mirror of https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa.git synced 2024-09-29 15:00:51 +00:00

698 lines
27 KiB

(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
( function ( $, mw, vg ) {
'use strict';
/* global require */
var VegaWrapper = require( 'mw-graph-shared' );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new VegaWrapper( {
datalib: vg.util,
useXhr: true,
isTrusted: true, // mw.config.get( 'wgGraphIsTrusted' ),
domains: '', // mw.config.get( 'wgGraphAllowedDomains' ),
domainMap: false,
logger: function ( warning ) {
mw.log.warn( warning );
parseUrl: function ( opt ) {
// Parse URL
var uri = {}; // new mw.Uri( opt.url );
// reduce confusion, only keep expected values
if ( uri.port ) {
uri.host += ':' + uri.port;
delete uri.port;
// If url begins with protocol:///... mark it as having relative host
if ( /^[a-z]+:\/\/\//.test( opt.url ) ) {
uri.isRelativeHost = true;
if ( uri.protocol ) {
// All other libs use trailing colon in the protocol field
uri.protocol += ':';
// Node's path includes the query, whereas pathname is without the query
// Standardizing on pathname
uri.pathname = uri.path;
delete uri.path;
return uri;
formatUrl: function ( uri, opt ) {
// Format URL back into a string
// Revert path into pathname
uri.path = uri.pathname;
delete uri.pathname;
if ( location.host.toLowerCase() === uri.host.toLowerCase() ) {
if ( !mw.config.get( 'wgGraphIsTrusted' ) ) {
// Only send this header when hostname is the same.
// This is broader than the same-origin policy,
// but playing on the safer side.
opt.headers = { 'Treat-as-Untrusted': 1 };
} else if ( opt.addCorsOrigin ) {
// All CORS api calls require origin parameter.
// It would be better to use location.origin,
// but apparently it's not universal yet.
uri.query.origin = location.protocol + '//' + location.host;
uri.protocol = VegaWrapper.removeColon( uri.protocol );
return uri.toString();
languageCode: 'en' // mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
} );
* Set up drawing canvas inside the given element and draw graph data
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {Object|string} data graph spec
* @param {Function} [callback] function(error) called when drawing is done
window.drawVegaGraph = function ( element, data, callback ) {
vg.parse.spec( data, function ( error, chart ) {
if ( !error ) {
chart( { el: element } ).update();
if ( callback ) {
callback( error );
} );
// mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
var $content = $('#content');
var specs = {}; // mw.config.get( 'wgGraphSpecs' );
if ( !specs ) {
$content.find( '.mw-graph.mw-graph-always' ).each( function () {
var graphId = $( this ).data( 'graph-id' );
if ( !specs.hasOwnProperty( graphId ) ) {
// mw.log.warn( graphId );
} else {
window.drawVegaGraph( this, specs[ graphId ], function ( error ) {
if ( error ) {
// mw.log.warn( error );
} );
} );
// } );
}( jQuery, null, vg ) );
'use strict';
* Convert a list of domains into an object with a test method.
* equivalent regex: (any-subdomain)\.(wikipedia\.org|wikivoyage\.org|...)
