""" Implements the python side of the data engine sandbox, which allows us to register functions on the python side and call them from Node.js. Usage: import sandbox sandbox.register(func_name, func) sandbox.call_external("hello", 1, 2, 3) sandbox.run() """ import os import logging import marshal import sys import traceback log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CarefulReader(object): """ Wrap a pipe when reading from Pyodide, to work around marshaling panicking if fewer bytes are read in a block than it was expecting. Just wait for more. """ def __init__(self, file_): self._file = file_ def write(self, data): return self._file.write(data) def read(self, size): return self._file.read(size) def readinto(self, b): result = self._file.readinto(b) while result is not None and result < len(b): bview = memoryview(b) result += self._file.readinto(bview[result:]) return result def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._file, attr) class Sandbox(object): """ This class works in conjunction with Sandbox.js to allow function calls between the Node process and this sandbox. The sandbox provides two pipes to send data to and from the sandboxed process. Data on these is serialized using `marshal` module. All messages are comprised of a msgCode followed immediatedly by msgBody, with the following msgCodes: CALL = call to the other side. The data must be an array of [func_name, arguments...] DATA = data must be a value to return to a call from the other side EXC = data must be an exception to return to a call from the other side Optionally, a callback can be supplied instead of an output pipe. """ CALL = None DATA = True EXC = False def __init__(self, external_input, external_output, external_output_method=None): self._functions = {} self._external_input = external_input self._external_output = external_output self._external_output_method = external_output_method @classmethod def connected_to_js_pipes(cls): """ Send data on two specially-opened side channels. """ external_input = os.fdopen(3, "rb", 64 * 1024) external_output = os.fdopen(4, "wb", 64 * 1024) return cls(external_input, external_output) @classmethod def use_common_pipes(cls): """ Send data via stdin/stdout, rather than specially-opened side channels. Duplicate stdin/stdout, close, and reopen as binary file objects. """ os.dup2(0, 3) os.dup2(1, 4) os.close(0) os.close(1) sys.stdout = sys.stderr return Sandbox.connected_to_js_pipes() @classmethod def use_pyodide(cls): # pylint: disable=import-error,no-member import js # Get pyodide object. external_input = CarefulReader(sys.stdin.buffer) external_output_method = lambda data: js.sendFromSandbox(data) sys.stdout = sys.stderr return cls(external_input, None, external_output_method) def _send_to_js(self, msgCode, msgBody): # (Note that marshal version 2 is the default; we specify it explicitly for clarity. The # difference with version 0 is that version 2 uses a faster binary format for floats.) # For large data, JS's Unmarshaller is very inefficient parsing it if it gets it piecewise. # It's much better to ensure the whole blob is sent as one write. We marshal the resulting # buffer again so that the reader can quickly tell how many bytes to expect. buf = marshal.dumps((msgCode, msgBody), 2) if self._external_output: marshal.dump(buf, self._external_output, 2) self._external_output.flush() elif self._external_output_method: buf = marshal.dumps(buf, 2) self._external_output_method(buf) else: raise Exception('no data output method') def call_external(self, name, *args): self._send_to_js(Sandbox.CALL, (name,) + args) (msgCode, data) = self.run(break_on_response=True) if msgCode == Sandbox.EXC: raise Exception(data) return data def register(self, func_name, func): self._functions[func_name] = func def run(self, break_on_response=False): while True: try: msgCode = marshal.load(self._external_input) data = marshal.load(self._external_input) except EOFError: break if msgCode != Sandbox.CALL: if break_on_response: return (msgCode, data) continue if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) < 1: raise ValueError("Bad call " + data) try: fname = data[0] args = data[1:] ret = self._functions[fname](*args) self._send_to_js(Sandbox.DATA, ret) except Exception as e: log.warn("Call error in %s: %s", fname, traceback.format_exc()) self._send_to_js(Sandbox.EXC, "%s %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)) if break_on_response: raise Exception("Sandbox disconnected unexpectedly") default_sandbox = None def get_default_sandbox(): global default_sandbox if default_sandbox is None: if os.environ.get('PIPE_MODE') == 'minimal': default_sandbox = Sandbox.use_common_pipes() elif os.environ.get('PIPE_MODE') == 'pyodide': default_sandbox = Sandbox.use_pyodide() else: default_sandbox = Sandbox.connected_to_js_pipes() return default_sandbox def call_external(name, *args): return get_default_sandbox().call_external(name, *args) def register(func_name, func): get_default_sandbox().register(func_name, func) def run(): get_default_sandbox().run()