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1448 lines
36 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

, "ab":"abjasio"
, "ace":"acehnés"
, "ach":"acoli"
, "ada":"adangme"
, "ady":"adigué"
, "ae":"avéstico"
, "af":"afrikáans"
, "afh":"afrihili"
, "agq":"aghem"
, "ain":"ainu"
, "ak":"akan"
, "akk":"acadio"
, "ale":"aleutiano"
, "alt":"altái meridional"
, "am":"amárico"
, "an":"aragonés"
, "ang":"inglés antiguo"
, "anp":"angika"
, "ar":"árabe"
, "ar-001":"árabe estándar moderno"
, "arc":"arameo"
, "arn":"mapuche"
, "arp":"arapaho"
, "ars":"árabe najdí"
, "arw":"arahuaco"
, "as":"asamés"
, "asa":"asu"
, "ast":"asturiano"
, "av":"avar"
, "awa":"avadhi"
, "ay":"aimara"
, "az":"azerbaiyano"
, "ba":"baskir"
, "bal":"baluchi"
, "ban":"balinés"
, "bas":"basaa"
, "bax":"bamún"
, "bbj":"ghomala"
, "be":"bielorruso"
, "bej":"beja"
, "bem":"bemba"
, "bez":"bena"
, "bfd":"bafut"
, "bg":"búlgaro"
, "bgn":"baluchi occidental"
, "bho":"bhoyapurí"
, "bi":"bislama"
, "bik":"bicol"
, "bin":"bini"
, "bkm":"kom"
, "bla":"siksika"
, "bm":"bambara"
, "bn":"bengalí"
, "bo":"tibetano"
, "br":"bretón"
, "bra":"braj"
, "brx":"bodo"
, "bs":"bosnio"
, "bss":"akoose"
, "bua":"buriato"
, "bug":"buginés"
, "bum":"bulu"
, "byn":"blin"
, "byv":"medumba"
, "ca":"catalán"
, "cad":"caddo"
, "car":"caribe"
, "cay":"cayuga"
, "cch":"atsam"
, "ce":"checheno"
, "ceb":"cebuano"
, "cgg":"chiga"
, "ch":"chamorro"
, "chb":"chibcha"
, "chg":"chagatái"
, "chk":"trukés"
, "chm":"marí"
, "chn":"jerga chinuk"
, "cho":"choctaw"
, "chp":"chipewyan"
, "chr":"cheroqui"
, "chy":"cheyene"
, "ckb":"kurdo sorani"
, "co":"corso"
, "cop":"copto"
, "cr":"cree"
, "crh":"tártaro de Crimea"
, "crs":"criollo seychelense"
, "cs":"checo"
, "csb":"casubio"
, "cu":"eslavo eclesiástico"
, "cv":"chuvasio"
, "cy":"galés"
, "da":"danés"
, "dak":"dakota"
, "dar":"dargva"
, "dav":"taita"
, "de":"alemán"
, "de-at":"alemán austríaco"
, "de-ch":"alto alemán suizo"
, "del":"delaware"
, "den":"slave"
, "dgr":"dogrib"
, "din":"dinka"
, "dje":"zarma"
, "doi":"dogri"
, "dsb":"bajo sorbio"
, "dua":"duala"
, "dum":"neerlandés medio"
, "dv":"divehi"
, "dyo":"jola-fonyi"
, "dyu":"diula"
, "dz":"dzongkha"
, "dzg":"dazaga"
, "ebu":"embu"
, "ee":"ewé"
, "efi":"efik"
, "egy":"egipcio antiguo"
, "eka":"ekajuk"
, "el":"griego"
, "elx":"elamita"
, "en":"inglés"
, "en-au":"inglés australiano"
, "en-ca":"inglés canadiense"
, "en-gb":"inglés británico"
, "en-us":"inglés estadounidense"
, "enm":"inglés medio"
, "eo":"esperanto"
, "es":"español"
, "es-419":"español latinoamericano"
, "es-es":"español de España"
, "es-mx":"español de México"
, "et":"estonio"
, "eu":"euskera"
, "ewo":"ewondo"
, "fa":"persa"
, "fan":"fang"
, "fat":"fanti"
, "ff":"fula"
, "fi":"finés"
, "fil":"filipino"
, "fj":"fiyiano"
, "fo":"feroés"
, "fon":"fon"
, "fr":"francés"
, "fr-ca":"francés canadiense"
, "fr-ch":"francés suizo"
, "frc":"francés cajún"
, "frm":"francés medio"
, "fro":"francés antiguo"
, "frr":"frisón septentrional"
, "frs":"frisón oriental"
, "fur":"friulano"
, "fy":"frisón occidental"
, "ga":"irlandés"
, "gaa":"ga"
, "gag":"gagauzo"
, "gan":"chino gan"
, "gay":"gayo"
, "gba":"gbaya"
, "gd":"gaélico escocés"
, "gez":"geez"
, "gil":"gilbertés"
, "gl":"gallego"
, "gmh":"alto alemán medio"
, "gn":"guaraní"
, "goh":"alto alemán antiguo"
, "gon":"gondi"
, "gor":"gorontalo"
, "got":"gótico"
, "grb":"grebo"
, "grc":"griego antiguo"
, "gsw":"alemán suizo"
, "gu":"guyaratí"
, "guz":"gusii"
, "gv":"manés"
, "gwi":"kutchin"
, "ha":"hausa"
, "hai":"haida"