* @param domains array of string domains
* @param allowSubdomains if true, allows any sub and sub-sub-* domains
* @returns {*}
module.exports = function makeValidator(domains, allowSubdomains) {
if (!domains || domains.length === 0) return {
// Optimization - always return false
test: function () {
return false;
return new RegExp(
(allowSubdomains ? '^([^@/:]*\\.)?(' : '^(') +
.map(function (s) {
return s.replace('.', '\\.');
.join('|') + ')$', 'i');
'use strict';
/* global module */
var makeValidator = require('domain-validator'),
parseWikidataValue = require('wd-type-parser');
module.exports = VegaWrapper;
module.exports.removeColon = removeColon;
* Utility function to remove trailing colon from a protocol
* @param {string} protocol
* @return {string}
function removeColon(protocol) {
return protocol && protocol.length && protocol[protocol.length - 1] === ':'
? protocol.substring(0, protocol.length - 1) : protocol;
* Shared library to wrap around vega code
* @param {Object} wrapperOpts Configuration options
* @param {Object} wrapperOpts.datalib Vega's datalib object
* @param {Object} wrapperOpts.datalib.load Vega's data loader
* @param {Function} wrapperOpts.datalib.load.loader Vega's data loader function
* @param {Function} wrapperOpts.datalib.extend similar to jquery's extend()
* @param {boolean} wrapperOpts.useXhr true if we should use XHR, false for node.js http loading
* @param {boolean} wrapperOpts.isTrusted true if the graph spec can be trusted
* @param {Object} wrapperOpts.domains allowed protocols and a list of their domains
* @param {Object} wrapperOpts.domainMap domain remapping
* @param {Function} wrapperOpts.logger
* @param {Function} wrapperOpts.parseUrl
* @param {Function} wrapperOpts.formatUrl
* @param {string} [wrapperOpts.languageCode]
* @constructor
function VegaWrapper(wrapperOpts) {
var self = this;
// Copy all options into this object
self.objExtender = wrapperOpts.datalib.extend;
self.objExtender(self, wrapperOpts);
self.validators = {};
self.datalib.load.loader = function (opt, callback) {
var error = callback || function (e) { throw e; }, url;
try {
url = self.sanitizeUrl(opt); // enable override
} catch (err) {
// Process data response
var cb = function (error, data) {
return self.dataParser(error, data, opt, callback);
if (self.useXhr) {
return self.datalib.load.xhr(url, opt, cb);
} else {
return self.datalib.load.http(url, opt, cb);
return xo.xtns.graph.load_xowa(url, opt, cb);
self.datalib.load.sanitizeUrl = self.sanitizeUrl.bind(self);
// Prevent accidental use
self.datalib.load.file = alwaysFail;
if (self.useXhr) {
self.datalib.load.http = alwaysFail;
} else {
self.datalib.load.xhr = alwaysFail;
* Check if host was listed in the allowed domains, normalize it, and get correct protocol
* @param {string} host
* @returns {Object}
VegaWrapper.prototype.sanitizeHost = function sanitizeHost(host) {
// First, map the host
host = (this.domainMap && this.domainMap[host]) || host;
if (this.testHost('https:', host)) {
return {host: host, protocol: 'https:'};
} else if (this.testHost('http:', host)) {
return {host: host, protocol: 'http:'};
return undefined;
* Test host against the list of allowed domains based on the protocol
* @param {string} protocol
* @param {string} host
* @returns {boolean}
VegaWrapper.prototype.testHost = function testHost(protocol, host) {
if (!this.validators[protocol]) {
var domains = this._getProtocolDomains(protocol);
if (domains) {
this.validators[protocol] = makeValidator(domains, protocol === 'https:' || protocol === 'http:');
} else {
return false;
return this.validators[protocol].test(host);
* Gets allowed domains for a given protocol. Assumes protocol ends with a ':'.
* Handles if this.domains's keys do not end in the ':'.
* @param {string} protocol
* @return {[]|false}
* @private
VegaWrapper.prototype._getProtocolDomains = function _getProtocolDomains(protocol) {
return this.domains[protocol] || this.domains[removeColon(protocol)];
* Validate and update urlObj to be safe for client-side and server-side usage
* @param {Object} opt passed by the vega loader, and will add 'graphProtocol' param
* @returns {boolean} true on success
VegaWrapper.prototype.sanitizeUrl = function sanitizeUrl(opt) {
// In some cases we may receive a badly formed URL in a form customprotocol:https://...
