import { FullUser, UserProfile } from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import { ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL, EVERYONE_EMAIL, PREVIEWER_EMAIL, UserOptions } from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import { AclRuleOrg } from 'app/gen-server/entity/AclRule'; import { Document } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Document'; import { Group } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Group'; import { Login } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Login'; import { Organization } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Organization'; import { Pref } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Pref'; import { User } from 'app/gen-server/entity/User'; import { Workspace } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Workspace'; import { HomeDBManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager'; import { GetUserOptions, NonGuestGroup, Resource } from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/Interfaces'; import { SUPPORT_EMAIL, UsersManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/UsersManager'; import { updateDb } from 'app/server/lib/dbUtils'; import { EnvironmentSnapshot } from 'test/server/testUtils'; import { createInitialDb, removeConnection, setUpDB } from 'test/gen-server/seed'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import { assert } from 'chai'; import Sinon, { SinonSandbox, SinonSpy } from 'sinon'; import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm'; import winston from 'winston'; import {delay} from 'app/common/delay'; describe('UsersManager', function () { this.timeout('3m'); describe('static method', function () { /** * Create a simple iterator of integer starting from 0 which is incremented every time we call next() */ function* makeUserIdIterator() { for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) { yield i; } } /** * Create a table of users. * @param nbUsers The number of users to create * @param [userIdIterator=makeIdxIterator()] An iterator used to create users' id, * which keep track of the increment accross calls. * Pass your own iterator if you want to call this methods several times and keep the id unique. * If omitted, create its own iterator that starts from 0. */ function makeUsers(nbUsers: number, userIdIterator = makeUserIdIterator()): User[] { return Array(nbUsers).fill(null).map(() => { const user = new User(); const itItem =; if (itItem.done) { throw new Error('Excessive number of users created'); } = itItem.value; = `User ${itItem.value}`; return user; }); } /** * Populate passed resources with members * @param resources The Resources * @param nbUsersByResource The number of users to create for each resources (each one is unique) * @returns The Resources and their respective members */ function populateResourcesWithMembers( resources: Resource[], nbUsersByResource: number, makeResourceGrpName?: (idx: number) => string ): Map { const membersByResource = new Map(); const idxIterator = makeUserIdIterator(); for (const [idx, resource] of resources.entries()) { const aclRule = new AclRuleOrg(); const group = new Group(); if (makeResourceGrpName) { = makeResourceGrpName(idx); } const members = makeUsers(nbUsersByResource, idxIterator); group.memberUsers = members; = group; resource.aclRules = [ aclRule ]; membersByResource.set(resource, members); } return membersByResource; } /** * Populate a resource with members and return the members */ function populateSingleResourceWithMembers(resource: Resource, nbUsers: number) { const membersByResource = populateResourcesWithMembers([resource], nbUsers); return membersByResource.get(resource)!; } describe('getResourceUsers()', function () { it('should return all users from a single organization ACL', function () { const resource = new Organization(); const expectedUsers = populateSingleResourceWithMembers(resource, 5); const result = UsersManager.getResourceUsers(resource); assert.deepEqual(result, expectedUsers); }); it('should return all users from all resources ACL', function () { const resources: Resource[] = [new Organization(), new Workspace(), new Document()]; const membersByResource = populateResourcesWithMembers(resources, 5); const result = UsersManager.getResourceUsers(resources); assert.deepEqual(result, [...membersByResource.values()].flat()); }); it('should deduplicate the results', function () { const resources: Resource[] = [new Organization(), new Workspace()]; const membersByResource = populateResourcesWithMembers(resources, 