, "hak":"chino hakka"
, "haw":"hawaiano"
, "he":"hebreo"
, "hi":"hindi"
, "hil":"hiligaynon"
, "hit":"hitita"
, "hmn":"hmong"
, "ho":"hiri motu"
, "hr":"croata"
, "hsb":"alto sorbio"
, "hsn":"chino xiang"
, "ht":"criollo haitiano"
, "hu":"húngaro"
, "hup":"hupa"
, "hy":"armenio"
, "hz":"herero"
, "ia":"interlingua"
, "iba":"iban"
, "ibb":"ibibio"
, "id":"indonesio"
, "ie":"interlingue"
, "ig":"igbo"
, "ii":"yi de Sichuán"
, "ik":"inupiaq"
, "ilo":"ilocano"
, "inh":"ingush"
, "io":"ido"
, "is":"islandés"
, "it":"italiano"
, "iu":"inuktitut"
, "ja":"japonés"
, "jbo":"lojban"
, "jgo":"ngomba"
, "jmc":"machame"
, "jpr":"judeo-persa"
, "jrb":"judeo-árabe"
, "jv":"javanés"
, "ka":"georgiano"
, "kaa":"karakalpako"
, "kab":"cabila"
, "kac":"kachin"
, "kaj":"jju"
, "kam":"kamba"
, "kaw":"kawi"
, "kbd":"kabardiano"
, "kbl":"kanembu"
, "kcg":"tyap"
, "kde":"makonde"
, "kea":"criollo caboverdiano"
, "kfo":"koro"
, "kg":"kongo"
, "kha":"khasi"
, "kho":"kotanés"
, "khq":"koyra chiini"
, "ki":"kikuyu"
, "kj":"kuanyama"
, "kk":"kazajo"
, "kkj":"kako"
, "kl":"groenlandés"
, "kln":"kalenjin"
, "km":"jemer"
, "kmb":"kimbundu"
, "kn":"canarés"
, "ko":"coreano"
, "koi":"komi permio"
, "kok":"konkaní"
, "kos":"kosraeano"
, "kpe":"kpelle"
, "kr":"kanuri"
, "krc":"karachay-balkar"
, "krl":"carelio"
, "kru":"kurukh"
, "ks":"cachemiro"
, "ksb":"shambala"
, "ksf":"bafia"
, "ksh":"kölsch"
, "ku":"kurdo"
, "kum":"kumyk"
, "kut":"kutenai"
, "kv":"komi"
, "kw":"córnico"
, "ky":"kirguís"
, "la":"latín"
, "lad":"ladino"
, "lag":"langi"
, "lah":"lahnda"
, "lam":"lamba"
, "lb":"luxemburgués"
, "lez":"lezgiano"
, "lg":"ganda"
, "li":"limburgués"
, "lkt":"lakota"
, "ln":"lingala"
, "lo":"lao"
, "lol":"mongo"
, "lou":"criollo de Luisiana"
, "loz":"lozi"
, "lrc":"lorí septentrional"
, "lt":"lituano"
, "lu":"luba-katanga"
, "lua":"luba-lulua"
, "lui":"luiseño"
, "lun":"lunda"
, "luo":"luo"
, "lus":"mizo"
, "luy":"luyia"
, "lv":"letón"
, "mad":"madurés"
, "maf":"mafa"
, "mag":"magahi"
, "mai":"maithili"
, "mak":"macasar"
, "man":"mandingo"
, "mas":"masái"
, "mde":"maba"
, "mdf":"moksha"
, "mdr":"mandar"
, "men":"mende"
, "mer":"meru"
, "mfe":"criollo mauriciano"
, "mg":"malgache"
, "mga":"irlandés medio"
, "mgh":"makhuwa-meetto"
, "mgo":"meta"
, "mh":"marshalés"
, "mi":"maorí"
, "mic":"micmac"
, "min":"minangkabau"
, "mk":"macedonio"
, "ml":"malayalam"
, "mn":"mongol"
, "mnc":"manchú"
, "mni":"manipuri"
, "moh":"mohawk"
, "mos":"mossi"
, "mr":"maratí"
, "ms":"malayo"
, "mt":"maltés"
, "mua":"mundang"
, "mul":"varios idiomas"
, "mus":"creek"
, "mwl":"mirandés"
, "mwr":"marwari"
, "my":"birmano"
, "mye":"myene"
, "myv":"erzya"
, "mzn":"mazandaraní"
, "na":"nauruano"
, "nan":"chino min nan"
, "nap":"napolitano"
, "naq":"nama"
, "nb":"noruego bokmal"
, "nd":"ndebele septentrional"
, "nds":"bajo alemán"
, "nds-nl":"bajo sajón"
, "ne":"nepalí"
, "new":"newari"
, "ng":"ndonga"
, "nia":"nias"
, "niu":"niueano"
, "nl":"neerlandés"
, "nl-be":"flamenco"
, "nmg":"kwasio"
, "nn":"noruego nynorsk"
, "nnh":"ngiemboon"
, "no":"noruego"
, "nog":"nogai"
, "non":"nórdico antiguo"
, "nqo":"nko"
, "nr":"ndebele meridional"
, "nso":"sesotho septentrional"
, "nus":"nuer"
, "nv":"navajo"
, "nwc":"newari clásico"
, "ny":"nyanja"
, "nym":"nyamwezi"
, "nyn":"nyankole"
, "nyo":"nyoro"
, "nzi":"nzima"
, "oc":"occitano"
, "oj":"ojibwa"
, "om":"oromo"
, "or":"oriya"
, "os":"osético"
, "osa":"osage"
, "ota":"turco otomano"
, "pa":"panyabí"
, "pag":"pangasinán"
, "pal":"pahlavi"
, "pam":"pampanga"
, "pap":"papiamento"
, "pau":"palauano"