opt.url = opt.url.replace(/^([a-z]+:)https?:\/\//, '$1//');
// XOWA: comment out URL parsing code as it relies on various unavailable MediaWiki functions; DATE:2018-03-13
// note that URL parsing will be done directly in Xograph.js
var decodedPathname,
isRelativeProtocol = /^\/\//.test(opt.url),
urlParts = this.parseUrl(opt),
sanitizedHost = this.sanitizeHost(urlParts.host);
// if (!sanitizedHost) {
// throw new Error('URL hostname is not whitelisted: ' + opt.url);
// }
urlParts.host = sanitizedHost.host;
if (!urlParts.protocol) {
// node.js mode only - browser's url parser will always set protocol to current one
// Update protocol-relative URLs
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
isRelativeProtocol = true;
// Save original protocol to post-process the data
opt.graphProtocol = urlParts.protocol;
if (opt.type === 'open') {
// Trim the value here because mediawiki will do it anyway, so we might as well save on redirect
decodedPathname = decodeURIComponent(urlParts.pathname).trim();
switch (urlParts.protocol) {
case 'http:':
case 'https:':
// The default protocol for the open action is wikititle, so if isRelativeProtocol is set,
// we treat the whole pathname as title (without the '/' prefix).
if (!isRelativeProtocol) {
// If we get http:// and https:// protocol hardcoded, remove the '/wiki/' prefix instead
if (!/^\/wiki\/.+$/.test(decodedPathname)) {
throw new Error('wikititle: http(s) links must begin with /wiki/ prefix');
decodedPathname = decodedPathname.substring('/wiki'.length);
opt.graphProtocol = 'wikititle';
// fall-through
case 'wikititle:':
// wikititle:///My_page or wikititle://en.wikipedia.org/My_page
// open() at this point may only be used to link to a Wiki page, as it may be invoked
// without a click, thus potentially causing a privacy issue.
if (Object.keys(urlParts.query).length !== 0) {
throw new Error('wikititle: query parameters are not allowed');
if (!/^\/[^|]+$/.test(decodedPathname)) {
throw new Error('wikititle: invalid title');
urlParts.pathname = '/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(decodedPathname.substring(1).replace(' ', '_'));
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
throw new Error('"open()" action only allows links with wikititle protocol, e.g. wikititle:///My_page');
} else {
switch (urlParts.protocol) {
case 'http:':
case 'https:':
if (!this.isTrusted) {
throw new Error('HTTP and HTTPS protocols are not supported for untrusted graphs.\n' +
'Use wikiraw:, wikiapi:, wikirest:, wikirawupload:, and other protocols.\n' +
'See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Graph#External_data');
// keep the original URL
case 'wikiapi:':
// wikiapi:///?action=query&list=allpages
// Call to api.php - ignores the path parameter, and only uses the query
urlParts.query = this.objExtender(urlParts.query, {format: 'json', formatversion: '2'});
urlParts.pathname = '/w/api.php';
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
opt.addCorsOrigin = true;
case 'wikirest:':
// wikirest:///api/rest_v1/page/...
// Call to RESTbase api - requires the path to start with "/api/"
// The /api/... path is safe for GET requests
if (!/^\/api\//.test(urlParts.pathname)) {
throw new Error('wikirest: protocol must begin with the /api/ prefix');
// keep urlParts.query
// keep urlParts.pathname
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
case 'wikiraw:':
case 'tabular:':
case 'map:':
// wikiraw:///MyPage/data
// Get content of a wiki page, where the path is the title
// of the page with an additional leading '/' which gets removed.
// Uses mediawiki api, and extract the content after the request
// Query value must be a valid MediaWiki title string, but we only ensure
// there is no pipe symbol, the rest is handled by the api.
decodedPathname = decodeURIComponent(urlParts.pathname);
if (!/^\/[^|]+$/.test(decodedPathname)) {
throw new Error(urlParts.protocol + ' invalid title');
if (urlParts.protocol === 'wikiraw:') {
urlParts.query = {
format: 'json',
formatversion: '2',
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content',
titles: decodedPathname.substring(1)
} else {
urlParts.query = {
format: 'json',
formatversion: '2',
action: 'jsondata',
title: decodedPathname.substring(1)
if (urlParts.siteLanguage || this.languageCode) {
urlParts.query.uselang = urlParts.siteLanguage || this.languageCode;
urlParts.pathname = '/w/api.php';
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
opt.addCorsOrigin = true;
case 'wikifile:':
// wikifile:///Einstein_1921.jpg
// Get an image for the graph, e.g. from commons, by using Special:Redirect
urlParts.pathname = '/wiki/Special:Redirect/file' + urlParts.pathname;
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
// keep urlParts.query
case 'wikirawupload:':
// wikirawupload://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Einstein_1921.jpg
// Get an image for the graph, e.g. from commons
// This tag specifies any content from the uploads.* domain, without query params
this._validateExternalService(urlParts, sanitizedHost, opt.url);
urlParts.query = {};
// keep urlParts.pathname
case 'wikidatasparql:':
// wikidatasparql:///?query=<QUERY>
// Runs a SPARQL query, converting it to
// https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql?format=json&query=...