1); const usersList = [...membersByResource.values()]; const expectedResult = usersList.flat(); const duplicateUser = new User(); = usersList[1][0].id; usersList[0].unshift(duplicateUser); const result = UsersManager.getResourceUsers(resources); assert.deepEqual(result, expectedResult); }); it('should return users matching group names from all resources ACL', function () { const someOrg = new Organization(); const someWorkspace = new Workspace(); const someDoc = new Document(); const resources: Resource[] = [someOrg, someWorkspace, someDoc]; const allGroupNames = ['OrgGrp', 'WorkspaceGrp', 'DocGrp']; const membersByResource = populateResourcesWithMembers(resources, 5, i => allGroupNames[i]); const filteredGroupNames = [ 'WorkspaceGrp', 'DocGrp' ]; const result = UsersManager.getResourceUsers(resources, filteredGroupNames); const expectedResult = [...membersByResource.get(someWorkspace)!, ...membersByResource.get(someDoc)!]; assert.deepEqual(result, expectedResult, 'should discard the users from the first resource'); }); }); describe('getUsersWithRole()', function () { function makeGroups(groupDefinition: {[k in NonGuestGroup['name']]?: User[] | undefined}){ const entries = Object.entries(groupDefinition) as [NonGuestGroup['name'], User[] | undefined][]; return[groupName, users], index) => { const group = new Group() as NonGuestGroup; = index; = groupName; if (users) { group.memberUsers = users; } return group; }); } it('should retrieve no users if passed groups do not contain any', function () { const groups = makeGroups({ 'members': undefined }); const result = UsersManager.getUsersWithRole(groups); assert.deepEqual(result, new Map([['members', undefined]] as any)); }); it('should retrieve users of passed groups', function () { const idxIt = makeUserIdIterator(); const groupsUsersMap = { 'editors': makeUsers(3, idxIt), 'owners': makeUsers(4, idxIt), 'members': makeUsers(5, idxIt), 'viewers': [] }; const groups = makeGroups(groupsUsersMap); const result = UsersManager.getUsersWithRole(groups); assert.deepEqual(result, new Map(Object.entries(groupsUsersMap))); }); it('should exclude users of given IDs', function () { const groupUsersMap = { 'editors': makeUsers(5), }; const excludedUsersId = [1, 2, 3, 4]; const expectedUsers = [groupUsersMap.editors[0]]; const groups = makeGroups(groupUsersMap); const result = UsersManager.getUsersWithRole(groups, excludedUsersId); assert.deepEqual(result, new Map([ ['editors', expectedUsers] ])); }); }); }); describe('class method', function () { const NON_EXISTING_USER_ID = 10001337; let env: EnvironmentSnapshot; let db: HomeDBManager; let sandbox: SinonSandbox; const uniqueLocalPart = new Set(); function ensureUnique(localPart: string) { if (uniqueLocalPart.has(localPart)) { throw new Error('passed localPart is already used elsewhere'); } uniqueLocalPart.add(localPart); return localPart; } function createUniqueUser(uniqueEmailLocalPart: string, options?: GetUserOptions) { ensureUnique(uniqueEmailLocalPart); return getOrCreateUser(uniqueEmailLocalPart, options); } async function getOrCreateUser(localPart: string, options?: GetUserOptions) { return db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart), options); } function makeEmail(localPart: string) { return localPart + ''; } async function getPersonalOrg(user: User) { return db.getOrg({userId:},; } function disableLoggingLevel(method: T) { return sandbox.stub(log, method); } /** * Make a user profile. * @param localPart A unique local part of the email (also used for the other fields). */ function makeProfile(localPart: string): UserProfile { ensureUnique(localPart); return { email: makeEmail(localPart), name: `NewUser ${localPart}`, connectId: `ConnectId-${localPart}`, picture: `${localPart}.png` }; } before(async function () { env = new EnvironmentSnapshot(); process.env.TEST_CLEAN_DATABASE = 'true'; setUpDB(this); db = new HomeDBManager(); await createInitialDb(); await db.connect(); await db.initializeSpecialIds(); }); after(async function () { env?.restore(); await removeConnection(); }); beforeEach(function () { sandbox = Sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('Special User Ids', function () { const ANONYMOUS_USER_ID = 6; const PREVIEWER_USER_ID = 7; const EVERYONE_USER_ID = 8; const SUPPORT_USER_ID = 5; it('getAnonymousUserId() should retrieve anonymous user id', function () { assert.strictEqual(db.getAnonymousUserId(), ANONYMOUS_USER_ID); }); it('getPreviewerUserId() should retrieve previewer user id', function () { assert.strictEqual(db.getPreviewerUserId(), PREVIEWER_USER_ID); }); it("getEveryoneUserId() should retrieve 'everyone' user id", function () { assert.strictEqual(db.getEveryoneUserId(), EVERYONE_USER_ID); }); it("getSupportUserId() should retrieve 'support' user id", function () { assert.strictEqual(db.getSupportUserId(), SUPPORT_USER_ID); }); }); describe('getUserByKey()', function () { it('should return the user given their API Key', async function () { const user = await db.getUserByKey('api_key_for_chimpy'); assert.strictEqual(user?.name, 'Chimpy', 'should retrieve Chimpy by their API key'); assert.strictEqual(user?.logins?.