#!/bin/bash # This runs browser tests with the server started using docker, to # catch any configuration problems. # Run with MOCHA_WEBDRIVER_HEADLESS=1 for headless operation. # Run with DEBUG=1 for server logs. # Settings for script robustness set -o pipefail # trace ERR through pipes set -o nounset # same as set -u : treat unset variables as an error set -o errtrace # same as set -E: inherit ERR trap in functions set -o errexit # same as set -e: exit on command failures trap 'cleanup' EXIT trap 'echo "Exiting on SIGINT"; exit 1' INT trap 'echo "Exiting on SIGTERM"; exit 1' TERM PORT=8585 DOCKER_CONTAINER=grist-core-test DOCKER_PID="" cleanup() { return_value=$? docker rm -f $DOCKER_CONTAINER if [ -n "$DOCKER_PID" ]; then wait $DOCKER_PID || echo "docker container gone" fi echo "Cleaned up docker container, bye." exit $return_value } GRIST_LOG_LEVEL="error" if [[ "${DEBUG:-}" == 1 ]]; then GRIST_LOG_LEVEL="" fi docker run --name $DOCKER_CONTAINER --rm \ --env VERBOSE=${DEBUG:-} \ -p $PORT:$PORT --env PORT=$PORT \ --env GRIST_SESSION_COOKIE=grist_test_cookie \ --env GRIST_TEST_LOGIN=1 \ --env GRIST_LOG_LEVEL=$GRIST_LOG_LEVEL \ --env GRIST_LOG_SKIP_HTTP=${DEBUG:-false} \ --env TEST_SUPPORT_API_KEY=api_key_for_support \ ${TEST_IMAGE:-gristlabs/grist} & DOCKER_PID="$!" echo "[waiting for server]" while true; do curl -s http://localhost:$PORT/status && break sleep 1 done echo "" echo "[server found]" MOCHA=mocha # Test if we have mocha available as a command if ! type $MOCHA > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Mocha not found, using from ./node_modules/.bin/mocha" MOCHA=./node_modules/.bin/mocha fi TEST_ADD_SAMPLES=1 TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=not-needed \ HOME_URL=http://localhost:8585 \ GRIST_SESSION_COOKIE=grist_test_cookie \ GRIST_TEST_LOGIN=1 \ NODE_PATH=_build:_build/stubs \ $MOCHA _build/test/nbrowser/*.js "$@"