this._validateExternalService(urlParts, sanitizedHost, opt.url);
if (!urlParts.query || !urlParts.query.query) {
throw new Error('wikidatasparql: missing query parameter in: ' + opt.url);
// Only keep the "query" parameter
urlParts.query = {query: urlParts.query.query};
urlParts.pathname = '/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql';
opt.headers = this.objExtender(opt.headers || {}, {'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json'});
case 'geoshape:':
case 'geoline:':
// geoshape:///?ids=Q16,Q30 or geoshape:///?query=...
// Get geoshapes data from OSM database by supplying Wikidata IDs
// https://maps.wikimedia.org/shape?ids=Q16,Q30
// 'geoline:' is an identical service, except that it returns lines instead of polygons
this._validateExternalService(urlParts, sanitizedHost, opt.url, 'geoshape:');
if (!urlParts.query || (!urlParts.query.ids && !urlParts.query.query)) {
throw new Error(opt.graphProtocol + ' missing ids or query parameter in: ' + opt.url);
// the query object is not modified
urlParts.pathname = '/' + removeColon(opt.graphProtocol);
case 'mapsnapshot:':
// mapsnapshot:///?width=__&height=__&zoom=__&lat=__&lon=__ [&style=__]
// Converts it into a snapshot image request for Kartotherian:
// https://maps.wikimedia.org/img/{style},{zoom},{lat},{lon},{width}x{height}[@{scale}x].{format}
// (scale will be set to 2, and format to png)
if (!urlParts.query) {
throw new Error('mapsnapshot: missing required parameters');
validate(urlParts, 'width', 1, 4096);
validate(urlParts, 'height', 1, 4096);
validate(urlParts, 'zoom', 0, 22);
validate(urlParts, 'lat', -90, 90, true);
validate(urlParts, 'lon', -180, 180, true);
var query = urlParts.query;
if (query.style && !/^[-_0-9a-z]+$/.test(query.style)) {
throw new Error('mapsnapshot: if style is given, it must be letters/numbers/dash/underscores only');
// Uses the same configuration as geoshape service, so reuse settings
this._validateExternalService(urlParts, sanitizedHost, opt.url, 'geoshape:');
urlParts.pathname = '/img/' + (query.style || 'osm-intl') + ',' + query.zoom + ',' +
query.lat + ',' + query.lon + ',' + query.width + 'x' + query.height + '@2x.png';
urlParts.query = {}; // deleting it would cause errors in mw.Uri()
throw new Error('Unknown protocol ' + opt.url);
return this.formatUrl(urlParts, opt);
return opt.url;
function validate(urlParts, name, min, max, isFloat) {
var value = urlParts.query[name];
if (value === undefined) {
throw new Error(urlParts.protocol + ' parameter ' + name + ' is not set');
if (!(isFloat ? /^-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$/ : /^-?[0-9]+$/).test(value)) {
throw new Error(urlParts.protocol + ' parameter ' + name + ' is not a number');
value = isFloat ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value);
if (value < min || value > max) {
throw new Error(urlParts.protocol + ' parameter ' + name + ' is not valid');
VegaWrapper.prototype._validateExternalService = function _validateExternalService(urlParts, sanitizedHost, url, protocolOverride) {
var protocol = protocolOverride || urlParts.protocol,
domains = this._getProtocolDomains(protocol);
if (!domains) {
throw new Error(protocol + ': protocol is disabled: ' + url);
if (urlParts.isRelativeHost) {
urlParts.host = domains[0];
urlParts.protocol = this.sanitizeHost(urlParts.host).protocol;
} else {
urlParts.protocol = sanitizedHost.protocol;
if (!this.testHost(protocol, urlParts.host)) {
throw new Error(protocol + ': URL must either be relative (' + protocol + '///...), or use one of the allowed hosts: ' + url);
* Performs post-processing of the data requested by the graph's spec
VegaWrapper.prototype.dataParser = function dataParser(error, data, opt, callback) {
if (!error) {
try {
data = this.parseDataOrThrow(data, opt);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (error) data = undefined;
callback(error, data);
* Parses the response from MW Api, throwing an error or logging warnings
VegaWrapper.prototype.parseMWApiResponse = function parseMWApiResponse(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.error) {
