You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

273 lines
8.4 KiB

import {csvDecodeRow} from 'app/common/csvFormat';
import {DocData} from 'app/common/DocData';
import {DocumentSettings} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings';
import {getReferencedTableId, isFullReferencingType} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import {safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {getCurrency, NumberFormatOptions} from 'app/common/NumberFormat';
import NumberParse from 'app/common/NumberParse';
import {parseDateStrict, parseDateTime} from 'app/common/parseDate';
import {MetaRowRecord, TableData} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {DateFormatOptions, DateTimeFormatOptions, formatDecoded, FormatOptions} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter';
import flatMap = require('lodash/flatMap');
export class ValueParser {
constructor(public type: string, public widgetOpts: FormatOptions, public docSettings: DocumentSettings) {
public cleanParse(value: string): any {
if (!value) {
return value;
return this.parse(value) ?? value;
public parse(value: string): any {
return value;
export class NumericParser extends ValueParser {
private _parse: NumberParse;
constructor(type: string, options: NumberFormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings) {
super(type, options, docSettings);
this._parse = new NumberParse(docSettings.locale, getCurrency(options, docSettings));
public parse(value: string): number | null {
return this._parse.parse(value);
class DateParser extends ValueParser {
public parse(value: string): any {
return parseDateStrict(value, (this.widgetOpts as DateFormatOptions).dateFormat!);
class DateTimeParser extends ValueParser {
constructor(type: string, widgetOpts: DateTimeFormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings) {
super(type, widgetOpts, docSettings);
const timezone = gutil.removePrefix(type, "DateTime:") || '';
this.widgetOpts = {...widgetOpts, timezone};
public parse(value: string): any {
return parseDateTime(value, this.widgetOpts);
class ChoiceListParser extends ValueParser {
public cleanParse(value: string): string[] | null {
value = value.trim();
const result = (
this._parseJson(value) ||
).map(v => v.trim())
.filter(v => v);
if (!result.length) {
return null;
return ["L", ...result];
private _parseJson(value: string): string[] | undefined {
// Don't parse JSON non-arrays
if (value[0] === "[") {
const arr: unknown[] | null = safeJsonParse(value, null);
return arr
// Remove nulls and empty strings
?.filter(v => v || v === 0)
// Convert values to strings, formatting nested JSON objects/arrays as JSON
.map(v => formatDecoded(v));
private _parseCsv(value: string): string[] {
// Split everything on newlines which are not allowed by the choice editor.
return flatMap(value.split(/[\n\r]+/), row => {
return csvDecodeRow(row)
.map(v => v.trim());
* This is different from other widget options which are simple JSON
* stored on the field. These have to be specially derived
* for referencing columns. See createParser.
interface ReferenceParsingOptions {
visibleColId: string;
visibleColType: string;
visibleColWidgetOpts: FormatOptions;
// If this is provided and loaded, the ValueParser will look up values directly.
// Otherwise an encoded lookup will be produced for the data engine to handle.
tableData?: TableData;
export class ReferenceParser extends ValueParser {
public widgetOpts: ReferenceParsingOptions;
protected _visibleColId = this.widgetOpts.visibleColId;
protected _tableData = this.widgetOpts.tableData;
protected _visibleColParser = createParserRaw(
public parse(raw: string): any {
let value = this._visibleColParser(raw);
if (!value || !raw) {
return 0; // default value for a reference column
if (this._visibleColId === 'id') {
const n = Number(value);
if (Number.isInteger(n)) {
value = n;
// Don't return yet because we need to check that this row ID exists
} else {
return raw;
if (!this._tableData?.isLoaded) {
const options: { column: string, raw?: string } = {column: this._visibleColId};
if (value !== raw) {
options.raw = raw;
return ['l', value, options];
return this._tableData.findMatchingRowId({[this._visibleColId]: value}) || raw;
export class ReferenceListParser extends ReferenceParser {
public parse(raw: string): any {
let values: any[] | null;
try {
values = JSON.parse(raw);
} catch {
values = null;
if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
// csvDecodeRow should never raise an exception
values = csvDecodeRow(raw);
values = => typeof v === "string" ? this._visibleColParser(v) : v);
if (!values.length || !raw) {
return null; // null is the default value for a reference list column
if (this._visibleColId === 'id') {
const numbers =;
if (numbers.every(Number.isInteger)) {
values = numbers;
// Don't return yet because we need to check that these row IDs exist
} else {
return raw;
if (!this._tableData?.isLoaded) {
const options: { column: string, raw?: string } = {column: this._visibleColId};
if (!(values.length === 1 && values[0] === raw)) {
options.raw = raw;
return ['l', values, options];
const rowIds: number[] = [];
for (const value of values) {
const rowId = this._tableData.findMatchingRowId({[this._visibleColId]: value});
if (rowId) {
} else {
// There's no matching value in the visible column, i.e. this is not a valid reference.
// We need to return a string which will become AltText.
return raw;
return ['L', ...rowIds];
export const valueParserClasses: { [type: string]: typeof ValueParser } = {
Numeric: NumericParser,
Int: NumericParser,
Date: DateParser,
DateTime: DateTimeParser,
ChoiceList: ChoiceListParser,
Ref: ReferenceParser,
RefList: ReferenceListParser,
* Returns a function which can parse strings into values appropriate for
* a specific widget field or table column.
* widgetOpts is usually the field/column's widgetOptions JSON
* but referencing columns need more than that, see ReferenceParsingOptions above.
export function createParserRaw(
type: string, widgetOpts: FormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings
): (value: string) => any {
const cls = valueParserClasses[gristTypes.extractTypeFromColType(type)];
if (cls) {
const parser = new cls(type, widgetOpts, docSettings);
return parser.cleanParse.bind(parser);
return value => value;
* Returns a function which can parse strings into values appropriate for
* a specific widget field or table column.
* Pass fieldRef (a row ID of _grist_Views_section_field) to use the settings of that view field
* instead of the table column.
export function createParser(
docData: DocData,
colRef: number,
fieldRef?: number,
): (value: string) => any {
const columnsTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
const fieldsTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section_field');
const docInfoTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_DocInfo');
const col = columnsTable.getRecord(colRef)!;
let fieldOrCol: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables_column' | '_grist_Views_section_field'> = col;
if (fieldRef) {
fieldOrCol = fieldsTable.getRecord(fieldRef) || col;
const widgetOpts = safeJsonParse(fieldOrCol.widgetOptions, {});
const type = col.type;
if (isFullReferencingType(type)) {
const vcol = columnsTable.getRecord(fieldOrCol.visibleCol);
widgetOpts.visibleColId = vcol?.colId || 'id';
widgetOpts.visibleColType = vcol?.type;
widgetOpts.visibleColWidgetOpts = safeJsonParse(vcol?.widgetOptions || '', {});
widgetOpts.tableData = docData.getTable(getReferencedTableId(type)!);
const docInfo = docInfoTable.getRecord(1);
const docSettings = safeJsonParse(docInfo!.documentSettings, {}) as DocumentSettings;
return createParserRaw(type, widgetOpts, docSettings);