/* global location, describe, it, afterEach, after */ var _ = require('underscore'); var Chance = require('chance'); var assert = require('chai').assert; function mod(r) { return function(x) { return x%r; }; } exports.mod = mod; /** * Runs the given function for the specified number of iterations and returns the total time taken. * This function has no side effects. * @param {Function} func - function to apply * @param {object} context - this * @param {Array} args - array of arguments to apply on the function * @param {Integer} options.iters - number of iterations to apply the given function * @param {Boolean} options.avg - if true, return the avg iteration time, else return the total time */ function time(func, context, args, options) { console.assert(options.iters > 0, "Number of iterations must be greater than 0"); var start, copy; var elapsed = 0; // Apply the function on a copy of the context on each iteration to avoid side effects for (var i = 0; i < options.iters; i++) { copy = _.clone(context); start = Date.now(); func.apply(copy, args); elapsed += Date.now() - start; } if (options.avg) return elapsed/options.iters; else return elapsed; } exports.time = time; /** * Repeats running the given function on the given arguments count times, returning the last * result. */ function repeat(count, func, varArgs) { var ret, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { ret = func.apply(null, args); } return ret; } exports.repeat = repeat; /** * Defines a test suite for running timing tests. See documentation for exports.timing. */ function timingDescribe(desc, func) { // If under Node, non-empty ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS environment variable turns on the timing tests. // If under the Browser, we look for 'timing=1' among URL params, set by test/browser.js. var enableTimingTests = (process.browser ? (location.search.substr(1).split("&").indexOf("timing=1") !== -1) : process.env.ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS); function body() { func(); // We collect the tests, then check if any of them exceeded the expected timing. We do it in // one pass in after() (rather than in afterEach()) to allow them all to run, since it's // useful to see all their timings. var testsToCheck = []; afterEach(function() { testsToCheck.push(this.currentTest); }); after(function() { testsToCheck.forEach(function(test) { if (test.expectedDuration) { assert.isBelow(test.duration, test.expectedDuration * 1.5, "Test took longer than expected"); } }); }); } if (enableTimingTests) { return describe(desc, body); } else { return describe.skip(desc + " (skipping timing test)", body); } } /** * Defines a test case for a timing test. This should be used in place of it() for timing test * cases created inside utils.timing.describe(). See documentation for exports.timing. */ function timingTest(expectedMs, desc, testFunc) { var test = it(desc + " (exp ~" + expectedMs + "ms)", testFunc); test.slow(expectedMs * 1.5); test.timeout(expectedMs * 5 + 2000); test.expectedDuration = expectedMs; } /** * To write timing tests, the following pattern is recommended: * * (1) Use utils.timing.describe() in place of describe(). * (2) Use utils.timing.it() in place of it(). It takes an extra first parameter with the number * of expected milliseconds. The test will fail if it takes more than 1.5x longer. * (3) Place only the code to be timed in utils.timing.it(), and do all setup in before() and all * non-trivial post-test assertions in after(). * * These tests only run when ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS environment variable is non-empty. It enables * timing tests both under Node and running in the browser under Selenium. To enable timing tests * in the browser when running /test.html manually, go to /test.html?timing=1. */ exports.timing = { describe: timingDescribe, it: timingTest }; // Dummy object used for tests function TestPerson(last, first, age, year, month, day) { this.last = last; this.first = first; this.age = age; this.year = year; this.month = month; this.day = day; } /** * Returns a list of randomly generated TestPersons. * @param {integer} num - length of people list to return */ function genPeople(num, seed) { if (typeof seed === 'undefined') seed = 0; var ageOpts = {min: 0, max: 90}; var monthOpts = {min:1, max:12}; var dayOpts = {min:1, max:30}; var people = []; var chance = new Chance(seed); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { people.push(new TestPerson(chance.last(), chance.first(), chance.integer(ageOpts), parseInt(chance.year()), chance.integer(monthOpts), chance.integer(dayOpts) )); } return people; } exports.genPeople = genPeople; /** * Generates a list of items denoted by the given chanceFunc string. * Ex : genItems('integers', 10, {min:0, max:20}) generates a list of 10 integers between 0 and 20 * : genItems('string', 10, {length: 6}) generates a list of 10 strings of length 6 * @param {string} chanceFunc - string name of a chance.js function * @param {integer} num - length of item list to return * @param {object} options - object denoting options for the given chance.js function */ function genItems(chanceFunc, num, options, seed) { if (typeof seed === 'undefined') seed = 0; console.assert(typeof new Chance()[chanceFunc] === 'function'); var chance = new Chance(seed); var items = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { items.push(chance[chanceFunc](options)); } return items; } exports.genItems = genItems;