var _ = require('underscore'); var ko = require('knockout'); var dispose = require('../lib/dispose'); var dom = require('../lib/dom'); var kd = require('../lib/koDom'); var kf = require('../lib/koForm'); var koArray = require('../lib/koArray'); var SummaryConfig = require('./SummaryConfig'); var commands = require('./commands'); var {CustomSectionElement} = require('../lib/CustomSectionElement'); const {buildChartConfigDom} = require('./ChartView'); const {Computed, dom: grainjsDom, makeTestId, Observable, styled} = require('grainjs'); const {addToSort, flipColDirection, parseSortColRefs} = require('app/client/lib/sortUtil'); const {reorderSortRefs, updatePositions} = require('app/client/lib/sortUtil'); const {attachColumnFilterMenu} = require('app/client/ui/ColumnFilterMenu'); const {addFilterMenu} = require('app/client/ui/FilterBar'); const {cssIcon, cssRow} = require('app/client/ui/RightPanel'); const {VisibleFieldsConfig} = require('app/client/ui/VisibleFieldsConfig'); const {basicButton, primaryButton} = require('app/client/ui2018/buttons'); const {colors} = require('app/client/ui2018/cssVars'); const {cssDragger} = require('app/client/ui2018/draggableList'); const {menu, menuItem, select} = require('app/client/ui2018/menus'); const {confirmModal} = require('app/client/ui2018/modals'); const isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual'); const {cssMenuItem} = require('popweasel'); const testId = makeTestId('test-vconfigtab-'); /** * Helper class that combines one ViewSection's data for building dom. */ function ViewSectionData(section) { this.section = section; // A koArray reflecting the columns (RowModels) that are not present in the current view. this.hiddenFields = this.autoDispose(koArray.syncedKoArray(section.hiddenColumns)); } dispose.makeDisposable(ViewSectionData); function ViewConfigTab(options) { var self = this; this.gristDoc = options.gristDoc; this.viewModel = options.viewModel; // viewModel may point to different views, but viewSectionData is a single koArray reflecting // the sections of the current view. this.viewSectionData = this.autoDispose( koArray.syncedKoArray(this.viewModel.viewSections, function(section) { return ViewSectionData.create(section); }) .setAutoDisposeValues() ); this.activeSectionData = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(function() { return _.find(self.viewSectionData.all(), function(sectionData) { return sectionData.section && sectionData.section.getRowId() === self.viewModel.activeSectionId(); }) ||; })); this.isDetail = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(function() { return ['detail', 'single'].includes(this.viewModel.activeSection().parentKey()); }, this)); this.isChart = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(function() { return this.viewModel.activeSection().parentKey() === 'chart';}, this)); this.isGrid = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(function() { return this.viewModel.activeSection().parentKey() === 'record';}, this)); this.isCustom = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(function() { return this.viewModel.activeSection().parentKey() === 'custom';}, this)); this._summaryConfig = this.autoDispose(SummaryConfig.create({ gristDoc: this.gristDoc, section: this.viewModel.activeSection })); if (!options.skipDomBuild) { this.gristDoc.addOptionsTab( 'View', dom('span.glyphicon.glyphicon-credit-card'), this.buildConfigDomObj(), { 'category': 'options', 'show': this.activeSectionData } ); } } dispose.makeDisposable(ViewConfigTab); function getLabelFunc(field) { return field ? field.label() : null; } ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildSectionFieldsConfig = function() { var self = this; return kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, function(sectionData) { const visibleFieldsConfig = VisibleFieldsConfig.create(null, self.gristDoc, sectionData.section, false); const [fieldsDraggable, hiddenFieldsDraggable] = visibleFieldsConfig.buildSectionFieldsConfigHelper({ visibleFields: { itemCreateFunc: getLabelFunc }, hiddenFields: {itemCreateFunc: getLabelFunc } }); return dom('div', dom.autoDispose(visibleFieldsConfig), kf.collapsible(function(isCollapsed) { return [ kf.collapserLabel(isCollapsed, 'Visible Fields', kd.toggleClass('view_config_field_group', true)), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_visibleFields'), fieldsDraggable, ]; }, false), kf.collapsible(function(isCollapsed) { return [ kf.collapserLabel(isCollapsed, 'Hidden