import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {ColumnRec, DocModel} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {cssCode} from 'app/client/ui/DocTutorial'; import {withInfoTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips'; import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton, textButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {labeledSquareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox'; import {theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {cssModalBody, cssModalButtons, cssModalTitle, cssModalWidth, modal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {DocAction} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {cached} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {decodeObject, encodeObject} from 'app/plugin/objtypes'; import {dom, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'; const t = makeT('ReassignModal'); /** * Builds a modal that shows the user that they can't reassign records because of uniqueness * constraints on the Ref/RefList column. It shows the user the conflicts and provides option * to resolve the confilic and retry the change. * * Currently we support uniquness only on 2-way referenced columns. While it is techincally * possible to support it on plain Ref/RefList columns, the implementation assumes that we * have the reverse column somewhere and can use it to find the conflicts without building * a dedicated index. * * Mental model of data structure: * Left table: Owners * Columns: [Name, Pets: RefList(Pets)] * * Right table: Pets * Columns: [Name, Owner: Ref(Owners)] * * Actions that were send to the server were updating the Owners table. * * Note: They could affect multiple columns, not only the Pets column. */ export async function buildReassignModal(options: { docModel: DocModel, actions: DocAction[], }) { const {docModel, actions} = options; const tableRec = cached((tableId: string) => { return docModel.getTableModel(tableId).tableMetaRow; }); const columnRec = cached((tableId: string, colId: string) => { const result = tableRec(tableId).columns().all().find(c => c.colId() === colId); if (!result) { throw new Error(`Column ${colId} not found in table ${tableId}`); } return result; }); // Helper that gets records, but caches and copies them, so that we can amend them when needed. const amended = new Map(); const getRow = (tableId: string, rowId: number) => { const key = `${tableId}:${rowId}`; if (amended.has(key)) { return amended.get(key); } const tableData = docModel.getTableModel(tableId).tableData; const origRow = tableData.getRecord(rowId); if (!origRow) { return null; } const row = structuredClone(origRow); amended.set(key, row); return row; }; // Helper that returns name of the row (as seen in Ref editor). const rowDisplay = cached((tableId: string, rowId: number, colId: string) => { const col = columnRec(tableId, colId); // Name of the row (for 2-way reference) is the value of visible column in reverse table. const visibleCol = col.reverseColModel().visibleColModel().colId(); const record = getRow(tableId, rowId); return record?.[visibleCol] ?? String(rowId); }); // We will generate set of problems, and then explain it. class Problem { constructor(public data: { tableId: string, colRec: ColumnRec, revRec: ColumnRec, pointer: number, newRowId: number, oldRowId: number, }) {} public buildReason() { // Pets record Azor is already assigned to Owners record Bob. const {colRec, revRec, pointer, oldRowId} =; const Pets = revRec.table().tableNameDef(); const Owners = colRec.table().tableNameDef(); const Azor = rowDisplay(revRec.table().tableId(), pointer, revRec.colId()) as string; const Bob = rowDisplay(colRec.table().tableId(), oldRowId, colRec.colId()) as string; const text = t( `{{targetTable}} record {{targetName}} is already assigned to {{sourceTable}} record \ {{oldSourceName}}.`, { targetTable: cssCode(Pets), sourceTable: cssCode(Owners), targetName: cssName(Azor), oldSourceName: cssName(Bob), }); return cssBulletLine(text); } public buildHeader() { // Generally we try to show a text like this: // Each Pets record may only be assigned to a single Owners record. const {colRec, revRec} =; // Task is the name of the revRec table const Pets = revRec.table().tableNameDef(); const Owners = colRec.table().tableNameDef(); return cssHigherLine([ t(`Each {{targetTable}} record may only be assigned to a single {{sourceTable}} record.