throw new Error('API error: ' + JSON.stringify(data.error));
if (data.warnings) {
this.logger('API warnings: ' + JSON.stringify(data.warnings));
return data;
* Performs post-processing of the data requested by the graph's spec, and throw on error
VegaWrapper.prototype.parseDataOrThrow = function parseDataOrThrow(data, opt) {
switch (opt.xowa_protocol) { // XOWA: use opt.xowa_protocol
case 'wikiapi:':
data = this.parseMWApiResponse(data);
case 'wikiraw:':
// XOWA: comment out call to MW API; Xograph will make call to xo_server; DATE:2018-03-13
data = this.parseMWApiResponse(data);
try {
data = data.query.pages[0].revisions[0].content;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Page content not available ' + opt.url);
case null:
case 'tabular:':
case 'map:':
data = this.parseMWApiResponse(data).jsondata;
var metadata = [{
description: data.description,
license_code: data.license.code,
license_text: data.license.text,
license_url: data.license.url,
sources: data.sources
if (opt.xowa_protocol === 'tabular:') {
var fields = data.schema.fields.map(function (v) {
return v.name;
data = {
meta: metadata,
fields: data.schema.fields,
data: data.data.map(function (v) {
var row = {}, i;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
// Need to copy nulls too -- Vega has no easy way to test for undefined
row[fields[i]] = v[i];
return row;
} else {
metadata[0].zoom = data.zoom;
metadata[0].latitude = data.latitude;
metadata[0].longitude = data.longitude;
data = {
meta: metadata,
data: data.data
case 'wikidatasparql:':
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (!data.results || !Array.isArray(data.results.bindings)) {
throw new Error('SPARQL query result does not have "results.bindings"');
data = data.results.bindings.map(function (row) {
var key, result = {};
for (key in row) {
if (row.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[key] = parseWikidataValue(row[key]);
return result;
return data;
* Throw an error when called
function alwaysFail() {
throw new Error('Disabled');
'use strict';
/* global module */
module.exports = parseWikidataValue;
* Given a value object as returned from Wikidata Query Service, returns a simplified value
* @param {object} value Original object as sent by the Wikidata query service
* @param {string} value.type SPARQL data type (literal, uri)
* @param {string} value.datatype XMLSchema data type
* @param {*} value.value The actual value sent by the Wikidata query service
* @param {boolean=} ignoreUnknown if false, will return value.value even if it cannot be recognized
* @return {*}
function parseWikidataValue(value, ignoreUnknown) {
var temp;
if (!value || !value.type || value.value === undefined) {
return undefined;
switch (value.type) {
case 'literal':
switch (value.datatype) {
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#short':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#nonNegativeInteger':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#unsignedLong':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#unsignedInt':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#unsignedShort':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#nonPositiveInteger':
case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#negativeInteger':
temp = parseFloat(value.value);
if (temp.toString() === value.value) {
// use number only if it is fully round-tripable back to string
// TBD: this might be overcautios, and would cause more problems than solve
return temp;
case 'http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral':
// Point(-64.2 -36.62) -- (longitude latitude)
temp = /^Point\(([-0-9.]+) ([-0-9.]+)\)$/.exec(value.value);
if (temp) {
return [parseFloat(temp[1]), parseFloat(temp[2])];
case 'uri':
// "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q12345" -> "Q12345"
temp = /^http:\/\/www\.wikidata\.org\/entity\/(Q[1-9][0-9]*)$/.exec(value.value);
if (temp) {
return temp[1];
return ignoreUnknown ? undefined : value.value;