[0].email, ''); }); it('should return undefined if no user matches the API key', async function () { const user = await db.getUserByKey('non-existing API key'); assert.strictEqual(user, undefined); }); }); describe('getUser()', async function () { it('should retrieve a user by their ID', async function () { const user = await db.getUser(db.getSupportUserId()); assertExists(user, 'Should have returned a user'); assert.strictEqual(, 'Support'); assert.strictEqual(user.loginEmail, SUPPORT_EMAIL); assert.notExists(user.prefs, "should not have retrieved user's prefs"); }); it('should retrieve a user along with their prefs with `includePrefs` set to true', async function () { const expectedUser = await createUniqueUser('getuser-userwithprefs'); const user = await db.getUser(, {includePrefs: true}); assertExists(user, "Should have retrieved the user"); assertExists(user.loginEmail); assert.strictEqual(user.loginEmail, expectedUser.loginEmail); assert.isTrue(Array.isArray(user.prefs), "should not have retrieved user's prefs"); assert.deepEqual(user.prefs, [{ userId:, orgId:, prefs: { showGristTour: true } as any }]); }); it('should return undefined when the id is not found', async function () { assert.isUndefined(await db.getUser(NON_EXISTING_USER_ID)); }); }); describe('getFullUser()', function () { it('should return the support user', async function () { const supportId = db.getSupportUserId(); const user = await db.getFullUser(supportId); const expectedResult: FullUser = { isSupport: true, email: SUPPORT_EMAIL, id: supportId, name: 'Support' }; assert.deepInclude(user, expectedResult); assert.notOk(user.anonymous, 'anonymous property should be falsy'); }); it('should return the anonymous user', async function () { const anonId = db.getAnonymousUserId(); const user = await db.getFullUser(anonId); const expectedResult: FullUser = { anonymous: true, email: ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL, id: anonId, name: 'Anonymous', }; assert.deepInclude(user, expectedResult); assert.notOk(user.isSupport, 'support property should be falsy'); }); it('should reject when user is not found', async function () { await assert.isRejected(db.getFullUser(NON_EXISTING_USER_ID), "unable to find user"); }); }); describe('makeFullUser()', function () { const someUserDisplayEmail = ''; const normalizedSomeUserEmail = ''; const someUserLocale = 'en-US'; const SOME_USER_ID = 42; const prefWithOrg: Pref = { prefs: {placeholder: 'pref-with-org'}, orgId: 43, user: new User(), userId: SOME_USER_ID, }; const prefWithoutOrg: Pref = { prefs: {placeholder: 'pref-without-org'}, orgId: null, user: new User(), userId: SOME_USER_ID }; function makeSomeUser() { return User.create({ id: SOME_USER_ID, ref: 'some ref', name: 'some user', picture: '', options: { locale: someUserLocale }, logins: [ Login.create({ userId: SOME_USER_ID, email: normalizedSomeUserEmail, displayEmail: someUserDisplayEmail, }), ], prefs: [ prefWithOrg, prefWithoutOrg ] }); } it('creates a FullUser from a User entity', function () { const input = makeSomeUser(); const fullUser = db.makeFullUser(input); assert.deepEqual(fullUser, { id: SOME_USER_ID, email: someUserDisplayEmail, loginEmail: normalizedSomeUserEmail, name:, picture: input.picture, ref: input.ref, locale: someUserLocale, prefs: prefWithoutOrg.prefs }); }); it('sets `anonymous` property to true for', function () { const anon = db.getAnonymousUser(); const fullUser = db.makeFullUser(anon); assert.isTrue(fullUser.anonymous, "`anonymous` property should be set to true"); assert.notOk(fullUser.isSupport, "`isSupport` should be falsy"); }); it('sets `isSupport` property to true for support account', async function () { const support = await db.getUser(db.getSupportUserId()); const fullUser = db.makeFullUser(support!); assert.isTrue(fullUser.isSupport, "`isSupport` property should be set to true"); assert.notOk(fullUser.anonymous, "`anonymouse` should be falsy"); }); it('should throw when no