diff --git a/static/locales/eu.client.json b/static/locales/eu.client.json index d332690b..beca96ef 100644 --- a/static/locales/eu.client.json +++ b/static/locales/eu.client.json @@ -192,7 +192,12 @@ "No {{columnType}} columns in table.": "Ez dago {{columnType}} zutaberik taulan.", " (optional)": " (aukerakoa)", "{{wrongTypeCount}} non-{{columnType}} columns are not shown_other": "{{wrongTypeCount}} ez dira {{columnType}} zutabeak erakusten", - "Full document access": "Sarbide osoa dokumentura" + "Full document access": "Sarbide osoa dokumentura", + "Accept": "Onartu", + "Developer:": "Garatzailea:", + "Last updated:": "Azkenekoz eguneratua:", + "Missing description and author information.": "Ez dago deskribapen ezta egilearen informaziorik ere.", + "Reject": "Baztertu" }, "DataTables": { "Click to copy": "Egin klik kopiatzeko", @@ -257,7 +262,8 @@ "Workspace not found": "Ez da lan-eremua aurkitu", "You are on the {{siteName}} site. You also have access to the following sites:": "{{siteName}} gunean zaude. Honako gune hauetara ere sar zaitezke:", "You are on your personal site. You also have access to the following sites:": "Zure leku pertsonalean zaude. Honako gune hauetara ere sar zaitezke:", - "You may delete a workspace forever once it has no documents in it.": "Lan-eremu bat betiko ezabatzeko ezin du barruan dokumenturik izan." + "You may delete a workspace forever once it has no documents in it.": "Lan-eremu bat betiko ezabatzeko ezin du barruan dokumenturik izan.", + "Create my first document": "Sortu nire lehen dokumentua" }, "DocPageModel": { "Add Empty Table": "Gehitu taula hutsa", @@ -493,7 +499,8 @@ "Get started by exploring templates, or creating your first Grist document.": "Has zaitez txantiloiak arakatuz edo zure lehen Grist dokumentua sortuz.", "Get started by inviting your team and creating your first Grist document.": "Has zaitez zure taldea gonbidatuz eta zure lehen Grist dokumentua sortuz.", "Interested in using Grist outside of your team? Visit your free ": "Grist zure taldetik kanpo erabili nahi duzu? Bisitatu zure doako ", - "Sprouts Program": "Kimuen programa" + "Sprouts Program": "Kimuen programa", + "Only show documents": "Erakutsi dokumentuak bakarrik" }, "HomeLeftPane": { "All Documents": "Dokumentu guztiak", @@ -720,7 +727,8 @@ "API Console": "API kontsola" }, "TopBar": { - "Manage Team": "Kudeatu taldea" + "Manage Team": "Kudeatu taldea", + "Manage team": "Kudeatu taldea" }, "TriggerFormulas": { "Cancel": "Utzi", @@ -1537,7 +1545,8 @@ "Grist allows for very powerful formulas, using Python. We recommend setting the environment variable GRIST_SANDBOX_FLAVOR to gvisor if your hardware supports it (most will), to run formulas in each document within a sandbox isolated from other documents and isolated from the network.": "Gristek formula oso boteretsuak onartzen ditu, Python erabiliz. Dokumentu bakoitzean beste dokumentu batzuetatik eta saretik isolatutako sandbox baten barruan formulak exekutatzeko, GRIST_SANDBOX_FLAVOR aldagaia gvisor-era aldatzea gomendatzen dugu, zure hardwarea bateragarria bada (gehienak badira).", "Session Secret": "Saioaren gakoa", "Enable Grist Enterprise": "Gaitu Grist Enterprise", - "Enterprise": "Enterprise" + "Enterprise": "Enterprise", + "checking": "egiaztatzen" }, "Columns": { "Remove Column": "Kendu zutabea" @@ -1680,5 +1689,40 @@ "Table {{tableName}} will no longer be visible": "{{tableName}} taula ez da ikusgai egongo aurrerantzean", "raw data page": "datu gordinen orria", "Delete": "Ezabatu" + }, + "CustomWidgetGallery": { + "Add Your Own Widget": "Gehitu zure widgeta", + "Cancel": "Utzi", + "Change Widget": "Aldatu widgeta", + "Developer:": "Garatzailea:", + "Last updated:": "Azkenekoz eguneratua:", + "Search": "Bilatu", + "Widget URL": "Widgetaren URLa", + "Add Widget": "Gehitu widgeta", + "(Missing info)": "(Informaziorik gabe)", + "Grist Widget": "Grist widgeta", + "No matching widgets": "Ez dago bat datorren widgetik" + }, + "HomeIntroCards": { + "Help center": "Laguntza gunea", + "Learn more {{webinarsLinks}}": "Ikasi gehiago {{webinarsLinks}}", + "Start a new document": "Hasi dokuemntu berria", + "Templates": "Txantiloiak", + "Blank document": "Dokumentu zuria", + "Import file": "Inportatu fitxategia" + }, + "ReverseReferenceConfig": { + "Delete": "Ezabatu", + "Table": "Taula", + "Target table": "Helmugako taula", + "Delete column {{column}} in table {{table}}?": "{{table}} taulako {{column}} zutabea ezabatu nahi duzu?", + "Column": "Zutabea" + }, + "SupportGristButton": { + "Close": "Itxi", + "Help Center": "Laguntza gunea" + }, + "buildReassignModal": { + "Cancel": "Utzi" } }