/* XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application Copyright (C) 2012 gnosygnu@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ package gplx.gfml; import gplx.*; import gplx.lists.*; /*StackAdp*/ public class GfmlDataWtr extends DataWtr_base implements DataWtr { public void InitWtr(String key, Object val) { if (!String_.Eq(key, GfmlDataWtrOpts.Key_const)) return; GfmlDataWtrOpts layout = GfmlDataWtrOpts.cast(val); keyedSpr = layout.KeyedSpr(); indentNodes = layout.IndentNodes(); ignoreNullNames = layout.IgnoreNullNames(); } @Override public void WriteData(String name, Object val) { if (nde.SubKeys().Count() != 0) AddTkn_nullVal(keyedSpr); // add keyedSprTkn if not first GfmlTkn keyTkn = AddTkn_raw(name); AddTkn_raw("="); GfmlTkn valTkn = AddTkn_raw(To_str(val)); GfmlAtr atr = GfmlAtr.new_(keyTkn, valTkn, GfmlType_.String); nde.SubObjs_Add(atr); } public void WriteLeafBgn(String leafName) {this.WriteNodeBgn(leafName);} @Override public void WriteNodeBgn(String nodeName) { stack.Push(nde); if (stack.Count() != 1 // not root && nde.SubHnds().Count() == 0) { // first subNde AddTkn_nullVal("{"); if (indentNodes) AddTkn_nullVal(String_.CrLf); } if (indentNodes) AddTkn_nullVal(String_.Repeat("\t", stack.Count() - 1)); GfmlTkn nameTkn = null; if (ignoreNullNames && String_.Eq(nodeName, "")) nameTkn = GfmlTkn_.Null; else { nameTkn = AddTkn_raw(String_.Eq(nodeName, "") ? "%" : nodeName); AddTkn_nullVal(":"); } nde = GfmlNde.named_(nameTkn, GfmlType_.new_any_()); } public void WriteLeafEnd() {this.WriteNodeEnd();} @Override public void WriteNodeEnd() { if (nde.SubHnds().Count() == 0) AddTkn_nullVal(";"); else { if (indentNodes) AddTkn_nullVal(String_.Repeat("\t", stack.Count() - 1)); AddTkn_nullVal("}"); } if (indentNodes) AddTkn_nullVal(String_.CrLf); GfmlNde finishedNde = nde; nde = GfmlNde.as_(stack.Pop()); nde.SubObjs_Add(finishedNde); } public void WriteComment(String comment) { AddTkn_nullVal("/*"); AddTkn_raw(comment); AddTkn_nullVal("*/"); } public void Clear() {nde.SubObjs_Clear();} public void WriteTableBgn(String name, GfoFldList fields) {} public void CloseBranchHdr(boolean isInline) {} public String To_str() { while (stack.Count() > 0) { // auto-close all nodes WriteNodeEnd(); } return GfmlDocWtr_.xtoStr_(gdoc.RootNde()); } String To_str(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return "''"; String s = Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_empty(obj); return String_.Concat("'", String_.Replace(s, "'", "''"), "'"); } GfmlTkn AddTkn_raw(String raw) {return AddTkn(raw, raw);} GfmlTkn AddTkn_nullVal(String raw) {return AddTkn(raw, GfmlTkn_.NullVal);} GfmlTkn AddTkn(String raw, String val) { GfmlTkn tkn = GfmlTkn_.new_(raw, val); nde.SubObjs_Add(tkn); return tkn; } @Override public SrlMgr SrlMgr_new(Object o) {return new GfmlDataWtr();} StackAdp stack = StackAdp_.new_(); GfmlDoc gdoc = GfmlDoc.new_(); GfmlNde nde; String keyedSpr = GfmlDataWtrOpts._.KeyedSpr(); boolean indentNodes, ignoreNullNames; public static GfmlDataWtr new_() {return new GfmlDataWtr();} GfmlDataWtr() {this.nde = this.gdoc.RootNde();} }