displayEmail exist for this user', function () { const input = makeSomeUser(); input.logins[0].displayEmail = ''; assert.throws(() => db.makeFullUser(input), "unable to find mandatory user email"); input.logins = []; assert.throws(() => db.makeFullUser(input), "unable to find mandatory user email"); }); }); describe('ensureExternalUser()', function () { let managerSaveSpy: SinonSpy; beforeEach(function () { managerSaveSpy = sandbox.spy(EntityManager.prototype, 'save'); }); afterEach(function () { managerSaveSpy.restore(); }); async function checkUserInfo(profile: UserProfile) { const user = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(; assertExists(user, "the new user should be in database"); assert.deepInclude(user, { isFirstTimeUser: false, name:, picture: profile.picture }); assert.exists(user.logins?.[0]); assert.deepInclude(user.logins[0], { email:, displayEmail: }); return user; } it('should not do anything if the user already exists and is up to date', async function () { await db.ensureExternalUser({ name: 'Chimpy', email: '', }); assert.isFalse(managerSaveSpy.called, ' should not have been called'); }); it('should save an unknown user', async function () { const profile = makeProfile('ensureExternalUser-saves-an-unknown-user'); await db.ensureExternalUser(profile); assert.isTrue(managerSaveSpy.called, ' should have been called'); await checkUserInfo(profile); }); it('should update a user if they already exist in database', async function () { const oldProfile = makeProfile('ensureexternaluser-updates-an-existing-user_old'); await db.ensureExternalUser(oldProfile); let oldUser = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(; assertExists(oldUser); const newProfile = { ...makeProfile('ensureexternaluser-updates-an-existing-user_new'), connectId: oldProfile.connectId, }; await db.ensureExternalUser(newProfile); oldUser = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(; assert.notExists(oldUser, 'we should not retrieve the user given their old email address'); await checkUserInfo(newProfile); }); it('should normalize email address', async function() { const profile = makeProfile('ENSUREEXTERNALUSER-NORMALIZES-email-address'); await db.ensureExternalUser(profile); const user = await checkUserInfo(profile); assert.equal(user.logins[0].email,, 'the email should be lowercase'); assert.equal(user.logins[0].displayEmail,, 'the display email should keep the original case'); }); }); describe('updateUser()', function () { let emitSpy: SinonSpy; before(function () { emitSpy = Sinon.spy(); db.on('firstLogin', emitSpy); }); after(function () {'firstLogin', emitSpy); }); afterEach(function () { emitSpy.resetHistory(); }); function checkNoEventEmitted() { assert.equal(emitSpy.callCount, 0, 'No event should have been emitted'); } it('should reject when user is not found', async function () { disableLoggingLevel('debug'); const promise = db.updateUser(NON_EXISTING_USER_ID, {name: 'foobar'}); await assert.isRejected(promise, 'unable to find user'); checkNoEventEmitted(); }); it('should update a user name', async function () { const emailLocalPart = 'updateUser-should-update-user-name'; const createdUser = await createUniqueUser(emailLocalPart); assert.equal(, ''); const userName = 'user name'; await db.updateUser(, {name: userName}); checkNoEventEmitted(); const updatedUser = await getOrCreateUser(emailLocalPart); assert.equal(, userName); }); it('should not emit any event when isFirstTimeUser value has not changed', async function () { const localPart = 'updateuser-should-not-emit-when-isfirsttimeuser-not-changed'; const createdUser = await createUniqueUser(localPart); assert.equal(createdUser.isFirstTimeUser, true); await db.updateUser(, {isFirstTimeUser: true}); checkNoEventEmitted(); }); it('should emit "firstLogin" event when isFirstTimeUser value has been toggled to false', async function () { const localPart = 'updateuser-emits-firstlogin'; const userName = 'user name'; const newUser = await createUniqueUser(localPart); assert.equal(newUser.isFirstTimeUser, true); await db.updateUser(, {isFirstTimeUser: false, name: userName}); assert.equal(emitSpy.callCount, 1, '"firstLogin" event should have been emitted'); const fullUserFromEvent = emitSpy.firstCall.args[0]; assertExists(fullUserFromEvent, 'a FullUser object should be passed with the "firstLogin" event'); assert.equal(, userName); assert.equal(, makeEmail(localPart)); const updatedUser = await getOrCreateUser(localPart); assert.equal(updatedUser.isFirstTimeUser, false, 'the user is not considered as being first