import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError'; import {buildColFilter} from 'app/common/ColumnFilterFunc'; import {TableDataAction, TableDataActionSet} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {DocData} from 'app/common/DocData'; import {DocumentSettings} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings'; import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil'; import {nativeCompare} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {isTableCensored} from 'app/common/isHiddenTable'; import {buildRowFilter} from 'app/common/RowFilterFunc'; import {schema, SchemaTypes} from 'app/common/schema'; import {SortFunc} from 'app/common/SortFunc'; import {Sort} from 'app/common/SortSpec'; import {MetaRowRecord, MetaTableData} from 'app/common/TableData'; import {BaseFormatter, createFullFormatterFromDocData} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter'; import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc'; import {RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer'; import {docSessionFromRequest} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession'; import {optIntegerParam, optJsonParam, stringParam} from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils'; import {ServerColumnGetters} from 'app/server/lib/ServerColumnGetters'; import * as express from 'express'; import * as _ from 'underscore'; // Helper type for Cell Accessor type Access = (row: number) => any; // Interface to document data used from an exporter worker thread (workerExporter.ts). Note that // parameters and returned values are plain data that can be passed over a MessagePort. export interface ActiveDocSource { getDocName(): Promise; fetchMetaTables(): Promise; fetchTable(tableId: string): Promise; } // Implementation of ActiveDocSource using an ActiveDoc directly. export class ActiveDocSourceDirect implements ActiveDocSource { private _req: RequestWithLogin; constructor(private _activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: express.Request) { this._req = req as RequestWithLogin; } public async getDocName() { return this._activeDoc.docName; } public fetchMetaTables() { return this._activeDoc.fetchMetaTables(docSessionFromRequest(this._req)); } public async fetchTable(tableId: string) { const {tableData} = await this._activeDoc.fetchTable(docSessionFromRequest(this._req), tableId, true); return tableData; } } // Helper interface with information about the column export interface ExportColumn { id: number; colId: string; label: string; type: string; formatter: BaseFormatter; parentPos: number; description: string; } /** * Bare data that is exported - used to convert to various formats. */ export interface ExportData { /** * Table name or table id. */ tableName: string; /** * Document name. */ docName: string; /** * Row ids (filtered and sorted). */ rowIds: number[]; /** * Accessor for value in a column. */ access: Access[]; /** * Columns information (primary used for formatting). */ columns: ExportColumn[]; /** * Document settings */ docSettings: DocumentSettings; } /** * Export parameters that identifies a section, filters, sort order. */ export interface ExportParameters { tableId: string; // Value of '' is an instruction to export all tables. viewSectionId?: number; sortOrder?: number[]; filters?: Filter[]; } /** * Options parameters for CSV and XLSX export functions. */ export interface DownloadOptions extends ExportParameters { filename: string; } /** * Gets export parameters from a request. */ export function parseExportParameters(req: express.Request): ExportParameters { const tableId = stringParam(req.query.tableId, 'tableId'); const viewSectionId = optIntegerParam(req.query.viewSection); const sortOrder = optJsonParam(req.query.activeSortSpec, []) as number[]; const filters: Filter[] = optJsonParam(req.query.filters, []); return { tableId, viewSectionId, sortOrder, filters, }; } // Helper for getting filtered metadata tables. async function getMetaTables(activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource): Promise { return safe(await activeDocSource.fetchMetaTables(), "No metadata available in active document"); } // Makes assertion that value does exist or throws an error function safe(value: T, msg: string) { if (!value) { throw new ApiError(msg, 404); } return value as NonNullable; } // Helper for getting table from filtered metadata. function safeTable(metaTables: TableDataActionSet, tableId: TableId) { const table = safe(metaTables[tableId], `No