, "pcm":"pidgin de Nigeria"
, "peo":"persa antiguo"
, "phn":"fenicio"
, "pi":"pali"
, "pl":"polaco"
, "pon":"pohnpeiano"
, "prg":"prusiano"
, "pro":"provenzal antiguo"
, "ps":"pastún"
, "pt":"portugués"
, "pt-br":"portugués de Brasil"
, "pt-pt":"portugués de Portugal"
, "qu":"quechua"
, "quc":"quiché"
, "raj":"rajasthani"
, "rap":"rapanui"
, "rar":"rarotongano"
, "rm":"romanche"
, "rn":"kirundi"
, "ro":"rumano"
, "ro-md":"moldavo"
, "rof":"rombo"
, "rom":"romaní"
, "ru":"ruso"
, "rup":"arrumano"
, "rw":"kinyarwanda"
, "rwk":"rwa"
, "sa":"sánscrito"
, "sad":"sandawe"
, "sah":"sakha"
, "sam":"arameo samaritano"
, "saq":"samburu"
, "sas":"sasak"
, "sat":"santali"
, "sba":"ngambay"
, "sbp":"sangu"
, "sc":"sardo"
, "scn":"siciliano"
, "sco":"escocés"
, "sd":"sindhi"
, "sdh":"kurdo meridional"
, "se":"sami septentrional"
, "see":"seneca"
, "seh":"sena"
, "sel":"selkup"
, "ses":"koyraboro senni"
, "sg":"sango"
, "sga":"irlandés antiguo"
, "sh":"serbocroata"
, "shi":"tashelhit"
, "shn":"shan"
, "shu":"árabe chadiano"
, "si":"cingalés"
, "sid":"sidamo"
, "sk":"eslovaco"
, "sl":"esloveno"
, "sm":"samoano"
, "sma":"sami meridional"
, "smj":"sami lule"
, "smn":"sami inari"
, "sms":"sami skolt"
, "sn":"shona"
, "snk":"soninké"
, "so":"somalí"
, "sog":"sogdiano"
, "sq":"albanés"
, "sr":"serbio"
, "srn":"sranan tongo"
, "srr":"serer"
, "ss":"suazi"
, "ssy":"saho"
, "st":"sesotho meridional"
, "su":"sundanés"
, "suk":"sukuma"
, "sus":"susu"
, "sux":"sumerio"
, "sv":"sueco"
, "sw":"suajili"
, "sw-cd":"suajili del Congo"
, "swb":"comorense"
, "syc":"siríaco clásico"
, "syr":"siriaco"
, "ta":"tamil"
, "te":"telugu"
, "tem":"temne"
, "teo":"teso"
, "ter":"tereno"
, "tet":"tetún"
, "tg":"tayiko"
, "th":"tailandés"
, "ti":"tigriña"
, "tig":"tigré"
, "tiv":"tiv"
, "tk":"turcomano"
, "tkl":"tokelauano"
, "tl":"tagalo"
, "tlh":"klingon"
, "tli":"tlingit"
, "tmh":"tamashek"
, "tn":"setsuana"
, "to":"tongano"
, "tog":"tonga del Nyasa"
, "tpi":"tok pisin"
, "tr":"turco"
, "trv":"taroko"
, "ts":"tsonga"
, "tsi":"tsimshiano"
, "tt":"tártaro"
, "tum":"tumbuka"
, "tvl":"tuvaluano"
, "tw":"twi"
, "twq":"tasawaq"
, "ty":"tahitiano"
, "tyv":"tuviniano"
, "tzm":"tamazight del Atlas Central"
, "udm":"udmurt"
, "ug":"uigur"
, "uga":"ugarítico"
, "uk":"ucraniano"
, "umb":"umbundu"
, "und":"lengua desconocida"
, "ur":"urdu"
, "uz":"uzbeko"
, "vai":"vai"
, "ve":"venda"
, "vi":"vietnamita"
, "vo":"volapük"
, "vot":"vótico"
, "vun":"vunjo"
, "wa":"valón"
, "wae":"walser"
, "wal":"wolayta"
, "war":"waray"
, "was":"washo"
, "wbp":"warlpiri"
, "wo":"wólof"
, "wuu":"chino wu"
, "xal":"kalmyk"
, "xh":"xhosa"
, "xog":"soga"
, "yao":"yao"
, "yap":"yapés"
, "yav":"yangben"
, "ybb":"yemba"
, "yi":"yidis"
, "yo":"yoruba"
, "yue":"cantonés"
, "za":"zhuang"
, "zap":"zapoteco"
, "zbl":"símbolos Bliss"
, "zen":"zenaga"
, "zgh":"tamazight estándar marroquí"
, "zh":"chino"
, "zh-hans":"chino simplificado"
, "zh-hant":"chino tradicional"
, "zu":"zulú"
, "zun":"zuñi"
, "zxx":"sin contenido lingüístico"
, "zza":"zazaki"
, "currencyNames":
"ADP":"peseta andorrana"
, "AED":"dírham de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos"
, "AFA":"afgani (19272002)"
, "AFN":"afgani"
, "ALL":"lek"
, "AMD":"dram"
, "ANG":"florín de las Antillas Neerlandesas"
, "AOA":"kuanza"
, "AOK":"kwanza angoleño (19771990)"
, "AON":"nuevo kwanza angoleño (19902000)"
, "AOR":"kwanza reajustado angoleño (19951999)"
, "ARA":"austral argentino"
, "ARP":"peso argentino (19831985)"
, "ARS":"peso argentino"
, "ATS":"chelín austriaco"