time user anymore'); }); }); describe('updateUserOptions()', function () { it('should reject when user is not found', async function () { disableLoggingLevel('debug'); const promise = db.updateUserOptions(NON_EXISTING_USER_ID, {}); await assert.isRejected(promise, 'unable to find user'); }); it('should update user options', async function () { const localPart = 'updateuseroptions-updates-user-options'; const createdUser = await createUniqueUser(localPart); assert.notExists(createdUser.options); const options: UserOptions = {locale: 'fr', authSubject: 'subject', isConsultant: true, allowGoogleLogin: true}; await db.updateUserOptions(, options); const updatedUser = await getOrCreateUser(localPart); assertExists(updatedUser.options); assert.deepEqual(updatedUser.options, options); }); }); describe('getExistingUserByLogin()', function () { it('should return an existing user', async function () { const retrievedUser = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(PREVIEWER_EMAIL); assertExists(retrievedUser); assert.equal(, db.getPreviewerUserId()); assert.equal(, 'Preview'); }); it('should normalize the passed user email', async function () { const retrievedUser = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(PREVIEWER_EMAIL.toUpperCase()); assertExists(retrievedUser); }); it('should return undefined when the user is not found', async function () { const nonExistingEmail = ''; const retrievedUser = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(nonExistingEmail); assert.isUndefined(retrievedUser); }); }); describe('getUserByLogin()', function () { it('should create a user when none exist with the corresponding email', async function () { const localPart = ensureUnique('getuserbylogin-creates-user-when-not-already-exists'); const email = makeEmail(localPart); assert.notExists(await db.getExistingUserByLogin(email)); const before =; // We are storing time without miliseconds, so make sure at least 1 second has passed await delay(2000); const user = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart.toUpperCase())); const after =; assert.isTrue(user.isFirstTimeUser, 'should be marked as first time user'); assert.equal(user.loginEmail, email); assert.equal(user.logins[0].displayEmail, makeEmail(localPart.toUpperCase())); assert.equal(, ''); asssertBetween(before, user.lastConnectionAt?.getTime(), after); }); it('should create a personnal organization for the new user', async function () { const localPart = ensureUnique('getuserbylogin-creates-personnal-org'); const user = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); const org = await getPersonalOrg(user); assertExists(, 'should have retrieved personnal org data'); assert.equal(, 'Personal'); }); it('should not create organizations for non-login emails', async function () { const user = await db.getUserByLogin(EVERYONE_EMAIL); assert.notExists(user.personalOrg); }); it('should not update user information when no profile is passed', async function () { const localPart = ensureUnique('getuserbylogin-does-not-update-without-profile'); const userFirstCall = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); const userSecondCall = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); assert.deepEqual(userFirstCall, userSecondCall); }); // FIXME: postgresql doesn't like fake timers. it.skip('should update lastConnectionAt only for different days', async function () { const fakeTimer = sandbox.useFakeTimers(0); const localPart = ensureUnique('getuserbylogin-updates-last_connection_at-for-different-days'); let user = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); const epochDateTime = '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'; assert.equal(String(user.lastConnectionAt), epochDateTime); await fakeTimer.tickAsync(42_000); user = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); assert.equal(String(user.lastConnectionAt), epochDateTime); await fakeTimer.tickAsync('1d'); user = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); assert.match(String(user.lastConnectionAt), /^1970-01-02/); }); describe('when passing information to update (using `profile`)', function () { // FIXME: postgresql doesn't like fake timers. it.skip('should populate the firstTimeLogin and deduce the name from the email', async function () { const timers = sandbox.useFakeTimers(42_000); const localPart = ensureUnique('getuserbylogin-with-profile-populates-first_time_login-and-name'); const user = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart), { profile: {name: '', email: makeEmail(localPart)} }); assert.equal(, localPart); assert.equal(user.firstLoginAt?.getTime(), 42_000); await timers.runAllAsync(); timers.restore(); }); it('should populate user with any passed information', async function () { const localPart = ensureUnique('getuserbylogin-with-profile-populates-user-with-passed-info_OLD'); await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart)); const originalNormalizedLoginEmail = makeEmail(localPart.toLowerCase()); const profile = makeProfile(makeEmail('getuserbylogin-with-profile-populates-user-with-passed-info_NEW')); const userOptions: UserOptions = {authSubject: 'my-auth-subject'}; const updatedUser = await db.getUserByLogin(makeEmail(localPart), { profile, userOptions }); assert.deepInclude(updatedUser, { name:, connectId: profile.connectId, picture: profile.picture, }); assert.deepInclude(updatedUser.logins[0], { displayEmail:, email: originalNormalizedLoginEmail, }); assert.deepInclude(updatedUser.options, { authSubject: userOptions.authSubject, }); }); }); }); describe('getUserByLoginWithRetry()', async function () { async function ensureGetUserByLoginWithRetryWorks(localPart: string) { const email = makeEmail(localPart); const user = await db.getUserByLoginWithRetry(email); assertExists(user); assert.equal(user.loginEmail, email); } function makeQueryFailedError() { const error = new Error() as any; = 'QueryFailedError'; error.detail = 'Key (email) already exists'; return error; } it('should work just like getUserByLogin', async function () { await ensureGetUserByLoginWithRetryWorks( ensureUnique('getuserbyloginwithretry-works-like-getuserbylogin')); }); it('should make a second attempt on special error', async function () { sandbox.stub(UsersManager.prototype, 'getUserByLogin') .onFirstCall().throws(makeQueryFailedError()) .callThrough(); await ensureGetUserByLoginWithRetryWorks('getuserbyloginwithretry-makes-a-single-retry'); }); it('should reject after 2 attempts', async function () { const secondError = makeQueryFailedError(); sandbox.stub(UsersManager.prototype, 'getUserByLogin') .onFirstCall().throws(makeQueryFailedError()) .onSecondCall().throws(secondError) .callThrough(); const email = makeEmail(ensureUnique('getuserbyloginwithretry-rejects-after-2-attempts')); const promise = db.getUserByLoginWithRetry(email); await assert.isRejected(promise); await promise.catch(err => assert.equal(err, secondError)); }); it('should reject immediately if the error is not a QueryFailedError', async function () { const errorMsg = 'my error'; sandbox.stub(UsersManager.prototype, 'getUserByLogin') .onFirstCall().rejects(new Error(errorMsg)) .callThrough(); const email = makeEmail(ensureUnique('getuserbyloginwithretry-rejects-immediately-when-not-queryfailederror')); const promise = db.getUserByLoginWithRetry(email); await assert.isRejected(promise, errorMsg); }); }); describe('deleteUser()', function () { function userHasPrefs(userId: number, manager: EntityManager) { return manager.exists(Pref, { where: { userId: userId }}); } function userHasGroupUsers(userId: number, manager: EntityManager) { return manager.exists('group_users', { where: {user_id: userId} }); } async function assertUserStillExistsInDb(userId: number) { assert.exists(await db.getUser(userId)); } it('should refuse to delete the account of someone else', async function () { const userToDelete = await createUniqueUser('deleteuser-refuses-for-someone-else'); const promise = db.deleteUser({userId: 2},; await assert.isRejected(promise, 'not permitted to delete this user'); await assertUserStillExistsInDb(; }); it('should refuse to delete a non existing account', async function () { disableLoggingLevel('debug'); const promise = db.deleteUser({userId: NON_EXISTING_USER_ID}, NON_EXISTING_USER_ID); await assert.isRejected(promise, 'user not found'); }); it('should refuse to delete the account if the passed name is not matching', async function () { disableLoggingLevel('debug'); const localPart = 'deleteuser-refuses-if-name-not-matching'; const userToDelete = await createUniqueUser(localPart, { profile: { name: 'someone to delete', email: makeEmail(localPart), } }); const promise = db.deleteUser({userId:},, 'wrong name'); await assert.isRejected(promise); await promise.catch(e => assert.match(e.message, /user name did not match/)); await assertUserStillExistsInDb(; }); it('should remove the user and cleanup their info and personal organization', async function () { const localPart = 'deleteuser-removes-user-and-cleanups-info'; const userToDelete = await createUniqueUser(localPart, { profile: { name: 