const binding = require('node-gyp-build')(__dirname) const Opcodes = new Map([ [ 'init', 0 ], [ 'error', 1 ], [ 'access', 2 ], [ 'statfs', 3 ], [ 'fgetattr', 4 ], [ 'getattr', 5 ], [ 'flush', 6 ], [ 'fsync', 7 ], [ 'fsyncdir', 8 ], [ 'readdir', 9 ], [ 'truncate', 10 ], [ 'ftruncate', 11 ], [ 'utimens', 12 ], [ 'readlink', 13 ], [ 'chown', 14 ], [ 'chmod', 15 ], [ 'mknod', 16 ], [ 'setxattr', 17 ], [ 'getxattr', 18 ], [ 'listxattr', 19 ], [ 'removexattr', 20 ], [ 'open', 21 ], [ 'opendir', 22 ], [ 'read', 23 ], [ 'write', 24 ], [ 'release', 25 ], [ 'releasedir', 26 ], [ 'create', 27 ], [ 'unlink', 28 ], [ 'rename', 29 ], [ 'link', 30 ], [ 'symlink', 31 ], [ 'mkdir', 32 ], [ 'rmdir', 33 ], [ 'destroy', 34 ] ]) class Fuse { constructor (mnt, ops, opts = {}) { this.opts = opts this.ops = ops this.mnt = mnt this._thread = Buffer.alloc(binding.sizeof_fuse_thread_t) const implemented = [] if (ops) { for (const [name, code] of Opcodes) { if (ops[name]) implemented.push(code) } } this._implemented = new Set(implemented) // Used to determine if the user-defined callback needs to be nextTick'd. this._sync = true } _signal (signalFunc, args) { /* if (this._sync) process.nextTick(() => signalFunc.apply(null, args)) else signalFunc.apply(null, args) */ process.nextTick(() => signalFunc.apply(null, args)) } mount () { binding.fuse_native_mount(this.mnt, '-odebug', this._thread, this, this.on_path_op, this.on_statfs_op, this.on_stat_op, this.on_buffer_op, this.on_readdir, this.on_symlink) } unmount () { binding.fuse_native_unmount(this.mnt) } on_symlink (handle, op, path, target) { const signalFunc = binding.fuse_native_signal_path.bind(binding) if (!this._implemented.has(op)) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1]) } on_readdir (handle, op, path) { const signalFunc = binding.fuse_native_signal_readdir.bind(binding) if (!this._implemented.has(op)) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1]) } on_buffer_op (handle, op, path, buf) { const signalFunc = binding.fuse_native_signal_buffer.bind(binding) if (!this._implemented.has(op)) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1]) } on_statfs_op (handle, op, path) { const signalFunc = binding.fuse_native_signal_statfs.bind(binding) if (!this._implemented.has(op)) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1]) this.ops.statfs((err, statfs) => { const arr = getStatfsArray(statfs) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, err, ...arr]) }) } on_stat_op (handle, op, path) { const signalFunc = binding.fuse_native_signal_stat.bind(binding) if (!this._implemented.has(op)) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1, ...getStatArray()]) switch (op) { case (binding.op_getattr): this.ops.getattr(path, (err, stat) => { const arrs = getStatArray(stat) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, err, ...arrs]) }) break default: return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1, ...getStatArray()]) } } on_path_op (handle, op, path) { const signalFunc = binding.fuse_native_signal_path.bind(binding) if (!this._implemented.has(op)) return this._signal(signalFunc, [handle, -1]) } } function getStatfsArray (statfs) { const ints = Array(11) ints[0] = (statfs && statfs.bsize) || 0 ints[1] = (statfs && statfs.frsize) || 0 ints[2] = (statfs && statfs.blocks) || 0 ints[3] = (statfs && statfs.bfree) || 0 ints[4] = (statfs && statfs.bavail) || 0 ints[5] = (statfs && statfs.files) || 0 ints[6] = (statfs && statfs.ffree) || 0 ints[7] = (statfs && statfs.favail) || 0 ints[8] = (statfs && statfs.fsid) || 0 ints[9] = (statfs && statfs.flag) || 0 ints[10] = (statfs && statfs.namemax) || 0 return ints } function getStatArray (stat) { const ints = Array(13) ints[0] = (stat && stat.mode) || 0 ints[1] = (stat && stat.uid) || 0 ints[2] = (stat && stat.gid) || 0 ints[3] = (stat && stat.size) || 0 ints[4] = (stat && || 0 ints[5] = (stat && stat.nlink) || 1 ints[6] = (stat && stat.ino) || 0 ints[7] = (stat && stat.rdev) || 0 ints[8] = (stat && stat.blksize) || 0 ints[9] = (stat && stat.blocks) || 0 ints[10] = (stat && stat.atim) || ints[11] = (stat && stat.mtim) || ints[12] = (stat && stat.ctim) || return ints } const f = new Fuse('mnt', { getattr: (path, cb) => { return cb(0, { mtime: new Date(), atime: new Date(), ctime: new Date(), nlink: 1, size: 100, mode: 16877, uid: process.getuid ? process.getuid() : 0, gid: process.getgid ? process.getgid() : 0 }) } }) f.mount() setInterval(() => { if (global.gc) gc() }, 1000) // setTimeout(function () { // foo = null // console.log('now!') // }, 5000)