, "AUD":"dólar australiano"
, "AWG":"florín arubeño"
, "AZM":"manat azerí (19932006)"
, "AZN":"manat azerbaiyano"
, "BAD":"dinar bosnio"
, "BAM":"marco convertible de Bosnia y Herzegovina"
, "BBD":"dólar barbadense"
, "BDT":"taka"
, "BEC":"franco belga (convertible)"
, "BEF":"franco belga"
, "BEL":"franco belga (financiero)"
, "BGL":"lev fuerte búlgaro"
, "BGN":"lev búlgaro"
, "BHD":"dinar bahreiní"
, "BIF":"franco burundés"
, "BMD":"dólar de Bermudas"
, "BND":"dólar bruneano"
, "BOB":"boliviano"
, "BOP":"peso boliviano"
, "BOV":"MVDOL boliviano"
, "BRB":"nuevo cruceiro brasileño (19671986)"
, "BRC":"cruzado brasileño"
, "BRE":"cruceiro brasileño (19901993)"
, "BRL":"real brasileño"
, "BRN":"nuevo cruzado brasileño"
, "BRR":"cruceiro brasileño"
, "BSD":"dólar bahameño"
, "BTN":"gultrum"
, "BUK":"kyat birmano"
, "BWP":"pula"
, "BYB":"nuevo rublo bielorruso (19941999)"
, "BYN":"rublo bielorruso"
, "BYR":"rublo bielorruso (20002016)"
, "BZD":"dólar beliceño"
, "CAD":"dólar canadiense"
, "CDF":"franco congoleño"
, "CHE":"euro WIR"
, "CHF":"franco suizo"
, "CHW":"franco WIR"
, "CLF":"unidad de fomento chilena"
, "CLP":"peso chileno"
, "CNH":"yuan chino (extracontinental)"
, "CNY":"yuan"
, "COP":"peso colombiano"
, "COU":"unidad de valor real colombiana"
, "CRC":"colón costarricense"
, "CSD":"antiguo dinar serbio"
, "CSK":"corona fuerte checoslovaca"
, "CUC":"peso cubano convertible"
, "CUP":"peso cubano"
, "CVE":"escudo de Cabo Verde"
, "CYP":"libra chipriota"
, "CZK":"corona checa"
, "DDM":"ostmark de Alemania del Este"
, "DEM":"marco alemán"
, "DJF":"franco yibutiano"
, "DKK":"corona danesa"
, "DOP":"peso dominicano"
, "DZD":"dinar argelino"
, "ECS":"sucre ecuatoriano"
, "ECV":"unidad de valor constante (UVC) ecuatoriana"
, "EEK":"corona estonia"
, "EGP":"libra egipcia"
, "ERN":"nakfa"
, "ESA":"peseta española (cuenta A)"
, "ESB":"peseta española (cuenta convertible)"
, "ESP":"peseta española"
, "ETB":"bir"
, "EUR":"euro"
, "FIM":"marco finlandés"
, "FJD":"dólar fiyiano"
, "FKP":"libra malvinense"
, "FRF":"franco francés"
, "GBP":"libra esterlina"
, "GEK":"kupon larit georgiano"
, "GEL":"lari"
, "GHC":"cedi ghanés (19792007)"
, "GHS":"cedi"
, "GIP":"libra gibraltareña"
, "GMD":"dalasi"
, "GNF":"franco guineano"
, "GNS":"syli guineano"
, "GQE":"ekuele de Guinea Ecuatorial"
, "GRD":"dracma griego"
, "GTQ":"quetzal guatemalteco"
, "GWE":"escudo de Guinea Portuguesa"
, "GWP":"peso de Guinea-Bissáu"
, "GYD":"dólar guyanés"
, "HKD":"dólar hongkonés"
, "HNL":"lempira hondureño"
, "HRD":"dinar croata"
, "HRK":"kuna"
, "HTG":"gourde haitiano"
, "HUF":"forinto húngaro"
, "IDR":"rupia indonesia"
, "IEP":"libra irlandesa"
, "ILP":"libra israelí"
, "ILS":"nuevo séquel israelí"
, "INR":"rupia india"
, "IQD":"dinar iraquí"
, "IRR":"rial iraní"
, "ISK":"corona islandesa"
, "ITL":"lira italiana"
, "JMD":"dólar jamaicano"
, "JOD":"dinar jordano"
, "JPY":"yen"
, "KES":"chelín keniano"
, "KGS":"som"
, "KHR":"riel"
, "KMF":"franco comorense"
, "KPW":"won norcoreano"
, "KRW":"won surcoreano"
, "KWD":"dinar kuwaití"
, "KYD":"dólar de las Islas Caimán"
, "KZT":"tenge kazako"
, "LAK":"kip"
, "LBP":"libra libanesa"
, "LKR":"rupia esrilanquesa"
, "LRD":"dólar liberiano"
, "LSL":"loti lesothense"
, "LTL":"litas lituano"
, "LTT":"talonas lituano"
, "LUC":"franco convertible luxemburgués"
, "LUF":"franco luxemburgués"
, "LUL":"franco financiero luxemburgués"
, "LVL":"lats letón"
, "LVR":"rublo letón"
, "LYD":"dinar libio"
, "MAD":"dírham marroquí"
, "MAF":"franco marroquí"
, "MDL":"leu moldavo"