`, { targetTable: cssCode(Pets), sourceTable: cssCode(Owners), }) ]); } public fixUserAction() { // Fix action is the action that removes Task 17 from Bob. const tableId =; const colId =; const oldRowId =; const oldRecord = getRow(tableId, oldRowId); const oldValue = decodeObject(oldRecord[colId]); let newValue: any = Array.isArray(oldValue) ? oldValue.filter(v => v !== : 0; if (Array.isArray(newValue) && newValue.length === 0) { newValue = null; } oldRecord[colId] = encodeObject(newValue); return ['UpdateRecord', tableId, oldRowId, {[colId]: oldRecord[colId]}]; } public buildAction(checked: Observable, multiple: boolean = false) { // Shows a checkbox and explanation what can be done, checkbox has a text // Reassing to People record Ann // Reasing to new Poeple records. const {colRec, newRowId} =; const Ann = rowDisplay(colRec.table().tableId(), newRowId, colRec.colId()) as string; const singleText = () => t(`Reassign to {{sourceTable}} record {{sourceName}}.`, { sourceTable: cssCode(colRec.table().tableNameDef()), sourceName: cssName(Ann), }); const multiText = () => t(`Reassign to new {{sourceTable}} records.`, { sourceTable: cssCode(colRec.table().tableNameDef()), }); return cssCheckbox(checked, multiple ? multiText() : singleText()); } } // List of problems we found in actions. const problems: Problem[] = []; const uniqueColumns: ColumnRec[] = []; const newOwners = new Set(); // We will hold changes in references, so that we can clear the action itself. const newValues = new Map>(); const assignPet = (colId: string, petId: number, ownerId: number) => { if (!newValues.has(colId)) { newValues.set(colId, new Map()); } newValues.get(colId)!.set(petId, ownerId); }; const wasPetJustAssigned = (colId: string, petId: number) => { return newValues.has(colId) && newValues.get(colId)!.get(petId); }; const properActions = [] as DocAction[]; // Helper that unassigns a pet from the owner, by amanding the value stored in Ref/RefList column. function unassign(value: any, pet: number) { const newValue = decodeObject(value); const newValueArray = Array.isArray(newValue) ? newValue : [newValue] as any; const filteredOut = newValueArray.filter((v: any) => v !== pet); const wasArray = Array.isArray(newValue); if (wasArray) { if (newValueArray.length === 0) { return null; } return encodeObject(filteredOut); } else { return filteredOut[0] ?? null; } } // We will go one by one for each action (either update or add), we will flat bulk actions // and simulate applying them to the data, to test if the following actions won't produce // conflicts. for(const origAction of bulkToSingle(actions)) { const action = structuredClone(origAction); if (action[0] === 'UpdateRecord' || action[0] === 'AddRecord') { const ownersTable = action[1]; // this is same for each action. const newOwnerId = action[2]; newOwners.add(newOwnerId); const valuesInAction = action[3]; for(const colId of Object.keys(valuesInAction)) { // We are only interested in uqniue ref columns with reverse column. const petsCol = columnRec(ownersTable, colId); const ownerRevCol = petsCol.reverseColModel(); if (!ownerRevCol || ! { continue; } if (petsCol.reverseColModel().pureType() !== 'Ref') { continue; } const petsTable = ownerRevCol.table().tableId(); uniqueColumns.push(petsCol); // TODO: what it does // Prepare the data for testing, we will treat Ref as RefList to simplify the code. const newValue = decodeObject(valuesInAction[colId]); let petsAfter: number[] = Array.isArray(newValue) ? newValue : [newValue] as any; const prevValue = decodeObject(getRow(ownersTable, newOwnerId)?.[colId]) ?? []; const petsBefore: number[] = Array.isArray(prevValue) ? prevValue : [prevValue] as any; // The new owner will have new pets. We are only interested in a situation // where owner is assigned with a new pet, if pet was removed, we don't care as this // won't cause a conflict. petsAfter = petsAfter.filter(p => !petsBefore.includes(p)); if (petsAfter.length === 0) { continue; } // Now find current owners of the pets that will be assigned to the new owner. for(const pet of petsAfter) { // We will use data available in that other table (Pets). Notice that we assume, that // the reverse column (Owner in Pets) is Ref column. const oldOwner = getRow(petsTable, pet)?.