import {ISuggestionWithValue} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI'; import * as ace from 'brace'; export interface ICompletionOptions { getSuggestions(prefix: string): Promise; } const completionOptions = new WeakMap(); export function setupAceEditorCompletions(editor: ace.Editor, options: ICompletionOptions) { initCustomCompleter(); completionOptions.set(editor, options); // Create Autocomplete object at this point so we can turn autoSelect off. // There doesn't seem to be any way to get ace to respect autoSelect otherwise. // It is important for autoSelect to be off so that hitting enter doesn't automatically // use a suggestion, a change of behavior that doesn't seem particularly desirable and // which also breaks several existing tests. const {Autocomplete} = ace.acequire('ace/autocomplete'); // lives in brace/ext/language_tools const completer = new Autocomplete(); completer.autoSelect = false; (editor as any).completer = completer; // Used in the patches below. Returns true if the client should fetch fresh completions from the server, // as it may have new suggestions that aren't currently shown. completer._gristShouldRefreshCompletions = function(this: any, start: any) { // These two lines are based on updateCompletions() in the ace autocomplete source code. const end = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); const prefix: string = this.editor.session.getTextRange({start, end}).toLowerCase(); return ( prefix.endsWith(".") || // to get fresh attributes of references prefix.endsWith(".lookupone(") || // to get initial argument suggestions prefix.endsWith(".lookuprecords(") ); }.bind(completer); // Patch updateCompletions and insertMatch so that fresh completions are fetched when appropriate. const originalUpdate = completer.updateCompletions.bind(completer); completer.updateCompletions = function(this: any, keepPopupPosition: boolean) { // This next line is copied from updateCompletions() in the ace autocomplete source code. if (keepPopupPosition && this.base && this.completions) { // When we need fresh completions, prevent this same block from running // in the original updateCompletions() function. Otherwise it will just keep any remaining completions that match, // or not show any completions at all. if (this._gristShouldRefreshCompletions(this.base)) { this.completions = null; } } return originalUpdate(keepPopupPosition); }.bind(completer); // Similar patch to the above. const originalInsertMatch = completer.insertMatch.bind(completer); completer.insertMatch = function(this: any) { const base = this.base; // this.base may become null after the next line, save it now. const result = originalInsertMatch.apply(...arguments); if (this._gristShouldRefreshCompletions(base)) { this.showPopup(this.editor); } return result; }.bind(completer); aceCompleterAddHelpLinks(completer); // Explicitly destroy the auto-completer on disposal, since it doesn't not remove the element // it adds to body even when it detaches itself. Ace's AutoCompleter doesn't expose any // interface for this, so this takes some hacking. (One reason for this is that Ace seems to // expect that a single AutoCompleter would be used for all editor instances.) editor.on('destroy', () => { if (completer.editor) { completer.detach(); } if (completer.popup) { completer.popup.destroy(); // This is not enough, but seems relevant to call. completer.popup.container.remove(); // Removes the element from DOM. } }); } let _initialized = false; function initCustomCompleter() { if (_initialized) { return; } _initialized = true; // The default regex just matches identifiers. We expand it to include periods (to capture // attributes) and "$", for Grist column names. In addition, we autocomplete lookup formulas // with the function name, to give suggestions for lookup keyword arguments. const prefixMatchRegex = /\w+\.(?:lookupRecords|lookupOne)\([\w.$\u00A2-\uFFFF]*$|[\w.$\u00A2-\uFFFF]+$/; // Monkey-patch getCompletionPrefix. This is based on the source code in // node_modules/brace/ext/language_tools.js, simplified to do the one thing we want here (since // the original method's generality doesn't help us here). const util = ace.acequire('ace/autocomplete/util'); // lives in brace/ext/language_tools util.getCompletionPrefix = function getCompletionPrefix(this: any, editor: ace.Editor) { const pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); const line = editor.session.getLine(pos.row); const match = line.slice(0, pos.column).match(prefixMatchRegex); return match ? match[0] : ""; }; // Add some autocompletion with partial access to document const aceLanguageTools = ace.acequire('ace/ext/language_tools'); aceLanguageTools.setCompleters([]); aceLanguageTools.addCompleter({ // For autocompletion we ship text to the sandbox and run standard completion there. async getCompletions( editor: ace.Editor, session: ace.IEditSession, pos: ace.Position, prefix: string, callback: any ) { const options = completionOptions.get(editor); if (!options || prefix.length === 0) { callback(null, []); return; } const suggestions = await options.getSuggestions(prefix); // ACE autocompletions are very poorly documented. This is somewhat helpful: // const completions: AceSuggestion[] = => { const [suggestion, example] = suggestionWithValue; if (Array.isArray(suggestion)) { const [funcname, argSpec] = suggestion; return { value: funcname + '(', caption: funcname + argSpec, score: 1, example, funcname, }; } else { return { value: suggestion, caption: suggestion, score: 1, example, funcname: '', }; } }); // For suggestions with example values, calculate the 'shared padding', i.e. // the minimum width in characters that all suggestions should fill // (before adding 'base padding') so that the examples are aligned. const captionLengths = completions.filter(c => c.example).map(c => c.caption.length); const sharedPadding = Math.min( Math.min(...captionLengths) + MAX_RELATIVE_SHARED_PADDING, Math.max(...captionLengths), MAX_ABSOLUTE_SHARED_PADDING, ); // Add the padding spaces and example values to the captions. for (const c of completions) { if (!c.example) { continue; } const numSpaces = Math.max(0, sharedPadding - c.caption.length) + BASE_PADDING; c.caption = c.caption + ' '.repeat(numSpaces) + c.example; } callback(null, completions); }, }); } // Regardless of other suggestions, always add this many spaces between the caption and the example. const BASE_PADDING = 8; // In addition to the base padding, there's shared padding, which is the minimum number of spaces // that all suggestions should fill so that the examples are aligned. // However, one extremely long suggestion shouldn't result in huge padding for all suggestions. // To mitigate this, there are two limits on the shared padding. // The first limit is relative to the shortest caption in the suggestions. // So if all the suggestions are similarly long, there will still be some shared padding. const MAX_RELATIVE_SHARED_PADDING = 15; // The second limit is absolute, so that even if all suggestions are long, we don't run out of popup space. const MAX_ABSOLUTE_SHARED_PADDING = 40; // Suggestion objects that are passed to ace. interface AceSuggestion { value: string; // the actual value inserted by the autocomplete caption: string; // the value displayed in the popup score: number; // Custom attributes used only by us example: string | null; // example value of the suggestion to show on the right funcname: string; // name of a function to link to in documentation } /** * When autocompleting a known function (with funcname received from the server call), turn the * function name into a link to Grist documentation. * * This is only applied for items returned from getCompletions() that include a our custom * `funcname` attribute. * * ACE autocomplete is poorly documented, and poorly customizable, so this is accomplished by * monkey-patching it. Further, the only text styling is done via styled tokens, but we can style * them to look like links, and handle clicks to open the destination URL. * * This implementation relies a lot on the details of the implementation in * node_modules/brace/ext/language_tools.js. Updates to brace module may easily break it. */ function aceCompleterAddHelpLinks(completer: any) { // Replace the $init function in order to intercept the creation of the autocomplete popup. const init = completer.$init; completer.$init = function() { const popup = init.apply(this, arguments); customizeAceCompleterPopup(this, popup); return popup; }; } function customizeAceCompleterPopup(completer: any, popup: any) { // Replace the $tokenizeRow function to produce customized tokens to style the link part. const origTokenize = popup.session.bgTokenizer.$tokenizeRow; popup.session.bgTokenizer.$tokenizeRow = function(row: any) { const tokens = origTokenize(row); return retokenizeAceCompleterRow([row], tokens); }; // Replace the click handler with one that handles link clicks. popup.removeAllListeners("click"); popup.on("click", function(e: any) { if (!maybeAceCompleterLinkClick(e.domEvent)) { completer.insertMatch(); } e.stop(); }); } interface TokenInfo extends ace.TokenInfo { type: string; } function retokenizeAceCompleterRow(rowData: AceSuggestion, tokens: TokenInfo[]): TokenInfo[] { if (!(rowData.funcname || rowData.example)) { // Not a special completion, pass through the result of ACE's original tokenizing. return tokens; } // ACE's original tokenizer splits rowData.caption into tokens to highlight matching portions. // We jump in, and further divide the tokens so that those that form the link get an extra CSS // class. ACE's will turn token.type into CSS classes by splitting the type on "." and prefixing // the resulting substrings with "ace_". // Funcname may be the recognized name itself (e.g. "UPPER"), or a method (like // "Table1.lookupOne"), in which case only the portion after the dot is the recognized name. // Figure out the portion that should be linkified. const dot = rowData.funcname.lastIndexOf("."); const linkStart = dot < 0 ? 0 : dot + 1; const linkEnd = rowData.funcname.length; const newTokens = []; // Include into new tokens a special token that will be hidden, but include the link URL. On // click, we find it to know what URL to open. const href = '' + rowData.funcname.slice(linkStart, linkEnd).toLowerCase(); newTokens.push({value: href, type: 'grist_link_hidden'}); // Find where the example value (if any) starts, so that it can be shown in grey. let exampleStart: number | undefined; if (rowData.example) { if (!rowData.caption.endsWith(rowData.example)) { // Just being cautious, this shouldn't happen. console.warn(`Example "${rowData.example}" does not match caption "${rowData.caption}"`); } else { exampleStart = rowData.caption.length - rowData.example.length; } } // Go through tokens, splitting them if needed, and modifying those that form the link part. let position = 0; for (const t of tokens) { if (exampleStart && position + t.value.length > exampleStart) { // Ensure that all text after `exampleStart` has the type 'grist_example'. // Don't combine that type with the existing type, because ace highlights weirdly sometimes // and it's best to just override that. const end = exampleStart - position; if (end > 0) { newTokens.push({value: t.value.slice(0, end), type: t.type}); newTokens.push({value: t.value.slice(end), type: 'grist_example'}); } else { newTokens.push({value: t.value, type: 'grist_example'}); } } else { // Handle links to documentation. // lStart/lEnd are indices of the link within the token, possibly negative. const lStart = linkStart - position, lEnd = linkEnd - position; if (lStart > 0) { const beforeLink = t.value.slice(0, lStart); newTokens.push({value: beforeLink, type: t.type}); } if (lEnd > 0) { const inLink = t.value.slice(Math.max(0, lStart), lEnd); const newType = t.type + (t.type ? '.' : '') + 'grist_link'; newTokens.push({value: inLink, type: newType}); if (lEnd < t.value.length) { const afterLink = t.value.slice(lEnd); newTokens.push({value: afterLink, type: t.type}); } } else { newTokens.push(t); } } position += t.value.length; } return newTokens; } // On any click on AceCompleter popup, we check if we happened to click .ace_grist_link class. If // so, we should be able to find the URL and open another window to it. function maybeAceCompleterLinkClick(domEvent: Event) { const tgt = as HTMLElement; if (tgt && tgt.matches('.ace_grist_link')) { const dest = tgt.parentElement?.querySelector('.ace_grist_link_hidden'); if (dest) {!, "_blank"); return true; } } return false; }