, "MGA":"ariari"
, "MGF":"franco malgache"
, "MKD":"dinar macedonio"
, "MLF":"franco malí"
, "MMK":"kiat"
, "MNT":"tugrik"
, "MOP":"pataca de Macao"
, "MRO":"uguiya (19732017)"
, "MRU":"uguiya"
, "MTL":"lira maltesa"
, "MTP":"libra maltesa"
, "MUR":"rupia mauriciana"
, "MVR":"rufiya"
, "MWK":"kwacha malauí"
, "MXN":"peso mexicano"
, "MXP":"peso de plata mexicano (18611992)"
, "MXV":"unidad de inversión (UDI) mexicana"
, "MYR":"ringit"
, "MZE":"escudo mozambiqueño"
, "MZM":"antiguo metical mozambiqueño"
, "MZN":"metical"
, "NAD":"dólar namibio"
, "NGN":"naira"
, "NIC":"córdoba nicaragüense (19881991)"
, "NIO":"córdoba nicaragüense"
, "NLG":"florín neerlandés"
, "NOK":"corona noruega"
, "NPR":"rupia nepalí"
, "NZD":"dólar neozelandés"
, "OMR":"rial omaní"
, "PAB":"balboa panameño"
, "PEI":"inti peruano"
, "PEN":"sol peruano"
, "PES":"sol peruano (18631965)"
, "PGK":"kina"
, "PHP":"peso filipino"
, "PKR":"rupia pakistaní"
, "PLN":"esloti"
, "PLZ":"zloty polaco (19501995)"
, "PTE":"escudo portugués"
, "PYG":"guaraní paraguayo"
, "QAR":"rial catarí"
, "RHD":"dólar rodesiano"
, "ROL":"antiguo leu rumano"
, "RON":"leu rumano"
, "RSD":"dinar serbio"
, "RUB":"rublo ruso"
, "RUR":"rublo ruso (19911998)"
, "RWF":"franco ruandés"
, "SAR":"rial saudí"
, "SBD":"dólar salomonense"
, "SCR":"rupia seychellense"
, "SDD":"dinar sudanés"
, "SDG":"libra sudanesa"
, "SDP":"libra sudanesa antigua"
, "SEK":"corona sueca"
, "SGD":"dólar singapurense"
, "SHP":"libra de Santa Elena"
, "SIT":"tólar esloveno"
, "SKK":"corona eslovaca"
, "SLL":"leona"
, "SOS":"chelín somalí"
, "SRD":"dólar surinamés"
, "SRG":"florín surinamés"
, "SSP":"libra sursudanesa"
, "STD":"dobra (19772017)"
, "STN":"dobra"
, "SUR":"rublo soviético"
, "SVC":"colón salvadoreño"
, "SYP":"libra siria"
, "SZL":"lilangeni"
, "THB":"bat"
, "TJR":"rublo tayiko"
, "TJS":"somoni tayiko"
, "TMM":"manat turcomano (19932009)"
, "TMT":"manat turcomano"
, "TND":"dinar tunecino"
, "TOP":"paanga"
, "TPE":"escudo timorense"
, "TRL":"lira turca (19222005)"
, "TRY":"lira turca"
, "TTD":"dólar de Trinidad y Tobago"
, "TWD":"nuevo dólar taiwanés"
, "TZS":"chelín tanzano"
, "UAH":"grivna"
, "UAK":"karbovanet ucraniano"
, "UGS":"chelín ugandés (19661987)"
, "UGX":"chelín ugandés"
, "USD":"dólar estadounidense"
, "USN":"dólar estadounidense (día siguiente)"
, "USS":"dólar estadounidense (mismo día)"
, "UYI":"peso uruguayo en unidades indexadas"
, "UYP":"peso uruguayo (19751993)"
, "UYU":"peso uruguayo"
, "UZS":"sum"
, "VEB":"bolívar venezolano (18712008)"
, "VEF":"bolívar venezolano"
, "VND":"dong"
, "VUV":"vatu"
, "WST":"tala"
, "XAF":"franco CFA de África Central"
, "XAG":"plata"
, "XAU":"oro"
, "XBA":"unidad compuesta europea"
, "XBB":"unidad monetaria europea"
, "XBC":"unidad de cuenta europea (XBC)"
, "XBD":"unidad de cuenta europea (XBD)"
, "XCD":"dólar del Caribe Oriental"
, "XDR":"derechos especiales de giro"
, "XEU":"unidad de moneda europea"
, "XFO":"franco oro francés"
, "XFU":"franco UIC francés"
, "XOF":"franco CFA de África Occidental"
, "XPD":"paladio"
, "XPF":"franco CFP"
, "XPT":"platino"
, "XRE":"fondos RINET"
, "XTS":"código reservado para pruebas"
, "XXX":"moneda desconocida"
, "YDD":"dinar yemení"
, "YER":"rial yemení"
, "YUD":"dinar fuerte yugoslavo"
, "YUM":"super dinar yugoslavo"
, "YUN":"dinar convertible yugoslavo"
, "ZAL":"rand sudafricano (financiero)"
, "ZAR":"rand"
, "ZMK":"kwacha zambiano (19682012)"
, "ZMW":"kwacha zambiano"
, "ZRN":"nuevo zaire zaireño"
, "ZRZ":"zaire zaireño"
, "ZWD":"dólar de Zimbabue"
