import {BrowserSettings} from 'app/common/BrowserSettings'; import {DocumentUsage} from 'app/common/DocUsage'; import {Role} from 'app/common/roles'; import {FullUser} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {Document} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Document'; import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc'; import {Authorizer, getUser, getUserId, RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer'; import {Client} from 'app/server/lib/Client'; /** * OptDocSession allows for certain ActiveDoc operations to work with or without an open document. * It is useful in particular for actions when importing a file to create a new document. */ export interface OptDocSession { client: Client|null; shouldBundleActions?: boolean; linkId?: number; browserSettings?: BrowserSettings; req?: RequestWithLogin; // special permissions for creating, plugins, system, and share access mode?: 'nascent'|'plugin'|'system'|'share'; authorizer?: Authorizer; forkingAsOwner?: boolean; // Set if it is appropriate in a pre-fork state to become an owner. } export function makeOptDocSession(client: Client|null, browserSettings?: BrowserSettings): OptDocSession { if (client && !browserSettings) { browserSettings = client.browserSettings; } if (client && browserSettings && !browserSettings.locale) { browserSettings.locale = client.locale; } return {client, browserSettings}; } /** * Create an OptDocSession with special access rights. * - nascent: user is treated as owner (because doc is being created) * - plugin: user is treated as editor (because plugin access control is crude) * - system: user is treated as owner (because of some operation bypassing access control) */ export function makeExceptionalDocSession(mode: 'nascent'|'plugin'|'system'|'share', options: {client?: Client, req?: RequestWithLogin, browserSettings?: BrowserSettings} = {}): OptDocSession { const docSession = makeOptDocSession(options.client || null, options.browserSettings); docSession.mode = mode; docSession.req = options.req; return docSession; } /** * Create an OptDocSession from a request. Request should have user and doc access * middleware. */ export function docSessionFromRequest(req: RequestWithLogin): OptDocSession { return {client: null, req}; } /** * DocSession objects maintain information for a single session<->doc instance. */ export class DocSession implements OptDocSession { /** * Flag to indicate that user actions 'bundle' process is started and in progress (`true`), * otherwise it's `false` */ public shouldBundleActions?: boolean; /** * Indicates the actionNum of the previously applied action * to which the first action in actions should be linked. * Linked actions appear as one action and can be undone/redone in a single step. */ public linkId?: number; public forkingAsOwner?: boolean; constructor( public readonly activeDoc: ActiveDoc, public readonly client: Client, public readonly fd: number, public readonly authorizer: Authorizer ) {} // Browser settings (like timezone) obtained from the Client. public get browserSettings(): BrowserSettings { return this.client.browserSettings; } } /** * Extract userId from OptDocSession. Use Authorizer if available (for web socket * sessions), or get it from the Request if that is available (for rest api calls), * or from the Client if that is available. Returns null if userId information is * not available or not cached. */ export function getDocSessionUserId(docSession: OptDocSession): number|null { if (docSession.authorizer) { return docSession.authorizer.getUserId(); } if (docSession.req) { return getUserId(docSession.req); } if (docSession.client) { return docSession.client.getCachedUserId(); } return null; } export function getDocSessionAltSessionId(docSession: OptDocSession): string|null { if (docSession.req) { return docSession.req.altSessionId || null; } if (docSession.client) { return docSession.client.getAltSessionId() || null; } return null; } /** * Get as much of user profile as we can (id, name, email). */ export function getDocSessionUser(docSession: OptDocSession): FullUser|null { if (docSession.authorizer) { return docSession.authorizer.getUser(); } if (docSession.req) { const user = getUser(docSession.req); const email = user.loginEmail; if (email) { return {id:, name:, email, ref: user.ref, locale: user.options?.locale}; } } if (docSession.client) { const id = docSession.client.getCachedUserId(); const ref = docSession.client.getCachedUserRef(); const profile = docSession.client.getProfile(); if (id && profile) { return { id, ref, ...profile }; } } return null; } /** * Extract user's role from OptDocSession. Method depends on whether using web * sockets or rest api. Assumes that access has already been checked by wrappers * for api methods and that cached access information is therefore available. */ export function getDocSessionAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Role { // "nascent" DocSessions are for when a document is being created, and user is // its only owner as yet. // "system" DocSessions are for access without access control. if (docSession.mode === 'nascent' || docSession.mode === 'system') { return 'owners'; } // "plugin" DocSessions are for access from plugins, which is currently quite crude, // and granted only to editors. if (docSession.mode === 'plugin') { return 'editors'; } if (docSession.authorizer) { const access = docSession.authorizer.getCachedAuth().access; if (!access) { throw new Error('getDocSessionAccess expected authorizer.getCachedAuth'); } return access; } if (docSession.req) { const access = docSession.req.docAuth?.access; if (!access) { throw new Error('getDocSessionAccess expected req.docAuth.access'); } return access; } throw new Error('getDocSessionAccess could not find access information in DocSession'); } export function getDocSessionShare(docSession: OptDocSession): string|null { return _getCachedDoc(docSession)?.linkId || null; } /** * Get document usage seen in db when we were last checking document * access. Not necessarily a live value when using a websocket * (although we do recheck access periodically). */ export function getDocSessionUsage(docSession: OptDocSession): DocumentUsage|null { return _getCachedDoc(docSession)?.usage || null; } export function _getCachedDoc(docSession: OptDocSession): Document|null { if (docSession.authorizer) { return docSession.authorizer.getCachedAuth().cachedDoc || null; } if (docSession.req) { return docSession.req.docAuth?.cachedDoc || null; } return null; } export function getDocSessionAccessOrNull(docSession: OptDocSession): Role|null { try { return getDocSessionAccess(docSession); } catch (err) { return null; } } /** * Get cached information about the document, if available. May be stale. */ export function getDocSessionCachedDoc(docSession: OptDocSession): Document|undefined { return (docSession.req as RequestWithLogin)?.docAuth?.cachedDoc; }