Fields', kd.toggleClass('view_config_field_group', true)), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_hiddenFields'), hiddenFieldsDraggable, ]; }, false), ); }); }; // Builds object with ViewConfigTab dom builder and settings for the sidepane. ViewConfigTab.prototype.buildConfigDomObj = function() { return [{ 'buildDom': this._buildNameDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['view', 'name', 'title'] }, { 'buildDom': this._buildSectionNameDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'viewsection', 'name', 'title'] }, { 'buildDom': this._buildAdvancedSettingsDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['table', 'demand', 'ondemand', 'big'] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Summarize', 'showObs': this._summaryConfig.isSummarySection, 'items': [{ 'buildDom': () => this._summaryConfig.buildSummaryConfigDom(), 'keywords': ['section', 'summary', 'summarize', 'group', 'breakdown'] }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Sort', 'items': [{ 'buildDom': this.buildSortDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'sort', 'order'] }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Filter', 'items': [{ 'buildDom': this._buildFilterDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'filters'] }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Link Sections', 'items': [{ 'buildDom': this._buildLinkDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'view', 'linking', 'edit', 'autoscroll', 'autofilter'] }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Customize Detail View', 'showObs': this.isDetail, 'items': [{ 'buildDom': this._buildDetailTypeDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'detail'] }, { 'buildDom': this._buildThemeDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'theme', 'appearance', 'detail'] }, { 'buildDom': this._buildLayoutDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'layout', 'arrangement', 'rearrange'] }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Customize Grid View', 'showObs': this.isGrid, 'items': [{ 'buildDom': this._buildGridStyleDom.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'zebra', 'stripe', 'appearance', 'grid', 'gridlines', 'style', 'border'] }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Chart', 'showObs': this.isChart, 'items': [{ 'buildDom': () => this._buildChartConfigDom() }] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Custom View', 'showObs': this.isCustom, 'items': this._buildCustomTypeItems(), 'keywords': ['section', 'custom'] }, { 'header': true, 'label': 'Column Display', 'items': [{ 'buildDom': this._buildSectionFieldsConfig.bind(this), 'keywords': ['section', 'fields', 'hidden', 'hide', 'show', 'visible'] }] }]; }; ViewConfigTab.prototype.buildSortDom = function() { return grainjsDom.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { const section = sectionData.section; // Computed to indicate if sort has changed from saved. const hasChanged = Computed.create(null, (use) => !isEqual(use(section.activeSortSpec), parseSortColRefs(use(section.sortColRefs)))); // Computed array of sortable columns. const columns = Computed.create(null, (use) => { // Columns is an observable holding an observable array - must call 'use' on it 2x. const cols = use(use(use(section.table).columns)); return cols.filter(col => !use(col.isHiddenCol)) .map(col => ({ label: use(col.colId), value: col.getRowId(), icon: 'FieldColumn' })); }); // KoArray of sortRows used to create the draggableList. const sortRows = koArray.syncedKoArray(section.activeSortSpec); // Sort row create function for each sort row in the draggableList. const rowCreateFn = sortRef => this._buildSortRow(sortRef, section.activeSortSpec.peek(), columns); // Reorder function called when sort rows are reordered via dragging. const reorder = (...args) => { const spec = reorderSortRefs(section.activeSortSpec.peek(), ...args); this._saveSort(spec); }; return grainjsDom('div', grainjsDom.autoDispose(hasChanged), grainjsDom.autoDispose(columns), grainjsDom.autoDispose(sortRows), // Sort rows. kf.draggableList(sortRows, rowCreateFn, { reorder, removeButton: false, drag_indicator: cssDragger, itemClass: cssDragRow.className }), // Add to sort btn & menu & fake sort row. this._buildAddToSortBtn(columns), // Update/save/reset buttons visible when the sort has changed. cssRow( cssExtraMarginTop.cls(''), grainjsDom.maybe(hasChanged, () => [ primaryButton('Save', {style: 'margin-right: 