diff --git a/static/locales/eu.client.json b/static/locales/eu.client.json index 7731b915..77bd36c0 100644 --- a/static/locales/eu.client.json +++ b/static/locales/eu.client.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "Only available to document editors": "Soilik dokumentuen editoreentzat eskuragarri", "Only available to document owners": "Soilik dokumentuen jabeentzat eskuragarri", "Document ID to use whenever the REST API calls for {{docId}}. See {{apiURL}}": "REST APIak {{docId}} eskatzen duen bakoitzean erabili beharreko IDa. Ikus {{apiURL}}", - "Find slow formulas": "Formula geldoak bilatu.", + "Find slow formulas": "Formula motelak bilatu", "For currency columns": "Moneta zutabeetarako", "For number and date formats": "Zenbaki- eta data-formatuetarako", "Formula times": "Formula-denborak", @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ "Investment Research": "Inbertsioen ikerketa", "Check out our related tutorial for how to link data, and create high-productivity layouts.": "Kontsultatu gure tutoriala datuak lotzeko eta produktibitate handiko antolaketak sortzeko.", "Tutorial: Analyze & Visualize": "Tutoriala: aztertu eta bistaratu", - "Tutorial: Create a CRM": "Tutoriala: CRM bat sortu.", + "Tutorial: Create a CRM": "Tutoriala: CRM bat sortu", "Tutorial: Manage Business Data": "Tutoriala: Negozio-datuak kudeatu", "Welcome to the Afterschool Program template": "Ongi etorri Eskolaz kanpoko programa txantiloira", "Welcome to the Investment Research template": "Ongi etorri Inbertsioen ikerketa txantiloira", @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ "Adding UUID column": "UUID zutabea gehitzen", "Adding duplicates column": "Bikoiztutako zutabea gehitzen", "Duplicate in {{- label}}": "{{- label}} bikoiztuta", - "No reference columns.": "Erreferentzia-zutaberik ez", + "No reference columns.": "Ez dago erreferentzia-zutaberik.", "Search columns": "Bilaketa-zutabeak", "Detect duplicates in...": "Antzeman bikoizketak…", "Add column with type": "Gehitu zutabea tipoarekin", @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ "Redirect automatically after submission": "Birbideratu automatikoki bidali ondoren", "Submission": "Bidalketa", "Table column name": "Taularen zutabearen izena", - "Select a field in the form widget to configure.": "Aukeratu widgetaren formularioko eremu bat konfiguratzeko", + "Select a field in the form widget to configure.": "Aukeratu widgetaren formularioko eremu bat konfiguratzeko.", "Submit button label": "Bidaltzeko botoiaren testua", "Success text": "Arrakastatsua denean erakusteko testua", "WIDGET TITLE": "WIDGETAREN IZENA", @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ "Choice List": "Aukeren zerrenda", "Attachment": "Eranskina", "* Workspaces are available on team plans. ": "* Lan-eremuak TEAM planetan daude eskuragarri. ", - "Upgrade now": "Eguneratu orain.", + "Upgrade now": "Eguneratu orain", "Numeric": "Zenbakizkoa", "Integer": "Osoa", "DateTime": "Data eta Ordua", @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ "Decimals": "Dezimalak", "Currency": "Moneta", "Field Format": "Eremuaren formatua", - "Spinner": "Spinner.", + "Spinner": "Spinner", "max": "max", "min": "min" }, @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ "Use reference columns to relate data in different tables.": "Erabili erreferentzia-zutabeak taula ezberdinetako datuak erlazionatzeko.", "You can choose from widgets available to you in the dropdown, or embed your own by providing its full URL.": "Goitibeheran dauden widgeten artean aukeratu dezakezu, edo zurea txertatu URL osoa emanez.", "Use the \\u{1D6BA} icon to create summary (or pivot) tables, for totals or subtotals.": "Erabili \\u{1D6BA} ikonoa laburpen- (edo pibote-) taulak sortzeko, totaletarako edo azpi-totaletarako.", - "Cells in a reference column always identify an {{entire}} record in that table, but you may select which column from that record to show.": "Erreferentzia-zutabe bateko gelaxkek beti identifikatzen dute erregistro{whole}} bat taula horretan, baina erregistro horretako zein zutabe erakutsi hautatu dezakezu.", + "Cells in a reference column always identify an {{entire}} record in that table, but you may select which column from that record to show.": "Erreferentzia-zutabe bateko gelaxkek beti identifikatzen dute erregistro {{entire}} bat taula horretan, baina erregistro horretako zein zutabe erakutsi hautatu dezakezu.", "Linking Widgets": "Widgetak lotzen (erlazionatzen)", "Unpin to hide the the button while keeping the filter.": "Utzi finkatzeari botoia ezkutatzeko iragazkia mantendu bitartean.", "Select the table to link to.": "Hautatu lotu beharreko taula.", @@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ "Cut": "Ebaki", "Hide field": "Ezkutatu eremua", "Paste": "Itsatsi", - "Copy anchor link": "Kopiatu aingura-esteka." + "Copy