## Overview XOWA is an offline Wikipedia application that lets you run Wikipedia on your computer. ![XOWA showing Wikipedia's article on Wikipedia](http://xowa.sourceforge.net/wiki/file_screenshot_wikipedia_xowa.png) ## Features * Run a complete copy of English Wikipedia from your computer. * Display 5.0+ million articles in full HTML formatting. * Show images within an article. Access 4.0+ million images using the offline image databases. * Set up over 800+ other wikis including: English Wiktionary, English Wikisource, English Wikiquote, English Wikivoyage, Non-English wikis (French Wiktionary, German Wikisource, Dutch Wikivoyage), Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and many more. * Update your wiki whenever you want, using Wikimedia's database backups. * Navigate between offline wikis. Click on "Look up this word in Wiktionary" and instantly view the page in Wiktionary. * Edit articles to remove vandalism or errors. * Install to a flash memory card for portability to other machines. * Run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. (Android Alpha available) * Run as an HTTP server to browse from Firefox, Chrome or Safari * View the HTML source for any wiki page. * Search for any page by title using a Wikipedia-like Search box. Search across wikis as well. * Browse pages by alphabetical order using Special:AllPages. * Find a word on a page. * Access a history of viewed pages. * Bookmark your favorite pages. * Preview articles by hovering over links * Customize any one of over 50 options ## Requirements XOWA is written in Java and requires 1.7 or above. ## Installation * Download xowa_app_your_operating_system_name.zip from https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/releases/ * Unzip to any folder on your hard drive (or flash memory card) * Run XOWA * On '''Windows''', double-click '''C:\xowa\xowa_64.exe''' * On '''Linux''', open a terminal and run sh /home/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_linux_64.sh * On '''OS X''', open a terminal and run sh /Users/your_user_name/xowa/xowa_macosx_64.sh ## Development Info ### Dependencies XOWA has seven dependencies: * JUnit 4.8.2 (default version with Eclipse) * [SWT 4.5.1](http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.5-201506032000/) * [LuaJ](https://github.com/gnosygnu/luaj_xowa) * [JTidy](https://github.com/gnosygnu/jtidy_xowa jtidy_xowa.jar) * [SQLite JDBC](https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/downloads) * [MySQL JDBC](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/) * [Postgres JDBC](https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html) ### Compilation instructions (ANT command-line) #### Setup the XOWA app * Download the latest XOWA app package for your operating system. For example, if you're on a 64-bit Linux system, "xowa_app_linux_64_v1.9.5.1.zip". * Unzip the XOWA app package to a directory. For the sake of simplicity, these instructions assume this directory is "/xowa/" * Review your directories. You should have the following: * An XOWA jar: "/xowa/xowa_linux_64.jar" * An XOWA "/bin/any/" directory with several jar files. For example, "/xowa/bin/any/java/apache/commons-compress-1.5.jar" * An XOWA "/bin/linux_64/" directory with an SWT jar: "/xowa/bin/linux_64/swt/swt.jar" #### Setup the XOWA source * Download the latest XOWA source archive. For example: "xowa_source_v1." * Unzip the source to "/xowa/dev". When you're done, you'll have a file called "/xowa/dev/build.xml" as well as others * NOTE: if you're not on a Linux 64-bit system, overwrite the swt jar at "/xowa/dev/150_gfui/lib/swt.jar" with the copy from your "/bin/OS" directory. For example, if you're on a 64 bit Windows system, replace "/xowa/dev/150_gfui/lib/swt.jar" with "/bin/windows_64/swt/swt/jar" #### Run the ant file * Open up a console, and run "ant -buildfile build.xml -Dplat_name=linux_64" ### IDE instructions (Eclipse) #### Environment The '''xowa_source.7z''' was built with Eclipse Indigo. There are no OS dependencies, nor are there dependencies on Eclipse. #### Setup * Follow the steps in these two sections from above: * Setup the XOWA app * Setup the XOWA source * Launch Eclipse. Choose a workbench folder of "/xowa/dev" * If the projects don't load, do File -> Import -> Existing Projects Into Workspace * Select all projects. Do File -> Refresh. * Right-click on 400_xowa in the Package Explorer. Select Debug As -> Java Application. Select Xowa_main. XOWA should launch. * Right-click on 400_xowa in the Package Explorer. Select Debug As -> JUnit Test. All tests should pass. #### Eclipse-specific settings This section documents specific project customizations that differ from the standard Eclipse defaults. ##### Project properties Resource -> Text file encoding -> Other -> UTF-8 ##### Preferences These settings are available under Window -> Preferences * Disable Spelling * General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Spelling *Ignore Warnings * Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings * Annotations -> Unhandled token in '@SuppressWarnings' * Potential programming problems -> Serializable class without serialVersionUID * Generic Types -> Unnecessary generic type operation (In Eclipse Luna: "Unchecked generic type operation") * Generic Types -> Usage of a raw type * Unnecessary Code -> Unused import ##### Configuration arguments * Configuration arguments * Run -> Debug Configurations -> Arguments * --root_dir /xowa/ --show_license n --show_args n ## License XOWA is released under the AGPLv3 license. See LICENSE.txt for more information.