table '${tableId}' in document`); const colTypes = safe(schema[tableId], `No table '${tableId}' in document schema`); return new MetaTableData(tableId, table, colTypes); } // Helper for getting record safely: it throws if the record is missing. function safeRecord(table: MetaTableData, id: number) { return safe(table.getRecord(id), `No record ${id} in table ${table.tableId}`); } // Check that tableRef points to an uncensored table, or throw otherwise. function checkTableAccess(tables: MetaTableData<"_grist_Tables">, tableRef: number): void { if (isTableCensored(tables, tableRef)) { throw new ApiError(`Cannot find or access table`, 404); } } /** * Builds export for all raw tables that are in doc. */ export async function doExportDoc( activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, handleTable: (data: ExportData) => Promise, ): Promise { const metaTables = await getMetaTables(activeDocSource); const tables = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Tables'); // select raw tables const tableRefs = tables.filterRowIds({ summarySourceTable: 0 }); for (const tableRef of tableRefs) { if (!isTableCensored(tables, tableRef)) { // Omit censored tables const data = await doExportTable(activeDocSource, {metaTables, tableRef}); await handleTable(data); } } } /** * Builds export data for section that can be used to produce files in various formats (csv, xlsx). */ export async function exportTable( activeDoc: ActiveDoc, tableRef: number, req: express.Request, {metaTables}: {metaTables?: TableDataActionSet} = {}, ): Promise { return doExportTable(new ActiveDocSourceDirect(activeDoc, req), {metaTables, tableRef}); } export async function doExportTable( activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, options: {metaTables?: TableDataActionSet, tableRef?: number, tableId?: string}, ) { const metaTables = options.metaTables || await getMetaTables(activeDocSource); const docData = new DocData((tableId) => { throw new Error("Unexpected DocData fetch"); }, metaTables); const tables = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Tables'); const metaColumns = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Tables_column'); let tableRef: number; if (options.tableRef) { tableRef = options.tableRef; } else { if (!options.tableId) { throw new Error('doExportTable: tableRef or tableId must be given'); } tableRef = tables.findRow('tableId', options.tableId); if (tableRef === 0) { throw new ApiError(`Table ${options.tableId} not found.`, 404); } } checkTableAccess(tables, tableRef); const table = safeRecord(tables, tableRef); // Select only columns that belong to this table. const tableColumns = metaColumns.filterRecords({parentId: tableRef}) // sort by parentPos and id, which should be the same order as in raw data .sort((c1, c2) => nativeCompare(c1.parentPos, c2.parentPos) || nativeCompare(,; // Produce a column description matching what user will see / expect to export const columns: ExportColumn[] = tableColumns .filter(tc => !gristTypes.isHiddenCol(tc.colId)) // Exclude helpers .map(tc => { // for reference columns, return display column, and copy settings from visible column const displayCol = metaColumns.getRecord(tc.displayCol) || tc; return { id:, colId: displayCol.colId, label: tc.label, type: tc.type, formatter: createFullFormatterFromDocData(docData,, parentPos: tc.parentPos, description: tc.description, }; }); // fetch actual data const tableData = await activeDocSource.fetchTable(table.tableId); const rowIds = tableData[2]; const dataByColId = tableData[3]; // sort rows const getters = new ServerColumnGetters(rowIds, dataByColId, columns); // create cell accessors const access = => getters.getColGetter(!); let tableName = table.tableId; // since tables ids are not very friendly, borrow name from a primary view if (table.primaryViewId) { const viewId = table.primaryViewId; const views = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Views'); const view = safeRecord(views, viewId); tableName =; } const docInfo = safeRecord(safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_DocInfo'), 1); const docSettings = gutil.safeJsonParse(docInfo.documentSettings, {}); const exportData: ExportData = { tableName, docName: await activeDocSource.getDocName(), rowIds, access, columns, docSettings }; return exportData; } /** * Builds export data for section that can be used to produce files in various formats (csv, xlsx). */ export async function exportSection( activeDoc: ActiveDoc, viewSectionId: number, sortSpec: Sort.SortSpec | null, filters: Filter[] | null, req: express.Request, {metaTables}: {metaTables?: TableDataActionSet} = {}, ): Promise { return doExportSection(new ActiveDocSourceDirect(activeDoc, req), viewSectionId, sortSpec, filters, {metaTables}); } export async function doExportSection( activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, viewSectionId: number, sortSpec: Sort.SortSpec | null, filters: Filter[] | null, {metaTables}: {metaTables?: TableDataActionSet} = {}, ): Promise { metaTables = metaTables || await getMetaTables(activeDocSource); const docData = new DocData((tableId) => { throw new Error("Unexpected DocData fetch"); }, metaTables); const viewSections = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Views_section'); const viewSection = safeRecord(viewSections, viewSectionId); safe(viewSection.tableRef, `Cannot find or access table`); const tables = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Tables'); checkTableAccess(tables, viewSection.tableRef); const table = safeRecord(tables, viewSection.tableRef); const metaColumns = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Tables_column'); const columns = metaColumns.filterRecords({parentId:}); const viewSectionFields = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Views_section_field'); const fields = viewSectionFields.filterRecords({parentId:}); const savedFilters = safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_Filters') .filterRecords({viewSectionRef:}); const fieldsByColRef = _.indexBy(fields, 'colRef'); const savedFiltersByColRef = _.indexBy(savedFilters, 'colRef'); const unsavedFiltersByColRef = _.indexBy(filters ?? [], 'colRef'); // Produce a column description matching what user will see / expect to export const viewify = (col: GristTablesColumn, field?: GristViewsSectionField): ExportColumn => { const displayCol = metaColumns.getRecord(field?.displayCol || col.displayCol) || col; return { id:, colId: displayCol.colId, label: col.label, type: col.type, formatter: createFullFormatterFromDocData(docData,, field?.id), parentPos: col.parentPos, description: col.description, }; }; const buildFilters = (col: GristTablesColumn, field?: GristViewsSectionField) => { const filterString = unsavedFiltersByColRef[]?.filter || savedFiltersByColRef[]?.filter; const filterFunc = buildColFilter(filterString, col.type); return { filterFunc, id:, colId: col.colId, type: col.type, }; }; const columnsForFilters = columns .filter(column => !gristTypes.isHiddenCol(column.colId)) .map(column => buildFilters(column, fieldsByColRef[])); const viewColumns: ExportColumn[] = _.sortBy(fields, 'parentPos') .map((field) => viewify(metaColumns.getRecord(field.colRef)!, field)); // The columns named in sort order need to now become display columns sortSpec = sortSpec || gutil.safeJsonParse(viewSection.sortColRefs, []); sortSpec = sortSpec!.map((colSpec) => { const colRef = Sort.getColRef(colSpec); const col = metaColumns.getRecord(colRef); if (!col) { return 0; } const effectiveColRef = viewify(col, fieldsByColRef[colRef]).id; return Sort.swapColRef(colSpec, effectiveColRef); }); // fetch actual data const tableData = await activeDocSource.fetchTable(table.tableId); let rowIds = tableData[2]; const dataByColId = tableData[3]; // sort rows const getters = new ServerColumnGetters(rowIds, dataByColId, columns); const sorter = new SortFunc(getters); sorter.updateSpec(sortSpec); rowIds.sort((a, b) =>, b)); // create cell accessors const tableAccess = => getters.getColGetter(!); // create row filter based on all columns filter const rowFilter = columnsForFilters .map((col, c) => buildRowFilter(tableAccess[c], col.filterFunc)) .reduce((prevFilter, curFilter) => (id) => prevFilter(id) && curFilter(id), () => true); // filter rows numbers rowIds = rowIds.filter(rowFilter); const docInfo = safeRecord(safeTable(metaTables, '_grist_DocInfo'), 1); const docSettings = gutil.safeJsonParse(docInfo.documentSettings, {}); const exportData: ExportData = { rowIds, docSettings, tableName: table.tableId, docName: await activeDocSource.getDocName(), access: => getters.getColGetter(!), columns: viewColumns }; return exportData; } type GristViewsSectionField = MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Views_section_field'> type GristTablesColumn = MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables_column'> // Type for filters passed from the client export interface Filter { colRef: number, filter: string }