anchor link": "Kopiatu aingura-esteka" }, "WebhookPage": { "Enabled": "Gaituta", @@ -1167,8 +1167,8 @@ }, "ChartView": { "Pick a column": "Hautatu zutabea", - "Create separate series for each value of the selected column.": "Sortu serie bereiziak hautatutako zutabearen balio bakoitzerako", - "Each Y series is followed by a series for the length of error bars.": "Y serie bakoitzaren ondoren serie bat dago errore-barren luzerarako", + "Create separate series for each value of the selected column.": "Sortu serie bereiziak hautatutako zutabearen balio bakoitzerako.", + "Each Y series is followed by a series for the length of error bars.": "Y serie bakoitzaren ondoren serie bat dago errore-barren luzerarako.", "Toggle chart aggregation": "Grafikoaren agregazioa bai/ez", "selected new group data columns": "hautatutako taldekako datu-zutabe berriak", "Each Y series is followed by two series, for top and bottom error bars.": "Y serie bakoitzaren ondoren bi serie daude, goiko eta beheko errore-barretarako." @@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ "Code View is available only when you have full document access.": "Kode-ikustailea dokumentu guztiak eskura dituzunean bakarrik dago eskuragarri." }, "DocTour": { - "No valid document tour": "Ez du balio dokumentu-ibilbideak.", + "No valid document tour": "Ez du balio dokumentu-ibilbideak", "Cannot construct a document tour from the data in this document. Ensure there is a table named GristDocTour with columns Title, Body, Placement, and Location.": "Ezin da dokumentu-ibilbide bat egin dokumentu honetako datuetatik abiatuta. GristDocTour izeneko mahai bat dago zutabeekin. Izenburua, gorputza, kokapena eta kokapena." }, "Drafts": { @@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ "Import from file": "Inportatu fitxategitik", "Added new linked section to view {{viewName}}": "{{viewName}} ikusteko lotutako atal berria gehitu da", "go to webhook settings": "Joan webhooken ezarpenetara", - "Saved linked section {{title}} in view {{name}}": "{{title}} atala gorde da hemen: {name}}" + "Saved linked section {{title}} in view {{name}}": "{{title}} atala gorde da hemen: {{name}}" }, "OpenVideoTour": { "Grist Video Tour": "Gristen bideo-bisitaldia", @@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ "guest": "gonbidatua", "No default access allows access to be granted to individual documents or workspaces, rather than the full team site.": "Ez dago dokumentu indibidualetarako edo lan-guneetarako defektuzko-sarbiderik, lantaldearen gune osora baizik.", "You are about to remove your own access to this {{resourceType}}": "{{resourceType}} honetarako zure sarbidea ezabatzear zaude", - "User inherits permissions from {{parent})}. To remove, set 'Inherit access' option to 'None'.": "Erabiltzaileak {{parent}} -ren baimenak heredatzen ditu. Kentzeko, ezarri \"Heredatu sarbidea\" aukera \"Bat ere ez\" aukerara.", + "User inherits permissions from {{parent})}. To remove, set 'Inherit access' option to 'None'.": "Erabiltzaileak {{parent})} -ren baimenak heredatzen ditu. Kentzeko, ezarri \"Heredatu sarbidea\" aukera \"Bat ere ez\" aukerara.", "free collaborator": "Kolaboratzaile askea", "Once you have removed your own access, you will not be able to get it back without assistance from someone else with sufficient access to the {{resourceType}}.": "Zure sarbidea kendu eta gero, ezingo duzu berreskuratu {{resourceType}}(e)rako sarbidea nahikoa duen norbaiten laguntzarik gabe.", "User has view access to {{resource}} resulting from manually-set access to resources inside. If removed here, this user will lose access to resources inside.": "Erabiltzaileak {{resource}}-rako bistarako sarbidea du, barneko baliabideetarako sarbidea eskuz ezartzearen ondorioz. Hemendik kenduz gero, barruan dauden baliabideak galduko ditu." @@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ "Unmap fields": "Desmapeatu eremuak" }, "CreateTeamModal": { - "Cancel": "Utzi bertan behera.", + "Cancel": "Utzi", "Domain name is required": "Domeinuaren izena beharrezkoa da", "Go to your site": "Joan zure gunera", "Team name": "Taldearen izena", @@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ "No values in show column of referenced table": "Ez dago baliorik erakusten den zutabean edo erreferentzia-taulan" }, "Toggle": { - "Checkbox": "Aukera-kutxa.", + "Checkbox": "Aukera-kutxa", "Field Format": "Eremuaren formatua", "Switch": "Aldatu" }, @@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ "To use this widget, please map all non-optional columns from the creator panel on the right.": "Widget hau erabiltzeko, mapeatu aukerakoak ez diren zutabeak eskuineko sortzaileen mahaigainetik." }, "FormContainer": { - "Build your own form": "Sortu zure formularioa.", + "Build your own form": "Sortu zure formularioa", "Powered by": "Honi esker:" }, "FormErrorPage": {