, "ZWL":"dólar zimbabuense"
, "currencySymbols":
, "AFN":"AFN"
, "ALL":"ALL"
, "AMD":"AMD"
, "ANG":"ANG"
, "AOA":"AOA"
, "ARS":"ARS"
, "AUD":"AUD"
, "AWG":"AWG"
, "AZN":"AZN"
, "BAM":"BAM"
, "BBD":"BBD"
, "BDT":"BDT"
, "BGN":"BGN"
, "BHD":"BHD"
, "BIF":"BIF"
, "BMD":"BMD"
, "BND":"BND"
, "BOB":"BOB"
, "BRL":"BRL"
, "BSD":"BSD"
, "BTN":"BTN"
, "BWP":"BWP"
, "BYN":"BYN"
, "BYR":"BYR"
, "BZD":"BZD"
, "CAD":"CA$"
, "CDF":"CDF"
, "CHF":"CHF"
, "CLP":"CLP"
, "CNY":"CNY"
, "COP":"COP"
, "CRC":"CRC"
, "CUC":"CUC"
, "CUP":"CUP"
, "CVE":"CVE"
, "CZK":"CZK"
, "DJF":"DJF"
, "DKK":"DKK"
, "DOP":"DOP"
, "DZD":"DZD"
, "EGP":"EGP"
, "ERN":"ERN"
, "ESP":"₧"
, "ETB":"ETB"
, "EUR":"€"
, "FJD":"FJD"
, "FKP":"FKP"
, "GBP":"GBP"
, "GEL":"GEL"
, "GHS":"GHS"
, "GIP":"GIP"
, "GMD":"GMD"
, "GNF":"GNF"
, "GTQ":"GTQ"
, "GYD":"GYD"
, "HKD":"HKD"
, "HNL":"HNL"
, "HRK":"HRK"
, "HTG":"HTG"
, "HUF":"HUF"
, "IDR":"IDR"
, "ILS":"ILS"
, "INR":"INR"
, "IQD":"IQD"
, "IRR":"IRR"
, "ISK":"ISK"
, "JMD":"JMD"
, "JOD":"JOD"
, "JPY":"JPY"
, "KES":"KES"
, "KGS":"KGS"
, "KHR":"KHR"
, "KMF":"KMF"
, "KPW":"KPW"
, "KRW":"KRW"
, "KWD":"KWD"
, "KYD":"KYD"
, "KZT":"KZT"
, "LAK":"LAK"
, "LBP":"LBP"
, "LKR":"LKR"
, "LRD":"LRD"
, "LTL":"LTL"
, "LVL":"LVL"
, "LYD":"LYD"
, "MAD":"MAD"
, "MDL":"MDL"
, "MGA":"MGA"
, "MKD":"MKD"
, "MMK":"MMK"
, "MNT":"MNT"
, "MOP":"MOP"
, "MRO":"MRO"
, "MUR":"MUR"
, "MVR":"MVR"
, "MWK":"MWK"
, "MXN":"MXN"
, "MYR":"MYR"
, "MZN":"MZN"
, "NAD":"NAD"
, "NGN":"NGN"
, "NIO":"NIO"
, "NOK":"NOK"
, "NPR":"NPR"
, "NZD":"NZD"
, "OMR":"OMR"
, "PAB":"PAB"
, "PEN":"PEN"
, "PGK":"PGK"
, "PHP":"PHP"
, "PKR":"PKR"
, "PLN":"PLN"
, "PYG":"PYG"
, "QAR":"QAR"
, "RON":"RON"
, "RSD":"RSD"
, "RUB":"RUB"
, "RWF":"RWF"
, "SAR":"SAR"
, "SBD":"SBD"
, "SCR":"SCR"
, "SDG":"SDG"
, "SEK":"SEK"
, "SGD":"SGD"
, "SHP":"SHP"
, "SLL":"SLL"
, "SOS":"SOS"
, "SRD":"SRD"
, "SSP":"SSP"
, "STD":"STD"
, "STN":"Db"
, "SYP":"SYP"
, "SZL":"SZL"
, "THB":"฿"
, "TJS":"TJS"
, "TMT":"TMT"
, "TND":"TND"
, "TOP":"TOP"
, "TRY":"TRY"
, "TTD":"TTD"
, "TWD":"TWD"
, "TZS":"TZS"
, "UAH":"UAH"
, "UGX":"UGX"
, "USD":"US$"
, "UYU":"UYU"
, "UZS":"UZS"
, "VEF":"VEF"
, "VND":"₫"
, "VUV":"VUV"
, "WST":"WST"
, "XAF":"XAF"
, "XCD":"XCD"
, "XOF":"XOF"
, "XPF":"CFPF"
, "YER":"YER"
, "ZAR":"ZAR"
, "ZMW":"ZMW"
, "countryNames":
"AC":"Isla de la Ascensión"
, "AD":"Andorra"
, "AE":"Emiratos Árabes Unidos"
, "AF":"Afganistán"
, "AG":"Antigua y Barbuda"
, "AI":"Anguila"
, "AL":"Albania"
, "AM":"Armenia"
, "AO":"Angola"
, "AQ":"Antártida"
, "AR":"Argentina"
, "AS":"Samoa Americana"
, "AT":"Austria"
, "AU":"Australia"
, "AW":"Aruba"
, "AX":"Islas Åland"
, "AZ":"Azerbaiyán"
, "BA":"Bosnia y Herzegovina"
, "BB":"Barbados"
, "BD":"Bangladés"
, "BE":"Bélgica"
, "BF":"Burkina Faso"
, "BG":"Bulgaria"
, "BH":"Baréin"
, "BI":"Burundi"
, "BJ":"Benín"
, "BL":"San Bartolomé"
, "BM":"Bermudas"
, "BN":"Brunéi"
, "BO":"Bolivia"
, "BQ":"Caribe neerlandés"
, "BR":"Brasil"
, "BS":"Bahamas"
, "BT":"Bután"
, "BV":"Isla Bouvet"
, "BW":"Botsuana"
, "BY":"Bielorrusia"
, "BZ":"Belice"
, "CA":"Canadá"
, "CC":"Islas Cocos"
, "CD":"República Democrática del Congo"
, "CF":"República Centroafricana"
, "CG":"República del Congo"
, "CH":"Suiza"
, "CI":"Côte dIvoire"
, "CK":"Islas Cook"
, "CL":"Chile"
, "CM":"Camerún"
, "CN":"China"
, "CO":"Colombia"
, "CP":"Isla Clipperton"
, "CR":"Costa Rica"
, "CU":"Cuba"
, "CV":"Cabo Verde"
, "CW":"Curazao"
, "CX":"Isla de Navidad"
, "CY":"Chipre"
, "CZ":"Chequia"
, "DE":"Alemania"
, "DG":"Diego García"
, "DJ":"Yibuti"
, "DK":"Dinamarca"
, "DM":"Dominica"
