# == OVERVIEW == # * REQUIREMENTS # ** Java JDK 1.7 (or higher): https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html # ** Apache Ant 1.9.13 (or higher): https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi # ** A ROOT_DIR directory on your file-system # ** (Windows) cygwin: https://www.cygwin.com/ # # * PROCESS # ** Copy-paste this file to a plain-text file; EX: /cygdrive/c/xowa_dev/xowa_get_and_make.sh # ** Adjust these environment variables to your system: PLAT_NAME, ROOT_DIR, ANT_BINARY, JAVA_HOME # ** cd to your ROOT_DIR # ** Run the file using "sh xowa_get_and_make.sh" # ** Run the xowa_dev.jar # *** (Windows) java -jar xowa_dev.jar # *** (Linux) SWT_GTK3=0 && java -jar xowa_dev.jar # *** (Mac OS X) java -Xmx256m -d64 -XstartOnFirstThread -jar xowa_dev.jar # == ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES == JAVA_JDK_VERSION=1.8 # PLAT_NAME must be one of the following: windows_64,linux_64,macosx_64 PLAT_NAME=windows_64 # ROOT_DIR should be created beforehand, and should be in "/" format ROOT_DIR=c:/xowa_dev # these directories MUST be changed to wherever they exist on your system ANT_BINARY=/cygdrive/c/dev/apache_ant/bin/ant export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/dev/java/jdk_1_8_x64 # == REMOVE PREVIOUS ARTIFACTS == rm -rf ./master rm -rf ./src rm -rf ./dev rm -rf ./bin rm -rf ./file rm -rf ./user rm -rf ./wiki rm -rf ./xowa_dev.jar # == DOWNLOAD XOWA SOURCE == # get src and unzip curl -LO https://api.github.com/repos/gnosygnu/xowa/tarball/master mkdir src # unzip; note that "strip 1" removes container folder EX: gnosygnu-123456 tar -zxf master -C ./src --strip 1 # == REORGANIZE DOWNLOAD FILES == # move /res/ to /root/ folder mv src/res/* . # needed for Windows only (cygwin defaults to non-execute permissions) chmod -R 755 ./bin/$PLAT_NAME/xulrunner # remove test files find ./src -type f -name '*Test.java' -delete find ./src -type f -name '*_tst.java' -delete find ./src -type f -name '*_fxt.java' -delete find ./src -type f -name '*_mok.java' -delete # == BUILD XOWA == $ANT_BINARY -v -buildfile ./dev/make/ant/xowa_compile.xml -Droot_dir=$ROOT_DIR -Djdk=$JAVA_JDK_VERSION $ANT_BINARY -v -buildfile ./dev/make/ant/xowa_make_jar.xml -Droot_dir=$ROOT_DIR -Dplat_name=$PLAT_NAME -Dxowa_jar_path=$ROOT_DIR/xowa_dev.jar