8px;'}, grainjsDom.on('click', () => {; }), testId('sort-save'), grainjsDom.boolAttr('disabled', this.gristDoc.isReadonly), ), // Let's use same label (revert) as the similar button which appear in the view section. // menu. basicButton('Revert', grainjsDom.on('click', () => { section.activeSortJson.revert(); }), testId('sort-reset') ) ]), cssFlex(), grainjsDom.maybe(section.isSorted, () => basicButton('Update Data', {style: 'margin-left: 8px; white-space: nowrap;'}, grainjsDom.on('click', () => { updatePositions(this.gristDoc, section); }), testId('sort-update'), => use(use(section.table).supportsManualSort)), grainjsDom.boolAttr('disabled', this.gristDoc.isReadonly), ) ), => use(hasChanged) || use(section.isSorted)) ), testId('sort-menu') ); }); }; // Builds a single row of the sort dom // Takes the sortRef (signed colRef), current sortSpec and array of column select options to show // in the column select dropdown. ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildSortRow = function(sortRef, sortSpec, columns) { // sortRef is a rowId of a column or its negative value (indicating descending order). const colRef = Math.abs(sortRef); // Computed to show the selected column at the sortSpec index and to update the // sortSpec on write. const col = Computed.create(null, () => colRef); col.onWrite((newRef) => { const idx = sortSpec.findIndex(_sortRef => _sortRef === sortRef); const swapIdx = sortSpec.findIndex(_sortRef => Math.abs(_sortRef) === newRef); // If the selected ref is already present, swap it with the old ref. // Maintain sort order in each case for simplicity. if (swapIdx > -1) { sortSpec.splice(swapIdx, 1, sortSpec[swapIdx] > 0 ? colRef : -colRef); } if (colRef !== newRef) { sortSpec.splice(idx, 1, sortRef > 0 ? newRef : -newRef); } this._saveSort(sortSpec); }); return cssSortRow( grainjsDom.autoDispose(col), cssSortSelect( select(col, columns) ), cssSortIconPrimaryBtn('Sort','transform', sortRef < 0 ? 'none' : 'scaleY(-1)'), grainjsDom.on('click', () => { this._saveSort(flipColDirection(sortSpec, sortRef)); }), testId('sort-order'), testId(sortRef < 0 ? 'sort-order-desc' : 'sort-order-asc') ), cssSortIconBtn('Remove', grainjsDom.on('click', () => { const _idx = sortSpec.findIndex(c => c === sortRef); if (_idx !== -1) { sortSpec.splice(_idx, 1); this._saveSort(sortSpec); } }), testId('sort-remove') ), testId('sort-row') ); }; // Build the button to open the menu to add a sort item to the sort dom. // Takes the full array of sortable column select options. ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildAddToSortBtn = function(columns) { // Observable indicating whether the add new column row is visible. const showAddNew = Observable.create(null, false); return [ // Add column button. cssRow( grainjsDom.autoDispose(showAddNew), cssTextBtn( cssPlusIcon('Plus'), 'Add Column', testId('sort-add') ), grainjsDom.hide(showAddNew), grainjsDom.on('click', () => { showAddNew.set(true); }), ), // Fake add column row that appears only when the menu is open to select a new column // to add to the sort. Immediately destroyed when menu is closed. grainjsDom.maybe((use) => use(showAddNew) && use(columns), _columns => { const col = Observable.create(null, 0); const currentSection = this.activeSectionData().section; const currentSortSpec = currentSection.activeSortSpec(); const specRowIds = new Set( => Math.abs(_sortRef))); // Function called when a column select value is clicked. const onClick = (_col) => { showAddNew.set(false); // Remove add row ASAP to prevent flickering addToSort(currentSection.activeSortSpec, _col.value); }; const menuCols = _columns .filter(_col => !specRowIds.has(_col.value)) .map(_col => menuItem(() => onClick(_col), cssMenuIcon(_col.icon), _col.label, testId('sort-add-menu-row') ) ); return cssRow(cssSortRow( dom.autoDispose(col), cssSortSelect( select(col, [], {defaultLabel: 'Add Column'}), menu(() => [ menuCols, grainjsDom.onDispose(() => { showAddNew.set(false); }) ], { // Trigger to make menu open immediately trigger: [(elem, ctl) => {; grainjsDom.onElem(elem, 'click', () => { ctl.close(); }); }], stretchToSelector: `.