, "DO":"República Dominicana"
, "DZ":"Argelia"
, "EA":"Ceuta y Melilla"
, "EC":"Ecuador"
, "EE":"Estonia"
, "EG":"Egipto"
, "EH":"Sáhara Occidental"
, "ER":"Eritrea"
, "ES":"España"
, "ET":"Etiopía"
, "EU":"Unión Europea"
, "EZ":"zona euro"
, "FI":"Finlandia"
, "FJ":"Fiyi"
, "FK":"Islas Malvinas"
, "FM":"Micronesia"
, "FO":"Islas Feroe"
, "FR":"Francia"
, "GA":"Gabón"
, "GB":"RU"
, "GD":"Granada"
, "GE":"Georgia"
, "GF":"Guayana Francesa"
, "GG":"Guernsey"
, "GH":"Ghana"
, "GI":"Gibraltar"
, "GL":"Groenlandia"
, "GM":"Gambia"
, "GN":"Guinea"
, "GP":"Guadalupe"
, "GQ":"Guinea Ecuatorial"
, "GR":"Grecia"
, "GS":"Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur"
, "GT":"Guatemala"
, "GU":"Guam"
, "GW":"Guinea-Bisáu"
, "GY":"Guyana"
, "HK":"Hong Kong"
, "HM":"Islas Heard y McDonald"
, "HN":"Honduras"
, "HR":"Croacia"
, "HT":"Haití"
, "HU":"Hungría"
, "IC":"Canarias"
, "ID":"Indonesia"
, "IE":"Irlanda"
, "IL":"Israel"
, "IM":"Isla de Man"
, "IN":"India"
, "IO":"Territorio Británico del Océano Índico"
, "IQ":"Irak"
, "IR":"Irán"
, "IS":"Islandia"
, "IT":"Italia"
, "JE":"Jersey"
, "JM":"Jamaica"
, "JO":"Jordania"
, "JP":"Japón"
, "KE":"Kenia"
, "KG":"Kirguistán"
, "KH":"Camboya"
, "KI":"Kiribati"
, "KM":"Comoras"
, "KN":"San Cristóbal y Nieves"
, "KP":"Corea del Norte"
, "KR":"Corea del Sur"
, "KW":"Kuwait"
, "KY":"Islas Caimán"
, "KZ":"Kazajistán"
, "LA":"Laos"
, "LB":"Líbano"
, "LC":"Santa Lucía"
, "LI":"Liechtenstein"
, "LK":"Sri Lanka"
, "LR":"Liberia"
, "LS":"Lesoto"
, "LT":"Lituania"
, "LU":"Luxemburgo"
, "LV":"Letonia"
, "LY":"Libia"
, "MA":"Marruecos"
, "MC":"Mónaco"
, "MD":"Moldavia"
, "ME":"Montenegro"
, "MF":"San Martín"
, "MG":"Madagascar"
, "MH":"Islas Marshall"
, "MK":"Macedonia"
, "ML":"Mali"
, "MM":"Myanmar (Birmania)"
, "MN":"Mongolia"
, "MO":"Macao"
, "MP":"Islas Marianas del Norte"
, "MQ":"Martinica"
, "MR":"Mauritania"
, "MS":"Montserrat"
, "MT":"Malta"
, "MU":"Mauricio"
, "MV":"Maldivas"
, "MW":"Malaui"
, "MX":"México"
, "MY":"Malasia"
, "MZ":"Mozambique"
, "NA":"Namibia"
, "NC":"Nueva Caledonia"
, "NE":"Níger"
, "NF":"Isla Norfolk"
, "NG":"Nigeria"
, "NI":"Nicaragua"
, "NL":"Países Bajos"
, "NO":"Noruega"
, "NP":"Nepal"
, "NR":"Nauru"
, "NU":"Niue"
, "NZ":"Nueva Zelanda"
, "OM":"Omán"
, "PA":"Panamá"
, "PE":"Perú"
, "PF":"Polinesia Francesa"
, "PG":"Papúa Nueva Guinea"
, "PH":"Filipinas"
, "PK":"Pakistán"
, "PL":"Polonia"
, "PM":"San Pedro y Miquelón"
, "PN":"Islas Pitcairn"
, "PR":"Puerto Rico"
, "PS":"Palestina"
, "PT":"Portugal"
, "PW":"Palaos"
, "PY":"Paraguay"
, "QA":"Catar"
, "QO":"Territorios alejados de Oceanía"
, "RE":"Reunión"
, "RO":"Rumanía"
, "RS":"Serbia"
, "RU":"Rusia"
, "RW":"Ruanda"
, "SA":"Arabia Saudí"
, "SB":"Islas Salomón"
, "SC":"Seychelles"
, "SD":"Sudán"
, "SE":"Suecia"
, "SG":"Singapur"
, "SH":"Santa Elena"
, "SI":"Eslovenia"
, "SJ":"Svalbard y Jan Mayen"
, "SK":"Eslovaquia"
, "SL":"Sierra Leona"
, "SM":"San Marino"
, "SN":"Senegal"
, "SO":"Somalia"
, "SR":"Surinam"
, "SS":"Sudán del Sur"
, "ST":"Santo Tomé y Príncipe"
, "SV":"El Salvador"
, "SX":"Sint Maarten"
, "SY":"Siria"
, "SZ":"Suazilandia"
, "TA":"Tristán de Acuña"
, "TC":"Islas Turcas y Caicos"
, "TD":"Chad"
, "TF":"Territorios Australes Franceses"
, "TG":"Togo"
, "TH":"Tailandia"
, "TJ":"Tayikistán"
, "TK":"Tokelau"
, "TL":"Timor-Leste"
, "TM":"Turkmenistán"
, "TN":"Túnez"
, "TO":"Tonga"
, "TR":"Turquía"
, "TT":"Trinidad y Tobago"
, "TV":"Tuvalu"
, "TW":"Taiwán"
, "TZ":"Tanzania"
, "UA":"Ucrania"
, "UG":"Uganda"
, "UM":"Islas menores alejadas de EE. UU."
