import {setupAceEditorCompletions} from 'app/client/components/AceEditorCompletions'; import {colors} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import * as ace from 'brace'; import {dom, DomArg, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; export interface ACLFormulaOptions { initialValue: string; readOnly: boolean; placeholder: DomArg; setValue: (value: string) => void; getSuggestions: (prefix: string) => string[]; } export function aclFormulaEditor(options: ACLFormulaOptions) { // Create an element and an editor within it. const editorElem = dom('div'); const editor: ace.Editor = ace.edit(editorElem); // Set various editor options. editor.setTheme('ace/theme/chrome'); editor.setOptions({enableLiveAutocompletion: true}); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); // Default line numbers to hidden editor.renderer.setPadding(0); editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity; editor.setReadOnly(options.readOnly); editor.setFontSize('12'); editor.setHighlightActiveLine(false); const session = editor.getSession(); session.setMode('ace/mode/python'); session.setTabSize(2); session.setUseWrapMode(false); // Implement placeholder text since the version of ACE we use doesn't support one. const showPlaceholder = Observable.create(null, !options.initialValue.length); editor.renderer.scroller.appendChild( cssAcePlaceholder(, options.placeholder) ); editor.on("change", () => showPlaceholder.set(!editor.getValue().length)); async function getSuggestions(prefix: string) { return [ // The few Python keywords and constants we support. 'and', 'or', 'not', 'in', 'is', 'True', 'False', 'None', // The common variables. 'user', 'rec', // Other completions that depend on doc schema or other rules. ...options.getSuggestions(prefix), ]; } setupAceEditorCompletions(editor, {getSuggestions}); // Save on blur. editor.on("blur", () => options.setValue(editor.getValue())); // Blur (and save) on Enter key. editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'onEnter', bindKey: {win: 'Enter', mac: 'Enter'}, exec: () => editor.blur(), }); // Disable Tab/Shift+Tab commands to restore their regular behavior. (editor.commands as any).removeCommands(['indent', 'outdent']); function resize() { if (editor.renderer.lineHeight === 0) { // Reschedule the resize, since it's not ready yet. Seems to happen occasionally. setTimeout(resize, 50); } = 'auto'; = (Math.max(1, session.getScreenLength()) * editor.renderer.lineHeight) + 'px'; editor.resize(); } // Set the editor's initial value. editor.setValue(options.initialValue); // Resize the editor on change, and initially once it's attached to the page. editor.on('change', resize); setTimeout(resize, 0); return cssConditionInputAce( cssConditionInputAce.cls('-disabled', options.readOnly), dom.onDispose(() => editor.destroy()), editorElem, ); } const cssConditionInputAce = styled('div', ` width: 100%; min-height: 28px; padding: 5px 6px 5px 6px; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid transparent; cursor: pointer; &:hover { border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; } &:not(&-disabled):focus-within { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px ${colors.cursor}; border-color: ${colors.cursor}; } &:not(:focus-within) .ace_scroller, &-disabled .ace_scroller { cursor: unset; } &-disabled, &-disabled:hover { background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque}; box-shadow: unset; border-color: transparent; } &-disabled .ace-chrome { background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque}; } & .ace_marker-layer, & .ace_cursor-layer { display: none; } &:not(&-disabled) .ace_focus .ace_marker-layer, &:not(&-disabled) .ace_focus .ace_cursor-layer { display: block; } `); const cssAcePlaceholder = styled('div', ` opacity: 0.5; `);