${cssSortSelect.className}` }) ), cssSortIconPrimaryBtn('Sort','transform', 'scaleY(-1)') ), cssSortIconBtn('Remove') )); }) ]; }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._saveSort = function(sortSpec) { this.activeSectionData().section.activeSortSpec(sortSpec); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildNameDom = function() { return kf.row( 1, dom('div.glyphicon.glyphicon-tasks.config_icon'), 4, kf.label('View'), 13, kf.text(, {}, dom.testId('ViewManager_viewNameInput')) ); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildSectionNameDom = function() { return kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, function(sectionData) { return kf.row( 1, dom('div.glyphicon.glyphicon-credit-card.config_icon'), 4, kf.label('Section'), 13, kf.text(sectionData.section.titleDef, {}, dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_sectionNameInput')) ); }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._makeOnDemand = function(table) { // After saving the changed setting, force the reload of the document. const onConfirm = () => { return table.onDemand.saveOnly(!table.onDemand.peek()) .then(() => { return this.gristDoc.docComm.reloadDoc() .catch((err) => { // Ignore the expected error from the socket shutdown that we asked for. if (!err.message.includes('GristWSConnection disposed')) { throw err; } }) }); } if (table.onDemand()) { confirmModal('Unmark table On-Demand?', 'Unmark On-Demand', onConfirm, dom('div', 'If you unmark table ', dom('b', table), ' as On-Demand, ' + 'its data will be loaded into the calculation engine and will be available ' + 'for use in formulas. For a big table, this may greatly increase load times.', dom('br'), dom('br'), 'Changing this setting will reload the document for all users.') ); } else { confirmModal('Make table On-Demand?', 'Make On-Demand', onConfirm, dom('div', 'If you make table ', dom('b', table), ' On-Demand, ' + 'its data will no longer be loaded into the calculation engine and will not be available ' + 'for use in formulas. It will remain available for viewing and editing.', dom('br'), dom('br'), 'Changing this setting will reload the document for all users.') ); } }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildAdvancedSettingsDom = function() { return kd.maybe(() => { const s = this.activeSectionData(); return s && !s.section.table().summarySourceTable() ? s : null; }, (sectionData) => { const table = sectionData.section.table(); const isCollapsed = ko.observable(true); return [ kf.collapserLabel(isCollapsed, 'Advanced settings', dom.testId('ViewConfig_advanced')), kf.helpRow(kd.hide(isCollapsed), 'Big tables may be marked as "on-demand" to avoid loading them into the data engine.','text-align', 'left'),'margin-top', '1.5rem') ), kf.row(kd.hide(isCollapsed), kf.label('Table ', dom('b', kd.text(table.tableId)), ':') ), kf.row(kd.hide(isCollapsed), kf.buttonGroup(kf.button(() => this._makeOnDemand(table), kd.text(() => table.onDemand() ? 'Unmark On-Demand' : 'Make On-Demand'), dom.testId('ViewConfig_onDemandBtn') )) ), ]; }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildDetailTypeDom = function() { return kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { var section = sectionData.section; if (this.isDetail()) { return kf.row( 1, kf.label('Type'), 1, kf.buttonSelect(section.parentKey, kf.optionButton('detail', 'List', dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_card')), kf.optionButton('single', 'Single', dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_detail')) ) ); } }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildFilterDom = function() { return grainjsDom.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { const section = sectionData.section; const docModel = this.gristDoc.docModel; const popupControls = new WeakMap(); const activeFilterBar = section.activeFilterBar; const hasChangedObs = Computed.create(null, (use) => use(section.filterSpecChanged) || !use(section.activeFilterBar.isSaved)) async function save() { await docModel.docData.bundleActions("Update Filter settings", () => Promise.all([ section.saveFilters(), // Save filter, // Save bar ])); } function revert() { section.revertFilters(); // Revert filter section.activeFilterBar.revert(); // Revert bar } return [ grainjsDom.forEach(section.filteredFields, (field) => { return cssRow( cssIconWrapper( cssFilterIcon('FilterSimple', cssNoMarginLeft.cls('')), attachColumnFilterMenu(section, field, { placement: 'bottom-end', attach: 'body', trigger: ['click', (_el, popupControl) => popupControls.set(field, popupControl)], }), ), cssLabel(grainjsDom.text(field.label)), cssIconWrapper( cssFilterIcon('Remove', dom.on('click', () => field.activeFilter('')), testId('remove-filter')), ), testId('filter'), ); }), cssRow( grainjsDom.domComputed((use) => { const fields = use(use(section.viewFields).getObservable()); return