table_data_set import testutil import difflib import json import unittest class TestTableDataSet(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests functionality of TableDataSet by running through all the test cases in testscript.json. """ @classmethod def init_test_cases(cls): # Create a test_* method for each case in testscript, which runs `self._run_test_body()`. cls.samples, test_cases = testutil.parse_testscript() for case in test_cases: cls._create_test_case(case["TEST_CASE"], case["BODY"]) @classmethod def _create_test_case(cls, name, body): setattr(cls, "test_" + name, lambda self: self._run_test_body(body)) def setUp(self): self._table_data_set = None def load_sample(self, sample): """ Load _table_data_set with given sample data. The sample is a dict with keys "SCHEMA" and "DATA", each a dictionary mapping table names to actions.TableData objects. "SCHEMA" contains "_grist_Tables" and "_grist_Tables_column" tables. """ self._table_data_set = table_data_set.TableDataSet() for a in schema.schema_create_actions(): if a.table_id not in self._table_data_set.all_tables: self._table_data_set.apply_doc_action(a) for a in six.itervalues(sample["SCHEMA"]): self._table_data_set.BulkAddRecord(*a) # Create AddTable actions for each table described in the metadata. meta_tables = self._table_data_set.all_tables['_grist_Tables'] meta_columns = self._table_data_set.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column'] add_tables = {} # maps the row_id of the table to the schema object for the table. for rec in actions.transpose_bulk_action(meta_tables): add_tables[] = actions.AddTable(rec.tableId, []) # Go through all columns, adding them to the appropriate tables. for rec in actions.transpose_bulk_action(meta_columns): add_tables[rec.parentId].columns.append({ "id": rec.colId, "type": rec.type, "widgetOptions": rec.widgetOptions, "isFormula": rec.isFormula, "formula": rec.formula, "label" : rec.label, "parentPos": rec.parentPos, }) # Sort the columns in the schema according to the parentPos field from the column records. for action in six.itervalues(add_tables): action.columns.sort(key=lambda r: r["parentPos"]) self._table_data_set.AddTable(*action) for a in six.itervalues(sample["DATA"]): self._table_data_set.ReplaceTableData(*a) def _run_test_body(self, body): """Runs the actual script defined in the JSON test-script file.""" undo_actions = [] loaded_sample = None for line, step, data in body: try: if step == "LOAD_SAMPLE": if loaded_sample: # Pylint's type checking gives a false positive for loaded_sample. # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object self._verify_undo_all(undo_actions, loaded_sample["DATA"]) loaded_sample = self.samples[data] self.load_sample(loaded_sample) elif step == "APPLY": self._apply_stored_actions(data['ACTIONS']['stored']) if 'calc' in data['ACTIONS']: self._apply_stored_actions(data['ACTIONS']['calc']) undo_actions.extend(data['ACTIONS']['undo']) elif step == "CHECK_OUTPUT": expected_data = {} if "USE_SAMPLE" in data: expected_data = self.samples[data.pop("USE_SAMPLE")]["DATA"].copy() expected_data.update({t: testutil.table_data_from_rows(t, tdata[0], tdata[1:]) for (t, tdata) in six.iteritems(data)}) self._verify_data(expected_data) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized step %s in test script" % step) except Exception as e: new_args0 = "LINE %s: %s" % (line, e.args[0]) e.args = (new_args0,) + e.args[1:] raise self._verify_undo_all(undo_actions, loaded_sample["DATA"]) def _apply_stored_actions(self, stored_actions): for action in stored_actions: self._table_data_set.apply_doc_action(actions.action_from_repr(action)) def _verify_undo_all(self, undo_actions, expected_data): """ At the end of each test, undo all and verify we get back to the originally loaded sample. """ self._apply_stored_actions(reversed(undo_actions)) del undo_actions[:] self._verify_data(expected_data, ignore_formulas=True) def _verify_data(self, expected_data, ignore_formulas=False): observed_data = {t: self._prep_data(*data) for t, data in six.iteritems(self._table_data_set.all_tables) if not t.startswith("_grist_")} if ignore_formulas: observed_data = self._strip_formulas(observed_data) expected_data = self._strip_formulas(expected_data) if observed_data != expected_data: lines = [] for table in sorted(six.viewkeys(observed_data) | six.viewkeys(expected_data)): if table not in expected_data: lines.append("*** Table %s observed but not expected\n" % table) elif table not in observed_data: lines.append("*** Table %s not observed but was expected\n" % table) else: obs, exp = observed_data[table], expected_data[table] if obs != exp: o_lines = self._get_text_lines(obs) e_lines = self._get_text_lines(exp) lines.append("*** Table %s differs\n" % table) lines.extend(difflib.unified_diff(e_lines, o_lines, fromfile="expected", tofile="observed"))"\n" + "".join(lines)) def _strip_formulas(self, all_data): return {t: self._strip_formulas_table(*data) for t, data in six.iteritems(all_data)} def _strip_formulas_table(self, table_id, row_ids, columns): return actions.TableData(table_id, row_ids, { col_id: col for col_id, col in six.iteritems(columns) if not self._table_data_set.get_col_info(table_id, col_id)["isFormula"] }) @classmethod def _prep_data(cls, table_id, row_ids, columns): def sort(col): return [v for r, v in sorted(zip(row_ids, col))] sorted_data = actions.TableData(table_id, sorted(row_ids), {c: sort(col) for c, col in six.iteritems(columns)}) return actions.encode_objects(testutil.replace_nans(sorted_data)) @classmethod def _get_text_lines(cls, table_data): col_items = sorted(table_data.columns.items()) col_items.insert(0, ('id', table_data.row_ids)) table_rows = zip(*[[col_id] + values for (col_id, values) in col_items]) return [json.dumps(row) + "\n" for row in table_rows] # Parse and create test cases on module load. This way the python unittest feature to run only # particular test cases can apply to these cases too. TestTableDataSet.init_test_cases() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()