'someone to delete', email: makeEmail(localPart), } }); assertExists(await getPersonalOrg(userToDelete)); await db.connection.transaction(async (manager) => { assert.isTrue(await userHasGroupUsers(, manager)); assert.isTrue(await userHasPrefs(, manager)); }); await db.deleteUser({userId:},; assert.notExists(await db.getUser(; assert.deepEqual(await getPersonalOrg(userToDelete), { errMessage: 'organization not found', status: 404 }); await db.connection.transaction(async (manager) => { assert.isFalse(await userHasGroupUsers(, manager)); assert.isFalse(await userHasPrefs(, manager)); }); }); it("should remove the user when passed name corresponds to the user's name", async function () { const userName = 'someone to delete'; const localPart = 'deleteuser-removes-user-when-name-matches'; const userToDelete = await createUniqueUser(localPart, { profile: { name: userName, email: makeEmail(localPart), } }); const promise = db.deleteUser({userId:},, userName); await assert.isFulfilled(promise); }); }); describe('completeProfiles()', function () { it('should return an empty array if no profiles are provided', async function () { const res = await db.completeProfiles([]); assert.deepEqual(res, []); }); it("should complete a single user profile with looking by normalized address", async function () { const localPart = ensureUnique('completeprofiles-with-single-profile'); const email = makeEmail(localPart); const emailUpperCase = email.toUpperCase(); const profile = { name: 'completeprofiles-with-single-profile-username', email: makeEmail(localPart), picture: '', }; const someLocale = 'fr-FR'; const userCreated = await getOrCreateUser(localPart, { profile }); await db.updateUserOptions(, {locale: someLocale}); const res = await db.completeProfiles([{name: 'whatever', email: emailUpperCase}]); assert.deepEqual(res, [{ ...profile, id:, locale: someLocale, anonymous: false }]); }); it('should complete several user profiles', async function () { const localPartPrefix = ensureUnique('completeprofiles-with-several-profiles'); const seq = Array(10).fill(null).map((_, i) => i+1); const localParts = => `${localPartPrefix}_${i}`); const usersCreated = await Promise.all( => getOrCreateUser(localPart)) ); const res = await db.completeProfiles( localPart => ({name: 'whatever', email: makeEmail(localPart)}) ) ); assert.lengthOf(res, localParts.length); for (const [index, localPart] of localParts.entries()) { assert.deepInclude(res[index], { id: usersCreated[index].id, email: makeEmail(localPart), }); } }); }); }); describe('class method without db setup', function () { let db: HomeDBManager; let env: EnvironmentSnapshot; describe('initializeSpecialIds()', function () { before(async function () { env = new EnvironmentSnapshot(); process.env.TEST_CLEAN_DATABASE = 'true'; setUpDB(this); db = new HomeDBManager(); await db.connect(); await createInitialDb(db.connection, false); await updateDb(db.connection); }); after(async function () { await removeConnection(); env?.restore(); }); it('should initialize special ids', async function () { const specialAccounts = [ {name: "Support", email: SUPPORT_EMAIL}, {name: "Anonymous", email: ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL}, {name: "Preview", email: PREVIEWER_EMAIL}, {name: "Everyone", email: EVERYONE_EMAIL} ]; for (const {email} of specialAccounts) { assert.notExists(await db.getExistingUserByLogin(email)); } assert.throws(() => db.getAnonymousUserId(), "'Anonymous' user not available"); assert.throws(() => db.getPreviewerUserId(), "'Previewer' user not available"); assert.throws(() => db.getEveryoneUserId(), "'Everyone' user not available"); assert.throws(() => db.getSupportUserId(), "'Support' user not available"); await db.initializeSpecialIds(); for (const {name, email} of specialAccounts) { const res = await db.getExistingUserByLogin(email); assertExists(res); assert.equal(, name); } }); }); }); }); /** * Works around lacks of type narrowing after asserting the value is defined. * This is fixed in latest versions of @types/chai * * FIXME: once upgrading @types/chai to 4.3.17 or higher, remove this function which would not be usefull anymore */ function assertExists(value?: T, message?: string): asserts value is T { assert.exists(value, message); } function asssertBetween(min: number, value: number|null|undefined, max: number, message?: string) { assert.isNotNull(value, message); assert.isDefined(value, message); if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { assert.isAtLeast(value, min, message); assert.isAtMost(value, max, message); } }