[ownerRevCol.colId()] as number; // If the pet didn't have an owner previously, we don't care, we are fine reasigning it. if (!oldOwner || (typeof oldOwner !== 'number')) { // We ignore it, but there might be other actions that will try to move this pet // to other owner, so remember that one. // But before remembering, check if that hasn't happend already. const assignedTo = wasPetJustAssigned(petsCol.colId(), pet); if (assignedTo) { // We have two actions that will assign the same pet to two different owners. // We can't allow that, so we will remove this update from the action. valuesInAction[colId] = unassign(valuesInAction[colId], pet); } else { assignPet(colId, pet, newOwnerId); } } else { // If we will assign it to someone else in previous action, ignore this update. if (wasPetJustAssigned(petsCol.colId(), pet)) { valuesInAction[colId] = unassign(valuesInAction[colId], pet); continue; } else { assignPet(colId, pet, newOwnerId); problems.push(new Problem({ tableId: ownersTable, pointer: pet, colRec: petsCol, revRec: ownerRevCol, newRowId: newOwnerId, oldRowId: oldOwner, })); } } } } properActions.push(action); } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported action ${action[0]}`); } } if (!problems.length) { throw new Error('No problems found'); } const checked = Observable.create(null, false); const multipleOrNew = newOwners.size > 1 || newOwners.has(null); modal((ctl) => { const reassign = async () => { await docModel.docData.sendActions([ => p.fixUserAction()).filter(Boolean), ...properActions ]); ctl.close(); }; const configureReference = async () => { ctl.close(); if (!uniqueColumns.length) { return; } const revCol = uniqueColumns[0].reverseColModel(); const rawViewSection = revCol.table().rawViewSection(); if (!rawViewSection) { return; } await; const reverseColId = revCol.colId.peek(); if (!reverseColId) { return; } // might happen if it is censored. const targetField = rawViewSection.viewFields.peek().all() .find(f => f.colId.peek() === reverseColId); if (!targetField) { return; } await, targetField); await; await; }; return [ cssModalWidth('normal'), cssModalTitle(t('Record already assigned', {count: problems.length})), cssModalBody(() => { // Show single problem in a simple way. return dom('div', problems[0].buildHeader(), dom('div','margin-top', '18px'), dom('div', problems.slice(0, 4).map(p => p.buildReason())), problems.length <= 4 ? null : dom('div', `... and ${problems.length - 4} more`), dom('div', problems[0].buildAction(checked, multipleOrNew),'margin-top', '18px'), ), ), ); }), cssModalButtons('display', 'flex'),'justify-content', 'space-between'),'align-items', 'baseline'), dom.domComputed(checked, (v) => [ v ? bigPrimaryButton(t('Reassign'), dom.on('click', reassign)) : bigBasicButton(t('Cancel'), dom.on('click', () => ctl.close())), ]), dom('div', withInfoTooltip( textButton('Configure reference', dom.on('click', configureReference)), 'reasignTwoWayReference', ) ) ) ]; }); } /** * This function is used to traverse through the actions, and if there are bulk actions, it will * flatten them to equivalent single actions. */ function* bulkToSingle(actions: DocAction[]): Iterable { for(const a of actions) { if (a[0].startsWith('Bulk')) { const name = a[0].replace('Bulk', '') as 'AddRecord' | 'UpdateRecord'; const rowIds = a[2] as number[]; const tableId = a[1]; const colValues = a[3] as any; for (let i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) { yield [name, tableId, rowIds[i], mapValues(colValues, (values) => values[i])]; } } else { yield a; } } } const cssBulletLine = styled('div', ` margin-bottom: 8px; line-height: 22px; &::before { content: '•'; margin-right: 4px; color: ${theme.lightText}; } `); const cssHigherLine = styled('div', ` line-height: 22px; `); const cssName = (text: string) => dom('span', `"${text}"`); const cssCheckbox = styled(labeledSquareCheckbox, ` line-height: 22px; & > span { overflow: unset; /* make some room for cssCode */ } `);