, "UN":"Naciones Unidas"
, "US":"EE. UU."
, "UY":"Uruguay"
, "UZ":"Uzbekistán"
, "VA":"Ciudad del Vaticano"
, "VC":"San Vicente y las Granadinas"
, "VE":"Venezuela"
, "VG":"Islas Vírgenes Británicas"
, "VI":"Islas Vírgenes de EE. UU."
, "VN":"Vietnam"
, "VU":"Vanuatu"
, "WF":"Wallis y Futuna"
, "WS":"Samoa"
, "XK":"Kosovo"
, "YE":"Yemen"
, "YT":"Mayotte"
, "ZA":"Sudáfrica"
, "ZM":"Zambia"
, "ZW":"Zimbabue"
, "timeUnits":
"century-one":"{0} siglo"
, "century-other":"{0} siglos"
, "day-future-one":"dentro de {0} día"
, "day-future-other":"dentro de {0} días"
, "day-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} día"
, "day-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} días"
, "day-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} día"
, "day-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} días"
, "day-one":"{0} día"
, "day-other":"{0} días"
, "day-past-one":"hace {0} día"
, "day-past-other":"hace {0} días"
, "day-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} día"
, "day-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} días"
, "day-short-past-one":"hace {0} día"
, "day-short-past-other":"hace {0} días"
, "fri-future-one":"dentro de {0} viernes"
, "fri-future-other":"dentro de {0} viernes"
, "fri-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} VI"
, "fri-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} VI"
, "fri-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} VI"
, "fri-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} VI"
, "fri-past-one":"hace {0} viernes"
, "fri-past-other":"hace {0} viernes"
, "fri-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} vie."
, "fri-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} vie."
, "fri-short-past-one":"hace {0} vie."
, "fri-short-past-other":"hace {0} vie."
, "hour-future-one":"dentro de {0} hora"
, "hour-future-other":"dentro de {0} horas"
, "hour-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} h"
, "hour-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} h"
, "hour-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} h"
, "hour-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} h"
, "hour-one":"{0} hora"
, "hour-other":"{0} horas"
, "hour-past-one":"hace {0} hora"
, "hour-past-other":"hace {0} horas"
, "hour-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} h"
, "hour-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} h"
, "hour-short-past-one":"hace {0} h"
, "hour-short-past-other":"hace {0} h"
, "microsecond-one":"{0} microsegundo"
, "microsecond-other":"{0} microsegundos"
, "millisecond-one":"{0} milisegundo"
, "millisecond-other":"{0} milisegundos"
, "minute-future-one":"dentro de {0} minuto"
, "minute-future-other":"dentro de {0} minutos"
, "minute-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} min"
, "minute-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} min"
, "minute-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} min"
, "minute-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} min"
, "minute-one":"{0} minuto"
, "minute-other":"{0} minutos"
, "minute-past-one":"hace {0} minuto"
, "minute-past-other":"hace {0} minutos"
, "minute-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} min"
, "minute-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} min"
, "minute-short-past-one":"hace {0} min"
, "minute-short-past-other":"hace {0} min"
, "mon-future-one":"dentro de {0} lunes"
, "mon-future-other":"dentro de {0} lunes"
, "mon-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} LU"
, "mon-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} LU"
, "mon-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} LU"
, "mon-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} LU"
, "mon-past-one":"hace {0} lunes"
, "mon-past-other":"hace {0} lunes"
, "mon-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} lun."
, "mon-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} lun."
, "mon-short-past-one":"hace {0} lun."
, "mon-short-past-other":"hace {0} lun."
, "month-future-one":"dentro de {0} mes"
, "month-future-other":"dentro de {0} meses"
, "month-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} m"
, "month-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} m"
, "month-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} m"
, "month-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} m"
, "month-one":"{0} mes"
, "month-other":"{0} meses"
, "month-past-one":"hace {0} mes"
, "month-past-other":"hace {0} meses"
, "month-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} m"
, "month-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} m"
, "month-short-past-one":"hace {0} m"
, "month-short-past-other":"hace {0} m"
, "nanosecond-one":"{0} nanosegundo"
, "nanosecond-other":"{0} nanosegundos"
, "quarter-future-one":"dentro de {0} trimestre"
, "quarter-future-other":"dentro de {0} trimestres"
, "quarter-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} trim."
, "quarter-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} trim."
, "quarter-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} trim."
, "quarter-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} trim."
, "quarter-past-one":"hace {0} trimestre"
, "quarter-past-other":"hace {0} trimestres"
, "quarter-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} trim."
, "quarter-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} trim."
, "quarter-short-past-one":"hace {0} trim."
, "quarter-short-past-other":"hace {0} trim."
, "sat-future-one":"dentro de {0} sábado"
, "sat-future-other":"dentro de {0} sábados"
, "sat-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} SA"
, "sat-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} SA"
, "sat-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} SA"
, "sat-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} SA"
, "sat-past-one":"hace {0} sábado"
, "sat-past-other":"hace {0} sábados"
, "sat-short-future-one":"dentro de {0} sáb."
, "sat-short-future-other":"dentro de {0} sáb."
, "sat-short-past-one":"hace {0} sáb."
, "sat-short-past-other":"hace {0} sáb."
, "second-future-one":"dentro de {0} segundo"
, "second-future-other":"dentro de {0} segundos"
, "second-narrow-future-one":"dentro de {0} s"
, "second-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} s"
, "second-narrow-past-one":"hace {0} s"
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, "thu-short-past-other":"hace {0} jue."
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, "week-narrow-future-other":"dentro de {0} sem."
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, "week-narrow-past-other":"hace {0} sem."
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, "week-short-past-other":"hace {0} sem."
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, "year-short-past-other":"hace {0} a"