cssTextBtn( cssPlusIcon('Plus'), 'Add Filter', addFilterMenu(fields, popupControls, {placement: 'bottom-end'}), testId('add-filter-btn'), ); }), ), cssRow( cssTextBtn( testId('toggle-filter-bar'), grainjsDom.domComputed((use) => { const filterBar = use(activeFilterBar); return cssPlusIcon( filterBar ? "Tick" : "Plus", cssIcon.cls('-green', Boolean(filterBar)), testId('toggle-filter-bar-icon'), ); }), grainjsDom.on('click', () => activeFilterBar(!activeFilterBar.peek())), 'Toggle Filter Bar', ) ), grainjsDom.maybe(hasChangedObs, () => cssRow( cssExtraMarginTop.cls(''), testId('save-filter-btns'), primaryButton( 'Save', {style: 'margin-right: 8px'}, grainjsDom.on('click', save), grainjsDom.boolAttr('disabled', this.gristDoc.isReadonly), ), basicButton( 'Revert', grainjsDom.on('click', revert), ) )) ]; }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildThemeDom = function() { return kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { var section = sectionData.section; if (this.isDetail()) { const theme = Computed.create(null, (use) => use(section.themeDef)); theme.onWrite(val => section.themeDef.setAndSave(val)); return cssRow( dom.autoDispose(theme), select(theme, [ {label: 'Form', value: 'form' }, {label: 'Compact', value: 'compact'}, {label: 'Blocks', value: 'blocks' }, ]), testId('detail-theme') ); } }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildGridStyleDom = function() { return kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { var section = sectionData.section; return dom('div', kf.row( 15, kf.label('Horizontal Gridlines'), 2, kf.checkbox(section.optionsObj.prop('horizontalGridlines'), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_hGridButton')) ), kf.row( 15, kf.label('Vertical Gridlines'), 2, kf.checkbox(section.optionsObj.prop('verticalGridlines'), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_vGridButton')) ), kf.row( 15, kf.label('Zebra Stripes'), 2, kf.checkbox(section.optionsObj.prop('zebraStripes'), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_zebraStripeButton')) ), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_gridOptions') ); }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildChartConfigDom = function() { return grainjsDom.maybe(this.viewModel.activeSection, buildChartConfigDom); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildLayoutDom = function() { return kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { if (this.isDetail()) { const view = sectionData.section.viewInstance.peek(); const layoutEditorObs = ko.computed(() => view && view.recordLayout && view.recordLayout.layoutEditor()); return cssRow({style: 'margin-top: 16px;'}, kd.maybe(layoutEditorObs, (editor) => editor.buildFinishButtons()), primaryButton('Edit Card Layout', dom.autoDispose(layoutEditorObs), dom.on('click', () =>, grainjsDom.hide(layoutEditorObs), testId('detail-edit-layout') ) ); } }); }; ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildLinkDom = function() { var linkSpecChanged = ko.computed(() => !this.viewModel.viewSections().all().every(vs => vs.isActiveLinkSaved())); return dom('div', dom.autoDispose(linkSpecChanged), kf.buttonGroup(kf.checkButton(this.viewModel.isLinking, dom('span', 'Edit Links', dom.testId('viewConfigTab_link')))), kd.maybe(this.activeSectionData, (sectionData) => { const section = sectionData.section; // This section option affects section linking: it tells a link-target section to show rows // matching any of the rows in link-source section, not only the current cursor row. const filterByAllShown = section.optionsObj.prop('filterByAllShown'); return kf.row( 15, kf.label('Filter by all shown'), 2, kf.checkbox(filterByAllShown, dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_filterByAll')) ); }), kd.maybe(linkSpecChanged, () => kf.prompt( kf.liteButtonGroup( kf.liteButton(() => {; this.viewModel.isLinking(false); }, dom('span.config_icon.left_icon.glyphicon.glyphicon-save'), 'Save'), kf.liteButton(() =>, dom('span.config_icon.left_icon.glyphicon.glyphicon-refresh'), 'Reset' ) ) ) ) ); }; /** * Builds the three items for configuring a `Custom View`: * 1) Mode picker: let user choose between 'url' and 'plugin' mode * 2) Show if 'url' mode: let user enter the url * 3) Show if 'plugin' mode: let user pick a plugin and a section from the list of available plugin. */ ViewConfigTab.prototype._buildCustomTypeItems = function() { const docPluginManager = this.gristDoc.docPluginManager; const activeSection = this.viewModel.activeSection; // all available custom sections grouped by their plugin id const customSections = _.groupBy(CustomSectionElement.getSections(docPluginManager.pluginsList), s => s.pluginId); // all plugin ids which have custom sections const allPlugins = Object.keys(customSections); // the list of customSections of the selected plugin (computed) const customSectionIds = ko.pureComputed(() => { const sections = customSections[this.viewModel.activeSection().customDef.pluginId()] || []; return{sectionId}) => sectionId); }); return [{ // 1) buildDom: () => kd.scope(activeSection, ({customDef}) => kf.buttonSelect(customDef.mode, kf.optionButton('url', 'URL', dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_customView_url')), kf.optionButton('plugin', 'Plugin', dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_customView_plugin')))) }, { // 2) showObs: () => activeSection().customDef.mode() === "url", buildDom: () => kd.scope(activeSection, ({customDef}) => dom('div', kf.row(18, kf.text(customDef.url, {placeholder: "Full URL of webpage to show"}, dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_url'))), kf.row(5, "Access", 13, dom(, ['none', 'read table', 'full']), dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_customView_access'))), kf.helpRow('none: widget has no access to document.','text-align', 'left'),'margin-top', '1.5rem')), kf.helpRow('read table: widget can read the selected table.','text-align', 'left'),'margin-top', '1.5rem')), kf.helpRow('full: widget can read, modify, and copy the document.','text-align', 'left'),'margin-top', '1.5rem')) )), }, { // 3) showObs: () => activeSection().customDef.mode() === "plugin", buildDom: () => kd.scope(activeSection, ({customDef}) => dom('div', kf.row(5, "Plugin: ", 13, kf.text(customDef.pluginId, {}, {list: "list_plugin"}, dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_customView_pluginId'))), kf.row(5, "Section: ", 13, kf.text(customDef.sectionId, {}, {list: "list_section"}, dom.testId('ViewConfigTab_customView_sectionId'))), // For both `customPlugin` and `selectedSection` it is possible for the value not to be in the // list of options. Combining and allows both to freely edit the value with // keyboard and to select it from a list. Although the content of the list seems to be // filtered by the current value, which could confuse user into thinking that there are no // available options. I think it would be better to have the full list always, but it seems // harder to accomplish and is left as a TODO. dom('datalist#list_plugin', kd.foreach(koArray(allPlugins), value => dom('option', {value}))), dom('datalist#list_section', kd.scope(customSectionIds, sections => kd.foreach(koArray(sections), (value) => dom('option', {value})))) )) }]; }; const cssMenuIcon = styled(cssIcon, ` margin: 0 8px 0 0; .${cssMenuItem.className}-sel > & { background-color: ${colors.light}; } `); // Note that the width is set to 0 so that flex-shrink works properly with long text values. const cssSortSelect = styled('div', ` flex: 1 1 0px; margin: 0 6px 0 0; min-width: 0; `); const cssSortIconBtn = styled(cssIcon, ` flex: none; margin: 0 6px; cursor: pointer; background-color: ${colors.slate}; &:hover { background-color: ${colors.dark}; } `); const cssSortIconPrimaryBtn = styled(cssSortIconBtn, ` background-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; &:hover { background-color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssTextBtn = styled('div', ` color: ${colors.lightGreen}; cursor: pointer; &:hover { color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssPlusIcon = styled(cssIcon, ` background-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; cursor: pointer; margin: 0px 4px 3px 0; .${cssTextBtn.className}:hover > & { background-color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssDragRow = styled('div', ` display: flex !important; align-items: center; margin: 0 16px 0px 0px; & > .kf_draggable_content { margin: 6px 0; flex: 1 1 0px; min-width: 0px; } `); const cssSortRow = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100%; `); const cssFlex = styled('div', ` flex: 1 1 0; `); const cssLabel = styled('div', ` white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; flex-grow: 1; `); const cssExtraMarginTop = styled('div', ` margin-top: 28px; `); const cssFilterIcon = cssSortIconBtn; const cssNoMarginLeft = styled('div', ` margin-left: 0; `); const cssIconWrapper = styled('div', ``); module.exports = ViewConfigTab;